>Thumb Twiddling<

So, as I sit here and wait for my character to be approved...............

I see the character made by the admin/mod person is already approved.. >pout< not fair.

I work on my forum, hoping someone will come and join, and hoping I don't break it............................ again.

I watch this smily get zapped by lightning, become an angel, and fly away, and I blame the devil smily next to him for his early demise.

I listen to the radio, which sometimes plays songs I've never heard, but they don't suck too terribly...................... this is what happens when you let a teenager pick the radio stations.

I type silly little messages like this to keep myself amused..... what do you do while waiting for something to happen?

Montana 19 years ago
Read, eat, clean, pay bills, nap, watch a movie.

Of course it also depends on how long I'm waiting!
Su-Chen Ling 19 years ago
I've been waiting about a week now.. >le sigh<

Someday my APPROVED shall come.. hehe. (Instead of Prince)

>goes back to lurking the phpBB help topic she's in waiting for a reply from a mod creator who hasn't been around in about a month...<
Lotus 19 years ago
The reason an admin's bio get approved first is because there were less issues to be dealt with. It comes with the territory of knowing the rules and what to expect out of a bio, therefore the time spent trying to correct things is vastly cut down.

There are things they have asked you in PMs to change that aren't changed yet. Your bio will not get an approval stamp until everything is up to par. So follow the directions in the PMs and you will get approved faster =)
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Prince is the devil, anyway. Best that he doesn't come for you!
Su-Chen Ling 19 years ago
I did to change them.... I even PMed the Admin back highlighting the changes..
Su-Chen Ling 19 years ago
Alec Devereaux
Prince is the devil, anyway. Best that he doesn't come for you!

Alfarinn 19 years ago
What Lotus said. I've checked your bio fairly often and yet all the corrections have not been made on it. Until that is done then your bio won't be approved. You're not waiting on us, we're waiting on you.

Since you've decided to complain publicly then I'll answer publicly.

We believe that most people fear death as a reasonable part of human (and vampire) nature and therefore require you to pick at least one other fear and better yet, two.

This has not been changed in your bio. We're glad you're eager to play and we'll be happy to look it over asap when you've added those in.
Su-Chen Ling 19 years ago
Well, you listed like four or five things.. sorry I missed one.. sheesh..
Su-Chen Ling 19 years ago
okay.. there.. it's done.. added two more fears.. you could have PMed back saying I was still missing one.. heh.
Lotus 19 years ago
I think they were still waiting on you to make all the changes requested in the PM, its not like we knew you didnt read it =)
Su-Chen Ling 19 years ago
I think they were still waiting on you to make all the changes requested in the PM, its not like we knew you didnt read it =)

:P hehe.. I read it.. and read it again after I edited.. trying to figure out how I missed that one.. probably helps to not be trying to multi-task when having to write.. but I've nothing else to do while I wait for large files to upload.. hehe.

but it's all better now, yeah?
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
Ok this thread wasn't necessary or appreciated. It has not been a week, you posted it originally on the 11th. Today is the 14th. That's 3 days. I really don't appreciate you coming to a public forum and berating the way we do things here.

An admin's bio got approved because she knows how to write a bio. She's been on this board since creation which is of march of lat year. She knows what to expect from the rest of staff so implying that we just let her go all willy nilly is WRONG and quite insulting.

All bios are reviewed in a timely manner. The next time you have a complaint, take it to staff via a PM. Another thread like this will be ignored. A thread like this is not how we do things here. I suggest you review the faq and all information made available to you before complaining in a public section. And if you didnt notice, this is an adult forum and all players need to conduct themselves accordingly.
Lotus 19 years ago
So far so good, waiting on a couple more admins to drag their toad asses out of bed and agree that its all set. As long as they dont have any problems, you should be RPing sometime today =)
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
I don't have a toad ass
Lotus 19 years ago
how often do you look? O_o
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
I'm the toad ass, I just woke up =(
Lotus 19 years ago
i havent slept in 19 hours. and im hungry, and evil wench is hogging the kitchen.
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Damn kitchen campers! Train them! :P
Su-Chen Ling 19 years ago
>smirks< hehe.. toad asses... HA!

the original intent of the topic was not to complain.. it was random chatter and trying to see what people do when they are waiting for something (doesn't matter what). If I had actually wanted to whine, I'd have done so. In the future, I shall keep all attempts at humor (it is my humor sorry it didn't seem so humorous to some, really I am), and getting to know things about people one nomrally thinks not to ask to a minimum.

Den knew I wasn't complaining (she IMed me on MSN with what she does while waiting)... but she knows me. I'm really not a whinner or complainer.. Sorry if it sounded like I was.
Su-Chen Ling 19 years ago
Simon Huntington
I'm the toad ass, I just woke up =(

Remember.. He tagged him self a Toad Ass.. no one else did.. she just threw it out there.. hahahaa.. man.. now I want to pixel what i think a toad ass looks like.. I'm so sad..

as for the wench hoggin the kitchen, um.. sorry. :P