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Shopping ((Open))

Suki wandered up and down the strip as the sun faded across the sky. Firey reds melted into purples and oranges merged into greenish blues. She loved this time of night. Once the lights came on she began window shopping in earnest.

With her nice bonus from Cyrus she planned on splurging for some really neat work clothes. Maybe some awesome shoes too. Thankfully she had the night off tonight so she could spend it doing anything she wanted.

Tapping her vibrant red nails against the glass of a shoe store she contemplated going in. It was kind of upscale which made her leery as she had dressed as if for work so she fit in while shopping for work clothes. Her miniskirt was black and yellow plaid with pleats along the back and three large kilt pins down the front flap. The yellow tights covering her legs were then covered again with spiderweb fishnets. Her mock turtleneck was black with yellow and red pinstripes. Everything was topped of with a shiney pleather coat that was longer than her skirt. Her hair was pulled up in a messy array of two braids twisted and tangled up while held in the design by two black hairsticks.

((Open to all that may wish to shop on a late winter evening.))

Rachyl 19 years ago
At least the driving lesson had been useful.

The Mall had proved fruitless, at least for the style and sensibility of baby furniture and such that she'd wanted to at least look at.

Babies 'R' Us just wasn't what she wanted, and, Rachyl guessed, also not the quality Meegan would want their baby sleeping on or playing with.

So she found herself in the Downtown shopping area on the Strip, swinging a fabric bag partially full of fabric samples and wood slices as she walked. A flashy LED sign on the other side of the street caught her attention - "New Gothic-Ah Fashions here!" and she tried to continue to read any further information. Suddenly she felt a body in front of hers and was drawn up short, nearly bowling over the other person. She stepped back, apologizing profusely.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention where I was walking, and I really should have been. Are you okay?" Focusing on her unintended victim, Rachyl smiled embarassedly at the Asian woman.
Fallon 19 years ago
The weekend was nearing and Fallon was getting nervous. She didn't know why, the only thing different was that Cyrus was going to be coming over to her home, and it would just be the two of them, and, well after their last night together, things had been implied that now had Fallon in a tizzy.

She had been working on a gift for him, during any free time she could find, but wanted to see if there was something else she could get him. He had given her so much, and she had given him nothing in return...she just had to find something for him.

She also did want to buy a new pair of shoes, having never yet replaced the ones she'd left in the gardens. And after wearing the lovely bra and panty set his assistant had bought for her, Fallon thought she'd like to buy a few more pieces of nice that someone else might be seeing it.

Walking through the mall, she spotted a shoe store and thought it might be best to get that part of her shopping out of the way first, so she could really concentrate on the other. Seeing the minor collision between the two women in front of the window, Fallon smiled.
Moving to stand next to them, she looked into the window to see if there might be anything there that would work for her.
Suki Langston 19 years ago
Suki had made up her mind that the store was probably way too snobby for her to enter as she was almost knocked down. The redhead apologised profusely which was slightly shocking to Suki. Most people looked down on her outfit and obvious heritage, at least they had in her small town which had been predominantly caucasian.

"Thats ok, I wasnt paying much attention to the sidewalk traffic since I was debating on going inside and giving the snobby saleswoman a heartattack."

A brunette joined them at the window. Suki immediately felt they were acting like kids in front of a candy shoppes store window. Dying to go inside but aware they had nothing but lint in their pockets.

"Well Ladies, I am sure we appear quite silly to those witches inside. Who wants go in with me to play out that sceene from Pretty Woman?" She asked the two on either side of her.
Fallon 19 years ago
A little startled to have been included in the little growing group, Fallon smiled and felt a sudden wave of confidence inspire her. The prices on the shoes were a bit more than Walmart, but she didn't mind spending her money for something she thought would last...besides, if they only went in and flaunted their ability to buy and then left without buying anything, that wouldn't hurt her wallet at all.

"I'm game...though, I really do like those black pumps..."

She chewed her lip a bit, and then threw caution to the wind...they were just black pumps...she was sure if she didn't get them here she could get them anywhere.

"My name is Fallon, by the way."

And she held her hand out to the other two women. The prospect of making new friends reinforcing her decision to visit the mall tonight.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl smiled comfortingly, then blinked as the brunette approached too. "Neat little trio we have here," she thought, then giggled at the Asian woman's suggestion. "That actually sounds like fun," Rachyl said.

When the newcomer held out her hand and introduced herself, Rachyl did the same.
"I'm Rachyl, nice to meet you." She shook Fallon's hand.
Suki Langston 19 years ago
Suki was quietly wondering just how many Fallon's were in the city. Before she could formulate a reply the shorter woman commented. Shaking hands with the redhead first while she smiled politely, Suki replied. "Nice to meet you Rachyl, collision and all."

Once that introduction was out of the way she turned to Fallon. With one thin arched brow raised she smiled lopsidedly. "Fallon is such an uncommon name. If you dont mind me asking, whats your last name?"

Suki's smile was in her voice, hoping the other woman said Tearnee, or whatever Cyrus had mentioned the other day. Wanting to bounce and clap about meeting this mystery woman who had suddenly taken up all of her vampires time. She stood with her hand out, well aware she had not mentioned her name to either woman yet.
Fallon 19 years ago
"Nice to meet you too, Rachyl"

Fallon then turned her attention to the other woman and smiled, a little curiously.

"Tierney...Fallon Tierney. I guess there aren't a lot of us running around."

Fallon took her hand, but wondered why she hadn't mentioned her name. She seemed friendly enough...maybe she had forgotten that part.
Suki Langston 19 years ago
At the last name, Suki squeeled like a school girl meeting a popstar and began bouncing on her toes, which was hard to do in combat boots. Flinging her arms around Fallon she hugged her tight for just a second before resuming her bouncing. The urge to tug on Rachyl's arm and tell her all about how fabulous Fallon must surely be was strong. But she did not know Rachyl well enough to gush all over her. Plus how did she explain it.

"I am so thrilled to meet you Fallon. I cant even think of what to say." Suki bounced and clapped her hands together excitedly. "Im Suki Langston. I wish I could say Cyrus has told me all about you, but he has been quite closemouthed on the subject."
Fallon 19 years ago
Still smiling, but feeling a bit if the other woman might be studying her, Fallon was not prepared for the reaction her name brought about.

The hug might have really spooked her, but the other woman was Fallon's height, and didn't appear imposing, even in her boots. Besides, she was hugging Fallon, not hitting her, so Fallon just kind of bounced along with her, hoping she'd find out why she had become such a source of excitement.

And upon hearing the other woman's name, Fallon almost felt like doing the same little dance.

"Suki? 'THE' Suki...who chose all those wonder clothes for me? 'THE' Suki who is such a godsend to Cyrus?"

Grinning a bit foolishly, Fallon glanced over to Rachyl, and wondered briefly what she must think of the two other women.

Fallon also wondered if Cyrus would approve of she and Suki meeting, and getting to know each other. The fact that Cyrus hadn't told Fallon a lot about Suki, or vice versa, didn't bode well. If Cyrus had a reason for Fallon staying away from Suki, Fallon didn't want to go against it.

On the other hand...if Cyrus really didn't want Fallon getting to know Suki...for whatever reason...wouldn't he have said something?

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, I've seen how Cyrus depends on you for so much...he's lucky to have you with him."
Suki Langston 19 years ago
Suki just squeeled louder as Fallon bounced with her briefly. Nodding heartily and blushing at the praise over the clothes, Suki grinned. "So they were good?! Kick ass! I had so much fun with 12 hours and a credit card I dont foot the bill for."

She was already plotting on how to keep their meeting and hopefully becoming friends a secret from Cyrus. He had acted like Fallon would be jealous or something but clearly she wasnt. Plus he was not some middleaged exec going through midlife crisis. Glancing at herself in the reflection of the window she did not in any way resemble some nubile secretary.

"I just do my best to take care of what he needs me to. Plus its mostly networking, which is what I do best. While I am not a traditional 'assistant' I think I do a pretty good." Tapping her finger to her lips she looked Fallon over for a moment. "You dont strike me as the jealous woman type though. So it must be ME he was scared of meeting you. Since I figure he was going to try to drag his feet for a decade or two on introducing us."

She wondered if Cyrus had explained to this pretty woman his feelings on humans. He was definately a shark who had NOT attended any meetings where he stated 'Fish are Friends NOT Food.' she thought to herself. Or in his case 'Humans are food not friends.' which of course brought her up short. Maybe Fallon shared his feelings about that. Which was entirely possible, and here Suki had wanted so much to be friends with her. Hopefully Fallon's motto would turn out to be 'Humans are friends and food.' Suki thought while chewing on her lip.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl's eyebrows could have been pinned to her hairline, for as wide as her eyes felt as she watched the two women interact.

She'd learned a long time ago it was a good way to learn about people by seeing how they interact... and while she felt like an outsider, she felt she was learning, too.
Fallon 19 years ago
Nodding yes, that the clothes were good, Fallon could only grin as Suki just kept sort of bubbling over.

When Suki said something about Fallon being jealous, Fallon had to look at Suki just a bit incredulously. Cyrus was his own man, and didn't belong to her. Even if she had fallen in love with him, and cherished their time together, she had no claims on him at could she be jealous?

But Fallon couldn't imagine why he wouldn't want her to meet Suki either. She would definitely ask soon as she saw him again, and worked up the nerve.

"Well, whatever the reasons are behind how he feels, I'm glad I met you."

Feeling like she had interrupted something between Rachyl and Suki, Fallon moved between the two women, and linked her arms through both of theirs...kind of wanting to bring Rachyl back into the conversation, and also avoiding the subject of Cyrus, for now. To continue thinking about him would only serve to make her think the worst.

"Now then...crazy coincidences aside...weren't we going to sock it to these sales ladies?"

Fallon would make a special point of talking to Suki again, hopefully before the night was out. She had a few more things she wanted to discuss about their mutual man.
Suki Langston 19 years ago
Smiling at Rachyl and Fallon, Suki nodded eagerly. "I am sure we can torment them for at least an hour or until they cry."

She was happy to meet these ladies. Fallon because she was "THE" Fallon and Rachyl simply because new contacts were always good. Though something about the shorter woman gave her a vibe, but she wasnt sure what it was. Her money was on the red head not being a meal for Cyrus, but maybe she had friends who could turn into a snack!

Thinking about how much fun a shopping spree would be though she remembered that the credit card Cyrus had given her was nestled in her purse. If she bought things for Fallon, that would count as 'business' right? Twitching her shoulderblade slightly under the backpack purse she wore under her coat she considered the logistics.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl hadn't tormented a sales person in very much longer than she could recall. This might be fun, she pondered, grinning back.

A strange tickling poked at the back of her head... And she remembered she had a responsbility to be searching for baby stuff, and then getting home. Fun was good, though, right? And she hadn't had completely random fun since... since...

She couldn't remember! She squeezed Fallon's arm, wrapped around her own, when her cellphone rang. Her jaw dropped. "No way," she thought, "that just can't be possible." It rang again.

Grumbling to herself, she pulled it from her purse, extracted herself from Fallon with an apology, and excused herself then stepped aside.
"Rachyl Walker."

"What do you mean the shipment's been delayed? Until when? Right. Uh huh. No. Full delivery or nothing. You're not capable of that? They shouldn't need me to be present, they have my signature on file... Fine."

She stared at her cell phone for a moment or two after she hung up. Growling quietly to herself, she looked back up at the other women. It was a treat, she realized, to be around someone whom she didn't have to look up to, and instead could just raise her gaze...

"You know, as much fun as that sounds, unfortunately I need to take a rain check... Business reared its unwanted head, and I need to take care of it." True regret colored her face as she sighed deeply.
Suki Langston 19 years ago
Suki was genuinely disappointed to hear Rachyl had to go. But now she and Fallon could talk more, which was a good thing.

"Rachyl, it was a pleasure being your speed bump!" Reaching into her coat pocket she took out her card, which simply had her name and phone number on it. Offering the black card with silver embossing to the red head she smiled widely. "We should bump into eachother again sometime!"
Fallon 19 years ago
The idea sounded fun, but then when she started thinking about actually tormenting someone until they cried, Fallon wanted to change her mind.

Thinking she might just play it quiet, while Suki and Rachyl made like Julia Roberts, Fallon was ready to go inside. And then Rachyl's phone rang, and all plans were cancelled.

Fallon frowned.

"Oh, are you sure?"

Though she guessed Rachyl was sure, or she wouldn't have said so.

"Well, we'll have to meet up again and torment someone else then."

Fallon laughed, and winked at Rachyl.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Almost pouting, Rachyl took the card from Suki, then smiled. Something about the girl was familiar... "Definately. I don't think I could have almost flattened a more attractive woman today, well unless Fallon had been in my way first." She winked at both. "And don't feel that you need to stop tormenting because of my absence. You two seem to have things to talk about anyway. It was nice to meet you both!"

She shook hands with both women and turned about, heading for a street lined with more cabs.

(( out pending response ))
Fallon 19 years ago
Giving a short wave, as she watched Rachyl walk away, Fallon patted Suki's arm, still linked with her own.

"How about I actually go in and try on a pair of those pumps? But if they don't fit like a glove, I'm not spending the money. Then maybe I can get you to help me find a gift for your boss? I really want to find something nice, that he'll like...though I am realistic enough to know it will probably be very difficult."

If Suki didn't know what to get Cyrus, Fallon was probably not going to get very far. What to get the man who has was a daunting question.
Suki Langston 19 years ago
Suki waved to Rachyl as the woman rode off in the cab. Poor thing, shopping should never be cut short by work in Suki's opinion. Turning back towards the shop she nodded at Fallon.

"Oh I am not spending money unless they treat me like a queen AND their shoes rock. Which is so hard to find."

Trying to think up a present for the vampire old enough and wealthy enough to have anything he wanted was like asking to find meaning in an obscure zen koan instantly. "I will have to think about it. Honestly while the man can have everything he wants, and generally does, he sometimes forgets about the most basic things."

Opening the shop door, Suki held it open for Fallon, noting the saleswoman's odd look at her. Shrugging the small asian girl followed her master's woman into the store.
Fallon 19 years ago
"Thanks, Suki."

Fallon smiled as she watched the other woman hold the door for her.

While Fallon couldn't help but see what Suki was wearing, and knew it was not the style that she thought looked good on her, Fallon never passed judgement or would ever voice an opinion on it. Everyone had different likes and dislikes, and with the little bit she had seen of Suki's bubbly personality, Fallon thought her clothes were...her.

Fallon, on the other hand, was dressed simply for work. Having left the house very early tonight, she had left plenty of time to visit the mall and still get to work on time. Her slightly short, straight black skirt, and coppery colored blouse were plain, but she thought they seemed both professional, and attractive on her. In lieu of the missing black heels she had on her black boots, and because the weather outside was still cold, she'd gone with black tights for warmth. Over everything she had on a long, bulky, black sweater coat that came just to the hem of her skirt. The sweater was wool, and quite warm. Tiny gold colored button earrings were clipped onto her ears, and her purse hung over her shoulder. The outfit was tasteful, but probably didn't exude money.

Yet, seeing the look of distaste on the saleswoman's face, Fallon automatically assumed it was directed at her, and not Suki. But knowing she did have the money to buy the shoes, and that it was this woman's job to sell them to her, Fallon walked a little straighter, and a little more assured, as she took Suki's hand and pulled her up along side her.

Then she waited for the saleswoman to greet her, which she did, and though there was a obvious air of superiority coming from the woman, she did seem a little solicitous.

The woman indicated two chairs for Fallon and Suki, which Fallon led Suki to. As they sat, Fallon smiled at Suki and raised her eyebrow, with a tilt of her head to the saleswoman. The gesture was made for Suki, and Fallon didn't believe the saleswoman had seen it.

'I'd like to try on a pair of those plain black heels on the upper right side in your window...'

Fallon changed the statement from a question to a demand as she spoke it, but never acted anything less than friendly.

The sales woman then looked to Suki, and waited to see if she had a request as well.