Death of an Alter Ego ((attn:Alec))

Ginnie sat staring out through her windshield. The SUV was silent, since the motor was off and her passenger wasn't talking anymore. She was not being vigilant and she knew it. It was stupid and a rooky mistake, but she couldn't help it. Her conscience was actually waring with her. Ginnie found a lot of her job distasteful, but none of it ever made her question herself or create a battle field inside her head. This did.

In the back of her car lay a long black body bag, covered with several blankets. If a smart person looked in then that is exactly what they would see, but Ginnie knew they wouldn't look in, because the body shop guys at the Domicile had put a limo tint on all of her windows save the front windshield. That body was a blonde, five-seven, a hundred and twenty-five pound caucasian, with missing teeth. That particular task had been very icky. She'd begun to do it herself, but had had to give it over to Alec because the tears in her eyes had blinded her.

She'd spent the better part of the day and night wondering why she was having such a huge reaction to all of this. It was like she couldn't separate the fake Shalimar in her head from the living breathing vampire Shay. She kept getting this voice telling her that she was killing her own child. It was ridiculous and not even close to the mark, but that didn't stop the voice. This was just another staged death, something she'd done numerous times for numerous reasons. They were simply giving their daughter a way out of the human world. What was so wrong with that?

From down the dark deserted alley in which she waited came the brief double flash of headlights. Alec had been down the alley getting Shay's old car ready for this gruesome little play. With a sigh she pull her stocking cap low over her pinned up curls and slid from behind the wheel.

Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
Earlier in the evening, Alec stared at the mock Shay. The wonders that could be performed with access to Duibne's medical facilities, cadavers, and a little vampiric ingenuity were astounding. Skeletally, the cadaver was almost a spot on match - the features were similar, but Shay was prettier than this particular juicebag had been before her downward turn. The big thing was matching the body fat ratio and checking for any conditions that would make an autopsy report. The superficial similarities weren't too important, as they would not remain. The only difficult portion was the dental work - Alec had felt that alteration of this girl's bite pattern would have worked, but the team was most interested in removal. In his mind, it left room for questioning, and he didn't want that. It was much easier and more thorough, though, so he'd relented. For some reason, Ginnie'd left dental work to him. After so many instances of the same task, it probably got a bit boring.

Still, it gave him time to get to know the corpse. His girl was about to die to the human world, and this object was to facilitate her transition and increased safety. That should be appreciated. Peeling back the dead woman's eyelids, he smiled into their glassy void.

"You've been very, very helpful, Lauren."

The eyes were all wrong, but they would of course be burned away after the "accident". Then the match would be close enough. Cocking his head a moment, he frowned. She really had been prettier with her teeth. Too bad. A short time later, they'd loaded her up for transfer.

Shaking himself from his reminiscence, he double checked the interior and returned fully into the present. It was fully sanitized...before being re-treated with the bagged items he'd taken from the vehicle originally. From the dirt to the dog hair, the car was identical, shy a bit of vampiric trace evidence. That would have caused too many questions, so it had to go. The car itself was quite a bit of work - the team had done research of the failures in this particular model and replicated the most dangerous errors to exploit. Shay's family would have quite a sizable out of court settlement coming their way. Leaning over, he flashed the lights and exited the vehicle, leaving the doors unlocked for now. Scanning the area, he saw no evidence of witnesses. Even if there were, it would be unlikely that anyone in this area would assist a police investigation of any variety. Still, he focused on the windows, alcoves...anyplace within the direct line of sight.

With everything coming up negative, he relaxed a bit, straightened up and smiled warmly at his lover as he moved to join her. Offering his arm, he asked

"Ready for the transfer? Or did you want to double check the wiring?"

He still didn't fully approve of Shay keeping a portion of her human name, but these things happened. She'd have plenty of opportunity to change her mind in thirty years or so. Of course, by then it wouldn't matter as much, but maybe she'd be ready for a change.

After the evening's festivities, one small portion would remain - the switching of DNA records, if the human family requested. Put on a lab coat and walk with confidence and you could get anything you needed. For other people, he'd send someone else. In this instance, he'd handle it personally. Just in case.
Ginnie 17 years ago
By the time Alec reached her, Ginnie had assumed her game face. It was a cold, distant, mostly arrogant mask that kept any emotion from her face and frightened a fair few. Ginnie was a beautiful woman, but the mask made it seem as though death itself looked out from her eyes.

"No, everything's set."

She'd already checked the wiring, twice actually, but she wouldn't tell Alec that. She didn't want him to feel like she was not confident in his abilities. It had nothing to do with that, in any case. It was just a matter of her needing to check everything, because she didn't want to do this anyway.

Ginnie moved around to the rear of the truck and lifted the back door over her head. She flipped the blankets back and crawled up into the back next to the body. The body, it, nothing real or with a name, it kept her brain from shutting down the rest of her. She pulled the zipper down and peeled the body bag away.

With one hand she pushed the cadaver up and with the other the bag down, until she had the upper body free of the black plastic. She crawled to the other end and did the same with hips, legs and feet. She turned the body to lay parallel to the back opening and climbed to the other side. With a grunt she lifted the corpse up and slid it into Alec's waiting arms.

He moved back and she climbed down, flipped the blankets back over the now empty body bag and pulled the door closed.

"Show time."
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
Looking down at the form in his arms, Alec was thankful for the cold of winter. He wasn't a fan of meat after the first few minutes. Sure, he could dull his senses, but given the situation he wanted to have all of the early warning systems up and running. If something went wrong with the wiring, he'd need to smell the ozone. If the primer was wrong, the scent would tip him off first. Maybe the sound. It'd been years since the last error of those types on a disposal job, but that was because folk didn't cut corners. So he'd put up with Lauren's slightly decaying scent. All part of the show.

Pondering if deodorant would help with decay, Alec walked the body over to the driver's side of the car. Squatting slightly, he maneuvered his hand to open the handle. He'd remembered to leave the doors unlocked - he'd made that mistake once. Very embarrassing to lock the keys in a car and not be able to get in easily while hugging a corpse. One of those errors that doesn't come up twice. If he'd not been alone on that run, he'd never have lived it down.

Gently, he moved the meat mannequin into position, placing the appendages in all of the proper postures, affixing them with zip ties. Pure disposal. Everyone on the forensics team would know she was dead before entering the vehicle. Procedure would put them on the trail of known criminals that she'd been associated with bringing to justice in the past. One just happened to have been through Nachton International Airport recently on purely legit business. Just a convenient additive to the equation.

One of the techs had been shocked in learning that they were condemning an innocent. He'd been transferred from merc work to Duibne security. Anyone who thought about the rights of their food, especially given the patsy's history, was simply in the wrong line of work.

Securing her head in place, he frowned. He wished they'd made it look more like an accident, but this was more direct and would leave her family with a sense of loss and then vindication. Better than a pointless death. Reaching under the seat, he flipped a switch, stood up, and shut the door. Scanning the area once again, he headed back toward Ginnie. Show time.
Ginnie 17 years ago
Ginnie had checked the area for witnesses while Alec secured the body in the vehicle. The little bit of trace they left would not lead to anything or anyone and the case would likely be closed and put in the cold case files. It wasn't an uncommon occurence here in Nachton and a little bit of bait and switch would take care of anything they overlooked.

She shivered as a gust of wind whipped up the alley and tugged at the edges of her jacket. She heard the car door shut and made her way back to the SUV, and slid into the drivers seat. A faint overlay of decomp filled the interior. She wrinkled her nose and pulled the detonator out of the center console. She handed it to Alec as he slid into the passenger seat.

She liked blowing things up and would normally do the honors, but everything about this creeped her out and she just didn't want to push that button. She hoped Alec wouldn't think less of her, or look at her differently. She really had no idea why this was affecting her in such a way. This wasn't her first rodeo, and she was acting like that shithead they'd sent to work at Duibne. She sighed, and started up the car.
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
Now...that was unusual. Ginnie didn't pass up explosion opportunities...since they'd been together he could count the number of instances on one hand. Unsure of what to say, he paused a moment, pressed the button and watched the fireworks. Considering, he quietly stated

"They'll never have a hold on her again. She is truly free now. I'll handle the data switch personally."
Ginnie 17 years ago
Ginnie watched the car go up, appreciating the explosion for what it was. It was well set up and would make her virtually unrecognizable, the CSI team will be lucky to get some DNA out of it. She nodded her head to Alec's words.


With a sigh Ginnie put the SUV into gear, and drove away from the scene of her daughter's death. It was done now and she would have to face the reality of it, but for now she just drove. Soon she would be making phone calls, telling a family their daughter was dead, complete strangers that their friend was no longer among the living, and then a public hungry for tragedy that an acclaimed author was lost. It weighed on her and she swiped at the tears that rolled hot and silent down her cheeks.
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
Glancing over at Ginnie's wipe of a tear, Alec became confused. He didn't understand what would cause the tears. It was just another step in Shay's life, and not an especially applicable one to either of them. Alec found he was a bit pleased, himself - the work had been well done, their charge would not be troubled by looming specters of her past. She was free and safe to develop without interference now, if that was what she wanted. She'd given nothing up and earned an immense amount in return. It was like finding an authentic Da Vinci sketch at a garage sale.

Cocking his head, he decided to find out the very different perspective from the seat next to him.

"Love...I find myself both pleased and relieved after this evening's seem to be in a very different position. Would you like to share?"

Taking off his left glove, he reached slowly over and pulled another tear from her cheek with the back of his index finger. He didn't like knowing that she was troubled, but she was a vision with those moist streaks. The passing lights turned the trails into radiant bands, and for just a moment could reveal to those with normal senses what he saw in her all the time. Shining light breaking through its container in the loveliest of patterns. A creature of radiance and darkness, a tigress with stripes of sunlight.

Of course, most people would just notice the tears.
Ginnie 17 years ago
Ginnie sniffled, it took several tries and clearing her throat to make words leave her lips. "Relieved is a sensation I can not seem to work up. I feel...guilty. Yes, that's the perfect word for what is in my heart. I brought over my clan-mate's familiar, wiped her memory, and now I've staged her human death. It seems I do have a conscience, and it's troubling me fiercely."

She pushed tears from her chin with the back of her hand. "I should be so much more detached from this, and yet I can't make my brain separate the real Shay from that poor woman we just blew up. My brain is telling me it was a perfect job, nothing was left to trace it back to us, the explosion was a study in perfect car bombs, and she is free from the human world completely. But my heart..."soft sigh, and small sob "My heart, tells me I just killed my daughter. How do I fight that, Alec?"

She turned to him, desperate need in her eyes.
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
Now didn't seem to be the time to bring up the theory that he was the one responsible for Shay's mind wipe, so he put it on a shelf for another time. Work through current issues before causing other ones.

"Well, Lauren wasn't Shay. They were similar enough to help bridge the gap. You know that in your mind, and when you get home and Shay's in her room jumping on the bed naked or watching Kung Fu or whatever, your heart will realize that your brain is right and put its complaints away. Then you'll remember that we've just finished the last step in a process that should have left her dead to the world anyway - except for good. Instead, we still have our Shay and she gets to move unencumbered through her new development. Her mannerisms are changing, her behaviors and tendencies are changing...she won't be the same person she was. We're just making sure this new person is safe from the thing she used to be. I'm sure the feeling will go away when you see it wasn't her in that car. Just a case of mistaken identity and residual guilt."

Part of which may be my fault, but we'll wait on that for now.

"You did the best thing that could have been done for her. You gave her life."
Ginnie 17 years ago
The smell in the car was starting to get to her, and Alec's words made tears come faster, and they blinded her. She took a blurry look around, decided they were far enough away and pulled to the side of the road. Her finders found the window controls and she opened all four of them, while tears drenched her cheeks, and small sobs started in her chest.

Her hand fell limply into her lap, when it's task was finished and she sat there weeping at the steering wheel, trying to overcome the flood.

"I...Know...all...of...that...[/i]She managed between sobs. Her shirt became a convenient tissue as she raised the hem and mopped at her face. Before much longer the tears slowed, and the sobs quieted, and she felt...fine.[/i]

"I think...well, I think I just needed to cry." She turned and looked at Alec with puffy tear bright eyes. "Why is that? In all of my decades upon decades, I've never needed to cry just to cry. I didn't do this when Reginald died or when I'd been human. What is it about you and Shay that makes me all weepy and girly. I swear, it's like I've been taken over by pod people. Oh my God! I know what it is." She pointed a finger at him, and jabbed toward him for emphasis. "You've been putting hormones in my blood supply! You, bastard."

Giggles bubbled up from that knot in her chest and broke forth into laughter. When she could speak again She crawled from her seat and into Alec's lap, her face nuzzled in his neck. One more point for the roomy SUV. "Thank you, my love. You keep me from doubting myself and going crazy with the guilt I seem to be inflicting upon myself."

Ginnie leaned back and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I love you." A mischievous grin curled her lips. "Hey, want to christen the new car?"

Thoughts of her daughter's human death, the fact that the remnants of a dead body were still in her car, and a car fire she'd lit was just a few miles away, were no longer in her mind and the whole incident could be put behind her, and brought up for study later on some bright cheery morning when she couldn't sleep.
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
Alec had heard of the need to cry for cryings sake, but it hadn't happened to him yet. He'd cried, but there was always a very direct correlation. It must build up over centuries and just pop out in times of stress. Maybe that was why Simon seemed almost constipated sometimes - he just needed a good cry. But he sure as hell wasn't going to ask.

Wiggling his eyebrows at the accusation of putting hormones in her blood, Alec then leered at her.

"You don't seem to mind all the hormones when you're getting them."

Gathering her laughing form into his lap, he grinned. Laughing, happy, naughty Ginnie promised more fun than crying for no reason emo Ginnie. Sure, both were sexy as hell and he loved them, but one caused him to worry about his own safety, the other hers. He'd take the peril any time.

"Nothing like a little guilt to brighten one's day. But you really shouldn't doubt yourself - you're doing great."

Returning the kiss, he gave a wink as he said

"Sure, but you're driving."
Ginnie 17 years ago
Ginnie gave a wicked little grin. "I like driving."

She slipped off his lap, and into the back seat, "C'mon, slick." And then she went over the back of that seat into the cargo area. With a flick of her mind she had the hidden compartment in the passenger side wheel well open as she rolled up the remains of Laura's remains and stuffed it inside. From the opposite side compartment she pulled a spray bottle of febreeze and gave the cargo area a quick squirt and then covered the area with a clean thick mexican horse blanket.

Her brain had pushed aside whatever had caused her to react the way she had and she was back to being and feeling like herself, a very horny self. She turned to Alec, and pressed her lips to his as her brain reached out and depressed the button that had a shade dropping over the front window of the SUV. It made her very grateful that the first thirty-six hours she owned the car it had been with the Tach body shop being modified for her.

It now had the two hidden compartments, the shade, and a false bottom that held all of her cases with room for several more., not to mention some surveillance additions. They'd...'um oh shoot what is that term, oh right', they'd pimped her ride vampire style. The thought made her chuckle a little, as her fingers found where Alec's shirt disappeared into his pants and began to tug.
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
As she slipped over his shoulder, Alec glanced around the compartment. There sure was a lot of glass, and...she'd thought of that already. As the covers slid over the windows, he heard all manner of rummaging behind him. Clicking off his belt, he expanded his hearing to "see" in the now pitch black cabin. Sliding bonelessly over the seat, he crouched, taking steps only in silent areas and pressing his weight up along the ceiling to leave Ginnie as much room to maneuver the...that's right, the body bag and blankets. It was interesting how he was starting to be able to differentiate between sound qualities in such a small space - it was almost like seeing with his ears. Careful to avoid where she'd placed her hand on the floor, he stepped over and beyond, onto the blanket. Relaxing his upward push, he slid his body out beside hers, brushing softly along its length to let her know exactly where he was.

She let loose a small chuckle, and pulled his shirt up, running her hands over his belly.

"Oh, shit, hang on. I put in some tools today."

Removing his belt, he took his stiletto and opened his radiating scars, removing the ceramic picks and probes that he kept in them. Licking each clean, he placed them on his belt on the far edge of the compartment. They would stay relatively stable and be easy to retrieve later. His quick task accomplished, he ran one hand along the blanket until it found her hair. Running it through his fingers, he placed his hand beneath her head so that she would be more comfortable.

His other hand began working the straps of her holster rig - having guns between them or under her might not be terribly comfortable, either. He wouldn't remove the set completely - should something come up, she should know exactly where her weapons were. Besides, that action could rub her the wrong way, and that certainly was not the point of this activity.
Ginnie 17 years ago
Ginnie chuckled again and busied herself with removing her own hidden weaponry. Alec would never find it all and it just wouldn't do to have him cut himself on her knives by accident. On purpose, now that was a completely different ball game. She set them against the wheel well, close enough to reach with a stretch and far enough away to be safe from harming them.

She laid down on the blanket and started to pulled off her boots, to get at the knives on her ankles, when Alec joined her and stilled her hand, by running his own trough her hair. She loved when he did that. It was so comforting and calming. He loosened her rig and she shrugged from it, and placed it in the proximity of her knives and other weapons.

Not content with his caresses on her hair, she moved fluidly from beneath him, flipped him over and straddled his hips. Her hands found the hem of her little black baby doll t-shirt, and pulled it up over her head, revealing a crimson red lace bra. Her eyes had adjusted to the near pitch black in the car, and she smiled down at Alec. The limo tint let in very little light, but it was enough for her sensitive eyes to pick up and she knew Alec would be able to see even better than she.

She dropped down to rest her weight on her left hand and reached back to unzip her boot, and work off the shoe. As she switched hands she leaned down and pressed her lips hungrily to Alec's. With her second boot removed, she made quick work of the fly of her black jeans and slid them off, removing the ankle sheaths as she went.

Now she rested on hands and knees, in swatches of red lace, above her lover and best friend. With a hungry grin, she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and rocked back onto her heels in order to undo the buttons of Alec's pants.
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
Realizing from the sounds that Ginnie must still be able to see, Alec relaxed his hearing and focused on his eyes slightly. How odd - they'd relaxed their information processing when he'd altered his focus. That wasn't the first time - perhaps he wasn't being as diligent with his own training now that he had a hand in getting others up to speed. He'd have to keep that in mind over the coming weeks.

While he'd been contemplating his ocular peculiarities, Ginnie'd taken matters into her own hands and flipped him easily onto his back. Straddling him, she stripped clear of her shirt, revealing a, that's not right, that's her red bra. Opening his pupils to full dilation, the car lit up nicely - the light distortion at this intensity made his lover's freckles really come out. It also normalized the color spectrum. Lovely. As she dropped her weight down onto him and engaged him in a fierce bout of kissing, he toed his shoes and socks off. Fortunately, most of his toys had all been in easy reach earlier - either in the coat left in his own vehicle back at the facility, the belt in the compartment beside him, or along the seam of his pants. The way things were progressing, those would be out of trouble range shortly.

Pulling off his shirt while she opened his fly, Alec decided he rather liked this tradition of breaking in new vehicles. Perhaps he was due for a trade in as well. Looking up into her eyes, which shimmered silver due to the low light playing across the moisture on their surface, he said quietly

"Vos taches de rousseur sont magnifique, comme toujours, mon coeur."

Sure she didn't know what it meant, but she'd know a compliment when she heard it. As a form of explanation, he craned forward and began kissing the freckles that he could reach.
Ginnie 17 years ago
Ginnie's spine shivered when he murmured in french. She loved the french, it made her feel exotic and sexy, and she usually had to suppress responding in Gaelic, since it was her native language and the one most natural to her. She spoke several other's fluently and so that helped her pick up a bit of Alec's french, but she never concentrated on learning, she honestly didn't want to loose the mystery of his words.

Smiling she shimmied his pants down his legs and out of the way. With her knees at his hips, and her hands to either side of his head she did a sort of push up, and pressed her lips to his, before trailing kisses along his jaw, down his throat, and in a line down his belly to the band of his underwear. She slipped her fingers int he waistband and pulled them down and out of the way. With a smile at it's eager jump to attention, she gave the swelling head a gentle kiss before straightening and removing her own underthings. As she moved back over his body and buried her nose in his neck she gave into her instinct.

"I bhfaiteadh na súl, tháinig mo bebeaguchtach, a chroi."

As the words faded from her lips she lifted her hips and took him with in her. She was tight, but wet and only had to work a little to get him fully with in her. A soft moan escaped her as she stilled and cherished the feel of him.

((loosely translated that means: "In the blink of an eye, I lost my heart, my heart's beloved." ))
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
He was quite pleased with how well the French went over. As always, it seemed to make her skin shiver in a rather pleasant way, not from cold, but from something much lovelier. As she shimmied her way down, he grinned. That particular motion caused all sorts of pleasant repercussions across her chest, which in turn triggered production of all manner of pleasant chemicals behind his eyes. They sped through his body as she hovered over him.

While she kissed her way down his pale body, he ran his fingers through her hair, grinning. He thoroughly enjoyed the feel of her soft lips teasing their way down his body, sometimes joined by a slight brush from her nose. Really, that level of pleasure would be more than enough for him, but there was almost always more deliciousness to come. As she removed his boxer briefs, his body knew exactly what needed to happen and responded swiftly. Surprised a bit at by the kiss, Alec inhaled slightly through his nose. Already the scents within the vehicle were beginning to change, the alterations just a few parts per million at this point. Shortly, he predicted, the air content would be decidedly more seasoned by their own scents.

As she slipped out of her undergarments, Alec let out a sigh he hadn't realized he'd stored up. As her skin met his, he slipped his arms around her body, holding her close. His ears were then greeted with a new experience - a new combination of syllables training together, breathily, into his ear. At that moment, he understood the transformation that a strange language could cause within a person, especially when spoken with such emotion. His body responded completely to the emotion within the phrase, and was rewarded with a pleasant pressure, then a slick, warm, familiar snugness. His own moan joined hers - the same in every language - as they simply absorbed the sensation of connection.
Ginnie 17 years ago
She moved her upper body just enough to find his mouth as her hips began a gentle rhythm. She sighed softly, because she needed this reaffirmation of life; this beauty; this joy; this perfect, ancient language. She did not think she would last long, but she was in no hurry to get there. Her hips rocked in a slow steady rhythm, letting their bodies find their way, in their own time.

She was right, it did not take long for that sweet heavy pressure to build in her belly, and increase the beat of her heart and force her rare gentle breaths into a panting fight for air.
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
Returning the sweet kisses, Alec breathed out lightly into her mouth, mirroring her own respiration. The passage of air gave her comfort, made things seem more alive for her. To him, it was just a pleasant plash of color within a greater painting, but he had quickly learned its potency to alter the greater picture. Breath was like language in that it was mostly unnecessary for their kind during such acts, but in the right place it served to heighten emotion and raise the potency of the expressed emotions. Mirroring the breath gave his air her flavor - a small act of selfishness within the lovemaking, but it also returned the favor.

Angling his hips for their joined optimal comfort, Alec moaned his pleasure at her gyrations. When in the submissive, Alec occasionally felt that he was not contributing enough to the proceedings. He knew that was nonsense, but sometimes the thought did present itself. This was not one of those times, and his lack of preoccupation with internal questions of how to contribute more to the experience was underlined by Ginnie's rapid progression toward the pinnacle of sensations. His body took note, as did his mind - sometimes trying too hard is as bad as not hard enough.

As her patterns changed to clearly declare her proximity to release, Alec lifted his pelvis slightly in order to create more friction within her cyclic motions. Kissing her would become more difficult as her pace quickened - he took their sweetness while they were still readily available.
Ginnie 17 years ago
Ginnie's body fought to go faster, the need pressing hard against her desire to let things come when they came. Alec moved his hips, filling her more fully and she lost the fight. Her hips moved into a more frantic rhythm, and she was forced to move from Alec's lips to his neck. Habit, need and sheer selfishness had her scraping her fangs gently along the thick ropey pulse just below the tender skin she warmed with her breath. She never bit with out asking, and this was her way of asking.

He gave a small nod of his head and her fangs slipped through the skin like a knife through butter, and the sweet, spicey taste of him flooded her mouth. She moaned holding that first taste in her mouth for just a moment. As the coppery fluid filled her senses, her lower body gave into all that is primal and her climax over came her. She was forced to swallow so that she could scream her pleasure and her lover's name.