Bond the Mafia

The schedule for the Bond Mafia is up.


Cool toys, cool cars, lots of action. Your country needs you...go play!

Fallon 19 years ago
We be there already! YAY
Kyle Evans 19 years ago
RAWR!!! Now, to pick which of my sa characters will be in this mafia.
Fiona 19 years ago
ohhh... this oughta be interesting... *hoppin over to check it out...*
Christian Bern 19 years ago
Kyle? Or the cute little Asian girl? Or heck whoever else you'd like.
Aishe 19 years ago
After what happened to Simon last time you're going to sacrifice another one of your characters?

*snuggles herself* I can't do it!
Rachyl 19 years ago
Is it me, or does "Bond the Mafia" sound like a plan for gluing the underworld crime syndicate?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Sticking it to the mob!
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
Bios will be due Wednesday, February 22. Roles will be handed out after the bios are closed. Killing will begin Thrusday, February 23.
Jan 19 years ago
You guys could do Kyle and Nova as agents and continue the snark, but I'm not sure how Billie feels about getting Nova killed off or you know the idea in'd be cool though.
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
I'm considering using Ellis. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sorin 19 years ago
Oh that is evil.. simply evil.

We approve.