Guessing Games
Bouncing out of her room, Dawn had opted not to simply ask where Mai could be found. Rupert was nice and all, but he probably had some butlering to do. Butt-ling. Ew. Also, he'd said she had free run of the house to any door not locked, so it was all good.
Walking down the hall, she tried a door and found it to be locked. Selecting another door further down at random, she tried again. Locked. A bit further...and was convinced she had discovered the trick in his words - almost EVERYTHING was locked. Sneaky bastard.
Shrugging, she left the main house and walked toward what had been labeled the training facilities on the map. If she were an ultimate badass of the world killing machine huntress lady, she'd probably work out a lot. Maybe Mai was in there. one. But it was really...really nice.
Fuckin one's up in using this shit? WHAT THE HELL! Is it Vampires Drink Free night downtown?
Frowning, she ran through a quick set of routines and walked over to the reinforced heavy bag. Good to see that the place was designed with vampiric strength in mind. Grabbing the bag, she began practicing her knees.
God, she loved that sound. She felt like a juggernaut when she worked on these things!
Be-CAUSE! Ko told me to? And she's the Queen Huntress Deal? And you gotta!
"Dammit, I'm such a bitch making gimpy hop the stairs. I ougtta help him out. Fuck."
Quickly scooping up Ambrose from behind while he continued his forward concentration on the stairs resulted in some flailing, but he quickly was at the top. Smiling, he spouted
Sorry! Didn't think about the leg! So I'll be your elevator! Or escalator. Dawn - conveyance mechanism of choice! Ya!
((ooc: Ambrose Dawnhandled with permission))
There was no point in dwelling too much on it as he thought was much better applied to getting up the stairs. At least he thought it was, Dawn apparently had other thoughts on the matter.
Not willing to protest, he still didn’t believe his leg wasn’t going to fall off, Ambrose waited until he was standing again, now at the top of the stairs to protest.
“What the hell girl! Let a man get up the stairs, it just takes a second longer!”
He shoved himself away from the ‘escalator’ stumbled slightly but recovered nicely. However, Ambrose was thoroughly irritated. He hated people feeling sorry for him or trying to help.
((OOC…Dawn shoved with permission))
Ah, see, feel bad about being a bitch and taking the stairs without thinking, try to make up for it, get yelled at. Niiiice. Fuckin' a, winning. Get me comin' and goin' and I'm bound to get pissy, but I'll forgive your moody ass this time since I was the fuckup. But keep bein' snippy with the ladies like that and you'll get no use from the pineapple, bra! Nyah!
Turning away, she bounded down the hall, trying random doors. One was bound to be open. Amused that angry barking came from behind one of the doors, she turned back to Ambrose, having already banished her irritation with him since it had mostly been her fault.
Rupert told me I can go anywhere that's not locked, but that some rooms have guard dogs and boobie traps and shit. Anyway, might as well scope the scene while we rustle.
Stopping in front of a painting, Dawn frowned. She'd seen this one with the sunflowers and shit in it before in some book. She didn't know what the big deal was - why paint a bunch of flowers and hang it on the wall when the real thing smelled so much nicer? Painting people and places and endangered shit made sense, but like corn and sunflowers and bottles...that was kind of lame. There'd always be more, whereas the others could go away. Not realizing she'd not shared her thoughts, Dawn spouted
Ah, guess it takes all kinds.
before continuing down the hall to a well windowed area. Looking out, she waited for slowpoke.
Three was a distinct growl in his voice. He was quite defensive about his mobility. Those first few years, hell most of his life before the prosthetic, if he ventured out alone Ambrose had been the object of pity and sympathy. Something that had been, and still was, very hard for him to take. It wasn't easy going from respected and occasionally feared to being an invalid.
Maybe he had over reacted though; but he sure wasn't going to apologize. Not out right but he did shrug a little, trying to indicate she wasn't entirely at fault, as he tagged along. Ambrose made OK time but he wasn't as quick as she was.
"Yeah well you won't catch me keeping any guard dogs around. The suckers can be down right mean."Â?
Ohmigawd, you're missing the whole thing? That's trippy! Were you like a pirate or something and got shot by a cannonball and then made into one of us? COOL!
Jumping up onto the banister, she shouted
Back-flipping off, she landed on her knees, hands up in a pleading gesture.
No, please m'sieuuuuw. Eye em zo elpless!
Rolling backward over her shoulders, she stopped in an upright position.
I bet you were in it for the plunder and wimminz, just like Kenny. Sweeeeeet.
Turning again, she looked out the window.
So...if you were an ancient warrior woman, where would you be...I don't think she's in the house. I didn't see her in the garden, not in the training facility, not in the I guess holy wars are pretty big from time to time. Let's try there. Makes more sense than the greenhouse, right? you a pirate?
"Not quite the whole thing, just from about here."Â?
He indicated, on his left leg, about mid thigh, where the prosthetic started. A pirate; hardly. He made a soft disdainful sound at the idea. God she must be very young to have this much energy and such an active imagination.
"No, not a pirate; I was a hired gun. Retired but I managed to get myself shot anyway."Â?
Maybe it would be better if he'd been shot on his own terms. It seemed so ignominious to be caught in the crossfire after a career like his.
While he'd never met Mai, she had been mentioned to him, he knew who she was.
"Are you sure she isn't in the garden? The ancient warrior women I've know have liked gardens."Â?
Actually, he just didn't want to go down stairs again quite so soon. It seemed like a waste of effort to just change their minds now. got shot and then some asshole wannabe doctor chopped it off because he didn't know enough to save it, right? I hope you shot him in the face for his troubles. But...hired gun sounds kinda like a cowboy? Like an old west gunslinger?
Nodding at the garden comment, Dawn shrugged.
I get kinda weird about bugging people in gardens. A lotta the time they're makin out or whatever, and I don't need to mess up and see Rupert on the job or somethin, y'know?
Making her voice into a bad approximation of Rupert, she said
Tut, tut, my good scullery maid, that is no way to polish the knob! We use clockwise motions, only! No streaking! Now, be a good lass or you're getting it up the choccy starfish. There. That's the spirit! My word!
Laughing, Dawn changed direction and headed toward another wing. Maybe the meeting was out of the realm of possibility on the first night.
Eighteen hundreds medicine involved a lot of luck. Mind you, the doctor had still been one of Ambrose’s first dinner guests but in all fairness, it wasn’t -entirely- his fault.
“Yup that’s about right, Wanted posters and everything.”
Hmmmm… yeah he had one or two yet, but wasn’t exactly sure where he’d put them. Not everyone appreciated law enforcement bulletins as art or home decor. Hell, he’d find them and hang them up, why not. It would entertain him if nothing else.
He half laughed half cleared his throat at Dawn’s butler imitation. At least he assumed it was Rupert she was imitating.
“Maybe you should bring a pineapple with you for him. Just in case.”
NOICE! I hope you were at least a little more scruffy looking or had one of those cool old timey mustaches! That'd hella rock!
Holding up her fingers, she put a "frame" around Ambrose.
DUDE! I can SO see it! You, with some stubble and a big black or brown cowboy hat, one of those big ol' dusters and a look on your face like the person doing the drawing got caught cheating at cards! SWEET!
Nodding at Ambrose's response to his Rupert commentary, she shrugged.
Man of his age prolly needs all the help he can get, but as big dawg among the help he prolly gets plenty a trim. That whole "King of His World" thing goin' on, y'know? Maybe I'll let him know the little secret so he can give the washerwoman a pleasant change of pace from the normal gout of dust she prolly gets. Cleaning ladies like citrus scents - that's why they put that scent in all that shit you can't even eat. Stupid, if you ask me, but then again, these hands weren't made for washin'!
Looking down at her rope-tied hands, she smiled. That's right. Looking for the Huntress. Skipping off down a new corridor, she stopped at the junction. Shouting back, she said
“I’m not sure I’d hang my hat on that. I’m sure sexual harassment charges can be a pain in the ass. Maybe he cuts lose off duty, goes in for leather and collars and stuff like that.”
That wasn’t bad, maybe he was starting to get the hang of talking to Dawn.
Well that was till she noticed her hands were still tied. How had he missed that.
“Do you need some help with the hands thing?”
What, wait, no. That just wouldn’t be right.
“Some how I don’t think my wanted posters would suite the décor. Besides, I wasn’t ever worth all that much any way.”
Sexual harassment? Naw, I don't think anyone could get a suit filed inside of Anantya. Besides, Rupert is totally pimp. I bet the ladies line up for him and his towel over the wrist deal. Lotta East Coasters go in for the whole English Gentleman Caller thing, I hear.
Putting a finger on her chin, she tapped lightly.
You know...Bondage Rupe has an appeal as well. I might have to do some polling of the local marketplaces. Taking a campy cop pose, she queried an imaginary shopkeeper. "Excuse me, but did you make a harness for this man? He's a ravenous sex offender who is aroused by cleaning supplies. Do you have Do your own cleaning? Hire out?"
Glancing at her hands, she chuckled.
Silly American...I did this on purpose. Makes my fist feel like a wrecking ball, and it is the traditional gear for our fighting. Seemed the appropriate dress to meet the Queen of Fighters. Cocking her head a bit, she winked at Ambrose. Besides, it isn't gentlemanly to ask a woman if she needs help being tied up on the first date, you dirty bastard. Baaaannnng.
Looking around again, it seemed that they'd exhausted another area. Returning to the start, she commented over her shoulder
Well, your fuzzy mug would be better than this Vincent-tagged vase of sunshine, that's for sure. And I'm NOT carrying you on the stairs this time! Don't even ask!
Sliding down the banister, she crashed off of the end portion, knocking down a free-standing art pillar. Rubbing her ass, she stepped out of the way.
Here, I cleared the way for you. Fuckin' pillar wasn't even a part of the thing. RAN-DOM!
Merde, what the hell happened?
‘Silly American’? What was she then? Defiantly exotic looking but not un-American, of course, it didn’t help that Ambrose didn’t travel much.
He tried to decide if it was appropriate to dress for battle when going into a first meeting. Would he have worn his guns? No, probably not; even though they were more ceremonial than every day for the past few years it just wouldn’t be right to go in looking like he was out to pick a fight.
It was up to her though, and he could be wrong, but at least she wasn’t going to carry him again. Although down the stairs wasn’t quite as bad. Watching in amazement as she hurled down the banister Ambrose just stared when she landed hard and started breaking things. Better yet, they now had company.
Getting to the bottom of the stairs as quickly as possibly he smiled at the now arrival.
“Not quite sure what happened. Accidents are funny things that way. You all right there Dawn?”
Yup! Keen and clean right here! Just marble, so no harm! It takes more than a little stand thingie to take a chip outta THIS ass! It's chiseled, too!
Turning to the blondie who was slingin' some dirty Paris talk, Dawn pointed at the fallen pillar. Putting on her best (but still not very good) innocent face, she said
I think there musta been a breeze or something...that pillar just fell over. And he wasn't going to slide down this banister, I'm sure of it. He'd never think of such a thing! Oh! He's Ambrose, I'm Dawn. He's looking for Rupert or the bathroom and a place to put his wanted poster and I'm looking for Mai and already have a place for my wanted poster once someone wants me...that didn't come out right. Shit. Sorry!
Looking the woman up and down, she noted the balance of the movements. Another fighter. She'd probably know Mai.
Who're you? I bet YOU know Mai.
Shaking her head she grinned at Ambrose then at Dawn. Well, welcome to Helfor Manor.. I'm Amberelle, but you can call me Amby. I am assuming you're family come to stay for a bit? She paused and glanced them up and down. What was that woman wearing? And her hands were taped? Perhaps she was looking for Mai to train with? Certainly no one in their right mind would come into the manor seeking a fight with the Elder.
Umm.. Mai can usually be found in the Japanese gardens, or sometimes she likes to go to the cathedral as well. I could show you the gardens.. And you mentioned needing the powder room?
Yup, he needs to powder his nose. You wouldn't think him an eighter by the looks of him, but he's a fiend. But at least there's two Amby's now...makes remembering names that much easier, like all those Bruces! And I TOLD you we should check the church! Old people like them! Oh, I walked through the gardens already, just some people prolly makin' out or eatin' or somethin.
Heading off in the general direction of the Cathedral, Dawn skipped along at her own pace. Reaching the end of the corridor, she stopped and skipped back to the stairs.
Oh. So Cathedral next, or are you gonna use the can, man? Holy shit! I'm a poet and I wasn't even aware of it!
“Pleased to meet you Amberelle. Actually I think we’re more on the look out for Mai than anything, but thank you for the directions.”
Bruces? Ambrose knew he wasn’t that old, there was no reason he should be so confused by Dawn but she moved fast. Both verbally and physically as she seemed to be headed for the cathedral.
“No, I think I’ll pass on that invite but the spontaneous poetry gets extra credit.”
He smiled back at Amberelle, who seemed relatively sane.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t trust us.”
As she skipped off away from them Amby found herself trying not to grin at the image. Looking over at Ambrose she leaned in towards him slightly and spoke in a low tone. So is she always like this?
She giggled softly at Dawn's poetry comment and shook her head at the other woman. Walking down a different hallway towards one of the side exits, she motioned her clanmates to follow.
We'll go this way, there's a short cut that will be easier for.. Ambrose 'Yes, that's his name.' than the gravel drive. After a couple of steps she stopped and turned back to them. How rude of me.. would you prefer we drove down?
Whoawhoawhoa Man-Amby! See? I'm not the only one who's all polite an' shit! So no jumpin' down her throat on my watch! She's just tryin' too right by you! An' I didn't mean it THAT way, you dirty bastard! Oh, an' short cuts are good no matter th' why.
Walking in long, stretching strides for her small frame, she headed in what she figured was the direction Amberelle had been thinking. Looking around, she didn't see that this would qualify as a state secret of any type - watching a moment, she slapped open the door and stalked back out into the night. Turning abruptly, she hopped over a shrubbery and into a tree. Hanging upside down from a branch, she waited for the slowpokes to hurry their lazy asses up. How was she gonna find the the Fightmistress of Spiffy Goodness if people couldn't even keep up?
Ambrose hadn't even considered that Dawn was not always like this. It was just easier to deal with her like this and try to get used to it; if she wasn't always this much of a fireball he'd have to make a few adjustments next time he saw here.
It always irritated him when people made concessions biased on his cane, but at least Ambrerelle was polite about it and didn't just make the decision for him. Since she had been considerate, she got a considerate answer.
"As long as there isn't any ice I'll be fine."Â?
Both cross and amused he watched Dawn come at him. Ambrose had to grin, especially when Dawn took herself the wrong way and called him a dirty bastard.
"There's a difference between asking me if I want a lift and lifting me. Don't you think?"Â?
He was playing with Dawn now. Ambrose had given her as much of an apology for his reaction as he was likely too but was willing to laugh at the situation and the fact that she had just toted him around for no good reason.