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The Elder of the Rose

After heading down the hall and up the stairs, past the library (which he quietly pointed out along the way) and then up yet more marble stairs, Rupert at last arrived at Morrigan's office door, his two charges in tow. He gave a light knock and stepped back, turning to Cyrus and his companion.

"If I could trouble you for your name, Ms? So that I can properly announce your presence."Â?

Fallon 19 years ago
Once the butler...Rupert...had heard Cyrus' request, he became just a bundle of moving energy, leading them through the manor, down hallways, and up stairs. She tried to keep track of which direction they were going in, and what places they passed, even sneaking a peek into the library when Rupert mentioned it, but not stopping for more than a second.

Losing and then taking Cyrus' hand again, she continued to follow until they reached their destination.

"Fallon Tierney, sir."

That he was a butler really didn't register with Fallon. Under such circumstances she almost felt like scullery maid herself...standing in the grand hallway under such false pretenses...thinking any second she might wake up back in North Carolina, and see Ted's face lying next to her. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and she gripped Cyrus' hand just a bit tighter.
Cyrus 19 years ago
Cyrus was nervous as the butler lead them about the manor. When he asked for Fallon's name it was all Cyrus could do to stop himself from beating his head against a nearby wall.

"My appologies for not making a proper introduction. Fallon, this nice man is of course Heolfor Manor's butler Rupert Burke. Rupert, it is my pleasure to introduce Fallon to you."

Hoping neither took his faux pas to heart he felt more comfortable knowing that at least he could introduce them. This also served to remind him to formally introduce his fledgeling to Morrigan. Niceities aside he and Fallon continued to follow Rupert deeper into the Manor.
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Morrigan tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow at the sound of the chime coming from the corner of her office. Visitors? How interesting.

Slowly and deliberately, she placed the documents on her desk in their proper locations while still engaged in thought. It was habitual for her to clear away any private information - which included just about everything - before someone unknown to her was permitted to enter her office.

Tucking away the last few papers, Morrigan knicked her finger with a page and quickly licked away the drop of blood forming on the surface before the cut healed. The little bit of blood peaked her appetite and made her slightly anxious. This had better not take long.

((Sorry, didn't know you were looking for me quite yet. PMs are always the best way to get my attention. ))
Butler 19 years ago
Rupert nodded his head in affirmation, inwardly somewhat touched that Cyrus made the extra effort in introductions, as though he were important enough to warrent such treatment.

"The pleasure is all mine."

He steeled his nerves a little before opening the door, announcing his two charges before stepping back to let them through.

“Good evening, Ms. Kinsey. Cyrus Arslantai and Fallon Tierney request an audience.”

He gestured to each in turn before stepping back, waiting to see if anything further was needed from him.
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Not sure if she should be thankful or annoyed at the swift entry into her office, Morrigan rose from her desk chair and gave a curt nod in acknowledgement.

Cyrus, Fallon...

She scanned each of their faces and looked into their eyes as she addressed them, searching for a hint of the reason for their presence.

Please have a seat.

As she spoke, Morrigan gestured to the red velvet wingback chairs on the opposite side of her desk. Looking at the butler, the elder gave a small, polite smile.

Thank you, Rupert.

Morrigan took her seat once again and looked back at her guests.

What is the purpose of your visit?

She shot straight to the point. While sure to maintain a cool exterior, Morrigan simply just wasn't in the mood for idle chit-chat.
Fallon 19 years ago
As she walked past Rupert, into the office, she gave the man a smile.

"Thank you, Rupert." She said softly and then looked to the woman who now stood in front of her and Cyrus. The woman, MS. Kinsey, seemed to be looking for something in Fallon, and Fallon couldn't help but start to get nervous again. Even though she was trying to be strong, and confident, she found her eyes seeking Cyrus, yet again. She held out her hand to the woman, and acknowledged the meeting.

"He..llo Ms. Kinsey, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Quickly taking the offered chair, Fallon sat down on the edge of the seat, and crossed her legs at the ankle, tucking them under the chair just a bit. Focusing on sitting up straight, and not fidgeting, she hoped she might distract herself from appearing too flustered.

She turned towards Cyrus, expecting him to announce the reason for their visit, while hoping this next test - and she seemed sure there would be one - wouldn't be too harrowing.
Cyrus 19 years ago
Cyrus bowed deeply to the Elder as Fallon said hello. He took up a spot right behind the chair Fallon had taken. His voice was solem and clear as he addressed the Elder of the Rose.

"Thank you for seeing us. We have come with the blessing of Elder Mai to petition for membership into Anantya for Fallon. Very recently she was terrorized, bitten and turned by a clanless vampire. He then released her without further information. Quite soon there after we met and she became interested in finding her place among our clan."

His hand left the back of the chair to rest gently upon Fallon's shoulder. Willing his strength into her as well as supporting her.
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Morrigan nearly smirked at the sight before her. How this young thing expected to gain entrance to the clan when having to rely on someone else to speak for her, the elder could not fathom. Her icy blue eyes locked onto Fallon like a hunter tracking its prey.

And what exactly is it that interests you in the clan?

Interlacing her fingers on the desk, Morrigan waited.
Shay 19 years ago
Trying not to sigh, and succeeding for the most part, Fallon returned the woman's gaze, but accompanied it with a small smile. Apparently there was a routine here that had to be followed, and no matter how uncomfortable Fallon was, it was what needed to be done. Knowing that didn't make the scrutiny any easier to deal with though.

She considered the question, as she had been doing since she had been approached earlier by Mai. Fallon took her request to join this clan very seriously, and wanted those in charge to realize this.

"Family, and a sense of being a part of something much larger than who I am. Belonging... Cyrus speaks very highly of Anantya, and I respect Cyrus very much."

Though her answer had just skimmed the surface of her feelings, it was succinct. Fearing she might begin to ramble if she went into detail, and not sure the woman cared for details, she chose to limit her answer to the specifics, and offer to elaborate if Ms. Kinsey wanted her to.

"I'll be glad to elaborate, if you like, but that's the main focus of my thoughts."

She couldn't help but twist her fingers, as they lie intertwined in her lap. Fallon's nerves were so on edge, she was afraid if startled she'd physically leave her skin behind.
Fallon 19 years ago
Trying not to sigh, and succeeding for the most part, Fallon returned the woman's gaze, but accompanied it with a small smile. Apparently there was a routine here that had to be followed, and no matter how uncomfortable Fallon was, it was what needed to be done. Knowing that didn't make the scrutiny any easier to deal with though.

She considered the question, as she had been doing since she had been approached earlier by Mai. Fallon took her request to join this clan very seriously, and wanted those in charge to realize this.

"Family, and a sense of being a part of something much larger than who I am. Belonging... Cyrus speaks very highly of Anantya, and I respect Cyrus very much."

Though her answer had just skimmed the surface of her feelings, it was succinct. Fearing she might begin to ramble if she went into detail, and not sure the woman cared for details, she chose to limit her answer to the specifics, and offer to elaborate if Ms. Kinsey wanted her to.

"I'll be glad to elaborate, if you like, but that's the base of my thoughts."

She couldn't help but twist her fingers, as they lie intertwined in her lap. Fallon's nerves were so on edge, she was afraid if startled she'd physically leave her skin behind.
Cyrus 19 years ago
Cyrus stood immoble. He willed with every bit of strength for Morrigan to say something positive or Fallon to launch into the most poeticly strong perfect answer the elder had ever heard.

This mentor shit was hard. He was not sure if speaking would help or injure his fledgeling's case so he stayed silent for the moment. He wracked his brain for the plea he had made so many centuries ago. Unfortunately it was lost to the blackness of his memories.

Still if Fallon was the least bit sensitive to his moods and he had just a tiny hint of psychic abilities heretofore undiscovered she would expound eloquently, impressing the Elder.

Somehow he doubted he was psychic.
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Morrigan resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow at the young vampire's response. This was the dazzling purpose for her seeking out the clan? Indeed. Deciding she'd rather go hunting for a real meal in the very near future, Morrigan let the issue rest.

What do you believe is your value to us? Why should we allow you entrance?

She leaned back in her seat and crossed her legs with her forearms resting on the arms of the chair.
Fallon 19 years ago
She had answered the woman's question, but her answer, in her ears, sounded woeful. There really was so much more to her, but now she felt she had failed.

She couldn't look at Cyrus, for fear of seeing disappointment in his eyes. If she had seen disgust on his face, she would have caved, right then and there. But she couldn't just give in. She had to do something to try and recover...even turn the situation around.

Looking at her hands in her lap, when Ms. Kinsey asked her second question, Fallon again sat up straight, and looked the woman in the eyes.

"Before I answer, I think I should have told you just a bit more, in my last answer."

Clearing her throat, Fallon began a short synopsis of the last few weeks, and what had brought her to Anantya.

"Ms. Kinsey, a few weeks ago I left my old life behind, when I came to Nachton. I left behind a hellish life, with an abusive husband, and set out to make a new life...a new start.

Shortly after arriving in Nachton, I was taken hostage by a mad man. His name is Panos, and he was a member of the Tacharan clan. Apparently, according to him, they have exiled him, and once he turned me, I was left clanless as well.

Not only did Panos leave me clanless, but he left me with very little knowledge about what I had become. On my own I managed to learn how to survive, as best as I could. But it was meeting this man, Cyrus, that really saved me."

Fallon did turn then, and looked at her mentor, her friend. Cyrus was the one man she'd ever met who treated her as a person of value. He was the one man who seemed to respect her. Her feelings for him were growing, and though she knew he saw her as his 'little bird'...his novice...Fallon could tell there was more there on her side. But she would not repay his kindness by making demands on him, or changing her public attitude towards him. She owed him too much.

"I have certain skills that I believe would be beneficial to the clan. I've always been highly adroit at organizing things, people, records, activities at functions. I've a good working knowledge of computers and software programs used often in office settings. But the main thing is I want to help, and would agree to serve in whatever capacity you feel I would be beneficial to Anantya. I consider no job too obsequious."

Fallon had done some rather base and menial things to survive, but it had always been honest work, and therefore nothing she was ever ashamed of.

"Lastly, I pledge my loyalty to Anantya, and hope you deem it worthy. I would gladly give more, if I had it to give."

Fallon felt defeated. Once she had completed her interview with Mai, she had felt hopeful, now, she was afraid Ms. Kinsey was about to turn her out on her ear.
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Morrigan couldn't stop herself from clenching her teeth as the girl referred to that pack of wolves by name. A clan indeed, she snorted mentally. And Panos? Quite the interesting little bit of information. Perhaps the girl proved useful after all.

Loyalty does not go unnoticed within these walls, Fallon. Ultimately, we all work for the good of the clan and our kind. Those that put personal pursuits above the Anantya seek trouble which will surely find them.

She gave the smallest hint of a smile to Fallon.

And please, call me Morrigan. I am not a schoolteacher or some elderly human.

Morrigan rested her hands in her lap with her elbows still on the arms of the chair.

Has our Cyrus instructed you in the laws of the clan?

She looked up at Cyrus to indicate is was now safe for him to speak.

I am sure you realize that as her mentor, you are expected to guide her in the ways of Anantya until an order has been chosen for her. That is, of course, after she has been fully approved by the Triad.

Something stirred inside her. Was it hunger or disgust at the thought of a certain elder? Either seemed appropriate, anyhow.
Cyrus 19 years ago
Fallon's clear and concise comments of her life and recent abuse made him feel very protective. He wished to have been able to shelter her from that and found it a quite unfamiliar response. His hand upon her shoulder stayed firm and strong, with his will bolstering her up no matter what the elder said.

Elder Morrigan's response was somewhat favorable. At least she was not looking insulted that they had approached her regarding this. His head bowed deeply and respectfully in answer to her direct question to him.

"I have given her a bare minimum of information but will instruct her fully if that is acceptable for me to do at this time."

He contemplated how to go about explaining why he was floundering so badly with this situation. His voice was mater of fact and clear as he explained. "I had vowed never to turn another due to my inherited flaws. Unfortunately I am quite as in the dark as Fallon in this but I am willing and able to mentor and instruct Fallon for as long as she needs me."
Fallon 19 years ago
The smile was a welcome sight to Fallon, and she even allowed herself to relax, just a little. Considering the things Morrigan was telling her, Fallon had to hope it indicated a positiveness in the other woman.

'Laws?' No, Fallon didn't recall Cyrus explaining those...though she was always asking the poor man questions, and he was never anything but patient with her. She was almost certain if there was something she needed to learn, he would find a way of instructing her.

Feeling his hand gently squeezing her shoulder, Fallon leaned her cheek against it for a few seconds. Her dependency upon his touch might become a concern down the line, but for now she gained so much from it she knew she would be in a world of hurt had he taken it away.

She looked up at him when he mentioned his flaws, and tried to figure out what he might be referring to. She guessed he must have them...everyone did...but whatever he imagined his to be, Fallon couldn't see them. Unless he was referring to his slightly larger teeth, and if that was the case, Fallon dismissed that as a flaw. In Fallon's mind, flaws were found in a person's character...not their face, or body. If a person was good and beautiful inside, she saw that in them on the outside too.

"Please...I'd like to request that no one find fault in anything Cyrus might have done, or not done for me. I know it couldn't have been easy for him to have such a novice dropped into his lap, and yet he's never once complained, or shown me anything but consideration and patience. He is probably the best man I've ever met."

Fallon spoke without regard. She felt so strongly about this man that she refused to hear him belittle anything he had done for her. And if he were truly in the dark about how to help her, she saw no reason for him to be enlightened...he could do no wrong in her eyes.
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Morrigan cleared her throat sharply at the sight of the girl brushing her cheek against Cyrus' hand which was quite the inappropriate and disrespectful gesture given the setting. This girl has much to learn about proper decorum if she is going to represent the clan in the future.

Your request is noted; however, its weight is another matter.

She nodded in return to Cyrus.

Thank you, Cyrus. You are correct in your method of instruction.

Morrigan's eyes pierced at Fallon's once again.

Your entrance to the clan and full disclosure of clan laws and practices still require the approval of a third piece of the Triad, the Elder of the Night. Rupert should be able to help you locate him.

She quickly wrote a letter of introduction in her long, elegant hand, noting the approval of both the Hunt and the Rose. Folding the letter into a crisp rectangle, Morrigan dripped a bit of wax onto the center of the overlapping edge and pressed her personal seal into the thick red mound - the clan symbol overlaid with a thorny rose. Her long arm stretched over the expanse of the desk offering the letter to Fallon.

Be sure to present this letter to him upon your arrival.

Morrigan was sure Sorin would find displeasure at her formality and that he was the last to interview the applicant. With approval of two elders, his dissension would be easily overturned. Morrigan resisted the urge to smirk and instead stood to indicate their meeting had ended.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have matters outside the manor to attend.
Fallon 19 years ago
Morrigan's response, as Fallon took it, was less than encouraging. She acknowledged what Fallon had said about Cyrus, but apparently dismissed it as being worthless. Fallon was only slightly hurt by the comment. Her words had been dismissed by many over her short lifetime, it was becoming expected in most situations. She had thought maybe things would be different now, but many things were not, as she was coming to see.

She understood there was a third person she had to receive judgement from, and relaxed only marginally when Morrigan gave her the letter. It indicated Morrigan must have approved of her after all. Somehow that didn't fill Fallon with much in the way of relief.

Taking the letter, Fallon stood, once Morrigan had.

"Thank you for your time, Morrigan. I appreciate you seeing me during your busy day, and hearing my plea."

Fallon couldn't really thank her for making her feel at home, or for welcoming her to the manor or clan, for she had done neither. But she had listened, and was doing what she could to bring Fallon in.

Fallon moved around the chair, and looked at Cyrus. Her eyes were slightly tainted by apprehension, and waiting for him to lead her out, she cast them down to the letter in her hands. Whatever had happened just now, she felt she had still failed in some way.
Cyrus 19 years ago
Relief flooded through him at Morrigan's response. Anything that did not include immediate decapitation was generally a win for a suplicant. Of course he could still be living in the past when Khans were notoriously prone to lop off heads for any reason, real or imagined. He bowed deeply and respectfully to the elder.

"Thank you for your time, we greatly appreciate your patience and time."

Opening the door for Fallon, he placed his hand upon the small of her back, herding her out. Somehow the feeling of barely escaping with their heads was still highly present. They made their way back towards the more familiar area of the Manor. The urge to escape to the trees was very strong and Cyrus was unsure how long he could refrain.

"Mind putting off meeting the next one for later?"
Fallon 19 years ago
Once they were out of Morrigan's office, Fallon moved along almost mechanically, just going where Cyrus directed her. Once he stopped, she almost threw herself into his arms, wanting the feel of his strength, to try and bring her back to herself. But knowing it wouldn't have been appropriate, and feeling it might have made Cyrus uncomfortable, Fallon remained slightly aloof.

"No, that might be best...I'm not sure I could sit through another...interview right now."

She had wanted to use the word interrogation, but she realized that wouldn't have sounded at all respectful. Fallon was getting the impression that Cyrus held the Anantya in very high regard, and as such, she didn't want to risk his displeasure at speaking of them in a manner that might indicate she felt otherwise.

She had to wonder how Cyrus was doing after all this. It wasn't like he'd just been a casual observer here. He was involved almost just as much as Fallon was, just in a different way. Though he had way more inner strength, and experience at life in general, Fallon didn't want to think that he was suffering any ill effects at all, with regard to what he was trying to do for her.

"And I'm sure you must have other important things to do, aside from babysitting me."

She spoke lightly, trying to show him she was fine, and would be able to wait until they could resolve her clan status at another date.

"If you could have your car take me home now, I'll let you get back to more important things..."

She hated that she had to ask for a ride, but since that was the way she'd gotten there, she had little choice.