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Dinner for One (Open)

'Dinner for One'

It was a little later into the evening when Rorri stepped out of the shower. With a yawn she dressed in a silver down with pearil earrings and a simple gold necklace. Her hair was worn long and on the way out she added a simple shaw to her shoulders, white in color.

A few moments later she entered the hotel's grand restaurant and took her pre-reserved table near the front. A waiter dropped off a menu and after a few moments of negotiating the order for the lobster special was complete. For drinks she ordered both champaign and water.

Luckily they didn't check her age, most likely they figured it was pointless considering how much money she was worth. She sat back to watch the theater show that was put on while the various high paying client ate their meals and enjoyed the experience.


Fallon 18 years ago
Fallon had never thought about the name of a city as being odd. It was a name, and names were quite often different.

"Is Nachton odd? Do you know the meaning of the word?" Maybe it was an old English name, and that was why Rorri knew more about it.

"I'm still looking for work, so for now, I'm living on my savings. I taught, back where I came from...junior high school, or middle school...US History for the most part, but I also sub English, and PE. I may be making a career change soon though...I've also waited tables...done some secretarial."

Fallon realized she was rambling and shut up. She doubted anything more than a simple answer was not really needed. These girls wouldn't be impressed by such mundane skills.

But again, thinking about a job, Fallon decided she would call Valentine soon, to see if she had anything. At least, for now, she had that to fall back on.
Montana 18 years ago
Ana tilted her head at Rorri's calling Nachton odd. "It's not so odd, really. A lot of cities have names that mean other than what they are. It just so happens the City of the Night is our resting place for the moment. Myself, I was a librarian for a while at the New York Public Library, before I left home. I'm... kind of in between homes and jobs, actually."
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
Rorri raised an eyebrow at their remarks, but listened politely.

~A school teacher and a librarian, both ever so far from home?~ Rorri thought to herself.

She was definately curious why Nachton was called the 'City of the Night'?

She took another sip of her drink.

"So then neither of ye are properly employed am I to presume?" Rorri asked softy.
Montana 18 years ago
Ana shook her head. "Not technically. My position in New York is currently held in absentia ad infinitum. They'll hold it for me til I go back or until I decide I no longer want it. I was told before I left Nachton had a new Library and they'd probably be looking for experienced staff, but as I just ... had other things to take care of today, having only come in this morning, I won't be able to investigate til at least tomorrow."
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
Rorri nodded her understanding, still a skilled librarian might be of use to her.

"I may have some work for ye if ye are interested Ana, skills such as yers would be invaluable in the present." Rorri stated.

She glanced over at Fallon. "And ye dear? Are ye currently looking at opportunities here in this city as well?" Rorri asked in her soft English accented voice.
Fallon 18 years ago
A librarian...and a teacher, what a pair they made, Fallon thought.

"Yes, I am still looking. I am a resident of Nachton now, I...won't be going back."

Again she almost said 'home'. But even that wasn't the half of it. Not only would she not be going back home...but she would never be returning to her old life either. Which brought up another concern of Fallon' she hadn't realized till now. How many junior high schools were open at night?!

The thought made her blanch, and her eyes flew up to the other two, hoping they didn't notice her silence, as her mind spun out in anxiety.

"I..I...doubt I'll be teaching here, in Nachton...I have yet to find a school with any openings."

And that part was true. God forbid one of her dinner companions knew of one now.
Montana 18 years ago
"It is also after Winter Term, Fallon, so perhaps looking after the first of the year might be more lucrative. And thank you for the offer, Rorri, I shall certainly keep you in mind if I decide to stay after my... other obligations are taken care of."

Ana dumped a single packet of Splenda she produced from her purse into the tea when it arrived. "Nachton also strikes me as a place for new beginnings."
Fallon 18 years ago
"It is true, but the lower grades don't normally change or take on new teachers mid year, like the college and universities do. However, I did meet someone who's indicated if I choose not to pursue teaching, she might have an opening for me. So I haven't given up hope yet."

Fallon made an attempt to sound cheery, and she took a good sip of her scotch. It was nice to know that even in her new, altered form, she could enjoy a nice alcoholic beverage.

Turning to Rorri, she continued.

"What is it you do, if I may ask?"

For someone as young as Rorri appeared, to be offering jobs to others, Fallon was extremely curious to find out more.

"Here's to new beginnings."

Fallon raised her glass in a toast. If these two only knew how true that was.
Montana 18 years ago
Ana echoed Fallon's toast. "To new beginnings."
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
Rorri nodded and met their toast, but didn't offer any toast.

"Well met then." She simply replied.

She paused and took another sip fom her tea before answering the asked question.

"I'm the heir to the Rosethorne Shipyards and Heavy Industries, soon to be taking the responcibilities of CEO." She simply replied as if it was no big thing.
Fallon 18 years ago
Fallon was astounded, but gave no indication. How it was that someone so young could be in such a position of responsibility was beyond her realm of understanding.

And even if Rorri spoke with authority, there were other things that would be needed in running such a corporation. Maturity was the number one trait Fallon doubted Rorri had yet mastered. Though having so very little knowledge of the girl, that call was mere assumption. In all her years of being around teens, Fallon had yet to see one that could carry off such a task.

"Oh really? That must be quite something, being CEO of such a large company, at such a young age. Surely though, you do have a competent staff of assistants...?"

Accountants, managers, directors, etc. Even the best run corporations with CEOs of experience, were mostly run by the underlings.
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
Rorri's emerald eyes met Fallon's own. "I assure you that my staff and board of directors are quite skilled and capable, but I not a token figure either and have been raised and schooled my entire life to assume this position and the responcibilities that are inherant to it." Rorri explained in a firm tongue.

In England children of nobility and proper birth are raised to responcibility, she didn't expect Fallon to understand that even though she was a teacher.

Of course, what she hadn't told Fallon was that she wasn't supposed to be taking this responcibility for another few decades at the least. She would now be entering a time where a single miss-step could lead to dire consequences.
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
Rorri looked down at her cup of tea.

"Please pardon me, I didn't mean to sound so rude, but circumstances had placed me where I shouldn't have had to be for several more decades and the strain is more then I can bare at times. I just need to finish my business here so I can return home to England." Rorri apologized softly.
Fallon 18 years ago
Fallon felt sorry for the young girl. She knew what it meant to be required to take on duties beyond your years. Fallon hadn't been left a large company, but the care of her younger brother. There were similarities in both.

She reached across the table and patted the girls hand.

"Testing...this is your test." She reiterated.

"You already seem to be handling it much better than any other teen I've known." Admiration laced her words.

"Though I can't imagine what it would be, please...if I can offer any assistance, don't hesitate to call on me. Even if it's only to vent. Sometimes it helps to have an objective ear."

Though she wasn't in the market to join the motherhood brigade, Fallon still had the instincts, and hadn't lost her ability to be compassionate either. Panos would probably laugh if he saw that bit of her personality now. But again, under the circumstances, she really believed she could only benefit from aligning herself with the right people.
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
"Thank you..." Rorri said softly, as she took another sip from her tea.

"It's...stressful, but I have a few luxuries to my own, such as my music and such, the hardest part is finding time to be alone I guess, so one might assume this is the closest to a vacation I've had all year."
Montana 18 years ago
Ana remembered the strains of music she heard before her nap. "Music? Violin, by chance? I heard music through my window before I napped earlier... That was beautiful!"
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
Rorri nodded.

"Yes, I'm classically trained and play in the New London Orchastra from time to time as my schedule allows; it really all I ever wanted in life..." Rorri sighed and then smiled at the other two.

"But life isn't always fair and we all have our responcibilities don't we?"
Fallon 18 years ago
When Rorri mentioned music, Fallon just smiled, and nodded. However when Ana questioned the violin music she had also heard earlier, her ears perked up.

"I, too, heard quite lovely music earlier. In fact I even went in search of the source, but never found it."

Fallon was envious. While she was more than adept on the piano, she mainly played for her own enjoyment. She had never become accomplished enough to play professionally. Yet the music she had heard earlier was from one quite proficient.

"It is sad that you cannot pursue that as your career. You really are amazingly talented."
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
Rorri blushed again.

"I've been playing since I was old enough to hold an instrument, it's my major at the university. I only hope to continue my education with all my other responcibilities, but I worry that any error or misjudgement on my part will have vast reprocussions on not only the company, but also the hundred plu thousand workers and their families." Rorri sighed.

" either of you play?" She asked tentively.
Fallon 18 years ago
"Not anywhere in the same league as you, but I do play piano. I've a good ear, and while I also read music, it's easy for me to pick up almost any song. Unfortunately, I lack the spark."

Fallon had no trouble admitting that her playing was mostly technical. To a casual listener, it sounded good, but to a trained ear, there was definitely something missing. That was one reason why she never got to passionate about it, and another reason, probably, why it lacked something. It was a good source of relaxation, and that was pretty much it for her.