Taking bets?

I don't know about you guys, but waiting to see what'll come out of Dawn's mouth next is the best entertainment I've had in awhile... I'm still trying to decide if the "inflatable titties" or asking Ambrose if he was there to "take a piss" was better... one could almost feel sorry for the Elders of Anantya...

anyone wanna bet who threatens to strangle her first?

Aishe 19 years ago
I'm already strangling her.
Dawn Ratana 19 years ago
HATER!!! *mixes Aishe's sugar and salt containers all up*
Fiona 19 years ago
oh man ~ i'm sitting here doing my homework when i realized I was humming "Rocky Raccoon"!!! Now I'm gonna have that damn song stuck in my head for days!!!!

Call out the hit squad!!!
Dawn Ratana 19 years ago
Can't stop the signal! :P Nyah!
Aishe 19 years ago
*smacks Dawn upside the head with both containers*

I am fortunate to not have a clue wtf that song is.

*blocks any and all incoming file transfers from Dawn*
Dawn Ratana 19 years ago
Ack! Double hater! *pours LSD on Aishe's toilet paper*
Fiona 19 years ago
ya know ~ this one takes the word "irrepressible" to a whole new level...
Aishe 19 years ago
You know, you almost had me saying something as crass as you are for a minute there. But I will withhold comment and let you fester in your own immaturity.

Go ahead.


Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Am I a huge nerd for getting Alec's firefly references?
Fiona 19 years ago
do we have to answer that?

Alfarinn 19 years ago
I'm afraid I would be a nerd with you then but the episodes and the movie are on the shelf behind me.
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Hey! I'm a geek, thankyouverymuch! :P

And yes, yes you are.
Mai 19 years ago
But you have to admit that the female geek is far more cool than a male geek, especially gamer geeks. ^_~
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Well, in general female geeks don't get that bizarre ass locker room smell that some guy geeks get. That's pretty cool. But male gamer geeks with good hygiene are just as cool as female geeks, though the female are a bit more rare. I blame society.
Mathias 19 years ago
Thaddeus Grey
Am I a huge nerd for getting Alec's firefly references?

Quoteth Teh Jayne: That's downright unsettlin'

Rachyl 19 years ago
Know what else is weird?

The Oma Desala-ness of Mai's speech and thought >.<
Fiona 19 years ago
I'm suddenly feeling very left out... *hides face* I haven't got a clue what you all are talking about! Are you sure that I'm not the geek here???

*off to figure out what Oma Desala might be*

edit ~ this is what i get for letting the Sci-Fi channel annoy me ~ I stopped watching SG1... *sigh* have to add it back to my lineup I think...
Ginnie 19 years ago
It's ok Fiona, I don't knwo what they are talking about either.
Shay 19 years ago
Fiona...Ginnie...I salute you, and join you as well.
I just started understanding sports, and now no one talks about them anymore.
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago




...y'all haven't seen Firefly OR Serenity?!?! This hurts my soul! Ice cream headache of the spirit!