<-- loser!

*sobs* Sorry I haven't been around much in the last couple days. Work stinks, been doing a little overtime and got called in on my day off today to cover a shift for another manager who called out.


Will also be busy tomorrow afternoon at the doctor's trying to decide just how much surgery both of my stupid ankles need, and will be interviewing at he smithsonian on my nexy day off.

I swear - I'm still here. One of these days someone will let me do nothing but sit on my ass at home. :)

Ginnie 18 years ago
Yay! for not puking on the dude!

Get better sweety!
Alexandra 18 years ago
That's amazing news on the job, congrats on that *hug* and now get to bed and feel better!
Aishe 18 years ago
Well, just volunteer work... but if i do well maybe it could turn into a job further down the line. *crosses fingers*

And I'm resting! On my arse at my computer. No napping. I hate sleeping. But thanks guys.
Maeve 18 years ago
Congrats hon! So glad you didn't get sick on the interviewer. Feel better soon.
Christian Bern 18 years ago
Congratulations! You get to play in the dirt again!
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
I'd have puked in his eyes. Of course, that's probably why I don't have any volunteer jobs... (grats - that rocks!)
Aishe 18 years ago
Flu + sinus infection = bedrest till Monday.

Start the entertainment! *cracks whip at Alec*
Alexandra 18 years ago
Lol O you poor thing *makesyousomevirtualsoupandsendsitovertheinternet*
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Damn, woman! I just gave you entertainment five minutes ago! (not like that, Ginnie, please don't blow me up)
Aishe 18 years ago
well wtf do I have to do, put in another quarter?

*looks for coinslot*
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
YOU KEEP THEM DAMN COINS AWAY FROM MY SLOT! (and I'll do the Tupperware Lady dance for you, but keep it quiet - the heavy breathing messes up my groove)
Alfarinn 18 years ago
.... Nope, don't want to know.
Ginnie 18 years ago

There isn't enough of you to entertain The Bunny like that.

Edit: Good Lord, I should have read everything before posting...
Aishe 18 years ago
I wanted to be entertained, not placed on my deathbed.

Ginnie 18 years ago
Well if you would log into Yahoo! I'd entertain you, but noooo Yahoo's not good enough for you. *pouts*
Aishe 18 years ago
I always forget I have it.
Fallon 18 years ago
Trillian people!!! Three, Three, Three IM's in one!
Ginnie 18 years ago
That would be too east Fallon. Just to damn easy. *snerk*
Aishe 18 years ago
Yahoo won't connect thru Trillian for me. I have to sign on separately.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
stange, my yahoo does fine on trillian. Its just the voice that has problems