were missing something..important

we need a strip club!
titty bar! titty bar!
all nude live XXX action!
Live nude girls, Live (un)Dead Girls!

Addison 19 years ago
Is Winter voulenteering to run it?
Winter 19 years ago
ummmm.. thats not a good idea.. unless your into a smurf themed strip club
Serena 19 years ago
that's actually a cool idea..

Edit : the strip club NOT the smurfs...
Addison 19 years ago
Addison just made a face. He thinks that Winter has some crazy smurf fetish now.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
O_o I'd approve that.
Panos Mehalitsenos 19 years ago
take it off smurfette TAKE IT OFF!

i got a 2 dolla bill to put inbetween those round blueberry tit-ays!
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Eep! But...but...someone will end up conning Alec into going in there (Nova and Jan, no doubt) and he'll probably spontaneously combust or something. :P
Mathias 19 years ago
*looks around for Shay* I can neither confirm or deny I voted here
Addison 19 years ago
Addison: *cough* whipped *cough*

Actually one of the other kids in the RP group made him say that.
Claire 19 years ago
Actually it is a public vote so we have evidence of your opinion. So...do you have a comfy couch?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
I can just imagine, CJ.
Shay 19 years ago
Addison: *cough* whipped *cough*

Actually one of the other kids in the RP group made him say that.

Oh yea...and which one of those other kids?? hmmmm??? lol
Addison 19 years ago
He bribed Addison well. THe red head isn't going to say, but will mention that his name starts with the same letter as his own.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Such a shock... no, really... ok no not really.
Shay 19 years ago
Hmmm...Starts with an A...not Tuscano...not Colin...not Murray...and you said 'his' name...so that rules out Alex...hmmmm...
Apollyon 19 years ago
hmmmm.......I wonder what I voted.... =P
Addison 19 years ago
Shalimar O Mannon
Hmmm...Starts with an A...not Tuscano...not Colin...not Murray...and you said 'his' name...so that rules out Alex...hmmmm...

lmao the guilty party has dissapeared from view.

But all my crew agrees that there should be a club of some sort for this. All but one, but she's too young to have a say.
Aishe 19 years ago
42 is obviously the answer. :P
Rachyl 19 years ago
Where's the "No, I don't think it would be a good addition" option?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Rachyl is standing up as the good influence to the neighborhood