N'awlins, y'all
Since his...discovery...Alec hadn't been getting out as much. Of course, with training and everything else, he had plenty of excuses. The fact of the matter is that he just didn't want to be the first Tacharan to have a chance encounter. Tracking her from behind, at a distance was one thing. Blundering about the city, knowing she was out there was another. But enough was enough. Chances are Ellis barely even registered his existence. And the probability of a chance encounter with someone laying low was completely nil.
Ginnie was working through her ballistic difficulties, Mathias was off the grid, and Alec wanted to do some drinking. Pondering for a moment, he decided to mix media. It'd been awhile since he'd run into Amberelle, and it dawned on him that they'd had a pleasant enough time each time they'd been out, though none of it had been planned. Looking forward to seeing her in a non-lingerie environment, Alec had given her a call, and she'd agreed to meet him at that most classy of establishments, the House of Pain.
Dress code was strictly enforced. Alec didn't usually wear heavy leather outside of training, but for the House of Pain he made an exception. He selected a modified racing suit of black leather with highly chromed sliding plates...he'd replaced the rivets with spikes at some point, and figured that'd go over well with the HoPpers. Concealed behind some of the plates and under the belt were a variety of goodies...just in case. Weighted gloves and his super chromed clubbing goggles completed the look. He'd laughed at himself in the mirror, but was given some compliments on his attire by a pair of the older mercs on his way out of the Domicile. Apparently he'd hit the look he was going for - Do Not Touch. Of course, that reminded him of a Far Side cartoon with a guy wearing a shoe on his head, standing in an inner-tube with a bazooka, and that gave him the chuckles again.
Entry was no problem, of course, and he made his way to a booth along the wall. The corner booths were taken. There were probably more important people than him here - only main characters in the movies got the corner booths. This must be a side vignette. Ordering a pair of mint juleps before sitting down, Alec smirked. Hopefully they wouldn't suck. There was plenty more alcohol if they did, though. The HoP was well stocked.
Shaking his head in remorse he was happy he never turned anyone. Somehow most of the vampires he spoke to had issues from it. While his was not completely his choice at least his maker had stayed with him for a few hundred years. Holding his tongue on her comments of her own turning he simply patted her hand with his. Cyrus doubted she would appreciate his offer for eating those that hurt her. Still his clanmate helped calm him down some as did thinking of his love. Fallon was probably unaware of just how many ways she had tamed him.
"Luckily we are getting along well now, but I will pass on the message. I am sure you both will receive invitations to the party and you can chat with her there."
The waitress brought another round of drinks, same as what they were drinking prior. Bowing his head in thanks he made note to tip her even better for her prompt service. Once she left he smiled across the table.
"We would need several centuries in the jungles of Asia for her to pick up mine. Instead she manifest Bobcat. She is quite cute, slightly smaller than my form. Since I have had my form for so long she cannot match my skill at it, but she is learning very quickly. Plus since she has no tail there are some things I cant teach her. Actually there is a lot I cannot teach her as clouded leopards are somewhat different than other cats."
Sipping his scotch for a moment he extended an offer to Amberelle. "Should you ever wish to run, you and louis of course, are welcome to our forest. Though its not as big as the preserve and Heolfor, it ajoins the former."
Glad that the conversation had departed the more sensitive subject, Alec listened intently. This might be one of his few big opportunities to hear shifters talk shop. It was one of the less common abilities of vampirekind, so such an open conversation might be long in coming once again.
I think we would love the chance to come run and explore.. of course we couldn't keep up with you two since you're much larger, but it would be a nice change of scenery. Especially for Louis, he gets bored at the Manor turning to Alec she explained, He's my cat.. if I'd brought my purse I'd show you pictures, but Ginnie's seen them.. Brought him with me from home. I'd say he's my best friend but that would make me crazy huh? Winking, she turned back to include Cyrus again.
Maybe she and I could work together some? My form may not be as big as hers but we would have more in common than you and she do. And, I think the best thing to learn is to embrace your feline senses and learn to pull them forth in your human form, non? Sipping her wine a second she sighed a little and looked sad for a moment. She was very lucky to have you there to help her.. My sire changes also, but his form is very different so he wasn't able to help me much. "Even if he'd been willing to, the bastard.."
At the mention of Ginnie he arched a brow at Alec. Being in the same clan would explain how they knew eachother. It also served to remind him to add her name to the list of invitee's to Fallon's party. Perhaps when they met again he could act somewhat civilized rather than the beast he had been both times prior.
Turning his attention back to Amberelle, he nodded at her offer of helping his mate. While he was unsure if Fallon still had questions or doubts about her abilities being able to confer with another woman may help. As Amberelle continued to speak about not only Fallon but her own life, Cyrus bowed his head slightly. The offer to eat those that hurt her was still as inappropriate now as it had been earlier but it was becoming hard to restrain it.
As he was unwilling to contemplate his life without Fallon in it, all he could respond to his clanmate was a quite sentence. "I am equally lucky to have her"
Taking a moment to sip his drink he pondered what form her creator had that would be so different. Feeling quite nosy he asked. "What shape did your maker take? I have only seen about a dozen shifters personally. I believe Asahi Mai's form is beautiful, though the urge to chase a scurrying stoat is very strong. The problem with embracing all your animal senses is that it can spill over too much into life, making emotions or situations hard to deal with."
Cyrus did not add that he was experiencing the difficulty this evening, he figured that was obvious with the scratches fresh on the wooden table.
"I have difficulty seeing you as 'the crazy cat lady,' even if he is your best friend."
Smiling on Cyrus' obvious attachment to Fallon, Alec wondered at how many content folk there were among a group that was considered "damned" in the popular fiction of the times.
In all my life I've seen him change once. It's not something he shares apparently.. he becomes a falcon. Something, I was told, far more noble.. and useful.. than a common housecat. She could still see the sneer on his face as he looked down his nose at her like she had once again proven a huge dissapointment. That she had manifested her abilities and gotten a grip on it all on her own had failed to impress Gustav in the least. Pompus prick she muttered just under her breath.
Despite his inability to see any benefit in my new form, I was able to make it quite useful. The blonde's words had a tinge of pride to them. After all she'd become quite an accomplished thief, at least she felt so.
I've found.. oh, she flagged down the waitress as she passed. Two shots of Patron please.. After waiting to see if the men wanted anything else, she continued. I've found that no matter what you do things seem to bleed over. With a dry chuckle, she shrugged. I decided the best thing you can do is learn to work with them and recognize it.
"You know, little cousin, that even our kind occasionally have severe accidents that render them," Cyrus took a moment to clench his fingers into a fist and all the bones popped slightly from the effort to remain hand instead of paw. "dead."
Trying not to think how tastey a vampire bird would be as he chewed its flesh from its bones only to have it heal into more fresh meat. It was an interesting mental picture though it did nothing to stop his violent feelings. At least it channeled them somewhat.
In an attempt to shake off the mood he looked questioningly at the pair across from him. "So what trouble were you two planning to get into tonight? And what was that earlier about illict contacts? At least I can be reasonably sure you two are not poachers, I hate poachers more than I hate dogs."
The waitress appeared with another glass of scotch for him and Amberelle's order. Staying her with one upraised finger as he pulled out his money clip and slipped several bills onto her tray before thanking her. "Thank you, you have done a wonderfull job this evening. Please continue to do so and you will get a matching amount." The waitress smiled and thanked him before hurrying off. It was always a good idea to tip your server, even if you did scare the shit out of them.
"Sure, because I know if a big fucking bird lands in front of me I'll be going about business as usual. Oh, and I certainly let my guard down around raptors. I've even been known to invite them into my lap for a spell just to pay them attention while I go about my business as usual. The man seems to lack vision. No offense intended."
Somehow, he felt the comment was safe. He seemed to agree with Cyrus' sentiments on the surface, though the kind of mistake Alec would have arranged for him would involve Alka-Seltzer instead of eating him. To each their own.
Smiling innocently at Cyrus' declaration of troublemaking, Alec stated
"Trouble? Us? I assure you we had nothing but the noblest of intentions and simply were out for a quiet drink...at the...House of Pain. Yes. No trouble planned at all, but one never knows where the evening will end up. I'm sure that's why Amberelle came after stopping at the National Guard Armory."
Winking, he finished off the mint drink and waved down some tequila. If Cyrus was going to lead things down a more interesting path, it might serve to have something stronger to help get his blood up.
Her indecision was probably evident on her face before she shook it off with a sigh. I appreciate the offer, immensely.. but.. she shook her head no slightly.
Clamping a hand over her mouth to hide the giggles at Alec's rather astute observations she gave him a playfully angry glare but her topaz eyes twinkled with delight. On more than one occasion her feline form had proven handy to overhear conversations or infiltrate households on a reconnisance mission. And then in her own personal pursuits it was just as handy for getting into the choicest of homes. All in all her form was much more fitting for the current era. After all who really practiced falconry anymore? "No one except my archaic snob of a sire anyways..!"
Affecting a spot on image of indignant innocence, Amberelle turned wide, clear eyes towards her clanmate. Pressing a hand to her heart she proclaimed, What, moi? Certainly you are mistaken! I never get in trouble! Dropping the act she grinned. Glaring at Alec's armory quip she wrinkled up her nose and stuck her tongue out at him.
Surely you're used to this kind of thing? I figured I should step up the gear after that night Ginnie and I were out.. she made me feel positively naked in comparison! Besides, she shrugged and grinned a little, maybe I was hoping for a little trouble? Been cooped up at the house too long, I need a scratching post. She curled her hand and made scratching motions towards Alec while giggling.
Taking her drinks happily, she set down one shot then saluted the table with the other before tossing it back. The tequila burned on its way down and she winced a little, but smacked her lips and ahh'd loudly. It was crisp and strong, just what she'd wanted.
No, ahem, she cleared her throat slightly. Not poachers. We were just discussing some of the mutal business contacts we had back in New Orleans.. I'd been telling Alec how I was thinking about getting back into business.. I'm just too bored. She made a face and shrugged.
Sitting quietly while she feigned innocence, Cyrus could only arch a brow at her comments. He could understand the loose ends. In his long life he had lived his traditional pastoral life, fought for the Horde, retreated into the jungle for a century or two, started a business, explored the world as it became available, ran two more businesses while furthering the prior one and served his clan. Despite his estate in China and now in Nachton, he still felt nomadic.
"If there is one thing that I know, its that things change. You should be open to new opportunities to grow and explore, new fields and interests. If you are bored perhaps going back to the old is good, but perhaps a new path is available as well. With your life expectancy you can do anything you want."
The information that Alec was a hunting partner or at least knew how the fair but deadly Ginnie hunted was interesting. An unusual urge to pry into someone elses' business rose but was quickly drowned with scotch.
"Oui...ma coeur does indeed enjoy the feel of packing 'heat', though she very, very rarely uses it dans la chasse. Generally just to make her points more...terminal, or when...um...negotiating. Unless there are unsavory individuals involved, but then that is a very different kind of hunt now, isn't it? I suppose I find having so many options distracting, but she is certainly more effective with firearms than I am. Most weapons, really."
Smiling at the thought of his lovely grenadier, Alec sipped on the tequila. Pondering what Cyrus had said, he took the time to consider it. Just in the past year he'd gone from a tentative man to a socially awkward but progressing one, mostly a thief to mostly a security consultant, mostly a clan unknown to at least a minor player. It made his head spin thinking that his kind had sometimes thousands of these kinds of years, all stacked up in a row. No wonder they liked slowing things down at times, spacing them out.
As far as newness, that would happen on its own forever. Merely adapting to the changing world and the rapid increases in technology would always force one to grow or wither. It always made hims smirk to see some of the older members of his clan still sporting their ancient clothing, but strapped with firearms instead of swords, cell phones and ear bud mics instead of battle flags. He never commented, though...eventually, he may end up the same way.
But you see I have no idea what I want to do.. She shrugged. I never thought much about my future, just that I wanted to move away.. And now, I can't leave Nachton for a while, I don't think it would be very saf..smart. So I figure getting back into business for a while wil help me build up the reserves I'll need when I do decide to travel or.. whatever. Besides, do you know how expensive a good sale at Nordstrom's can be? The blonde chuckled, doubting either of the men here would have a clue.
Frowning at the table, she cocked her head to the side. I wonder how rusty I'll be at b&e..? What do you think? She looked at Alec curiously. I could always get back into doing hits.. but well.. that was never my choice, and I have no contacts in that area. With a small sigh she rested her hands on the table, lacing her fingers together.
Tell me, how are you keeping yourself occupied Alec? Maybe you can inspire me! With rapt attention she looked at her friend. Anything to get her mind off the restless feeling bubbling up in her with all of this talk. Amberelle's foot twitched rapidly and she felt the urge to follow the Mongol's example and start shredding the table. Or smashing a few heads together, that could be a fun evening too.
Then she asked what he'd been up to. Grinning, he couldn't very well say, "Oh, I'm training new hit squads." Chuckling, he looked at other projects that he'd been working on.
"Well, I've been working on hacking the 'unbeatables'. Optical readers, some of the more advanced laser arrays...pretty much working my way up the list. I have a family that I watch when I get bored to learn about modern human culture and study familial interaction. Ginnie and I watch a lot of movies and...um...stuff. I work on some security systems, and do some research, and do projects for the Clan when opportunity comes up. Mostly I just play with my toys. I've not been here TOO long, so I'm still playing with all of the new toys at my disposal, really."
Considering for a moment, he realized that he mostly screwed around and then brought in large sums of either money or resources for the Clan. Now, he was training others as well, but that should probably be kept on the low down as long as possible. It made him higher profile in the community than he wished to be acknowledged as. And a target in an inter-clan rivalry. The last thing he wanted was Cyrus to be after him since he said he was a trainer should the worst come to pass.
Chuckling away his morbid thoughts, Alec waved down more tequila.
Listening to Alec he realized that the Tach was much closer to Ginnie than Cyrus had first calculated. The firey irish woman probably gave him a good run for his money, of that he did not doubt. Tilting his head to the side he pondered what someone with Amberelle's specific talents do. Alec's comments actually gave him the idea.
"Why dont you either open a business or join one. I think security work would be good. Installing systems, testing the strength, devising new methods to outsmart people like Alec here."
Since the two were not alone he did not offer her a nest egg. Perhaps if Alec had not been there he would have laid the cash in his pocket on the table for her. But he did not wish to insult her, especially in front of her friend.
"The companies I hired to set up my system were run by two of our clanmates and many familiars or family. Since they seemed understanding of my requests if a bit pressed for time, I doubt they would turn down an applicant. Suki has all their contact information, should you be interested."
It would utilize her current skills and get her into the position to learn more, in a more legal type fashion too. He actually contemplated hiring her himself to test his system to see if it all worked as to his specifications and ideas. Something to think on. Cyrus was sure Suki could list off a dozen jobs that Amberelle would be perfect for but that was the only thing that crossed his mind. It was an idea at least should she wish to toe the line.
Turning his attention to Alec he raised a brow. "So, how do you manage to keep all your apendages around the lovely yet deadly Ginnie? Both times I have met her were quite exhillarating in the threats she boldly made. Though I do admit, our first meeting was somewhat unorthodox. Still her mark died even if I did eat him."
"Well, she's rather fond of my appendages where they are, and as I'm rather attached to them, I appreciate the joy she takes in their arrangement. I'd be terribly sad if she tore me limb from limb, or shot me to tiny pieces, or blew me into a fine mist. It is nice that she feels the same way - since otherwise my attraction to her may have been terminally inconvenient. I suppose she figures she already has my heart, so there's not much point to digging it out of my ribcage."
Pondering for a moment Cyrus' comment, Alec wondered if he'd finally placed him. Vindicator. Killer of the corrupt. It didn't seem precisely correct, but it fit loosely. It'd explain why he was killing one of Ginnie's marks - someone who had likely failed her in some capacity. Hopefully that wouldn't put them at crossed purposes later. Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
"Most of the time I've spent with her has certainly been exhilirating...and no, not just like that, Amby. Her work is a lot more hands on than I normally pursue, and it has helped me broaden my own horizons. As we start to blend our strengths, our weaknesses reduce. I still keep my hand in my own departments, but expand my repertoire, as does she.
I fell for her like a lightning strike in the desert...a huge momentous realization, and then afterward there is a beautiful natural sculpture left behind to excavate. Every day I unearth a bit more of what I feel, and what she feels, and it is just so damn won...um...sorry. I'd go into all of the emotional aspects, but then I may go all mushy and karaoke would be in my future. And no one wants that."
Blushing at his sudden outpouring, Alec pushed his tequila a bit away. Maybe it was hitting him faster than he'd thought. No good getting sloppy at the Hop.
Listening to Alec talk, Amberelle thought back to the painfully shy way he'd been when they first met. It warmed her heart to know he had found someone who could open him up and seemed to suit him so well. Not to mention it gave her hope for her own chances of finding someone. "Sometimes it just takes a while, look at Cyrus.." That was both depressing and comforting. To wait so long alone wasn't exactly something to look forward to. But he'd survived so she would to, she told herself firmly.
She opened her mouth to comment about "exhilirating" sports but Alec beat her to it and was rewarded with another nose wrinkle and stuck out tongue. As he continued on, her slightly annoyed look softened and she gave him a warm smile. That was one of the most romantic and amazing descriptions of love she'd ever heard, and it was actually making her a little sappy feeling.
That's probably the sweetest thing I've ever heard.. Sitting upsome she nodded firmly. I know.. the answer to all my problems. I need to find a nice rich man, get married... and off him! Bursting into giggles she wondered if the tequila was starting to effect her. Somehow she didn't think she would have normally said that out loud.
((Sorry it's kinda short, stressed today))
Cyrus would have to dig one of Suki's cards out for Amberelle later, right now he did not feel like getting up and he figured mentally manipulating his leather jacket on the back of the booth would freak the humans out. Besides, his efficient familiar probably had the young vampire in her address book anyways.
As his clanmate continued to talk he marvelled at her fiesty spirt. Women today were just as strong as the women he grew up knowing, but they had more spunk now. Even his kitten was developing quite a spirited temperment. At Amby's mention of killing the poor man she would marry he laughed.
"I feel the need to advocate my relationship with Fallon now, just to be sure I am not on that prospective list."
Draining the last of his scotch he realized that their waitress had not brought another round quickly enough. One tip and she failed to return. Disappointment in her shortsightedness had him putting the glass down quite firmly on the end of the table. The crack of the solid glass against the wood was loud but the glass did not break.
"Merde. Je suis desole...it seems that there is une petite issue interne that requires my attention. Hopefully a call will be sufficient. If not...I hope to see you both in the very near future."
Calmly making his way outside, he hoped a call would be sufficient. Most likely not, but one never knew.
((Alec out))
"Thank you for joining me this evening. I think its time for me to return home now. Please stop by anytime."
Exiting the club was easy and soon he was street level again. Cyrus stepped into the darkened alley and shifted. He was in the mood to run home rather than call Ginger. The city posed a challenge to him as he made his way through the dark rooftops into the more suberban neighborhoods. It was good to stretch his legs sometime, even in the city.
((Cyrus out, thank you!))
Another glass of wine appeared from her new waitress, the old one having not been seen since before her companions left. Lifting it with a slight nod at her, Amby's golden eyes roamed the undulating mass of flesh on the dance floor. Sometime soon she would have to feed, but for now she was content to watch and see how the living lived.