A new you retreat (attn:Aishe) (private)
Christian looked around the cabin with a critical eye. It was comfortable, clean and most importantly, quiet. They were within Nachton's city limits; he did not want to go too far away at this time, but this setting was perfect for their needs.
The cabin was on a nature park on the city's edge. It was some of the last wild land in the area and some of the more environmentally conscious individuals fought to have it preserved. Right now he was grateful for their tree loving ferocity.
There were not very many cabins on the land. The visitor area here did not cater to the weekend warrior and his friends renting cabins and 'roughing' it while drinking beer and fishing on the lake. The rental places here were designed for luxury. Each one was well set away from the others with huge porches, a hot tub, large fireplace with a plush rug and several floor cushions in front of it. There was a stocked mini bar and he had called ahead to have the kitchen stocked with fresh food.
The phones were unplugged, though his cellphone and pager were both with him and on silent mode. There was both a radio and television but neither of these things were likely to unexpectedly go off
Turning was a difficult transition to make on the body and on the mind at its best; for some it had been painful and traumatic. He had been very lucky to have a creator like Grisha and Christian hoped to do the same for Aishe.

How had she spent her last day as a human? Aishe laughed at the very thought. After being here in Nachton anticipating this very night, hoping and wishing for it, she had spent her last day doing the unexpected - sleeping. It was only natural. She'd been sleeping during the day since she arrived. Why break from routine now? In a way, it was her little bit of defiance. She hadn't missed the sun in all her time here. Why watch it now?
There was a lightness in her step as she walked along the nature trails toward the cabin. She had hoped this would happen eventually, but she couldn't have wished for a better situation. She found herself immensely fond of Chris, and of course, very attached to her Evenhet clan. The few meetings she'd had with Alfarinn had certainly inclined her to follow him as he'd been the soul of kindness to her, and of course Evenhet had the one thing that no other clan could posibly match - Kem.
So it was with a relaxed and glowing smile that she knocked on the door of the cabin, backpuck slung over her shoulder. She was dressed in her usual... khaki-colored cargo pants, this time with a capped-sleeve t-shirt in dark purple. Her little silver ankh pendant dangle delicately from her neck. She figured she might remove it later so it didn't get in the way, but she'd wanted it on as long as possible.
When Chris answered the door, Aishe greeted him with a warm hug. Already she admired her creator-to-be; who could ask for a better 'family?' Indeed, she saw only Chris as she entered the cabin, and it took her a moment before she actually looked around and noticed the luxury of the cabin.
"Wow," she said in a low voice, impressed. "So this is what 'roughing it' is like." She turned to him, took in the fact that he was in jeans and a t-shirt for the first time since she'd met him. "I'm glad I didn't overdress."
She remembered how nervous she'd been on her first night in Nachton... and she knew that she was prone to wisecracks when nervous, so she tried to stay somewhat quiet, even though she was only a little nervous and what was there was predominantly anticipation and the happy kind of nervousness you get on good occasions.
Still, Aishe briefly hoped Chris was good and hungry.

"That is what the rich and famous say."Â? He lowered his voice and whispered dramatically "There are -no- servants!"Â?
Her field was archaeology so she had likely been on more than one dig which meant that she was used to camp life. It was still more modern than the tales many of his kind could tell. He was pleased though that she was not completely cityfied and would not be totally lost outside the confines of Nachton if there was ever a need to go.
Looking down at his shirt and jeans and then at her outfit, he said.
"I would have been greatly disappointed if you had worn heels."Â?
He pointed past the living room to the set of stairs that led up to the loft area which had two rooms across the balcony type hall from each other.
"There are two rooms in the back. I set my bag in one but it can easily be moved to the other if that room appeals to you more. The bathroom and hot tub are in the middle. I am afraid we have to share. In the true nature of 'roughing' it."Â?
Christian walked to the kitchen and looked about.
"I was going to make us dinner. You have a few choices from things the good woman, Mrs. Staubbach taught her son to make. You can have Zürcher Geschnetzeltes or Rippli. Or if you are worried about my cooking talents you can wait a bit longer for me to make some bread for either pastetli or fondu."�
Smiling he said.
"In English that would be a sort of stew with veal, though I have steak if you prefer, potatoes, white wine.. or Rippli is a pork dish though less creamy. Pastetli is what you call a meat pie and I believe you are likely to know what fondu is. If there is anything else you would prefer. I'll see if it is within my skill to make it."Â?
He turned to the refrigerator and opened the doors, moving out of the way to let her see inside. There was added food in the cupboard as well but it should give her some idea of what was available. This would be her last meal that she would ever have to eat. It was significant in its own way and he wanted it to be special, something she would enjoy. There were those that swore tastes changed after they were turned and though Chris never found that to be true, he did know that there was something missing about the process that had been there. Humans had a special relationship to food and appreciated it as the source of life. For vampires that source was the blood they took from others and their views on that subject were many as well but not as important at this moment.
Turning to look over his shoulder.
"Don't worry I don't plan to stuff you. I promised the caretaker's wife whatever we did not use."Â?

Chris' apparent lighthearted mood made her laugh and went a long way toward easing her nerves. She found herself grinning and shaking her head at his idea of rouhing it, particularly at the idea of having to share bathroom. She kept quiet about that, but her lips twitched as she remembered the many, many digs spent camping and sharing the same bush with colleagues. With that in mind, she rather thought she'd be all right waiting on her turn for the hot tub.
Following him to the kitchen, she found her eyes widening. Chris was making her dinner? That was... sweet. Aishe smiled at him, feeling very special and well-taken-care-of, but not knowing what to choose from the options provided.
"I'm not sure," she said, one finger on her lower lip thoughtfully. "I don't doubt your culinary prowess," she said with a wink.
"It all sounds delicious to me," Aishe finally decided after a moment. She laid her hand gently on Chris' arm. "Why don't you choose? You're the expert. But will you let me help you make it? We can do it together."
She didn't want her first night as a vampire to begin being waited on... tempting as the idea was. Aishe very much hoped Chris didn't take offense at her suggestion, but she was notoriously openminded about trying new foods and never had an easy time picking something out. It wasn't that she didn't care what was made; anything would have been wonderful, and trying something new in her opinion was the best part of all. Better still would be to have a hand in its preparation.
"I think the only Swiss dish I've ever eaten was roesti," she confessed. "Maybe it's an Egyptian thing."
The idea of being overstuffed made her chuckle as well. She really hadn't seen any fat vampires, but if Christian had intended to stuff her full, she might have been inclined to tease him about trying to make one.
She tipped her head to the side and waited for his response before doing anything else.

He raised his eyebrows at the suggestion that he choose.
"This dinner is for you, not me."Â?
She could change her mind and choose something but until then he'd start on something. Looking into the refrigerator, he began pulling out the supplies to make Rippli.
"However if you want to help. I won't turn it down."Â?
Christian handed her the carrots, celery, potatoes, cabbage and tomatoes.
"Right then, you may have washing and slicing detail."Â?
Looking under the cabinet, he found a pan in which to cook the bacon. He shrugged slightly at the lack of Swiss food knowledge.
"We have our specialities but it seems the main course is not one we're known for. Rösti is good but not a full meal."�
Laying out the slices and turning on the stove, he looked over at her.
"So have you given any thought on how you're going to approach Kem with the news?"Â?
Of her turning, of her being in Nachton, of her being a member of his clan... That was going to be a lot to take in. He wondered with an amused inward chuckle if all the Egyptian's years had prepared him for this and the answer that seemed most likely was that he doubted it.
Hopefully there would be no trouble with them over the matter but who knew how a vampire, some of whom were very set in their ways and thinking, would feel about not being part of such a change, especially one he seemed very much opposed to.

"I know it's for me. And that's incredibly thoughtful of you," she said. "If you'd prefer I let you do it yourself for me, then I'll go off and feel pampered. But I don't mind helping... in fact I enjoy it." Her words were soft, all spoken with a smile that simply refused to leave. She was in a good mood, and she did want to help, but Chris had a plan apparently and she didn't want to spoil it.
However, he didn't seem inclined to boot her from the kitchen so she relieved him of the vegetables he handed her and made use of the sink to wash them thoroughly. She found a knife in one of the drawers and set to work, meticulously slicing everything as uniformly as possible for even cooking, happy to have a job to do.
When Chris asked if she'd given any thought to approaching Kem, she laughed. "Oh, constant thought. But I can't decide on the best strategy. I know he'll be surprised, and if he's upset I think it'll pass quickly enough... but as for approaching it to begin with, I'm open to suggestions. Definitely in person. But where and when?" Aishe gave a little shrug.
As she considered the situation she frowned slightly. "Do you think he'll know, Chris? With the bond and everything.. will he feel it?"
She looked up at him with anxious green eyes, all kinds of questions poised to tumble from her lips, but she held back. She wasn't afraid; far from it. The thrill and anticipation of the unknown made her slightly nervous but Chris had done this in much the same way, had come into the world of vampires prepared and knowledgable. That gave her confidence. And that confidence was enough for her to still her nerves and hold back the questions which would be answered soon enough.

Considering he question, he nodded and replied.
"I am sure he'll feel something though it might be hard to know exactly what the situation is. I would imagine it would depend on how strong the connection is and what conclusion he might make. The possibility might be the farthest from his mind."Â?
Flipping the strips over, he then turned to her.
"Though I would say the answer is yes. I am under the impression that you can speak through the bond. Perhaps you should warn him."Â?
Or simply speak to him before doing something that will change both of your lives for eternity. He went back to his cooking wondering at the strange mess of a relationship the two of them currently had. One ran away and the other followed but neither wanted to confront the other and just speak the truth. Far too complex for his tastes, he'd keep to his intrigue and information gathering; it was simpler.

Still, Chris had yet to steer her wrong. So when he was finished speaking, she glanced up at him and nodded, finally acquiescing.
"I promise, before the night is through I will try to speak with him, at least to let him know everything is all right."
Or that even if it wasn't, it would be soon. She would make sure of that.
She continued to meticulously cut, taking care not to slice her own finger. A delicious aroma filled the kitchen as the bacon sizzled and popped, and Aishe breathed in deeply.
"It already smells delicious," she said. "I didn't realize I was so hungry."

Setting the strips of bacon in neat rows on the plate, Christian turned to get the butter while giving that thought some more pondering. He wondered if Aishe was going to continue surprising Kem throughout their relationship; if that were the case perhaps the man should have some practice with it. He mentally pictured Aishe walking up to the Egyptian and straight faced telling him she was pregnant then waiting for a response before saying 'with his child'. Hmm, that had merit for furthering her acting practice; however it was unkind to Kem's poor nerves.
Setting the butter next to him, Chris took up another knife and began cutting the bacon into small pieces.
"I am sure he will appreciate the effort. If not now then later."Â?
The bacon bits were tossed back into the pan with the butter. He quickly cut two onions into small square pieces and added those to the pan along with some minced garlic.
Sniffing experimentally after her remark, Chris noted that it did smell as though it were going well enough.
"Good to hear."Â?
He refrained from saying he did not eat much, though true; the meal in front of him was not his normal fare and they were both well aware of it. It would be in poor taste to make such allusions when Aishe was allowing herself to be his next meal.
"It would be a shame to have it go to waste."Â?

Nearing completion of her washing and slicing detail, she turned her thoughts to Kem, trying to figure out when the best time to reach him would be. Her greatest worry was that he would somehow assume responsibility for her actions and spend the next eternity blaming himself for what she was doing. He was like that... and if he managed to get that idea in his head, it would take her forever (and a greater number of baseball bats than her savings account could handle) to disabuse him of the notion.
In all fairness, if he hadn't left, she wouldn't have been compelled to follow him. However, Aishe was the independent type and every decision she'd made since arriving had been hers and hers alone. She still maintained the outlook that even if for some reason she and Kem didn't end up together, this was what she wanted to do.
Those thoughts once more went on the backburner... she still didn't know when and how to talk to Kem, but she would figure it out.
Bacon, butter, onions, and garlic... the scents were delightful. Aishe was definitely looking forward to dinner. Briefly she wondered if Christian would partake as well, perfectly aware that she herself was to be his main course. Did her dinner have an effect on his? Well, there was a thought... if a vampire had a food craving, could they assuage it with a human who'd recently eaten it?
She was pretty sure her blood was at least 75 percent chocolate.
She stilled herself; she really didn't think it would be appropriate to annoy poor Chris with constant "why"s like a five-year-old. She reminded herself that some of the fun would be in discovering for herself and simply responded to him with a smile, putting down her knife and gesturing to her pile of completed slicing.
"I'll try to do it justice," she said. Wasting food was something she tried not to do. "What else can I help with?" She wiggled her fingers at him. "See? All ten left!"
Aishe gave another inward sigh. Try as she might, she couldn't police herself perfectly all the time, apparently.

"Here, add them in."Â?
He looked for the spices he had bought and picked out the pepper and thyme.
"I am not very fond of adding salt to things. I've eaten enough salted meat to last my immortal life time but if you would like some put in there then we can certainly add it."Â?
He added the pepper and thyme and then once the slices Aishe cut were added, Christian placed in the pork rips and nestled them with a long fork amongst the good juicy vegetables. Covering the whole thing, he set the timer for an hour and made certain the final ingredients were near at hand before turning away from the stove.
"It is not a terribly complicated meal. I suppose we can dress it up with a little garnish or a sprig."Â?
Christian smiled and pointed outside.
"Would you like me to go find something? I saw a nice spruce tree or how about a piece of pine?"Â?
Standing at the door, he turned back to her.
"We have an hour before we need to check on it. What would you care to do?"Â?

The idea of adding a garnish made her laugh a little as she imagined a plate of food with a proudly-placed pinecone standing in the middle. "I don't need my meal dressed up," she said with a sunny smile. "Just because it's not a complicated meal doesn't make it any less satisfying."
Aishe wasn't a dress-up person. It wasn't that she didn't like a little bit of decoration here and there, but for the most part she enjoyed things straightforward and simple. She didn't miss the irony in that sentiment, realizing her life right now was about as convoluted and complex as it could get. Tonight would be a big step toward simple again, and whether Chris had prepared his meal specifically for that double meaning or not, she chose to accept it as a symbol.
"Besides, simple, straightforward, and uncomplicated are what I'm aiming for eventually. Maybe I'm taking the long way around but I will get there."
Aishe moved to the door and looked out into the dark before sliding it open and stepping just outside to take in the fresh air. "I think I'll sit out here a bit. I love being outdoors."
After a beat she looked at Chris. She'd been trying not to ask too many questions, but she had buckets of them.
"What was it like for you? Being turned?" She brushed her hair away from her face. "I figured I'd find out soon enough, but I think I'm more nervous about what I don't know than what I do. You had a choice, like me." She smiled at him. "Why did you do it?"
Aishe realized it was a personal question, but she hoped Chris wouldn't mind. It was, in a way, like having blood drawn at the doctor's. Aishe could never "just look away" like the nurses said. Instead, she always had to watch every bit of it and would ask what they were going to do next. She liked to be informed. She was fine when they told her what was coming.

"Alright no sprig of spruce."Â?
The other eyebrow joined the first at her declaration that she was aiming for an uncomplicated life. She certainly had an odd approach to it if that was the eventual goal.
He stepped outside with her and gently shut the door behind him. Finding one of the rocking chairs, he sat down and took a look around at the peaceful environment around them. It was rare that he left the busy life of the inner city and many of his times away from the metro area were still spent 'on the job.' Each time, like now, he told himself he needed to do this sort of thing more often; Christian knew that he wouldn't though, work always had a way of consuming him.
It was expected that there would be questions like the ones Aishe had asked him. He had asked Grisha the same things. Shrugging slightly, he gave her a similar answer.
"It is something that cannot be described to someone who has not experienced it. Have you been bitten before?"Â? If you have then you will know that each time is different depending on many of the factors involved. Perhaps it is something of a private analogy but I think it best expresses my meaning when I say that being bitten, or doing the biting, is something like sex. Who you are with is important, where you are at, what mood you are in... all of these things factor into it and they will with you're turning."
He looked down at his knees and thought this analogy was perhaps not the best one to use, no matter how accurate it might be.
"Of course, that only happens once."
Looking up he continued.
"As for me, the initial process did not hurt and by that time I had come to trust my creator so I found myself in a state of dreamy lethargy, unable to move or think straight but not really very concerned about the matter."Â?
Christian snorted a bit at the sharing of that information; it was likely the complete opposite of how people pictured him and even he would admit that though the reaction made sense it was not one he had very often.
"The change itself though that is perhaps the most difficult part to describe and I do not thinking a complete rearranging of how your insides work could be done without some pain but it mostly felt odd."Â?
The feeling strange could be described in the beginning as feeling like you ate something wrong and that you were dizzy all at the same time. For him at least, he noticed that the change immediately affected him everywhere. There were sharp stabbing pains and dull aches as it worked its way through his system but the unsettling feeling of being in someone's else's body lasted until the change was complete. Then the strange body was his own and he had to get used to it all over again.
"Oh and these..."Â?
He smiled to show a set of fangs.
"I don't remember teething, you will have to pardon me it was some time ago, but this felt more like a punch in the mouth or perhaps a very bad toothache."Â?
Christian contemplated his next answer for a moment; he could say something superficial about some of the various reasons that came to mind while he considered the choice that he had been given or he could tell her the truth.
"Honestly it came down to this. I was tired of life."Â?
Odd choice to keep on living, he knew that the answer contradicted the results, Christian smiled amused with his own inner workings as he continued to explain.
"But I was not tired of living. I had been an officer in one of the best band of mercenaries the era had ever seen but I was momentarily weary of that life and I wanted to explore and see what else was out there beyond the battlefields. As a child I thought soldiers saw so much of the world, and perhaps that is true of your average soldier, but as an officer I spent my nights planning, barely getting enough sleep to keep going, fighting during the day and so on. There was much that was passing me by but if I went away to see what else was out there then I would come back too old and too out of practice to be of use to my company."Â?
He shrugged slightly. The betrayal of his men had hit him hard in that time but he did not want to give up on living; he needed time away from battle and yet fighting was all he knew aside from his few hobbies and those would not put food in his mouth. Christian had also wanted to provide, even a little if he could, some support to the families of his fallen men. A small amount of money had been given to each family as was custom amongst their company but it was not enough to provide for some of the families. Many of the men did not have a wife and kids, preferring and uncomplicated, in some opinions, of remaining a bachelor and seeking companionship where ever it could be found along the way.
"I did not actively go back to my company but as you can see I have found something that uses my talents well enough."Â?
He had not found Evenhet or his current occupation until much later but he trusted Aishe would find her place in immortal society far more quickly than he had.

"Believe it or not, I was always the quiet, well-mannered, wallflower type," she said with a wry grin.
She leaned against the railing on the porch, peering out into the darkness and wondering if or how her perceptions would change. She tried to look out into the surrounding woodland, but saw very little. She heard even less.
Turning her head to observe Chris where he sat in the rocking chair, her lips relaxed into a smile. He was looking down after he delivered his analogy, and she wondered if it had made him uncomfortable. She had a hard time believing Chris found anything uncomfortable. Either way, she understood what he meant about being bitten. "Aside from the other day," she said, wrinkling her nose at remembering the unwanted bite at the apartments, "I've only been bitten twice, once by Kem and once by Alfarinn. I think I know what you mean though. Kem's was... euphoric. Alfarinn's made me feel like you said. Dreamy, sort of."
She considered that, thought about how it might impact the actual act of turning. But that idea was so abstract for her, she could only nod at Chris and try not to worry about it. She repeated her little mantra to herself, that she would find out soon enough.
While Chris recounted his past as a human to her she hopped onto the railing and sat, feet dangling idly, eyes locked on him as she listened. She couldn't understand his exact sentiments, of course, but Aishe knew what he spoke of, fundamentally. She wasn't sure if hers was the sort of life that would ever have led to her being that world-weary, but she had met Kem and that had changed things. She was lucky to have the choice of her turning, like Chris. It certainly suited him and she very much hoped it would suit her.
"I'd say it uses your talents more then well enough," she said after he was done. "I want to do the same." She smiled at him. "Thank you for giving me this chance, Chris. Just in case I forget to say it later."
Aishe had a feeling her night was going to be incredibly busy. And she didn't want the chance to express her thanks to pass her by. She wasn't sure how else to express it other than straightforward. She hopped back down from the railing and sat on the porch, next to where Chris sat, and gazed out at the woods again.
"So. Can you see more than me out there?"

"Probably, most vampires see better than humans. All of our senses are heightened to make us into better hunters I would suppose. -Some- of our kind have very keen senses but I personally do not possess those extraordinary gifts."Â?
He could tell her trees have auras and plants really did have feelings...of a sort but that was hardly very useful information. Looking back out into the forest and then back at her, he smiled and asked a question that would not be able to asked again without bias.
"So what talents would you hope to gain?"Â?
Knowing she was researcher and academic and knowing just what kind of philosophical run around they were capable of coming up with, he amended with an addition.
"And by this I mean what things would you specifically like to see if you were to be able to have whatever you wanted. So no "something useful"Â? answers. Everything can made useful if you are creative and I am sure you are."Â?
It went without saying that abilities could also be a nuisance but she would learn that soon enough. He was curious to see before she was turned what she hoped to gain and then see what she was actually gifted with.

"Would you believe I haven't given it much thought?" She asked hopefully. That was the truth; she'd considered being turned because of Kem. What abilities she gained were the farthest thing from her mind. She hadn't seen many of them in use and she wasn't sure what was out there that she didn't know about.
She did give it consideration though. Pursing her lips she thought for a little bit. "If I had my choice, I would be an empath."
That had been one of the first abilities she learned about and she almost felt like it had sentimental value for her. Aishe thought she was something of a people-person anyhow, and being an empath seemed like a natural extension of that trait to her.
"Other than that I really don't know. I suppose I could tell you what I don't want." She gave a little grin. "I'm not sure I like the idea of making things float around. I guess it's all right when I see others doing it, but I don't think I could get used to it myself." Aishe supposed her first experience with telekinesis, seeing Nic's shoe floating above Theo's hands, was still a little wierd for her. "I don't want to be able to control anyone with my mind," she said firmly. Chris would understand that one, seeing as how he was aware of her own aversion to being controlled.
"Maybe having keen senses would be fun, or being able to talk to anyone. I wish there was a way to transcend languages," she said wistfully. "So I could understand anyone no matter what they spoke. But no one's mentioned anything like that to me."
All right, maybe she could be just a little bit creative. She gave Chris a helpless little shrug. "I think the point is, I like being able to understand how people think and how they feel. I know there are vampires with abilities that facilitate that, and I would hope to be one of them."
Even in this she couldn't help but be practical. She wouldn't be herself, otherwise. "I guess it's probably all random, isn't it? Or... do abilities come down through bloodlines?" That was an interesting thought. Would she inherit some talent of Christian's? She couldn't say she'd be displeased about that. Family was very important to Aishe, and after tonight she and Chris would be family, of a sort, so that idea appealed to her.
Aishe hadn't thought much about her turning in this sense, and she certainly didn't want to set her heart on one thing and have something else happen entirely. The more she thought about it though, the more she hoped her abilities would suit her personality. She had yet to meet anyone whose abilities didn't, but then again she hadn't exactly gone around Liefde asking.

That she chose empathy amused him somewhat. It was one of his own and something likely for her to inherit. He felt she was seeing the good side of the ability in her reasoning and not remembering that empathy had its problems as well. There were just some times when you did not want to know how someone felt, or worse a whole room. In the beginning distinguishing between your own feelings and someone else's is a problem for most empaths. It was not something they needed to worry about until they knew what she actually possessed. He supposed this was the benefit of having two whole years to think of these questions and to prepare but at least Aishe had more of a chance for thought than most.
Listening to what she did not want, he shrugged slightly.
"Well our only ability like that would be to suggest and while it can be used badly, very badly. It can also be used to help those in need. For instance, what if you found a teenaged girl who felt there was no reason to go on living, her boyfriend left her, other kids hate her and her parents are poor and she hates where she lives? With suggestion a vampire could save her life and perhaps help her to see that these problems are able to be overcome. They are just temporary. I think you would make an excellent person to have Suggestion actually because you understand what it is like on the other side of it. You would be more apt to use it respsonsibly and for good causes."Â?
He smiled at her and raised his hands.
"Not that I think you would use any power badly but in this instance you have the benefit of true experience. All abilities can be used in harmful or helpful ways but I am sure that once you understand yours that you will put them to good purposes."Â?
Christian smiled and shrugged slightly.
"There is plenty of debate on the way abilities are handed down. They tend to stay within family lines which is why, over the years of separation between the two clans and even the orphans, you will find specific abilities as well as some that have died out completely in each group. Some people believe it is only passed down through the blood but that does not explain how new abilities show up. Some believe that it has more to do with the mental aspects of the person and that the reason the clans each have special talents unique to their own is because they choose like minded people to join them."Â?
He stood and pressed his hands down his thighs to straighten his jeans.
"Personally I believe it is a combination of both. We do seem to have abilities that seem to be passed down and yet people seem to get what they need. Either because they eventually grow into the power or because it was right for them in the first place. Though it is not something that is going to be solved tonight, you will soon have an eternity to come to your own conclusion on the matter."Â?
Gesturing towards the door, he said.
"Let's check on this meal. Perhaps you will gain something from myself or my creator. It would certainly be convenient. I would hate to have to try and teach you how to use psychometry but then that is what helpful clanmates are for."Â?

Her limited experience with this stranger side of vampire life had left her mystified. She was, by now, growing used to the "other person" feeling in the back of her head that was Kem, but aside from that she really couldn't imagine what it might be like to do any of the fantastic things Chris and the other Evenhet had told her about.
Aishe was a fairly down-to-earth person. She liked things plain, simple, and if not immediately explainable, able to be figured out. These abilities seemed more like magic than she was prepared to accept, and part of her still couldn't believe that when all was said and done, she would have to figure out how to use whatever she ended up with.
Aishe just nodded with understanding as Chris continued, mentally noting everything he told her. He hadn't yet failed to offer her the whole of his seemingly boundless knowledge, and Aishe could only feel lucky to have met him.
When Chris headed inside she followed, offering a smile at the idea that she might inherit one of his abilities. "I'd like that," she said. "Not just because it would be much easier to learn, but it just seems fitting. I can't imagine what it must be like without a 'helpful clanmate' who's done this already. Sometimes I think I've expended my next century's worth of luck in the past few months alone."
She followed him in, the aroma from the kitchen making her close her eyes and inhale with pleasure. "If luck works in such ways, anyhow," she continued along that train of thought. "If so, it would be nice if it lasted just a bit longer. I think I might need some of it in the next few weeks."
Aishe had a lot on her plate. She was going to have to adjust to being someone and something new altogether, try to learn a new job, and of course find her own wayward vampire and see if she could manage to talk sense into him. At least she knew what was coming, and she'd never shied away from difficult tasks before.

"Grisha and I were clanless before deciding to join Evenhet. There were some abilities that I simply had to learn on my own. I believe he found my sending a bit disconcerting."Â?
Christian had a profound gift for understatement according to some people and this description of his creator's reaction would certainly qualify. It was an ability that had taken a while to manifest because Christian was accustomed to dealing with his own problems.
He found himself in the middle of two arguing women who were throwing progressively larger items at each other. Christian was at a total loss on how to handle it. Suggesting they both have a beer seemed like an absurd solution and he did not want to see them physically fight it out. His military leadership well of experience was rapidly running dry. It was then that he quested for his mentor internally wishing with all his soul that the man was nearby to aid him.
[Why are you never around when these sort of things happen?]
Grisha was stunned to hear his child's voice clearly in his mind and later confessed to throwing the third century manuscript that he had been pouring over halfway across the room in his surprise. None the less, his answer was quick and dry.
[Because I am wise enough not to get myself into such messes in the first place.]
He had then asked for details on what was going on and made a few helpful suggestions that did not involve Christian killing them both or becoming a vampire martyr slaughtered in his youth by savage human women bent on tearing each other apart.
Turning the burners down low, he reached into the cabinets and pulled out a couple of plates and then went to one of the drawers for some silverware.
"I do not believe that much in this world has to do with luck. Your situation is what you make of it. Certainly you could have chosen to stay where you were and never come to Nachton or chose to come to Nachton but stay a human."Â?
Christian shrugged slightly and began doling out some of the food onto one of the plates.
"You could have taken your knowledge of our kind to the press. There are one or two that might have listened and a few papers are willing to print whatever you like providing you have the cash to pay for it."Â?
He would not have expected her to live very long had she chosen that course of action but there was no sense mentioning it. Evenhet would have chosen a less hostile method of containment given the chance but there was never a certainty that they would be the first ones to know of such a situation. Aishe could probably figure all that out on her own and besides she had not been so foolish and therefore preventative actions were not necessary.
He turned and handed her the full plate before reaching for his own.
"There you are."Â?

The idea of discovering new abilities make her smile though. "It must be a sight, the first time someone discovers a new talent they never knew they posessed." Funny, perhaps, in some cases... terrifying in others, maybe like hers, where she'd briefly thought she was going insane. If she weren't aware of the fact that she was such a grounded person, she probably would have taken that fear a bit more seriously.
Aishe couldn't read the expression on Chris' face when he mentioned sending to his creator. When he spoke next, it was regarding her luck... or lack thereof.
"I know I say it a lot," she said with a nod, "but I don't believe in luck either. Or perhaps I do, but only to a certain extent. To me, the way I did things seemed like the only logical choice. To be honest, I knew nothing about Evenhet when I came here. But that it was important to Kem made it important to me. Of course, now that I've met people, and now that I understand the difference between the clans, I love it in its own right."
She couldn't help smiling wider as she said that. Aishe did love Evenhet. But Chris knew that, she was sure, so there was no sense in elaborating even futher unless he wanted her to.
For now, she accepted the plate Chris handed her and gave a little 'hmmm' of pleasure as she sniffed it experimentally. Bringing it to the table, she sat and waited for him to start before she did. It was a custom in her family, and apparently old habits died hard.

"Yes, and depending on the ability it can be very disconcerting even somewhat maddening when you start developing it. It is part of the reason we are out here. Should you inherit the ability to talk to ants we might have a problem, otherwise we are probably better off here than in the city."Â?
Not that she did not know that but he supposed it was like a mission to him which involved going over the details more than once so that no one was surprised by something that they could have conjectured about happening. There was always the thing or things that were total surprises that could not be planned for. He suspected that whatever her powers were would probably give them a few hurdles potentially but until they saw what she developed then it would be impossible to tell.
He simply nodded at her original reason for seeking out Evenhet. She was not trained in reconnaissance...as of yet. Then again, who knew how long his more subtle information gathering missions would have taken? The results worked and for this situation there was no reason to go over the past when the future would keep them busy enough.
"Well I am glad you got all the facts before choosing us. Informed is the best way to be."Â?
Christian watched her for a moment and noticed she was not eating though she sat down first. Was she waiting to see if he had poisoned it? He somehow doubted the paranoia of a life of intrigue had to do with her reasons but it was a good practice any way, though poison wouldn't kill him it was not pleasant to ingest. Taking a bite, he chewed it thoughtfully and then smiled.
"I believe its safe."Â?