Convenience is a luxury. (open)
Ana had lived in the cottage for going on three months when one work-free morning she realized she hadn't so much as explored her neighborhood.
Out onto the street she tromped - if New Balance sneakers tromp, that is - a light windbreaker in a pale blue tied about her waist flapping in the cool morning wind. Playing a quick game of 'eenie meenie' with herself to determine direction, she set off away from the sun, heading west. Cool breezy fingers tickled along her arms, raising goosebumps and making the fine hairs there stand on end. She breathed deeply, enjoying the cleansing pang of the lower temperature morning air against her nostrils, chilling her lungs. Soon, she realized, she'd have to find her small box of scarves, hats and gloves.
She walked for some time, exiting her neighborhood and entering a more commercial and traffic-filled area.
Fidgeting with the protruding collar of her single button polo shirt as she waited to cross the street, she spied the sign of one of Nachton's ubiquitous convenience stores just down the block. A sudden gust of wind down the street drew chills and a soft exhalation of "ooh!" from the librarian as she crossed the street. Avoiding a noxious pile of dog droppings and listening to the passing of a subway train as she clanked across a ventilation grate, she found herself at the entrance of the store's lot.
Steering around the line of cars that had suddenly appeared, likely to avail themselves of the gas prices running $2.04 a gallon, she made a mental note to stop by to fill her car as she entered the store proper.
The twin tones of the entry alarm played; she nodded and smiled to the girl behind the counter then cast her gaze about the store, looking for the coffee machines.
She walked over and gently sniffed at each of the carafes, lined up like glass domino bowls, each labelled with different flavors. Her glasses steamed as she leaned and she grunted her frustration. Tugging them off her face, she stopped as she pulled out her shirt's hem to wipe the condensation away.

"A leash, milk, kibble, coffee...a leash, milk, kibble, coffee..." For the first block she said that over and over and was pleased that Russ seemed to take the jogging so well. Either he really didn't mind it, or he was still sleepy himself, but in either case he was being so good, Shay could care less.
"You're such a good boy! I'm so glad I found you...I think we're going to be really good pals, you and I."
The brisk morning air felt great to Shay, and she had to admit she was glad the oppressive heat of summer was over for the year. She loved summer, and had missed the sun a little with her new schedule, but one thing she didn't ever think she'd get used to was the different from California.
Now that fall had arrived, that was no longer a problem and being outside during the day was again a nice place to be.
Being a little out of shape, Shay stopped for a few seconds and put Russ down on a small patch of grass between the sidewalk and street. It occurred to her she needed to get some small plastic bags to use for pooper pickup, and added that to her list. She escaped leaving behind one of his messes this time, since he hadn't eaten in a while, but she couldn't stand it when people did that, and refused to be included in such an inconsiderate group.
"A leash, milk, kibble, coffee, and plastic bags...a leash, milk, kibble, coffee, and plastic bags."
Picking Russ up again, she resumed her jog and her incantation. When she reached the store she walked around outside just a few seconds, to catch her breath, and then tucked Russ under her arm, and under the flap of her Juicy hoody. She wasn't sure if dogs were allowed inside the store, there was no sign posted, but figured since he was so small and in her arms, it shouldn't matter.
Grabbing one of the red plastic baskets, Shay smiled and said hi to the girl behind the counter, and started down the aisle closest to the door.
"Okay...there are plastic bags, check...and...hmmm...milk, food, check..." She didn't see a leash amidst the dog food, which really wasn't all that shocking. It was a convenience store after all, not a supermarket. If she could find a decent coffee, she'd figured she had done well.
However, the only coffee they had was one Shay had never liked, so she took coffee and a leash and started a new list for later, when she would drive over to the larger market, or Target.
Ready to check out, the smell of coffee wafted to her, and made her detour away from the register and to the machines. She smiled at a younger girl there, who was putting glasses on, and looked for cups.
"'s getting cold out in the mornings, isn't it? I hope this coffee tastes as good as it smells."

She found herself hungry and in need of caffeine and hopefully directions. Grabbing her purse with one hand she tugged the waistband of her jeans into place. She'd lost a little bit of weight in the stress of the studio and her clothes were just a touch too big on her.
Inside her nose carried her straight to the coffee, and a pleasant surprise.

Dropping her hands to her side, she extended her right hand and started, "Hi, my name is-" when she was interrupted by a sudden expletive of "Shay!" Furrowing her brow, she quipped, "I'm Ana, not Shay" when she realized it hadn't been the woman before her who'd spoken, but a new, taller, dark-haired arrival. "Hello, just the same?" she finished on an inquisitive note.

Seeing the hand come her way, Shay put her own hand out, just as she heard her name, and 'I'm Ana', and was momentarily confused as well. She supposed she wasn't as awake yet as she thought.
When Wren came into view Shay smiled bigger, and gave a wave, then took Ana's hand in her's and shook it.
"No, you're not Shay, I am...and this is my friend Wren, who I haven't seen in ages!"
As she completed her introduction, Wren was close enough that Shay put her free arm around the woman's shoulders and gave her a hug.
"Hi Wren...long time and all that...this is Ana...Ana, Wren. Ana and I were just saying how nice it is that autumn has brought cooler weather to us again, and how well 'cawfey' goes with it." Shay teased Ana with her accented word, but included a friendly smile, so she hoped the woman didn't take offense.
In the quick glance Shay had given Wren she noticed that the other woman seemed to have lost weight. Though she had only met her once, she liked Wren right off. She also seemed to recall that the woman had mentioned having issues with a stalker, and had moved to Nachton to get away from him. She wanted to ask her friend so many things, but didn't think now was the time or place.
Because she was curious, and because she didn't want to appear rude, Shay turned back to Ana while she poured a mocha from the machine.
"You don't sound like you're from around here, Ana...and you don't sound like you're from where I grew up in California...have you lived in Nachton long, or are you a recent transplant like Wren and I?"
Once Shay had poured her mocha, and put a sipper lid on the cup, she set it down and picked Russ back up. He was getting too frisky in the basket, and though she thought he was still too small to jump out, she didn't want to take any chances.

The coffee smelled divine, and she sighted a donut case behind the newly met Ana. Her tummy rumbled at the sights and smells of coffee and food. She stepped around Shay as her friend caught her up on the conversation she had interrupted.
"I am in love with this weather, and the trees are already promising to be spectacular by the end of the month."
Wren pulled a piece of wax paper from the little white box one the case ledge and opened on of the doors. She chose an old fashioned cake donut and a bear claw. She'd make up for the calories with a work out later, if she found the time...
She placed her choices in one of the little plastic bags provided and rejoined Shay and Ana at the coffee. She pulled a cup from the dispenser and went straight for the Vanilla Nut flavored french roast. With her cup filled, she tuned back into the conversation, while she put in two splendas and four creams.

Responding to Shay's question, she commented, "Is my accent that noticable? I haven't tried to train it out, haven't much cared to. I'm originally from Buffalo but spent some time on Long Island, which is probably where I picked up 'cawfey', among other things. I've been in Nachton since just before Christmas."
When Shay fiddled with the dog and took him back into her arms she reached out her hand, palm down, for the pup to sniff her fingers. "Fall and winter and the cold part of spring are my favorite times. Scarves and gloves and hats, yay! I'm kind of a knit nut. But I love it when the cool breeze dances over your sun-warmed skin. Oh and breathing deeply of the fresh, cool air."
She watched Wren fixing her coffee and realized she hadn't decided on her flavor yet. Pulling one of the larger cups out, she reached for the English Toffee carafe. "Though I'm not such a cold-lover that I won't turn down some awesome coffee," she said winkingly as she snapped the lid on.

When Ana reached out to touch Shay's puppy, did she actually notice it. her head was so up in space, that details seemed to escape her. "Oh Shay. he's so cute! Did you just get him? What kind of dog his he? It is a he, isn't it?"
Giggling at herself she took a sip of her coffee and decided it needed another creamer.

Trying to distract herself from the awful thought, as well as either of the other women from asking her anything about it, she nodded at the mention of leaves changing colors.
"It's hard to believe I've lived here a year myself, this month. The leaves were just starting to change when I moved into my condo. But as for your accent, it's really not all that noticeable, and probably doesn't sound pronounced except with certain words, though I wouldn't go 'trying' to rid yourself of's a part of what makes you, you, I'd imagine."
Truth be told, Shay almost envied having something unique like an accent, but had long ago resigned herself to being a true banal California girl. Having Alexi treat her like she was something special didn't hurt either. She figured as long as he didn't mind her shortcomings, she was doing fine.
"Sounds like you arrived not long after Wren and I did then." She picked up her coffee, and enjoyed the sip as it warmed her on the way down. She smiled when Ana held her hand out to Russ, and the puppy eagerly sniffed, then licked the girl. When it appeared Wren saw Russ for the first time, and began gushing, Shay laughed.
"Yes, I just got him yesterday in fact. That's one reason why I'm here, I needed some kibble, and didn't want to drive all the way to the supermarket. However, it looks like I'll need to anyway, since they have no leashes here."
Holding Russ up to her cheek, Shay let him nuzzle and lick her jaw before returning him to nestle in the crook of her arm.
"His name is Russ, for short...the papers say different, but we don't want him to get too much attitude hearing all those syllables over and over again." Giggling as the pup tried to wiggle from her hold, seemingly to reach Ana again, Shay held him towards her new friend. "He's a pomeranian, and so far quite bright, but I think the attitude is already a lost cause. He seems to have a mind of his own. I'm just hoping he doesn't do anything that might turn Mathias against him right off the bat. I didn't...uh...discuss getting a dog with him."
Shay grimaced as she spoke the last few words. Though she still didn't think it would be a problem, each time she said it out loud it seemed she may have made a bad decision in that. But the dye was cast, so to speak, and now she had to make the best of it.
"I thought he reminded me a little of Mathias..." Looking to Ana she offered a little clarification. "He's my boyfriend." She wasn't sure if Wren would remember, or even if she had mentioned his name when they'd met, but either way they both knew now.

"I'm not a big fan of humidity myself, but I'm hoping the winters here are a bit less harsh than in Buffalo... We get -so- much snow over the winter months sometimes you just want it to end, you know? Everyone has limits, even for the good things in life." Ana spoke naively, though she didn't realize it.
She giggled when the dog wanted to jump into her arms. Crossing her left arm in front of her chest, she stuck out her elbow for Shay to rest the dog on. "Russ is a wonderful little pup who I'm sure will become wonderful as a second man in your life." She looked down at the sparkly black eyes and giggled again when he reared up on two paws to lick her nose, but squeaked when the slippery tongue migrated to her glasses. Making a slight "eht!" sound in her throat, he stopped, looked at her, licked her nose once again, and settled against her bosom. "He's a doll."
Curiously she asked, "What about Russ reminded you of him? I mean, Mathias? His eyes? His fur? His slippery tongue?" She giggled through that last as Russ licked her nose yet again.

Shay continued to watch the interaction between Russ and Ana, and was thankful her pup was learning early on to be nice. She refused to have a dog that she couldn't take with her wherever she wanted to go, and one that bit wouldn't be welcome many places she reasoned.
When Ana asked why Shay thought Russ reminded her of Alexi, Shay nearly choked, but managed to catch herself.
'His slippery tongue?'
"Uh, yea, that was it...his slippery tongue." Shay knew Ana had no idea what she'd just asked, but she looked to Wren to see if she had picked up on it, trying really hard not to laugh. She didn't want to embarrass Ana, but was having a really tough time of it.
"Actually, it really was more the fur." And at that she did let a small giggle escape.
"I think if you knew what Mathias looked like, it would be evident, but yes, he has a full beard. So I guess maybe that is it. I'm not sure really...I just took one look at him and thought 'that dog is Mathias'."
At that moment Shay knew she probably wasn't going to tell Alexi least not immediately. It was a comparison that might not go over too big.
"So what have you two got up your sleeves after your coffee? Exciting afternoon plans?"
Suddenly Shay wondered what she could do with her afternoon. Daytimes were never planned anymore, and if she didn't sleep, she would be at loose ends.

"I'm going to try and find the furniture shop that got me lost enough to stop here, buy a funky chair for my office, then go put it in storage with the rest of my things...Oh!" She realized she hadn't seen nor spoken to Shay since she'd bought the studio.
"I did it Shay. I bought a studio, I'm going to teach ballet, tap and ballroom dancing to adults. I'm really excited. I have fliers and stuff in the car if you want one. Hey do you guys want to go see The Studio? That's what I'm calling it The Studio."
She bit her lip to stop the overflow of words as she looked anxiously from Shay to Ana.

"That sounds marvelous, Wren, and the name sounds so...classy. I can imagine how the adult students will like saying that they're taking lessons at 'The Studio', a lot more than at 'Miss Wren's School of Dance'. But what I don't understand is why are you going to buy a chair just to put in storage?"
' a funky chair for her office, then go put it in storage with the rest of her things...' that was what she had said, right? Shay looked a little perplexed at Wren, and this time looked to Ana to see if maybe she'd missed something.
Thinking she might be too consumed with thoughts of the pup, and Alexi, Shay sipped her mocha again, before remembering Wren had asked something else.
"Of course I'd like to see the place, as long as you don't mind me bringing Russ. I'd rather not leave him home alone for any extended length of time just yet."
She hoped Ana would also join in, as Shay was enjoying getting to know her.

Wren's offer made her eyebrows rise; she hadn't expected any sort of invitations that morning, let alone to a fancy dance studio. "If you don't mind sharing the birth of your life's work, I wouldn't mind peeking in, if you'll have me." She sipped thoughtfully from her cup. "I like the name, too. Simple, but descriptive and classy," she said. Hoping she wasn't overstepping, she amended, "Not unlike its proprietor, I think."
She sipped again from her coffee and realized it needed a bit of sweetener, so she tore the corner off a Sweet and Low packet and dumped it in. Swishing it about gently, she commented, "Though I think we should pay for our coffees first, before the proprietor of this establishment gets angry at us for being a gaggle of cackling women hogging the coffee table." Ana glanced over Wren's shoulder at the big burly telephone company man waiting patiently.
Stepping aside towards the register she nodded to the cashier and said, "Three coffees, two donuts please."

"My office is still being painted, along with the rest of the studio, but I have everything bought and waiting in storage, and little Russ is more than welcome. I think I have a blanket in my trunk he can sit on."
She beamed again at Shay, to let her no she meant no offense, she just wanted to protect her interior in case the puppy got over excited. Following Ana to the counter she dug out a ten dollar bill to cover the coffee for the three of them. "Coffee's my treat, since you're going to let me drag you all over creation."
She handed it to the girl behind the counter and waited for her change. She stepped back out of the way to let Shay take care of her other purchases.

It took no time at all to pay for the few things Shay had purchased. Since the weather outside was still very cool, she had no fear of the milk spoiling, and her bag was small so it was easy to carry with just Russ in her other arm.
Ana's description of Wren's studio as the 'birth of (Wren's) life's work' was contemplative, but Shay would reserve time later to think about it further.
"I'm honored as well, to be included to share this auspicious occasion." Shay adopted a tone of stiff propriety when she spoke, in a teasing gesture, but she really did feel special. She imagined it was similar to when she had invited her old squad at the LAPD to attend the book signing when "Life Changes" was released. She would never forget the way everyone had supported Shay after she'd made the jump from police officer to novelist.
She took no offense at the offer of a blanket either. She wasn't too concerned about Russ having an accident because he hadn't had any water in some time, but thinking it might be nice to have a blanket to cover her legs, she just nodded.
Once the coffee had been paid for, Shay thanked both women, not really seeing who it was that wound up paying. She had already made up her mind to stop by the florists and order a lovely bouquet to be sent to Wren's studio for the opening. She began thinking ahead to possibly treating both women to lunch. She never got the chance to socialize much, and felt a little pathetic getting so excited now, but she wanted to prolong the time with friends for as long as she could.
Maybe she was feeling a little more lonely with all the time Alexi had been spending on work, than she had realized. It gave her a moment's pause, but then she smiled and walked out of the store and thought about it no more.

But she didn't argue. If the three of them became friends, she reasoned, there would be ample opportunity for 'You paid last time, let me.' She nodded her thanks and wrapped both of her hands around her cup, then followed Shay out of the store. "He's well behaved," she observed, "for one so young. I think you two will make a cute couple. Nachton's nice about dogs, I see dog parks here and there with all sorts of people walking and jogging and socializing with their dogs. I mean, with other people, while with their dogs." Ana smirked, imagining she was only making a little sense.
She made up her mind to thank Wren verbally when the last of their trio emerged from the store.

"I'm glad to hear about the dog parks, though I have to take your word for it. I've never been an animal person before...back home it was always my brothers who brought home lizards, and snakes, and rats, and such, and my mom who had the dogs. I did have a stray cat now and then, but let's be honest, they really don't NEED much care or attention.
But for some reason now it seemed like something I needed to do." If she had known Ana longer, she would have elaborated, and brought up the similarities between caring for a puppy, and caring for a baby. But she didn't know the cute, shorter woman, and couldn't bring herself to discuss something that still had such an emotional effect on her.
Waiting for Wren, Shay thought of things to ask Ana.
"What do you do in Nachton...student?" Ana looked a little studious to Shay, which meant nothing, but it was somewhere to start from.

"Not quite. I'm a librarian at the city library's main branch. Usually work evening hours since the doddering sweet old librarian can't quite catch up to the more active visitors in the evenings. But today's a day off and I decided, since I'd moved into my house, that I hadn't explored my neighborhood much."
Ana cracked a grin at Shay as she explained, "Don't see much driving on the way to work, or the way home from the grocery store to feed yourself into oblivion before a round of movies then bed, you know?"

Shay sipped her coffee, taking bigger gulps now that it had cooled some. She hesitated mentioning her book to Ana. It would have been natural, she supposed, since the two women had that common factor between them, but she still thought it was a little pretentious on her part.
In the short run, her ego won out.
"I'm a writer...well, a novelist anyway, and was looking for data on my last book. It was just published, and copies are being sent to your office, maybe as we speak."
Shay knew her first two books were in the local library, as it was custom for her to check that out anytime she happened to see one in a city she was visiting. It somehow made the whole 'being a novelist' even more real for her.
"While I love seeing my books selling in stores, there's a totally different feeling I get when I see one in a library. Does that make sense?"
She grew momentarily irritated with herself, as she did whenever she had a thought she didn't think she was explaining well. It scared her a little too, to think she might someday reach a point where she couldn't put thoughts down on paper in an interesting, and coherent manner.
"Anyway, I'm glad I'll have you to talk to next time...that 'doddering' librarian was very sweet, but she seemed a little...distant...when I had some questions for her. I'm not sure if it was that she really didn't understand what information I was trying to find, or if she was choosing to be obtuse."
Shay had finally gotten frustrated and gone in search of the clippings she had been looking for on her own. Though the librarian had been very nice.
"And since my boyfriend works nights, that's usually when I find time to come into the library as well."
How nice it was to run into a stranger in a 7/11 type store, and be able to not only chat comfortably, but even make plans to converse at length and actually get to know that person. For all that she missed L.A., she never would have been able to do that there. At least not as easily as she had been able to in Nachton.
"You might think of taking up jogging in your spare time. That's another reason why I got Russ I'd have company when I ran. It's a great way to exercise, but also a nice way to meet neighbors and see the neighborhood at the same time."
Shay wouldn't have minded if Ana had wanted to join her jogging, but didn't suggest it for fear of seeming a little too 'friendly.'
"What do you like to do in your off time?"

Wren jogged around the dog park every other morning, but since that didn't matter one way or the other to the conversation, she kept it to herself. Sometimes it was nice just to listen to someone else talk, since lately she seemed to do all the talking to everyone around her.