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N'awlins, y'all

Since his...discovery...Alec hadn't been getting out as much. Of course, with training and everything else, he had plenty of excuses. The fact of the matter is that he just didn't want to be the first Tacharan to have a chance encounter. Tracking her from behind, at a distance was one thing. Blundering about the city, knowing she was out there was another. But enough was enough. Chances are Ellis barely even registered his existence. And the probability of a chance encounter with someone laying low was completely nil.

Ginnie was working through her ballistic difficulties, Mathias was off the grid, and Alec wanted to do some drinking. Pondering for a moment, he decided to mix media. It'd been awhile since he'd run into Amberelle, and it dawned on him that they'd had a pleasant enough time each time they'd been out, though none of it had been planned. Looking forward to seeing her in a non-lingerie environment, Alec had given her a call, and she'd agreed to meet him at that most classy of establishments, the House of Pain.

Dress code was strictly enforced. Alec didn't usually wear heavy leather outside of training, but for the House of Pain he made an exception. He selected a modified racing suit of black leather with highly chromed sliding plates...he'd replaced the rivets with spikes at some point, and figured that'd go over well with the HoPpers. Concealed behind some of the plates and under the belt were a variety of goodies...just in case. Weighted gloves and his super chromed clubbing goggles completed the look. He'd laughed at himself in the mirror, but was given some compliments on his attire by a pair of the older mercs on his way out of the Domicile. Apparently he'd hit the look he was going for - Do Not Touch. Of course, that reminded him of a Far Side cartoon with a guy wearing a shoe on his head, standing in an inner-tube with a bazooka, and that gave him the chuckles again.

Entry was no problem, of course, and he made his way to a booth along the wall. The corner booths were taken. There were probably more important people than him here - only main characters in the movies got the corner booths. This must be a side vignette. Ordering a pair of mint juleps before sitting down, Alec smirked. Hopefully they wouldn't suck. There was plenty more alcohol if they did, though. The HoP was well stocked.

Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
The passage of time was measured in songs and shotglasses. The table was cleared a few times, but by the blonde's best guess she'd averaged 4 glasses every 10 songs. The crowd had begun to thin when she realized it was time to head back home if she wanted to catch any lone stragglers in the sewers for her dinner.

Waving her waitress over, the Anantya took out several bills and carefully tucked them into the girl's clevage with a tipsy grin. Sliding from the booth, Amberelle took a moment to stretch then made her way to the elevator. She was hungry.

((ooc - out, lock up please ))