Filling the empty spaces (attn Fallon)
Suki stood in front of the strip mall just off of White Street. In this location there was a locally owned furniture shop, an antique shop and an eclectic import shop. Of course there was also a Starbucks and laundramat but her goal loomed in front of her. Frank's Furniture was open till midnight and Suki planned to close the place down. The large Target sign down the road comforted her, since she knew that not everything would be found here.
Sipping her mocha late she glanced at her watch to verify the time at 8:45. Expecting Fallon to arrive in 15 minutes, she reviewed her list of necessities. She knew that inside the store it was set up like most furniture shops, with mini rooms that one could walk through as well as rows of couches, chairs, beds and tables. It would take a while just to look at everything and then return to compare choices. Suki stuffed her digital camera into her purse, alongside her leather bound notebook.
Climbing from the car after thanking the driver she smoothed down her 'assistant' outfit that consisted of a pair of dark gray gauchos and matching jacket. Under the black coat was a bright red linen shell with a mandarin collar. Her nails and heels matched the shirt perfectly. Her long hair was neatly braided down her back though she had hairsticks if she needed it out of the way. Her shoes clicked authoratively on the asphalt parking lot as she stode to the store entrance to await Fallon.

She was moving into a house with Cyrus...her Cyrus. The prospect was overwhelming, though she had thought long and hard about it, and knew it was the only option for her. She loved him, more than anything in the could she not want to be with him?
Trying to remain focused on the task of getting ready had been a chore, but Fallon had done it all and made it to the store to meet Suki with five minutes to spare.
Getting out of her Rav, she looked around and saw Suki right away, standing in front of the store. As usual, Suki's appearance was quite fashionable, and made Fallon's jeans, sandals, simple white tank and crocheted coral shrug seem dull by comparison. Fallon's hair, styled simply down and loosely curled, did add some regal to her bearing, and she hoped Suki wouldn't be embarrassed being seen with her.
"Suki! I'm so glad to see you...I'm a nervous wreck, but really thankful you're here. You've already done so much for Cyrus, with this whole house project...I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough."
Fallon pulled the other woman into an embrace, and then forced herself to stop talking and calm down, as she released her.
"You look smashing, too, by the way."
Fallon grinned from ear to ear, ready to imbark on her adventure for the evening.

With a wide smile she stepped back and opened the door to Frank's. Inside was bright and cheery, with a wide pathway to the central information desk with sales people working studiously inside the circular desk. They had a multitude of choices to make or could just start walking. Suki pulled out her camera, notebook and put her purse over her shoulder.
Smiling at Fallon again she gestured widely to the warehouse before them. "Where would you like to go first? Paris? London? China? maybe Georgia?"
She could not keep a straight face with that last one. Since she doubted that neither Fallon nor Cyrus would be a fan of southern antibellum style it struck her as worth a giggle.
"Fabulous shrug by the way, looks amazing with your hair!"

"I will tell you, I am pretty least I think that's what I'm's kind of hard to tell, there's just been so much going on lately, and I've scarcely had time to breathe much less take the time to decide.
But I'm totally focused now, and ready to get started. How about we China first? Do you think Cyrus will want to pattern the master suite similarly to what he has now?"
Fallon was totally flying blind here, and was going to be relying on Suki for so much. As far as decorating went, Fallon had done most of her's through garage sales, Target, and a little Ikea thrown in.

Looking around the store she quickly changed her gameplan. Rather than walk through styles they would try to cover the whole area and get an idea about what Fallon may like as well as what would please Cyrus.
"Lets start by going left here into Frank's maze of furniture." The women stepped off the tile and into a rather austere Mission living room with lots of golden wood and straight lines. The couch looked comfortable but had a visible wooden base with upright slats.
The next area was more contemporary with silver metal tables and black leather couches. After that a plush country couch sat next to a faux old table, which caused Suki to wince at the large cabbage rose printed material and fake flower on the table. A more standard couch was next with cherry Queen Anne oval tables. The golden embelished Louis Quatorze intricate inlay and sculpted wooden tables and high backed chairs, sent Suki quickly to the next display.
Coming to the end of the living rooms was an asian inspired room with a simple black sofa and chaise in front of a bamboo table. Small bronze cranes decorated the top, matching the print on the soji screen. Stopping for a moment, Suki sat down on the couch and found it horribly uncomfortable. Shaking her head she grimaced.
"Honestly I think things are best bought singularly because too much of one style can be overpowering or uncomfortable like this couch. Though the table is lovely."
Slipping off her coat and draping it over her purse before she stood up, ready to head towards the dinning displays.

Looking at the first style, it seemed hard and cold to Fallon, similar to the things she had bought at Ikea. The only reason really she had bought things at Ikea was the price fit her purse at the time. The leather couches she liked, but again didn't care a lot for the cold metal tables. Fallon didn't care for the ruffles and flowers, but did see some wooden pieces in another area she liked. And some rather gaudy gold pieces she didn't.
Gravitating towards the pieces that reminded her of Cyrus, she noticed Suki didn't appear at ease on the couch she sat on. Fallon did like the simplicity of it, but wondered if one of the softer black leather ones wouldn't be better.
"I'm glad you said that, because I see things in almost every section that I like, but not one entire section. Eclectic? I think that's the word for my tastes."
Fallon laughed.
"But I'm not sure how Cyrus would feel about it. That is a lovely table, and I also like this screen." Running her hand along the sides, she did admire it.
"I think if I can keep things somewhat simple, but not austere, that would be you think that would work?"

Suki knew that most things they bought now would be moved into the new house. Though hiring an interior decorator would be the best thing for the large space. Wondering how to broach the topic of living with them in the new place, she followed behind Fallon.
Running her hand over her hair to smooth it down, she felt her pen and swiftly plucked it out from the braid. Starting out hesitantly she took a deep breath and simply asked.
"Fallon, would you mind me living in the new house once its finished? I wouldn't get in the way and I could help coordinate things like the security, cleaning crew, landscaping and cook."

She didn't expect her tastes to change and knew once she went back through she'd find the pieces she liked again. However, rooms that were close together in the house should have some continuity, so before she decided firmly on the living room, she should also see the dining room pieces as well. The bedrooms she would allow herself more freedom in, as they could remain individual from the rest of the living spaces.
Hearing Suki's question, Fallon couldn't help but laugh, but as she did so, she put a friendly arm around Suki's waist and hugged her.
"I'm sorry, I'm truly not laughing at you, but rather at the fact that Cyrus and I have already had this conversation. I...we, would love it if you would live with us. I know he relies so heavily on your position in his life, and I find I'm growing to be just like him. You already feel like a part of the family. The only thing I might offer...if something happens and you decide to have a family some day, we may need to make some adjustments. Cyrus values his privacy, and I'd hate for him to think he was being ousted. But you know him, and how he is, so personally I am not worried.
Besides that I can learn lots of things from you, and would love having someone to shop with."
She hoped she worded the only problem in a manner that wasn't hurtful to Suki. Fallon would do everything in her power to make this new home Cyrus' castle, and give him a place he could live happily in. As long as nothing entered into the equation that might change that focus, Fallon would be happy.

"Thank you so much, I cant tell you how happy that makes me."
Together they walked through the dinning areas and then onto the bedroom sets. They saw contemporary, victorian, shaker, mission, gothic, queen Anne and so many more styles one after the other. From twelve person tables to small bristo sets. Elaborate china hutches to minimalist shelves. They ended up back at the entrance slightly exhausted.

The rest of the trip through the store took a bit, but eventually they seemed to have checked every bit of furniture there. And though Fallon had seen several pieces she wanted, she didn't think they had come close to seeing enough to furnish an entire house.
"So, we take pictures now? And then do what about the rest of the furniture?"
She knew she wasn't being much help, and it bothered Fallon. But what would bother her more would be to choose something she wasn't crazy about and then find that Cyrus hated it too. Money might not be as important to Cyrus as it was to Fallon, but that wouldn't cause her to change her ways that drastically.
"Shall we go get a bite to eat, or a drink somewhere? You look a little frazzled."
Though it could have been Fallon projecting her own feelings onto Suki, because Fallon definitely was frazzled. So many decisions was enough to make anyone's head swirl.

"I definately think we need to go snap some pictures of what you love and think Cyrus will love. The most important thing to remember is that we are only furnishing the small house today. The new construction will be furnished by an interior designer if thats ok with everyone. Its simply too much house for us to do it ourselves, though thats not to say you wont have final say so on everything."
Flipping through her pages that she had taken notes on she came to the first item she thought Cyrus would like, couches. Pointing the way towards the first direction they had gone.
"Lets go see if those leather couches are as comfortable as I remember. I think that may be something Cyrus likes."
Next on her list was the small leopard sculpture that was set upon very mediterainian coffee table after the Queen Anne area. The bamboo tables would go well with the black of the leather and the clean lines of a pale wood accented chairs. Suki did hope they could find a suitable chaise, she just loved those. She had noted a red velvet one in the Victorian area too.
Linking arms with Fallon the women made their way around the store snapping pics. Couches were tested, lamps inspected, tables shaken, chairs moved and beds lain upon. The two ended up heading to Starbucks to review their findings.
Suki had brought along her tiny camera printer to churn out the pictures slowly but it would give them time to sip some coffee and nibble muffins.

"That's great Suki, but I'd like to pick out things now that we can incorporate into the new house when it's finished. I'd hate the thought of finding things now that we will like and then not having them later too. Plus, Cyrus might not think much about money, but I can't help but think about it." Shrugging hopelessly, again Fallon had to hope Suki didn't think she was overstepping with her suggestion.
And then before she could blink, Suki had Fallon moving through the store yet again. At least this time they had a more definitive purpose and Fallon didn't need to worry with anything other than what she and Suki had already decided on. Though Fallon's ideas were few and far between, Suki seemed to think they were good ones, and ones Cyrus would like too. It made Fallon feel good to think she was actually contributing something to the nights venture.
When they were finished for the time being, the two walked to the nearby Starbucks and Fallon ordered a venti caramel macchiato. For some reason she had been experiencing a sweet tooth of late, or more precisely, she had been all around more concerned with food in general. She had no knowledge of why that would be, but it gave her an excuse if she needed one, to sit down with a friend. With Suki, no such excuse was necessary.
She did skip the muffin, since she had more of a taste for steak, and Starbucks wasn't known for it's beef. But as the pictures printed out, she lined them up on the table in groups as she thought they would fit into rooms. In her mind, things seemed to go together well, and again she hoped eventually the pieces they bought now would fit into their new home nicely.
"'s looking good, don't you agree?"

"Its definately best we start with some basic pieces in the new house, that way the designer will base rooms off these pieces, our choices."
Peering at how Fallon had arranged things she swiftly swallowed her nibble of scone and tapped a picture with her pencil. "That lamp should go in a main room, something formal. It may be overpowering in the bedroom. But the bronzes should definately go in the bedroom where you have them. Those are just perfect!"
Glancing at the time as she put the small printer back in her bag. "Want to browse the import store or help me pick up essentials at Target? Though you can just tell me what kind of styles you want for things like silverware, towels and sheets if you would rather not."

"I've nothing else to do. I've asked for a leave of absence from work, after I arranged for another teacher to take my classes. She was looking for another job to supplement her income, and I saw it as a gift to me. I really love teaching, but for now I want to devote more time to making a home...for us all."
She smiled at Suki, knowing the other woman was, in reality, doing so much more. Fallon decided too, whatever time she didn't spend on the house itself, she would spend learning more about where Cyrus came from, the time in history he became who he was now, and...his cat.
"So, in answer to your question, I'm your's to drag wherever you want...I'll do much better showing you, rather than trying to tell you the styles I like. I don't know the names for most styles, and truthfully, up till now the only one I've had has been early 1990 Salvation Army."
Fallon laughed as she teased, though what she said wasn't 'that' far from the truth.

Flipping open her notebook she opened the page of items they would need from the large superstore. Kitchen essentials, bath essentials, bedroom essentials were listed in detail. From shower curtains and rings to trashcans to silverware to curtains.
Swiftly cleaning up her mess and organizing the pictures into envelopes designated with the room the item would be going into that she had made prior to the outing. Tomorrow during the day she would go purchase everything and arrange for same day delivery.
"Excellent! I so appreciate your time and wont drag this out for the entire night. I am sure you have things you need to do tonight too."
Swiftly cleaning up the table and dropping everything back into her purse she headed for the door of Starbucks, holding it open for Fallon.
"Would you mind horribly if I imposed on you for a ride? I sent the car away till I called and would hate to pester Ginger for a ride just down the block."

No. She had thought long and hard about Cyrus, both when she first met him, and again several times since. She had also gone back and thought more about Ted, and how he was before they married. Though she hadn't seen signs then, now, in retrospect, she could see how he felt the need to control her, and situations. At the time she met him, she looked at him as being a 'man'. Having so little contact with men, outside of those her mother brought home, Fallon had no one to model behavior after. So to her, at the time, Ted embodied strength, and machismo. Laughing to herself now, she could see how she had been so blinded by the need to be loved that she overlooked all the warning signs.
This time it was totally different. Sure Cyrus had rescued her, but she had done a lot to take care of herself, even without his help. She found she was more than capable of being self sufficient, even if she still ran into a few snags along the way. And Cyrus was more than willing to let Fallon move at her own pace. This decision to take a leave from work, and release her cottage to Ana were totally her's.
No, life was already, and would continue to be much different than what it had been. Fallon would see to it.
"Suki - I look forward to everything about my future with Cyrus."
Fallon said emphatically.
"And the only thing I must do...well, I'm sure you know all about that."
Sure Suki knew Fallon was a vampire too, and because she did that made things very easy, and comfortable for Fallon. And because Suki had been responsible for making sure Fallon had an ample supply of backup meals tucked into her refrigerator, Fallon never worried about being in dire straights again. Though she liked her meals fresh, as long as she kept track of things on her little pocket calendar, she would do just fine.
"One thing, I was hoping maybe you could help me with, personally? If it's not against any thing you've got contracted with Cyrus of course. I think I need to get some sort of PDA, but am in the dark as to what might be a good one to have. I don't really need anything elaborate, just something for me to keep important dates, reminders, an alarm...well, you know, I'm sure."
While she didn't think Cyrus would mind her commandeering Suki's services, Fallon wouldn't arbitrarily do so.
Nodding at the mention of a ride, Fallon was perfectly fine with that.
"Of course I'll drive, and my car is parked close. I even believe it is clean, for a change."
She kidded, because it wasn't at all true. Fallon always took good care of her car, not only with engine maintenance, but in keeping the interior and exterior clean as well.
"It's the green Rav, right over there."
Fallon crossed the parking lot, and opened the doors with her keyless entry system.
"So which is it first, Target or the import store?"

She nodded with a happy smile and unshed tears shimmering in her eyes. Knowing that Fallon must get something to eat tonight was one thing, not taking up all the woman's time on minor details was another. "I wont keep you out all night! Its only 10 and we can finish up Target by midnight I am sure."
At Fallon's comments, Suki needed to think about it. Little electronic gadgets were not her forte but she could talk to someone she knew at HoP about the best thing. Perhaps if they found something workable, Suki could help keep it up to date and such. "Give me a few nights to research and get some recommendations and I will make sure you can choose from the best options out there."
Following the other woman she looked towards the cute little SUV. It made her happy to know that Fallon had reliable transportation and that looked pretty good. Though she knew Cyrus would probably purchase vehicles once the new house was finished. And he would hire a driver more than likely, maybe a familiar even.
At Fallon's question she glanced over at the import store. Apparently they were not open as late as she had expected in this town and someone was flipping the sign to closed. She could go tomorrow and snap pics to show Fallon of any good finds.
"Looks like I should have had that on the schedule first since they close so early. Lets hit Target, I know they are open 24/7."

"Really, Suki, whenever we finish I'm fine with it. I really like shopping with you."
Once said, she wondered if maybe she sounded a little pathetic to the younger girl. It was very important to Fallon that the two got along, and when able to, Fallon wanted to spend time with Suki.
She smiled and nodded as Suki ran with the request for the PDA. Fallon had no doubt, whatsoever, that this way she would truly get the one best suited for her. Suki was just like that.
"Thanks Suki...I knew I could count on you. But please, you must say something if I start relying on you too much. I know you've got a mountain of things to do for Cyrus."
Before they could blink twice, they were parking at Target, and getting out of the car. Another matter then resurfaced in Fallon's mind, and she posed the question to Suki.
"Suki? I know it's none of my business really...I'm sure you know that the space you have with us is yours to decorate as you want. I know Cyrus would agree. But, have you given thought to how you want to? What kinds of styles do 'you' like?"
Everything they had looked for tonight had been for Cyrus and Fallon, or so Fallon thought. She was excited with the idea of seeing the homes come together, but couldn't help but be interested in how Suki was going to set up her own space.

Her finger shook sternly letting Fallon know that her health was important to the familiar. Buckling her seat belt and fussing with her jacket and purse the entire short ride to Target she contemplated exactly what kind of calendar/alarm device would be best. She knew people who would have a better idea of what was currently available on the market today.
"No worries, something like that can only assist me in help you and Cyrus. Either by me downloading schedules or uploading calendar information. ooo Email capabilities on the fly. hhmm. I may need one for me too if it can do all these things."
They walked to the store entrance and while it was not packed, the parking lot was definately not empty either. Grabbing a large red plastic cart she pushed it into the store and reviewed her 'dream' decorating job.
"My tastes run very eclectic. Asian inspired lamps, screens, and linens. Queen Anne cherry furniture, high tech electronics, intricate turkish silk rugs, simple artwork of asian design and the like. Blacks, reds, pale bamboo, white and natural paper and maybe some green, but not a forest like Cyrus prefers. I more want one bonsai tree for me to fuss with occasionally rather than a room packed with flora."
She could picture it in her head but not really describe it well. But it would not be long before they both had rooms to help pick out their own style for. They walked through the store as she droned on about what she liked and wound up in the kitchen section. Looking at the tableware offerings made Suki realize this would be temporary since it was lower quality and minimal selection. Perhaps she could spend some time online to find better options.
"Anything here appeal to you? Though we can always hit Pier One or someplace like Macy's. There is always online shopping as well."
The choices of dishes were Corel plates with ivy circling the rim, chunky country cream plates with fruit in the center, modern stylings in squares in black and white, and a brown on brown thin pottery. Onidea packages were nearby with a simple round handle, tiny flowers, angular and puffy.

"Yes, and I, that is. I've got way too many good things in my life now, to risk losing any of them from silly forgetfulness."
Hearing Suki didn't have some form of electronic manager was slightly surprising to Fallon. It was even more surprising when Suki spoke of having the ability to link them, and transmit data back and forth. Now it seemed almost imperative that Fallon have one. She wondered if Cyrus would like one as well, or if he would want her to assume organizing of his schedule, and such. She rather hoped he didn't just want her around for sex, and even as the thought crossed her mind she knew it had been an unfair thought. They had spent a lot of time together, before they had consummated the relationship. But anything she could do, that might make his life more pleasant, would be something she would try to accomplish.
When Suki spoke of how she wanted to decorate her new home, Fallon concurred. The three of them seemed to have a lot in common, thankfully.
Looking at the dishes, Fallon pointed to some that were somewhat angular, in browns, and creams and blacks. She guessed they would be considered somewhat masculine, but being that they were of a thin, fine material, it gave them a less harsh look. She also liked the more angular flatware, and thought the two would compliment each other. She was well aware that should Cyrus ever need to entertain, for business, or pleasure, they would need a fancier set of china, but for their everyday meals, she indicated her choices to Suki.
"Those...that set of dinnerware, and that set of flatware? I like them both, they're neither too fussy, nor too austere."
After those items were decided on, Fallon suggested maybe the rest of the kitchen things could be purchased in sets. Pots, pans, utensils...had she not been leaving her kitchen things behind for Ana, she could have easily packed them up to be moved. This way seemed a lot easier for them all though.
Once the kitchen, and dining accessories were addressed...Fallon having chosen some plain but nice napkins, towels, placemats, all which she thought would go well with the dishes, she continued on towards the bath and bed linens.
Though she liked sheets with flowers, in deference of Cyrus' tastes, she looked more towards sets that were decidedly more plain. The only thing she really considered imperative was the thread count. Egyptian cotton, 600 thread count, were the softest sheets she had ever seen, and was what she was looking for. Unfortunately, it appeared Target didn't carry anything beyond a 400 thread count.
"Hmmmmm..." She chewed her lip and then looked at Suki.
"I'd really rather have something in a 600 thread count. Maybe the sheets we can order?"

Contemplating the sheets she nodded at Fallon's comments. "I found the very nice sheets at Bloomingdales. I can get more if you point out styles you like."
Pulling out her notebook and camera she followed as the other woman picked and choosed sedate prints and neutral solids. She stifled a giggle as she watched Fallon eye florals but shy away from pointing them out. Snapping one pick that had a choice of Fallon's and a floral, she felt sneaky. Knowing most men barely look at sheets she figured one or two sets would not hurt Cyrus' masculinity. Suki was quite sure that he had quite a firm grasp on his sexuality after 1000 years.
Looking at her list she pointed towards the cleaning supplies. "Just give me an idea of what you want in the house and we can hire a service to use these products."