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A litte R&R (Alec)

Ginnie sat cross-legged on the floor with papers strewn in haphazard piles around her. She was researching an op, and had printed out everything from her computer, because she was tired of staring at the screen. The warehouse had security almost as tight as her personal properties, and they had a crazy assed lazer array, but she needed the goods inside and it was less illegal to steal them than to buy them.

Miles Davis played softly out of the stereo, and she hummed along, hoping Alec would get home soon and save her from the insanity of lazer arrays. they hadn't had a chance to really talk about everything that had happened since the Hillman compound thing and she really wanted to sit down with him and see if his pages matched hers.

Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnd...there she was again. The calm, collected, love of his this was. Tension he hadn't realized he'd been storing slipped out of his back, evaporating into the maelstrom of other emotions they'd both bled off this evening. Sighing, he ran his nose along her shoulder, and kissed lightly as he went. He became more aware of the oil between them, and wondered why its texture was so much more noticeable than it had been. Attributing it to his own hidden stresses, he shrugged it off.

Running his fingers through her hair, he smiled. Lightly standing up, he reached down to her, and pulled her to him. They certainly were covered in oil. Kissing her lightly, he spun her around and twined his arms around her, walking her awkwardly toward the bathroom. On the way, he unsnapped her pants, letting the zipper open its teeth one at a time with each step. Stopping her in front of the tub, he turned on the shower. Pulling the bottle of oil from his boxer band / utility belt, he put it away and smiled sweetly, helping her graciously into the water.
Ginnie 18 years ago
She had to giggle at the slippery goose walk they were doing on the way to the bathroom. When he let go of her, she pushed her jeans off and tossed them in the general direction of the hamper. Once in the shower, they spent a great deal of time cleansing the oil from one another. He had learned how to use her product deftly and she enjoyed his attentions to her hair. Giggling again, she returned the favor and they managed some how to complete the shower still upright.

He hopped out and handed her a big fluffy towel. Once in the bedroom she lotioned her body with the matching scent he had chosen and the sweet gentle scent of apple blossoms filled the air. Freshly lotioned she straightened and smiled at her lover.

"So, now what?"
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Pondering for a moment, Alec pondered, towel around his waist. What next, indeed? Taking an internal audit of his various systems, he discovered that his needs were fairly well met. The wants list could wait. He sensed that being more supportive and less directive might be a good tack to take this evening, so he wiggled his eyebrows at her and asked

"My goodness, are those popcorn kernels in your shirt or are you just happy to see me? If you make the popcorn, I'll let you choose the movie. I still can't get it to come out as good as yours."

Fake pouting, Alec hung up his towel and walked out into the living room. Standing to air dry for a moment, he stretched out to his extremes before flopping down. Apparently Naked Boy was on a lazy quest tonight. He wondered what Ginnie'd choose. Or even select the Executive Veto. It seemed unlikely. She liked her popcorn even more than he did.
Ginnie 18 years ago
Ginnie laughed, and pulled a robe off the back of the door as she followed him into the living room. She liked that he walked around naked. It was a sign of his comfort with her. She went into the kitchen and pulled out the popcorn maker. Carefully going through each step, she pushed the on button, and pulled a bowl from the cabinet.

As the popcorn did it's thing she went back into the living room. Crouching down in front of the DvD tower, her robe pooled in a ruby pile at her feet. She looked up and down the rack and finally decided on Dead Poets Society. She had no idea why, but it had jumped out at her and she was satisfied with the choice. She set it up in the player and went into the kitchen to retrieve the popcorn and two cans of coke from the fridge.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Hopping over the coffee table as she headed back to the kitchen, he frowned at the side of the DVD case. Dead Poets Society, huh? Picking up the box, he scanned the synopsis. Seemed pretty heavy, but it had Robin Williams in it. Kooky. Maybe he was more than just Good Morning Vietnam and Mrs. Doubtfire. Jumping back over the table, he claimed his corner spot in the couch and spread himself out for "movie watching mode"...usually, Ginnie'd all but sit right on him and they'd snuggle while being assaulted by some form of media ranging from Plan 9 from Outer Space through Ben Hur.

Movies had been a good source of conversation for them, as well. It helped speed his education when they watched things. Usually entertainment education, sure, but lots of history lessons as well. Realizing that he wanted Coke as she was bringing it from the fridge, he grinned. Apparently his movie needs were becoming predictable. He'd have to stock the fridge with Sprite one night just to shake things up.

Settling in, he looked up at her, expectantly.

"So, Mork from Ork inspiring young minds? Sounds dangerously artsy, ma coeur."
Ginnie 18 years ago
"It's comes close to being artsy, but I daresay Robin Williams keeps it just this side of sane to be completely artsy."

She chuckled and curled into her "usual spot" next to Alec. It made popcorn sharing easily and satisfied her constant need to touch him when he was near. It felt incredibly good to be doing something so normal after what had just happened on the very same couch not so long ago.

"It's a good story though."
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Alec frowned as the story progressed. It seemed interesting enough, but everyone was their parents. The idea of being beholden to someone that you had not selected yourself was completely foreign to Alec. With no mortal family or no known creator, he was pretty much an orphan's orphan. He understood loyalty, and friendship, but not to someone who wasn't necessarily worth a damn "just because." Pondering, he realized that in a lot of ways, he supposed he was guilty of it, upon examination. In a bar fight, he'd always back a clannie, or work on talking through if he knew both parties. He wouldn't steal from another Tacharan. But he didn't follow orders blindly, either, like some of these kids.

"Is family always that controlling?"
Ginnie 18 years ago
Ginnie pondered his question for a moment, thinking back to her own parents.

"Yes, and no. It all depends on how the parents' parents were raised. See in this instance, the man is behaving just as his father had, and his father before him. However, there are parents who were raised with compassion and an understanding that the child is an individual and so treat their children thusly. Most families want what is best for the children, sometimes to the detriment of the child. In my case, I did what I was told with out question, since the punishment for insubordination was unbearable." She gave a small laugh. "I did not know then what horrors exist in this world."
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Taking a sip of his coke, he pondered, wondering if it applied to the supernatural as well. Was Ellis the way she was because of her grandsire? Did that mean Jan and Nova, as Ellis' grandkids, would turn out rampaging monsters? Thinking about it within Tacharan, it didn't seem to work, but then again maybe they were deviant in this way as well. He'd have to ask Amberelle about whether she was more like her parents, grandparents, creator, or grand-creator.

"Hm. It sounds like most of us carry a lot over from our human days. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I wonder how much unconscious social programming is going on in my head."

Shrugging it off, he took another handful of popcorn and watched as Anderson was forced to do improvisational poetry. That would be pretty rough.
Ginnie 18 years ago
Ginnie cocked her head to one side. She wondered just how much of who and what she was, was a reflection of her twenty-odd years as a human. Or had the nearly three hundred that followed cancelled that former training out? She also took the time to contemplate her current emotional situation.

Had marrying a vampire and becoming a mother at such an old age forced her to repress the basic urges of life? And because she her entire vampiric life with those urges left unexplored, was she some how emotionally crippled? Or did she simply still locked in a teenager's version of love and emotion. Were these awful pains part of growing up? Could she survive the trauma of it all, or would it leave her scarred when she came out the other side?

It was a lot to muddle through.

"I don't know, Alec. It is a question that I do not think has a right or wrong answer. Just as people are still unsure if a child becomes the adult they are based on their genes or their environment. Perhaps we are not meant to know."

She snuggled closer to Alec, seeking his unspoken reassurance in the simple act of touching and being touch.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Shrugging, he smiled. No sense worrying about it if no one knew the answers, he supposed. Putting his drink down, he let the random thoughts go for a time and watched the movie. In the end, he wasn't sure if he liked it. It seemed that it was rebellion for rebellion's sake, but the respect aspects were interesting. Alec was a little pissed that the boys had all failed the initial tests, but was glad that some had tried to redeem themselves.

He wondered if the loss of friends could scar anyone like that, but decided to let it slide. Pleased more with the cuddle situation than the movie, Alec smiled. At least there was always a consolation prize when movie watching.
Ginnie 18 years ago
Ginnie liked this particular movie for its look at the human male mentality. She did not understand some of it, but it was an interesting insight. She slid her upper body down Alec's until she reached the remote controller. With several button pushes and a curse she had the television changed from the movie credits to Good Morning America. It had to be the most bizarre show, next to Ellen, that she'd ever watched. They gave the news, but not like say the 11 o'clock news did, and they had gizmos, singers, politicians, the guy that got voted off Survivor, and nine thousand other things that just didn't matter.

But she liked to watch because it kept her abreast of what was happening around the world and it was fun to laugh at the humans and their troubles. The war in Iraq was nothing compared to the war in Nachton. Meredith, that chick from the view was talking about the days events, so Ginnie settled back down against Alec and listened about how many more soldiers had died.

What a waste of food, if nothing else.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Watching the morning show was...strange to him. He really didn't care about what all was going on in the rest of the world beyond how vampiric condition would be affected. Since there really wasn't much to be said for any of that, he started fidgeting. Also, the show was just so...bland. It was all browns, and oatmeal and khaki and tan colors. It bothered him. After a few minutes of fidgeting, he squirmed free and started cleaning up the movie mess, before heading into the bedroom for the day.

Wondering if there was any good footage from the war that he could use as training material in troop movements for the newbies, he flopped down on the bed and prepared himself for sleep.

((ooc: Alec and Ginnie out cold, lock up))