At The Bar
Apollyon made his way to the bar. gulping the wine in his glass in the time it took to travel there
"Scotch on the rocks please.And another wine, oh and some brandy also" Apollyon Stated. The Barkeep flashed an incredulous glare at him and he widened his eyes at him to show he was serious about what he had just stated. The barkeep immediately worked on his order and completed it within moments.
"Thanks, "Apollyon stated and Placed a $50 Bill on the bar "Keep them coming when you see any of my glasses empty"
Apollyon had the desire of meeting some of his fellow clan members tonight , and perhaps some others. He wasn't terribly familiar with his new surrounding and decided it would be in his best interests to have some connections here,whether social, clan or otherwise.However He was a gentleman regardless of what some thought of him. he would not ham-fist his way into conversing with anyone. He decided his best opportunity would be staying close to the bar.

Turning his back to the bartender he scanned the crowd. He really came with an arsenal compared to most others. Where he was going to rest his spear, he didn't know.
Mai looked very pretty in her traditional kimono. Tights on one young vamp made Cyrus happy to be created in his time. The armor on the guy next to him looked highly uncomfortable.
Though his own leather pads were not the most comfortable, he could not imagine steel. Shaking his head Cyrus had to joke to the fellow.
"Need a can opener?"

he extended his hand to this mongol warrior
" My name is Darius Sarimir. Honor to make your acquaintance"

"Cyrus Arslantai. Nice to meet you. Quite a party they have here, isn't it?"
He briefly shook the other man's hand and then turned his eye to the door as his familiar entered. She looked stunning. His predatory smile did not quite hide his overly large fangs. At least here he could claim them to be part of his costume should his new acquaintance be human.

She curtsied deeply before him, bowing her head. "Good evening, sir."
As he took her hand and brought it to his lips she melted.

Apollyon noted his friend's attention shifted from him as a stunningly beautiful woman made her way into the grand room, and noted his smile. Apollyon noted the fangs protruding from Cyrus's smirk.
"Ah.... finally a vampire" He thought to himself.
He showed his acquaintance the same smirk, baring his fangs.

"Suki, meet Darius. Darius, this is my Suki."
The last sounded terribly possessive, but then again, he had just gotten her as his own and was not about to relinquish her for any reason. He had noted Darius' fangs with a nod.
"We too are pretty new to Nachton. Its an interesting town though, one that I could enjoy for many years at least. Have you been anywhere interesting yet?"

She wondered if his garb constrained him as severely as hers did. The hoop skirt was quite a challenge.
"I have been here a little while and have met many people here, through my waitress job." She admitted shyly. "Other than work, I don't go out much."

the heat from wearing all his armor was a bit intense, he didn't know if he looked uncomfortable or not, but he had grown accustomed to wearing it over the years.
"Have you gone to the vesper gardens yet?" Apollyon asked "its vast arrangement of flora is incredible, Its defiantly something you should see while you're here."
one of the waiters passed by, with a tray full of wine glasses. Apollyon took 3 wine glasses filled with red wine from his trey and nodded to his server gratefully. He handed two of them to his new found acquaintances and raised his to them and stated

"Thank you. Cheers"

The brief sip was enough for him and he put the glass down and picked up his beer. Oh well, everyone has their little idiosyncrasies, he told himself.
"I haven't been to the gardens, though I have heard it was nice. The Arch Museum is interesting, but I spend my free time at the House of Pain. Its the best night club in Nacthton in my opinion. Though I am inclined to liking loud music and scantily clad women."

"well how can one resist that scantily clad women?" Apollyon jested," however I'm not too fond of most night club music, all that loud bass thumping and techno music gives me a headache, But I'll definitely check it out."
The Bartender took the empty wineglass from the bar and the three empty glasses and refilled them promptly.
Apollyon took his brandy in hand and sipped it. A thought passed through his head.
"You know", he said, " My father's name was Cyrus"

Cyrus laughed at his own play on words. After his mirth subsided, he took a long drink of his beer. The bottle was beginning to warm, he hated that. Catching the bartenders eye he waved it in the air, indicating another.
"It was a popular name for a time. Though my family was somewhat breaking from traditional names with it. I suppose I was lucky not to be named something horrifically descriptive and obscure like Cherenteni."

"If I may ask, What brings you to Nacton?" He asked

Cyrus was homesick for the unspoiled forests but not the fear of poachers and hunters. America did have good things, though nothing compared to his homeland.
"And yourself?"

Apollyon noticed A group of 3 enter at the ballroom at the same time. two women of great beauty and a man walking with them.he watched the crowd's reaction to their entrance and thought to himself "Hmm things might just get interesting"

"Most of the family companies here prefer to be a bit more circumspect."
Cyrus looked pointedly at several of the close humans. With much more tact he continued. "I find most of the rules constricting but for a good reason. Its a very delicate balance between public knowledge of company secrets and confidentiality."
Noting the beauties with a fop enter, the feline in him tried not to flex his claws. "Looks like some good offerings for dinner." He said, not realizing that he stated it out loud.

Silently she wished her costume had been more simple. But she had admired it and Cyrus had gotten it before she could say no. Her favorites so far were the more recent styles. The two ladies that arrived with a dashing gentleman were fabulous.
At the mention of dinner offerings, her whole body trembled. How she quickly became addicted to offering herself up as dinner to her handsome Mongol.

As she took her glass she looked over the others standing beside her. Quite an eclectic mix indeed. The young Asian woman was striking but something didn't seem to click with the era of clothing she wore. The two men were.. imposing, and definitely seemed at ease in their warrior's garb. As Amby took in the details of the Mongol beside her it took a few moments for her to recognize him, hidden as he was in the helm he wore.
Ahhh! Bon soir, cousin Cyrus..

Once he had his beer, he turned on the stool and looked around the place. He also, discreetly, listened to the foursome at the other end of the bar. If the opportunity presented itself, he'd introduce himself. If not, he'd take off and check out the rest of the place. He had no doubts he'd find someone to have dinner with...a nice conversation...and later...who knew.