So much going on in the doorway of their new home, Fallon almost didn't know what to respond to first. She had just been given gifts from Ana, but also was in dire need of hugging her friend. Ultimately she went with the latter, first.
"Don't be silly, I'm just glad to see you again. I was getting a little worried, but you look great, so I can see my worry was for nothing."
Returning the hug, without mashing the gorgeous bouquet Aishe held, Fallon reached up to pat her long lost sister's slightly red cheek. Coincidentally it was at that time Aishe nearly dropped the flowers, but successfully stopped the accident just before it became a certainty. Looking to Aishe, Fallon raised an eyebrow. The act was very subtle, but after having lived with Cyrus for as long as she had, she recognized telekinesis when she saw it. Question was...had Aishe done it herself, or was her man the perpetrator?
Taking the flowers, and casting a very admiring, and appreciative look at the lovely vase, Fallon turned to carefully set it down on the table in the entryway, before reaching behind Kem's neck to pull him close for a hug, and soft kiss on the cheek. Though she didn't know the man from Adam, the fact that he braved his shirt to come to the party, AND, was obviously important to Aishe, made him an instant like.
"Thank you so much for the flowers! They're lovely, and the vase is exquisite. We will always think of you now when we use it." That spoken, she again focused on Kem.
"Welcome Kem, I'm glad to meet you, and would like to introduce 'MY' other half, Cyrus." It did occur to Fallon that maybe she was looking at Kem in an assumption that could just as easily be wrong. But another supporting fact was that he had let Aishe dress him...and while they both looked marvelous, she had to believe only someone who cared deeply for her sister, would go along with such an idea.
Still holding onto Ana's gift, Fallon was again distracted by the entrance of one of their staff, holding several leis. Stepping to the woman, Fallon took several, gave two to Cyrus, hoping he would place them around Ana and Aishe's neck, gave one to Suki, for her friend, and then placed one gently around Kem's neck, again pausing slightly to offer a kiss to his other cheek.
"Please...come in...otherwise Cyrus and Suki may need to arrange to knock out a wall to hold us all."
As she stood aside allowing others to greet and enter, Fallon unwrapped the small gift she'd received from Ana and laughed when she noted the name on the tiny doll the box held. It looked like a small Barbie doll likeness, but the name is what made Fallon laugh and smile with glee. "Princess Fallon!" Grabbing her friend in a slightly less than tender hug, Fallon was still laughing. "Oh Ana! It's priceless...and so fitting. I really do feel like a princess these days. Thank you so very much, I'll treasure it." Holding the small, somewhat even similar likeness up to the group, Fallon then set it next to the vase of flowers, and tried to catch up on the conversation going on around her.
Love Abounds at Ger Kogji
Fallon had reverted to chewing on her cuticles, and had her right index finger in her mouth at that precise moment. The invitations had been mailed, and in her mind everyone who was anyone...anyone she considered friends or family...had been invited. Now the night of the party was upon them, and it was just a matter of waiting to see if those who had 'RSVP'd' would actually show.
Of course a blanket invitation had been sent to her Anantya brothers and sisters. They had so warmly welcomed her into their fold that she felt it was time to try and repay that kindness. She was also excited about seeing them again, as it seemed a long time since her initiation, and she had wanted to talk more to those she had met, and meet those she hadn't.
There was room for several of Cyrus' business associates, but Fallon had no clue who they might be. All that part of the inviting had been done by Suki, she imagined. For her part, in addition to Anantya, she had included:
Fallon laughed when she looked over the guest list and realized all her friends had 'A' names...not that she was 'that' friendly with Alec, and Ana's name really was Montana...but on the list it looked kind of funny. She was going to invite Tristan, but then found out he had moved back to California. Undoubtedly that was for the best, as he had really only been food for her. However she was just slightly disappointed that Bob was still away on business. She hadn't gotten terribly close to her old neighbor, but close enough that she thought it would have been nice to see him again.
Suki had asked that a 'Wesley' be added, and Fallon was rather intrigued by that request. Maybe all her talk of dating had finally captured her friend's attention, and she looked forward to meeting the mystery man.
Of course everyone invited was urged to bring a guest, and in addition to Wesley, Fallon had to wonder if Aishe's lack of contact might have been a result of a man as well. It had been so long since the two woman had spoken, but Fallon hoped her friend had been able to resolve things with her man.
As Fallon assembled the place cards around the large table, she placed each person and their guest next to each other, but tried to also place them next to someone they might not know. Clans people she tried to spread out, since they were the largest in number, and then Ana, Aishe, Alec, and Wesley she placed among them. Standing back a bit, she gazed at the scrumptiously decorated table, and how it fit so well in the very colorful tropical setting her home had become.
The flowers had been delivered, and were being set up now, filling the house with that color and wondrous smells. Fortunately the scents weren't terribly strong...more like just a hint of something wafting on the air, which she attributed to the fantastic air system Cyrus had built into the house. Temperature, humidity, all these things could be controlled by a touch pad that still had Fallon a bit intimidated, but that did exactly what it was reported to do...keep the atmosphere in Ger Kogji fresh, and clean, and very comfortable. Even when there might be snow outside, inside Ger Kogji would be a place of tropical delight.
Her theme was something else Fallon couldn't have been happier in her choosing. Ger Kogji already had a slightly island feel with all the plants, flowers, fountains, and bamboo, but thankfully the other leathers and woods and and silks and glass stopped it from being too overpowering. There was a nice harmony throughout the home that suited Fallon, Cyrus, and Suki too, to a 'T'. She hoped that same feeling spilled onto their guests tonight.
Snapping out of her party daze, it occurred to her she really needed to start getting ready, and make sure Cyrus was as well. Though she hadn't seen Suki all day, she never worried about her housemate. If anyone had everything on the ball, Suki was it.
Dashing into their suite, Fallon began looking for Cyrus, while heading for her closet.
18 years ago
18 years ago
Aishe was taking off for the front door before Kem could even register that her wave was being returned and a young woman at the front of the house was calling her name. Caught up in her wake he allowed himself to be pulled forward, right up into the light.
As Aishe offered her friend a warm hug, Kem took the opportunity to glance around, noting the 'doormen' (this party required bodyguards?) and being observant in general. One must note such things as where the overly curious glances might come from when one's date is clad in coconuts and while that might have been a teeny bit possessive, it was that which enabled him to realized that the large vase in Aishe's very small hands was slipping, condensation having formed on the outisde.
It was a simple matter to right the object, settling it firmly into her hands once more and letting the water in it stop sloshing before allowing Aishe to take the full weight of it again, and the gesture came as second thought to him; he hadn't imagined it would surprise Aishe so much.
[It was me,] he responded to the confusion he felt from her over the trivial matter. [I didn't think you'd want it broken.]
As Aishe recouped nicely and performed her introductions, Kem politely tipped his straw hat back so it hung down behind him (even the fact that it was a costume accessory wasn't enough for him to forego manners and wear a hat into someone's house), and looked down at Fallon with a slight smile and a nod of his head. He stood behind Aishe, left hand on her shoulder, so he couldn't offer Fallon much more than that for the moment, but he did extend his right hand.
"A pleasure, Fallon. Apparently you're one of the people I have to thank for welcoming Aishe to Nachton in my stead."
When she gave her hand to him he moved away from Aishe slightly, bowing formally over Fallon's hand before straightening. "Thank you."
Read: I've been a complete idiot, we all know this, and I appreciate your part in helping my girlfriend not get chewed on, bitten, eaten, and/or killed. That was really cool of you.
Suave he may not be, but Kem did know how to get his point across on most occasions.
Fallon turned to place the vase behind her and then Kem found himself being tugged out from behind Aishe and hugged, introduced to someone with a very no-nonsense appearance named Cyrus, and subsequently lei'd, hugged, and kissed on the cheek. No one could fault the reception, that was for sure. He offered Cyrus the same nod and extended his hand once more.
"Good to meet you, Cyrus."
Damn, it was hard to maintain formality in this getup.
As Aishe offered her friend a warm hug, Kem took the opportunity to glance around, noting the 'doormen' (this party required bodyguards?) and being observant in general. One must note such things as where the overly curious glances might come from when one's date is clad in coconuts and while that might have been a teeny bit possessive, it was that which enabled him to realized that the large vase in Aishe's very small hands was slipping, condensation having formed on the outisde.
It was a simple matter to right the object, settling it firmly into her hands once more and letting the water in it stop sloshing before allowing Aishe to take the full weight of it again, and the gesture came as second thought to him; he hadn't imagined it would surprise Aishe so much.
[It was me,] he responded to the confusion he felt from her over the trivial matter. [I didn't think you'd want it broken.]
As Aishe recouped nicely and performed her introductions, Kem politely tipped his straw hat back so it hung down behind him (even the fact that it was a costume accessory wasn't enough for him to forego manners and wear a hat into someone's house), and looked down at Fallon with a slight smile and a nod of his head. He stood behind Aishe, left hand on her shoulder, so he couldn't offer Fallon much more than that for the moment, but he did extend his right hand.
"A pleasure, Fallon. Apparently you're one of the people I have to thank for welcoming Aishe to Nachton in my stead."
When she gave her hand to him he moved away from Aishe slightly, bowing formally over Fallon's hand before straightening. "Thank you."
Read: I've been a complete idiot, we all know this, and I appreciate your part in helping my girlfriend not get chewed on, bitten, eaten, and/or killed. That was really cool of you.
Suave he may not be, but Kem did know how to get his point across on most occasions.
Fallon turned to place the vase behind her and then Kem found himself being tugged out from behind Aishe and hugged, introduced to someone with a very no-nonsense appearance named Cyrus, and subsequently lei'd, hugged, and kissed on the cheek. No one could fault the reception, that was for sure. He offered Cyrus the same nod and extended his hand once more.
"Good to meet you, Cyrus."
Damn, it was hard to maintain formality in this getup.
18 years ago
By the second glass, Cyrus felt calmer and slightly embarassed. Filling up his glass for the third time he ran a hand through his hair, knocking the lei crown onto the chair. Standing he left the study and flung it towards the bedroom where it landed neatly on the doorknob.
Stalking back to the entranceway he heard Suki welcome someone named Wesley which caused him to arch a brow. Then Ana mentioned gifts for him and his familiar which stuck him as a very sweet thing for the human to do. Cyrus stood off to the side, out of sight of the door while Fallon raced outside. Watching Suki greet the male in the door and Dave move over and drape a lei around Ana's head, Cyrus sipped his drink. The very large security guard moved back to his position at the door, he was an imposing sight at 6'4" 250lbs of vampire. His black pants and yellow hawaian shirt matched all the other security personel in the house, he simply was the largest and polynesian so he got the door job. Apparently he also had several talents which made him ideal for this work. Seeing the big man hand strings of flowers to his mate made him smile even when she did some quick intoductions and handed him some. Since he had moved forward at her saying his name he could easily take them.
He eye'd this Kem carefully. The helmet was made of straw and still slightly disturbed him though it was better now off his head. The goo on the guys nose, camera around his neck, odd shirt and socks made it seem more reasonable. Suki was right, now that he saw the whole picture he understood. Good thing his familiar so on the ball or else he would have made a very rude faux pas. Bowing more fully to Aishe was easier now that he was calm. Tilting his head to the side he smiled and questioned their guest quietly.
"May I?"
Once his meeting of Aishe was out of the way Kem stepped forward. Accepting the fellow's hand he could only arch a brow.
"Can I guess that your woman dressed you as well?"
His humor was probably not incredibly evident but since he was essentially wearing a skirt, the other guy seemed to have gotten off easier in some ways. Though the banana's on the shirt seemed to disagree with his opinion.
Stalking back to the entranceway he heard Suki welcome someone named Wesley which caused him to arch a brow. Then Ana mentioned gifts for him and his familiar which stuck him as a very sweet thing for the human to do. Cyrus stood off to the side, out of sight of the door while Fallon raced outside. Watching Suki greet the male in the door and Dave move over and drape a lei around Ana's head, Cyrus sipped his drink. The very large security guard moved back to his position at the door, he was an imposing sight at 6'4" 250lbs of vampire. His black pants and yellow hawaian shirt matched all the other security personel in the house, he simply was the largest and polynesian so he got the door job. Apparently he also had several talents which made him ideal for this work. Seeing the big man hand strings of flowers to his mate made him smile even when she did some quick intoductions and handed him some. Since he had moved forward at her saying his name he could easily take them.
He eye'd this Kem carefully. The helmet was made of straw and still slightly disturbed him though it was better now off his head. The goo on the guys nose, camera around his neck, odd shirt and socks made it seem more reasonable. Suki was right, now that he saw the whole picture he understood. Good thing his familiar so on the ball or else he would have made a very rude faux pas. Bowing more fully to Aishe was easier now that he was calm. Tilting his head to the side he smiled and questioned their guest quietly.
"May I?"
Once his meeting of Aishe was out of the way Kem stepped forward. Accepting the fellow's hand he could only arch a brow.
"Can I guess that your woman dressed you as well?"
His humor was probably not incredibly evident but since he was essentially wearing a skirt, the other guy seemed to have gotten off easier in some ways. Though the banana's on the shirt seemed to disagree with his opinion.
Suki Langston
18 years ago
At Wesley's grin, Suki could only return it. She was beyond pleased that he accepted an invitation that she had forgotten to put a personal note inside. Waving him in, she took a lei from Dave, who she probably looked like a midgit against, and offered to place it on Wesley.
Moving farther into the foyer she smiled apologeticly. "I am so sorry I did not have time before now to set up lunch. The finishing touches here, the move and now this seemed to take up my life for several weeks. But I am very very glad you made it."
She felt like bouncing excitedly while clapping, but she restrained herself because of the new people entering the foyer. Hearing the name Aishe made her glance at the coconut clad woman and commit her face and name to memory in a brief moment before returning her attention to Wesley.
"So how have you been?"
Moving farther into the foyer she smiled apologeticly. "I am so sorry I did not have time before now to set up lunch. The finishing touches here, the move and now this seemed to take up my life for several weeks. But I am very very glad you made it."
She felt like bouncing excitedly while clapping, but she restrained herself because of the new people entering the foyer. Hearing the name Aishe made her glance at the coconut clad woman and commit her face and name to memory in a brief moment before returning her attention to Wesley.
"So how have you been?"
18 years ago
Ana was glad to have brought such a well-received gift and, suddenly saddened, wished she'd thought to pick something up for Aishe, too. She turned to the darker skinned woman and gave her a hug and a greetful whisper then introduced herself to Aishe's date. "A pleasure to meet the man to catch Aishe's attention."
She was a bit surprised when Security-Guy Dave lei'ed her, but smiled her thanks and stepped aside. Taken aback at the sheer number of party goers waiting to enter, she decided it would be best if she were to step into the party proper and perhaps find a drink. Or a seat. Realizing that this party really wouldn't be a successful opportunity to catch up with her friends, she resolved to herself to have fun anyway.
Except... what fun was there at a luau?
She was a bit surprised when Security-Guy Dave lei'ed her, but smiled her thanks and stepped aside. Taken aback at the sheer number of party goers waiting to enter, she decided it would be best if she were to step into the party proper and perhaps find a drink. Or a seat. Realizing that this party really wouldn't be a successful opportunity to catch up with her friends, she resolved to herself to have fun anyway.
Except... what fun was there at a luau?
18 years ago
Stepping out of the 'stang, Mathias moved quickly to open Shay's door. As the soft warm flesh of her hand slid into his palm, Mathias could not help but smile. No matter the time, the distance or whatever travails they faced - he fell in love with her everytime they touched. Every vision of her made his heart pump and the breath to catch. Mathias was like a schoolboy having his first crush, and he prayed it never stopped.
"Have I mentioned how radiant you look,love? If this is the requisite attire, perhaps we should plan a vacation to the tropics" Mathias leaned in,kissing Shay softly upon her lips, lingering in her embrace a moment longer and feeling her scent wash over him.
Making sure not to forget, Mathias grabbed the box from the backseat. It was nesting dolls or matryoshka, a traditional Russian housewarming gift. Being a student of history, he thought Cyrus would appreciate them.
Mathias was actually looking forward to this party. Never the most social creature, he had found with Shay's gentle prodding that going out wasn't' the most onerous task. Mathias even found himself enjoying these outings - though his company had much to do with it.
Gift in one arm, his soulmate on the other,Mathias was happy and content. Looking at Shay,he nodded towards the door of this wonderful estate.
"Shall we, Laskovaya moya?"
OOC - Mathias outfithere and here Nesting dolls here
"Have I mentioned how radiant you look,love? If this is the requisite attire, perhaps we should plan a vacation to the tropics" Mathias leaned in,kissing Shay softly upon her lips, lingering in her embrace a moment longer and feeling her scent wash over him.
Making sure not to forget, Mathias grabbed the box from the backseat. It was nesting dolls or matryoshka, a traditional Russian housewarming gift. Being a student of history, he thought Cyrus would appreciate them.
Mathias was actually looking forward to this party. Never the most social creature, he had found with Shay's gentle prodding that going out wasn't' the most onerous task. Mathias even found himself enjoying these outings - though his company had much to do with it.
Gift in one arm, his soulmate on the other,Mathias was happy and content. Looking at Shay,he nodded towards the door of this wonderful estate.
"Shall we, Laskovaya moya?"
OOC - Mathias outfithere and here Nesting dolls here
18 years ago
Kem couldn't really be sure exactly which he preferred... a ridiculous shirt, or a skirt. Though in all honesty he'd worn robes for the longest time. They just weren't flowery. Nonetheless, when Cyrus questioned him about his attire he had to concede wih a small grin.
"Well, she did do the nose. And the hat." Looking down at himself with mock disbelief he added, "She turned me into a tourist!"
With a slight shrug and an apologetic tip of the head for the bad joke, he said, "There was a moment of horror when I first realized what she had in mind, but in the long run it's worth it for the smile." Kem nodded his head to indicate Fallon. "I suspect you know what that's like."
His attention was pulled away yet again when he was introduced to Ana, yet another friend ([Exactly how many people have you met since you got here?]), who offered him a sweet and sincere greeting. Trying to maneuver himself out of the way of the flow of guests without losing track of Aishe, Kem responded, "Sheer luck, I assure you. I did everything I could to screw it up but somehow that seems to have worked in my favor."
A fact which would most likely remain a mystery to him.
"Well, she did do the nose. And the hat." Looking down at himself with mock disbelief he added, "She turned me into a tourist!"
With a slight shrug and an apologetic tip of the head for the bad joke, he said, "There was a moment of horror when I first realized what she had in mind, but in the long run it's worth it for the smile." Kem nodded his head to indicate Fallon. "I suspect you know what that's like."
His attention was pulled away yet again when he was introduced to Ana, yet another friend ([Exactly how many people have you met since you got here?]), who offered him a sweet and sincere greeting. Trying to maneuver himself out of the way of the flow of guests without losing track of Aishe, Kem responded, "Sheer luck, I assure you. I did everything I could to screw it up but somehow that seems to have worked in my favor."
A fact which would most likely remain a mystery to him.
18 years ago
Details of the party had been given to Shay early enough that she did have time to get the proper clothing, but what with Alexi's working, and her own 'gadabouting' that was about all the planning she'd done. Truth was, she didn't know who Fallon and Cyrus were, and wasn't exactly clear how it was Alexi knew them.
But any reason to be out with her lover was worth whatever, and whoever else came with the date. Shay nearly glowed tonight, just from the loving looks Alexi kept giving her. She returned the kiss in the car, and then watched as he got out and walked around to her side.
"You have mentioned it, but don't let that stop you from continuing." She batted her eyes at him teasingly, then turned her look to one full of nothing but desire. It had been a good few weeks since they had been out like this, and though a part of her would have been content to have just stayed home, a part of her was excited about getting out as well.
When she stepped from the car, her hand in his, Shay again raked her eyes over her lover. He was dressed in a manner so foreign to his normal attire, yet he carried it off as if it was all he ever wore. The shorts were fairly non-descript cargo shorts, but they went perfectly with his tropical shirt. Together, with her in her custom made matching dress, Shay knew they made a handsome couple.
That Alexi had even thought of a house warming gift only reminded her of his rare concern for others. It was a sexist thought, but she truly doubted that many guys would have considered such a thing, or if they had, gone beyond just picking up a bottle of wine at the local liquor store. But the gift Alexi had shown her when he brought it home, was such a perfect representation of his heritage, that his desire to gift the inviting couple with it filled her with even more love.
Clutching his arm, Shay snuggled close as they walked to the front door. It always made her stomach do flip flops when he called her a term on endearment in his native tongue, and tonight was no exception.
Nearing the house, Shay couldn't help but admire it. It was huge, for sure, but not to the point that it seemed ostentatious. When the were at the door, Shay rang the bell and briefly rested her head on the corner of Alexi's shoulder. She hoped things wouldn't be so hectic that she wouldn't be able to spend at least some time with him, and that if it turned out to be a complete dud, he wouldn't mind leaving early. Time with him was precious, and she didn't want to waste any hanging around people she didn't know, sharing him.
But any reason to be out with her lover was worth whatever, and whoever else came with the date. Shay nearly glowed tonight, just from the loving looks Alexi kept giving her. She returned the kiss in the car, and then watched as he got out and walked around to her side.
"You have mentioned it, but don't let that stop you from continuing." She batted her eyes at him teasingly, then turned her look to one full of nothing but desire. It had been a good few weeks since they had been out like this, and though a part of her would have been content to have just stayed home, a part of her was excited about getting out as well.
When she stepped from the car, her hand in his, Shay again raked her eyes over her lover. He was dressed in a manner so foreign to his normal attire, yet he carried it off as if it was all he ever wore. The shorts were fairly non-descript cargo shorts, but they went perfectly with his tropical shirt. Together, with her in her custom made matching dress, Shay knew they made a handsome couple.
That Alexi had even thought of a house warming gift only reminded her of his rare concern for others. It was a sexist thought, but she truly doubted that many guys would have considered such a thing, or if they had, gone beyond just picking up a bottle of wine at the local liquor store. But the gift Alexi had shown her when he brought it home, was such a perfect representation of his heritage, that his desire to gift the inviting couple with it filled her with even more love.
Clutching his arm, Shay snuggled close as they walked to the front door. It always made her stomach do flip flops when he called her a term on endearment in his native tongue, and tonight was no exception.
Nearing the house, Shay couldn't help but admire it. It was huge, for sure, but not to the point that it seemed ostentatious. When the were at the door, Shay rang the bell and briefly rested her head on the corner of Alexi's shoulder. She hoped things wouldn't be so hectic that she wouldn't be able to spend at least some time with him, and that if it turned out to be a complete dud, he wouldn't mind leaving early. Time with him was precious, and she didn't want to waste any hanging around people she didn't know, sharing him.
18 years ago
Recovering well enough from her floating vase, Aishe resolved to revisit that little incident later on. For all that they'd been spending almost every waking moment together, Aishe and Kem had never discussed their respective vampiric abilities, and now she realized it might be helpful to know, so as not to get confused... or more freaked out... by what might happen on a day to day basis.
Aishe stood on her tiptoes to receive a lovely lei from Cyrus, and sneaked in a quick hug. She didn't know him well, but she had heard plenty about him from Fallon and it seemed he had lived up to her glowing praise and admiration, which earned bonus brownie points in her book. She had never seen Fallon looking so obviously content.
Ana was next and Aishe's hug was far less restrained. Upon enveloping the young woman in her best coconut-threatening bearhug, she moved into the entryway with her, Kem following along, none of them willing to hold up the flow. Getting away from the wave of guests was a relief, as every time Aishe brushed up against someone who was speaking, a mosaic of colors threatened to obscure her vision. It was disorienting, to say the least. She slipped her hand into Kem's and squeezed.
[Plenty,] she responded to his sending. [You meet the most interesting people when you walk around waving the 'turn-me' stick.]
Leaning in close to Ana, Aishe said, "I have a feeling I'm a bit off my game. It's been ages since I've socialized. And never in coconuts."
She didn't know if Ana was meeting anyone here, but she wanted very much to chat with her friend some, and hoped they wouldn't be separated too early on.
Aishe stood on her tiptoes to receive a lovely lei from Cyrus, and sneaked in a quick hug. She didn't know him well, but she had heard plenty about him from Fallon and it seemed he had lived up to her glowing praise and admiration, which earned bonus brownie points in her book. She had never seen Fallon looking so obviously content.
Ana was next and Aishe's hug was far less restrained. Upon enveloping the young woman in her best coconut-threatening bearhug, she moved into the entryway with her, Kem following along, none of them willing to hold up the flow. Getting away from the wave of guests was a relief, as every time Aishe brushed up against someone who was speaking, a mosaic of colors threatened to obscure her vision. It was disorienting, to say the least. She slipped her hand into Kem's and squeezed.
[Plenty,] she responded to his sending. [You meet the most interesting people when you walk around waving the 'turn-me' stick.]
Leaning in close to Ana, Aishe said, "I have a feeling I'm a bit off my game. It's been ages since I've socialized. And never in coconuts."
She didn't know if Ana was meeting anyone here, but she wanted very much to chat with her friend some, and hoped they wouldn't be separated too early on.
18 years ago
From her vantage point, Fallon could see all the guest who had already arrived, and felt her cheeks aching slightly from the smile she couldn't seem to remove from her face. Not that she wanted not to smile, this was a happy occasion, to be sure.
Still concerned about Cyrus and his earlier disappearance, Fallon moved over to stand next to him while Aishe and Ana greeted each other. Cyrus was still talking to Kem, it appeared, and Fallon wanted to take advantage of the moment to get a better look at the man who must have been the reason behind her friend's absence.
"So...Aishe was responsible for your costume, can I assume you were more than happy to retaliate with what she's idea I admit looks just great on her, by the way." Winking at Aishe, Fallon faced Kem again. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Suki seemed quite animated, and wondered if the gentleman who she was speaking to was more than a friend. Fallon was definitely going to need to talk to her later, and get 'that' full story.
Yet again, before many minutes passed, Dave was opening the door to another couple, both of who looked vaguely familiar, but not in a way that Fallon could remember why. Looking to Cyrus she questioned him with her eyes, hoping they weren't crashers, but his guests.
Still concerned about Cyrus and his earlier disappearance, Fallon moved over to stand next to him while Aishe and Ana greeted each other. Cyrus was still talking to Kem, it appeared, and Fallon wanted to take advantage of the moment to get a better look at the man who must have been the reason behind her friend's absence.
"So...Aishe was responsible for your costume, can I assume you were more than happy to retaliate with what she's idea I admit looks just great on her, by the way." Winking at Aishe, Fallon faced Kem again. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Suki seemed quite animated, and wondered if the gentleman who she was speaking to was more than a friend. Fallon was definitely going to need to talk to her later, and get 'that' full story.
Yet again, before many minutes passed, Dave was opening the door to another couple, both of who looked vaguely familiar, but not in a way that Fallon could remember why. Looking to Cyrus she questioned him with her eyes, hoping they weren't crashers, but his guests.
18 years ago
Ana 'squeed' into Aishe's hug and gave her another air kiss. "You know you have a lot more hugs to make up for, missy, going so long without returning phone calls." She affected an authoritative stance then dissolved into giggles.
"I've been going out here and there, have met some new friends, moved out of the old apartment into Fallon's old cottage... So maybe I might be able to help you get back into the swing of things." She looked at Safari Photographer Kem and quipped, "Of course you now seem to qualify for 'double dating' so perhaps you should get some tips from Fallon, too!"
She arched a brow at Aishe's comment. "Luau cliche or not, you look simply fantastic in that whole outfit. If Kem wasn't on your arm, I'm sure a dozen other guys would want to be. Heck, I wouldn't even mind, as long as we could go home to ice cream and Goonies together." She winked at Aishe, half joking, but mostly sincere.
"I've been going out here and there, have met some new friends, moved out of the old apartment into Fallon's old cottage... So maybe I might be able to help you get back into the swing of things." She looked at Safari Photographer Kem and quipped, "Of course you now seem to qualify for 'double dating' so perhaps you should get some tips from Fallon, too!"
She arched a brow at Aishe's comment. "Luau cliche or not, you look simply fantastic in that whole outfit. If Kem wasn't on your arm, I'm sure a dozen other guys would want to be. Heck, I wouldn't even mind, as long as we could go home to ice cream and Goonies together." She winked at Aishe, half joking, but mostly sincere.
18 years ago
Cyrus nodded at Kem. Anything was worth it for the loving smiles and passionate glances. He should be comfortable without pants but this short pareu was a bit more daring than he had gone in a very long time.
"I am learning exactly what that is like actually. It does make just about anything worth it."
His gaze slipped over his mate's form warmly though he tried not to be too obvious in his attentions to people other than his mate. Thankfully Ana the brilliant human that she was, distracted Kem with some clever greeting which gave him time to leer at Fallon. Still the doorbell ringing distracted him. As Dave opened the door, Cyrus was quite pleased and surprised at who was there. Stepping forward he held out his hand to the larger man.
"Welcome, I am glad you could attend."
It was a bit of a juggle but soon he had his glass passed off to Dave and the lei around his wrist extended to slip onto the lovely head of the Russian's woman should she choose. Welcoming them in he pointed out his mate, waving her over.
"This lovely lady is Fallon."
Once she joined them he smiled and snaked an arm around her waist. "Love, this is Mathias and Shay."
"I am learning exactly what that is like actually. It does make just about anything worth it."
His gaze slipped over his mate's form warmly though he tried not to be too obvious in his attentions to people other than his mate. Thankfully Ana the brilliant human that she was, distracted Kem with some clever greeting which gave him time to leer at Fallon. Still the doorbell ringing distracted him. As Dave opened the door, Cyrus was quite pleased and surprised at who was there. Stepping forward he held out his hand to the larger man.
"Welcome, I am glad you could attend."
It was a bit of a juggle but soon he had his glass passed off to Dave and the lei around his wrist extended to slip onto the lovely head of the Russian's woman should she choose. Welcoming them in he pointed out his mate, waving her over.
"This lovely lady is Fallon."
Once she joined them he smiled and snaked an arm around her waist. "Love, this is Mathias and Shay."
18 years ago
It was a good thing the entry way to the house was large, for there seemed to be an abundance of people standing there. In the few seconds it took for introductions, Shay managed to get a decent look at the decor, and found it quite tasteful, much as she noticed about the outside. It definitely had a tropical, or even Asian feel about it, but not so much that it was overpowering. Shay immediately felt very positive about the environment, if not yet completely at home.
Smiling at the host, Shay bent her head forward to accept the lei, and was rather pleased at the small but significant extension of friendship, and attention to detail the hosts had taken. Watching the woman be introduced, Shay was suddenly hit with a feeling of deja vu, but couldn't figure out why. The woman looked very familiar, yet the name 'Fallon' rang no bells. But seconds later she recalled having met the woman one night while she was out jogging.
"Thank you for having us, and if I'm correct, I believe I've met Fallon before, though we never exchanged names. It was several months back while I was out jogging, but a considerable distance from here..."
And with that bit of knowledge, Shay was surprised to find that Fallon now lived way out here in the country. Being the type of person who liked solving mysteries, she continued to think of reasons behind Fallon's then late night stroll so far from home.
"But then this house wouldn't have been built back then, so maybe you were living closer to town then?"
She could have lived without the information, but now it was a matter of conversation, and finding familiar ground with someone she didn't know.
"This house is...magnificent, from what little I've seen. Whoever your architect and designer is, you really must be thrilled with what they did for you."
Again Shay wondered if she and Alexi should look for someplace bigger, and a little more private. She did love their condo, but maybe it was time to expand. The investment couldn't hurt either.
Smiling at the host, Shay bent her head forward to accept the lei, and was rather pleased at the small but significant extension of friendship, and attention to detail the hosts had taken. Watching the woman be introduced, Shay was suddenly hit with a feeling of deja vu, but couldn't figure out why. The woman looked very familiar, yet the name 'Fallon' rang no bells. But seconds later she recalled having met the woman one night while she was out jogging.
"Thank you for having us, and if I'm correct, I believe I've met Fallon before, though we never exchanged names. It was several months back while I was out jogging, but a considerable distance from here..."
And with that bit of knowledge, Shay was surprised to find that Fallon now lived way out here in the country. Being the type of person who liked solving mysteries, she continued to think of reasons behind Fallon's then late night stroll so far from home.
"But then this house wouldn't have been built back then, so maybe you were living closer to town then?"
She could have lived without the information, but now it was a matter of conversation, and finding familiar ground with someone she didn't know.
"This house is...magnificent, from what little I've seen. Whoever your architect and designer is, you really must be thrilled with what they did for you."
Again Shay wondered if she and Alexi should look for someplace bigger, and a little more private. She did love their condo, but maybe it was time to expand. The investment couldn't hurt either.
18 years ago
Wesley laughed, “looks like I messed up again. I forgot this thing was a tropical theme. Quite embarrassed actually. By the way this is your employer’s place?”
He forgot to answer her question about his status of being do to the distinction of chatter around him. “I would love to meet some of your friends here. You into introductions?”
He was interested to piece together all the threads of relationships so that as the evening unfolded he woud be somewhat not so lost.
He forgot to answer her question about his status of being do to the distinction of chatter around him. “I would love to meet some of your friends here. You into introductions?”
He was interested to piece together all the threads of relationships so that as the evening unfolded he woud be somewhat not so lost.
18 years ago
Ysabel hopped down from the truck behind Dayle, not at all minding the fact that she'd had to sit snuggled up in the middle of the bench seat between her twin and Ambrose. There had been a good deal of amusement to discover that the address fo fallon and Cyrus' new home was right next to Ysabel's property, and she was elated to know her neighbors were Anantya as well.
Hers and Dayle's gift, small and simple but, she hoped, appropriately chosen, would be welcome to the couple. She lifted it carefully from where it sat in her lap, a precious little dwarf crepe myrtle bonsai tree, covered to ward against the chilly night air. In keeping with the theme, Ysabel had convinced Dayle that a tropical bonsai, although a little more difficult to care for, was the best one. With a bit of a blush, as Ambrose had been present at the time, she'd said something about how she hoped the tree would flourish with care and love, as would the couple in their new home. Such was written on the small card that was tucked into the accompanying care package that Dayle held, which contained everything Cyrus and Fallon would need to care for the little tree.
Ysabel's gown was an exact match for Dayle's, and it was the first time in a very long time she'd worn something that revealed her ankles so fully. She would have felt like a tramp, had not Ambrose and Dayle both reassured her that the gown was quite beautiful despite her bony ankles. Ambrose, in fact, had gone to great lengths (successful ones, too) to prove he still found her quite beautiful in and out of it.
Her hair was elaborately arranged in a series of curls and braids that boggled the eye of all but the most experienced hairdresser, embellished with tiny sprays of pink and yellow jasmine flowers. Ysabel particularly liked that part, feeling much like her hairdresser had stepped out of the 17th century just for tonight.
She placed her hand gently on Ambrose's arm, the one that held his cane, letting Dayle have his good side. Ambrose might be feeling slightly surly about having to dress up at all, but she hadn't heard a peep of discontent from him when it came to escorting the two blonde twins. Ysabel had felt free to bring Dayle along as her guest, since Ambrose of course had his own invitation.
They approached the door as a trio and didn't have to wait long at all, for it appeared there were a great many guests already present.
Hers and Dayle's gift, small and simple but, she hoped, appropriately chosen, would be welcome to the couple. She lifted it carefully from where it sat in her lap, a precious little dwarf crepe myrtle bonsai tree, covered to ward against the chilly night air. In keeping with the theme, Ysabel had convinced Dayle that a tropical bonsai, although a little more difficult to care for, was the best one. With a bit of a blush, as Ambrose had been present at the time, she'd said something about how she hoped the tree would flourish with care and love, as would the couple in their new home. Such was written on the small card that was tucked into the accompanying care package that Dayle held, which contained everything Cyrus and Fallon would need to care for the little tree.
Ysabel's gown was an exact match for Dayle's, and it was the first time in a very long time she'd worn something that revealed her ankles so fully. She would have felt like a tramp, had not Ambrose and Dayle both reassured her that the gown was quite beautiful despite her bony ankles. Ambrose, in fact, had gone to great lengths (successful ones, too) to prove he still found her quite beautiful in and out of it.
Her hair was elaborately arranged in a series of curls and braids that boggled the eye of all but the most experienced hairdresser, embellished with tiny sprays of pink and yellow jasmine flowers. Ysabel particularly liked that part, feeling much like her hairdresser had stepped out of the 17th century just for tonight.
She placed her hand gently on Ambrose's arm, the one that held his cane, letting Dayle have his good side. Ambrose might be feeling slightly surly about having to dress up at all, but she hadn't heard a peep of discontent from him when it came to escorting the two blonde twins. Ysabel had felt free to bring Dayle along as her guest, since Ambrose of course had his own invitation.
They approached the door as a trio and didn't have to wait long at all, for it appeared there were a great many guests already present.
18 years ago
What in hells name was he doing in this get up. Ambrose was rather twitchy about it and only the sight of Belle in limited fabric was keeping his mind off the ridiculous shirt and the hat paired with black jeans. He felt like some Rat Pack reject at best and a complete fool at worse.
And then there was the matter of a gift. Belle wasn’t going to let him slack but she had also pushed him to find something himself. Like he knew anything about housewarmings. He also wasn’t overly acquainted with the host and hostess, which made things even harder. He’d finally settled on a set of crystal tumblers. OK so it was generic but re-gifting wasn’t a crime and it’s the thought that counts and all that shit.
Consoled by escorting Belle and her twin as well as having Bell rather squashed up against him on the ride over once out of the truck he offered Dayle the arm with the box tucked under it he started towards the door.
“Damned fine thing you two look good.”
And then there was the matter of a gift. Belle wasn’t going to let him slack but she had also pushed him to find something himself. Like he knew anything about housewarmings. He also wasn’t overly acquainted with the host and hostess, which made things even harder. He’d finally settled on a set of crystal tumblers. OK so it was generic but re-gifting wasn’t a crime and it’s the thought that counts and all that shit.
Consoled by escorting Belle and her twin as well as having Bell rather squashed up against him on the ride over once out of the truck he offered Dayle the arm with the box tucked under it he started towards the door.
“Damned fine thing you two look good.”
Suki Langston
18 years ago
With a smile and a wave of her hand she brushed Wesley's worry aside. "I am quite sure that some people will arrive in standard attire instead of tropical. Though anyone in a lei should be considered dressed properly."
Looking around with a pleased smile she nodded. "Yes, this is it. Cyrus Arslantai is my boss and his significant other Fallon Tierney."
She pointed to each person in question, first the asian looking gentleman in the red on red hawaian shirt and pareu then the brunette in a modest two piece outfit.
"Soon as they are free I will introduce you. But this lovely lady is my friend Ana, she is a librarian here in Nachton. Ana, this is my friend Wesley."
Looking around with a pleased smile she nodded. "Yes, this is it. Cyrus Arslantai is my boss and his significant other Fallon Tierney."
She pointed to each person in question, first the asian looking gentleman in the red on red hawaian shirt and pareu then the brunette in a modest two piece outfit.
"Soon as they are free I will introduce you. But this lovely lady is my friend Ana, she is a librarian here in Nachton. Ana, this is my friend Wesley."
18 years ago
At the lovely Shay's comments, Cyrus held as good of a poker face as possible. Nothing like having a potential meal come back to say Hi, though he sincerely hoped that it had not been like that. Simply because Mathias was an ok guy for a Russian and he did not wish to have his mate imposing upon the other man's. Thankfull for the redirection of the conversation he bowed his head.
"Thank you. It was quite a joint effort through several architects and contractors. Fallon and Suki did most of the interior design themselves though. Suki is my assistant."
Since the doorbell rang and Dave moved to answer it he gestured in further to the guests. "Please make yourselves at home in the front room or even out on the lanai."
The door opened to reveal his clanmate Ysabel in stereo and a clanmate who he thought was Ambrose Townsend but could not be completely sure. Choosing the closest of the two ladies he smile at her and welcomed the trio with a grin.
"Miss Yolgrave, its always a pleasure to see you. This stunning woman must be your sister, Miss Yolgrave."
After offering each young looking woman a lei, Cyrus extended his hand to their escort. "My apologies, I know your face but not your name good sir. Cyrus Arslantai, thank you for coming."
"Thank you. It was quite a joint effort through several architects and contractors. Fallon and Suki did most of the interior design themselves though. Suki is my assistant."
Since the doorbell rang and Dave moved to answer it he gestured in further to the guests. "Please make yourselves at home in the front room or even out on the lanai."
The door opened to reveal his clanmate Ysabel in stereo and a clanmate who he thought was Ambrose Townsend but could not be completely sure. Choosing the closest of the two ladies he smile at her and welcomed the trio with a grin.
"Miss Yolgrave, its always a pleasure to see you. This stunning woman must be your sister, Miss Yolgrave."
After offering each young looking woman a lei, Cyrus extended his hand to their escort. "My apologies, I know your face but not your name good sir. Cyrus Arslantai, thank you for coming."
18 years ago
Dayle had quietly disagreed with Ysabel for over an hour, then loudly argued with her for five minutes over the prospect of wearing identical dresses to the luau they'd been invited to.
Not only had Dayle used the 'cliche to dress like twins' argument, as well as the 'but it's not your style' argument, the 'but I don't have a date', the 'I'll be a third wheel' and the inevitable 'none of these people are my Clan, won't they be suspicious?' bits... But she was shot down with the simple arching of an Ysabellian sculpted eyebrow and the calm, zen-like comment of 'it's a party, there will be single men, you're going and that's final.'
So there Dayle found herself, nearly crammed into the front seat of Ambrose's pickup. The bonsai care-and-feeding package was tightly wrapped, but the tree itself was neatly covered to protect from cold. Dayle half wondered if her twin were freezing her arse off, having had her ankles bare and visible for nearly an hour by the time they drove up to the house. Mansion. She knew how much coaxing it had taken Ambrose to talk her into wearing it - even indulged in a bit of it herself - but the other Yolgrave's man did most of the work. She'd tuned in with her perception to hear the conversation after they moved behind closed doors... And tuned back out when she started to hear moans. 'Bloody rabbits they are,' she'd mumbled to herself as she finished getting dressed.
She vocally ignored Ambrose's comment about it being a damned fine thing the two sisters looked good, she mentally berated him thinking uncharitably, "What, you expected any less?" A deep breath later, the smile of her sister across his shoulders, she merely shrugged.
But to have the doorway to the not-quite-humble abode opened by the Master of the House himself was a bit of a surprise. Though when he extended his hand to Ambrose after saying "Miss Yolgrave, its always a pleasure to see you. This stunning woman must be your sister, Miss Yolgrave" she had an extremely difficult time keeping a nonchalant face about being mistaken. After all, dressed as they were, in matching gowns and shoes, but for their hair styles they were nigh-unmistakable. Delicately smiling at the man whom Ysabel had described and Ambrose had named, she answered, "It is a pleasure and honor to be invited to your magnificent occasion, Mr. Arslantai. I am Dayle Yolgrave. I believe you know my sister, the Other Miss Yolgrave, I mean Ysabel, and her escort, Mr. Ambrose Townsend."
Not only had Dayle used the 'cliche to dress like twins' argument, as well as the 'but it's not your style' argument, the 'but I don't have a date', the 'I'll be a third wheel' and the inevitable 'none of these people are my Clan, won't they be suspicious?' bits... But she was shot down with the simple arching of an Ysabellian sculpted eyebrow and the calm, zen-like comment of 'it's a party, there will be single men, you're going and that's final.'
So there Dayle found herself, nearly crammed into the front seat of Ambrose's pickup. The bonsai care-and-feeding package was tightly wrapped, but the tree itself was neatly covered to protect from cold. Dayle half wondered if her twin were freezing her arse off, having had her ankles bare and visible for nearly an hour by the time they drove up to the house. Mansion. She knew how much coaxing it had taken Ambrose to talk her into wearing it - even indulged in a bit of it herself - but the other Yolgrave's man did most of the work. She'd tuned in with her perception to hear the conversation after they moved behind closed doors... And tuned back out when she started to hear moans. 'Bloody rabbits they are,' she'd mumbled to herself as she finished getting dressed.
She vocally ignored Ambrose's comment about it being a damned fine thing the two sisters looked good, she mentally berated him thinking uncharitably, "What, you expected any less?" A deep breath later, the smile of her sister across his shoulders, she merely shrugged.
But to have the doorway to the not-quite-humble abode opened by the Master of the House himself was a bit of a surprise. Though when he extended his hand to Ambrose after saying "Miss Yolgrave, its always a pleasure to see you. This stunning woman must be your sister, Miss Yolgrave" she had an extremely difficult time keeping a nonchalant face about being mistaken. After all, dressed as they were, in matching gowns and shoes, but for their hair styles they were nigh-unmistakable. Delicately smiling at the man whom Ysabel had described and Ambrose had named, she answered, "It is a pleasure and honor to be invited to your magnificent occasion, Mr. Arslantai. I am Dayle Yolgrave. I believe you know my sister, the Other Miss Yolgrave, I mean Ysabel, and her escort, Mr. Ambrose Townsend."
18 years ago
Wesley smiled and offered his had in a good strong handshake, “a Liberian? I never scene you at any of the branches. Of course I’ve only been to two. Tell me Ana, do you specialize in any area? Like history, perhaps? Suki, does like it, right?
He smiled at his friend, "see I remembered."
He smiled at his friend, "see I remembered."