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Guessing Games

Bouncing out of her room, Dawn had opted not to simply ask where Mai could be found. Rupert was nice and all, but he probably had some butlering to do. Butt-ling. Ew. Also, he'd said she had free run of the house to any door not locked, so it was all good.

Walking down the hall, she tried a door and found it to be locked. Selecting another door further down at random, she tried again. Locked. A bit further...and was convinced she had discovered the trick in his words - almost EVERYTHING was locked. Sneaky bastard.

Shrugging, she left the main house and walked toward what had been labeled the training facilities on the map. If she were an ultimate badass of the world killing machine huntress lady, she'd probably work out a lot. Maybe Mai was in there. one. But it was really...really nice.

Fuckin one's up in using this shit? WHAT THE HELL! Is it Vampires Drink Free night downtown?

Frowning, she ran through a quick set of routines and walked over to the reinforced heavy bag. Good to see that the place was designed with vampiric strength in mind. Grabbing the bag, she began practicing her knees.





God, she loved that sound. She felt like a juggernaut when she worked on these things!

Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
The blonde nodded at when Ambrose declined a ride and smiled brightly. She hoped he wasn't upset at her offer, she knew some people were sensitive about their disability. She could only imagine how a vampire must feel being stuck with one for eternity. That was assuming it was a genuine affliction and not an affected one for his identity, Amberelle realized she hadn't even considered that. But the sound of his gait as they moved down the hallway after Dawn seemed to fit, she'd keep an eye on him and see if he was being sneaky or not.

Stepping into the late winter's night, Amby wrapped her arms around her chest and shivered. It was a lot colder than she remembered from her walk. Without her warm jacket and hiking boots from earlier her clothes did little to stop the air's chill. Keeping her arms firmly wrapped to cover the rather obvious reaction to the cold she shifted from foot to foot on the cool stones. The urge to shift to her feline form was strong but she resisted, there was still some question as to whether these two were really kindred or not so she went with a more cautious approach.

Pausing only briefly to watch Dawn swinging on the tree, Amby shook her head ever so slightly and decided against any comments. The sooner they reached the old church the sooner she would be warm again, so at a pace she was sure Ambrose could keep up with, but was just a tad swifter than a normal stroll, she started down a cobblestone side path that lead through the woods to the Cathedral.

So why are you looking to find Mai?
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Hanging upside down, Dawn swung back and forth, back and forth. The motion was soothing, though the bark was scraping the back of her knees. The cold of the wood soothed it immediately, though. Smiling contentedly as she swung, she realized she'd been rude - she missed Manbrose's question. Shouting, so he could hear as they walked toward her


Watching the two of them walk up upside down was kinda a trip. It was like watching two movies upside down, one a spaghetti western, one that English countryside nobility type dealie. Fuckin' weird. Somehow John Wayne or someone had found his way into fuckin' Wuthering Heights or something. Huh. Prolly make the story more interestin.

As the Leading Lady stepped out the door, she did the universal white girl "I know I have European blood in me and my skin is the color of snow for a reason, but I am going to plead cold so you can be all manly and shit and give me your coat, thus proving your virility" dance. She wondered if the Rose was gonna fall for it. Hell, she had to admit, this chick was good. Almost had HER convinced it was cold. Ok, actually, it was a bit cold, but not THAT cold. Smiling a bit as they strode by the tree, Dawn cherry dropped off of it, shaking the branches, rustling the leaves and dropping much debris everywhere...including her co-walkers.

Standing up straight, she did a little Olympic gymnast stance and put her arms in a Y, winningest smile on her face. Answering Amberelle's question from just before the bomb drop, Dawn held herself in a Y formation for a moment.

Because my Sensei said so and that's good enough for me! Said some stuff about cheese flowing through me like a waterfall but that it is useless unless my brain is like a mirror or a lake or SOMETHING. So he sent me here so I can learn to kick ass in quiet or whatever. And I might not know much about what he was talking about, so he gave me a letter and it said to come here and meet Mai FIRST THING. I hope she doesn't get pissed that I stowed my crap first, I mean, can't be meeting the new sensei with my luggage, right? But it said FIRST THING. That's what I'm most worried about, but I won't mention it if youse don't.

Getting a bit ahead again, she paused outside of the Cathedral, waiting for the Pokey twins. Ok, they didn't look anything alike. But they were both kinda slow. You'd think if chica were actually cold, she would walk faster. Looking down, she though "Shit, I guess it IS kinda cold out here, speaking of the pokey twins. We don't get inside again soon I'm like to cut right out of this top."
Ambrose 18 years ago
It was a bit chilly out, but he'd dressed in layers, apparently, their guide hadn't. Ambrose paused in his walking to take off and silently offer his jacket to Amberelle. Ordinarily he might have said something but Dawn hanging from and then dropping out of a tree effectively dampened conversation.

He couldn't help but wonder if her Sensei meant for Dawn to find some focus. He'd have gotten his ass shot and killed sooner if he'd been as energetic and scattered as she seemed to be. Stealth and patience were things to be valued, not that in your face didn't have its place, but it could make things harder.

"Somehow I think she'll forgive you putting your bags away. Its better than not being prepared."Â?

That was the only thing he'd gotten out of her rambling. Cheese flowing through me like a waterfall... that seemed to lose something in translation to say the very least.

Ambrose brushed a few random leaves out of his hair and made an effort to increase his pace.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Giving Ambrose a grateful smile, Amberelle took the coat he offered and quickly slipped it on. It was warm from his body heat and felt deliciously toasty on her cooled skin. Merci! I didn't think about how I'd left mine in the mudroom after my walk. Funny how a jacket and shoes made it seem so much warmer a few minutes ago. She chuckled and shook her head.

Amby paused as the shower of leaves and debris rained down on them. Giving the Energizer Bunny of vampires a sideways glare she delicately picked out leaves from her hair. She quirked an eyebrow at Dawn's speech. It was interesting that her sire had sent her here rather than teach her himself.. either he thought she would connect with the Elder Asahi more or even he couldn't stand large doses of her. That made her smile faintly.

It sounds like he wanted you to learn to let the chi flow through you. Seeing how you seem to have more energy than anyone I've ever met that could be an interesting thing. You know.. 'I am so going to regret this somehow, I bet..' You and I could spar sometime if you like? It would be nice to have someone to train with.

Starting after Dawn again, the blonde kept a sharp eye out for any ice on the stones but didn't see any. When the Cathedral came into view she smiled. Inside was warmth and hopefully a few answers about the two newcomers.

((OOC out to a Cathedral thread pending y'all's responses ))
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Smirking, Dawn watched as the Cowboy gave the Leading Lady the coat. "Well, chalk one up for th' Lady!" Mentally, she moved Ambrose to the list of "Nice Guys" that she had known. Short, but there it was. Definitely beat being put in the "Tool" column, but most gunslingers didn't fall there, did they? She'd have to ask sometime, but not now. The socialite had offered to fight her sometime! Sweet!

Suresuresure! Any time! That's one'a my faves to fill the day! Night! Whatever! I'll show you my room so you can pound my door when you get the itch for some kung fu fighting! But not in the Church! My paps said that fighting in churches just isn't done. I guess Highlander summed it up best - everyone's gotta have a safe spot. But people blow up churches and stuff all the time. Fucking humans.

Scampering to the door, she held it open for the people coming along behind her. Despite first, second, and perhaps third impressions, she did have some semblance of manners.

((OOC: Dawn Out - over to the Cathedral))
Ambrose 18 years ago
Ambrose just smiled and nodded when she accepted his coat, glad he could be of some assistace.

You'd think that being a vampire would mean you were above randome cult TV shows. Ambrose, however, had missed that memo; he just didn't advertise it. Still he wound up laughing at Dawn's Highlander referance, oddly reassured that he wasn't the only one to fall victim to things like that.

And now the two women were going to fight? Not right here and now but it was still and odd image. Although, really, it seemed to make some sense; very ying yang of them as Amberelle seemed as oposite of Dawn as one could get.

"Kudos on the translation. I missed that myself. Which one of you is going to translate it for me though?"

Ambrose didn't have a martial arts background and the consept of ying and yang was as far as he'd ever gotten in eastern thinking. It was possible someone had once tried to explain more of it to him but he'd not retained it.

((OOC... gimpy out as well will meet you two over at the cathedral))