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The directions were given well, and Fallon had no trouble finding the quaint home in a short amount of time.

Parking in front of the home, being that there was a car already parked in front of the garage, Fallon moved towards the front door just a little bit apprehensive. Even though she was with Aishe, and loved, and trusted the woman like the sister she really was beginning to see her as, the whole thing about seeing Kem again made Fallon nervous.

She had only been around Kem once, at the Ger Kogji house warming, and Aishe's boyfriend had been exceedingly friendly to Fallon then. Yet understandable or not, she still felt the slightest bit intimidated.

"Mmmm...the ocean breeze smells almost as good as the smell of pine we get at Ger Kogji...this is a beautiful place Aishe."

The heels of her shoes clicked on the slate walkway, almost sounding obscene in the quiet of the night. Fallon tried to walk more softly, but felt better once she'd reached the door.

"I see Kem has something else in common with Cyrus." Fallon giggled as the door opened, even before Aishe could take hold of the knob. "He does that to me all the time...I used to find it kind of spooky, but I'm used to it now."

Following Aishe into the house, Fallon was startled by the sound of hissing, and looked down to see a beautiful yellowish cat, who apparently wasn't fond of strangers. She stooped down and held her hand out, hoping the cat would accept her offer of friendship, and backed up the physical offering with soft words.

"Hello there...and aren't you the pretty one. Please don't be concerned about me...I'm really very nice...honest."

Fallon looked up to Aishe, and wondered if she would receive a formal introduction. At least the cat hadn't darted away in fear, which was a good sign. The cat also wasn't white, which would have been somewhat offputting.

(permission to see door open on it's own provided by Kem ;))

Montana 17 years ago
As Ana shucked her coat with her friend's boyfriend's help, she paused a moment to tuck her knit gloves and hat into the sleeves before handing it to Kem and offering him a hug. "Hi, Kem, thanks for having me. Lovely home, nice yard. Sorry I'm so late, traffic sucked. Jackknifed tractor trailer. Didn't know a good route to get here since I'm not familiar with the area, but that's okay, hopefully I'll be able to come out here more often if you guys'll have me. Did you get kicked out or are you playing the chivalrous one, letting the womenfolk gab while you get things done without nagging or hassle?"

Ana was glad the frustration of the drive to the house seemed to have melted just by entering her friends' humble abode. She didn't want such negativity to color her evening, especially after the earlier events of the day.
Kem`Raaisu 17 years ago
Kem smiled at Ana's long greeting/explanation, returning her hug and hanging her coat in the small closet in the study.

"I don't think I could have given you a better route," he said apologetically. "Depending on where you were when you hit traffic. We're pretty tucked away here." Their street was a cul-de-sac on the very edge of the city line; unlike many places in Nachton, there was only one way in and one way out.

He indicated the way to the kitchen straight down the hall. "I haven't quite been kicked out yet, but I reserve the right to go hide at any point."

As they entered the kitchen, he made the same offer to Ana as he had to Fallon, offering her a drink. This time, however, since he had all three of them there, there was the offer of snacks as well. He and Aishe didn't keep a lot of food in the house, but they had plenty of appropriate munchies, mostly thanks to Aishe, that would suffice for a casual night.
Fallon 17 years ago
Fallon had barely pushed the numbers on her phone, and heard it start to ring, when there was a knock at the door. Assuming it was Ana, when Kem moved to answer the knock, Fallon snapped her phone shut, and smiled a little in relief at Aishe.

"Ta da! Magic phone...I dial, she appears!"

She was no longer shaken by the evenings events, but she kept her drink close, and did obtain a small measure of support from the liquor, no matter how false it really was.

The minute Kem, and Ana entered the kitchen, Fallon got up out of her chair, and threw her arms around Ana, careful not to spill what was left of her drink.

"We were getting a little worried about you hon, everything okay?"

It was a silly question because here she was, all in one piece, and looking fine, if a bit...tense? Fallon didn't say anything about what she felt though, since she had nothing to base the feelings on, outside of her own intuition.

Before she made Ana uncomfortable with her increasing hug, Fallon released her, and stood back a bit, not wanting to monopolize her attentions.
Aishe 17 years ago
Aishe whistled, impressed with the apparently newly-discovered cellphone ability. "Kem just talks to them, he doesn't actually make them appear," she pointed out with a grin. "I'll have to see if I can upgrade to your model."

Kem was giving Ana as warm a welcome as he ever gave anyone; he was fond of manners, so before he brought her in he'd tucked her coat away for her. Aishe let Fallon in front of her for a hug, and simply peeked out from behind to wave at their friend. She'd just seen Ana a couple hours ago, so she wasn't sure more hugging was necessary; that was Fallon's forte, not hers. Aishe was fairly certain she'd filled her hug quota for the day, and she didn't think Ana would mind the lack of touchy-feelyness.

"Glad you got here," she said, echoing Kem's welcome. "Come on in and make yourself at home!"
Montana 17 years ago
Ana accepted Fallon's hug with a smile, leaning on the shorter woman's shoulder for a moment. "Just peachy. Traffic sucked. I'm unfamiliar with this corner of town. But I made it," she said gleefully, and waggled her fingers in a wave at Aishe.

"Guess she's not too much of a hugger," Ana thought to herself as she disengaged from Fallon.
"It's nice to be here, though. Mrs. Penderghast went on a rampage not long after you both left... Apparently there's been some humungous scheduling snafus and I might need to be taking a few double shifts over the coming weeks. Oh well, more money right? But I've been working double shifts almost three times a week for the last fifty days." Ana sighed.

Then she brightened, as she leaned up against a counter, deciding not to sit just yet.
"But thank you both for coming in today, it was so nice of you. You brightened my day." Beaming, Ana hoped they truly understood that they really had made her day.
Fallon 17 years ago
For all her misgivings, driving was something Fallon never worried about. Traffic didn't bother her, though for the most part she rarely found herself in it. Of course the fact that she did her driving at night, when the populace was beginning to turn their attentions home, for the most part, helped.

The old biddy Ana worked for seemed to be the real issue tonight, and Fallon could see how having to deal with her could make the drive tiring for anyone.

"Wait a minute. Your boss screws up the scheduling, and you have to pay for it? How does that work exactly?"

Extra money aside, Fallon was concerned that Ana might get sick if she continued on at the pace she had now. Being a vampire had a few drawbacks, but one thing Fallon had that Ana didn't, and that was the inability to get sick. Having a dear, sweet friend who was so vulnerable gave Fallon pause on more than one occasion.

Yet she didn't pursue that train of thought just now. Ana was here now, and Aishe, and the night was still young enough for fun. Fallon wasn't going to spoil that by whining about things she really had no control over.

Reaching behind Ana, Fallon rubbed her back briskly, and resisted hugging her again. She was a touchy person, but knew that a lot of people felt uncomfortable with such displays, and was trying to stifle some of her urges these days, in favor of lessening that possible discomfort.

"But you're're here now, so no more work talk. However speaking about talking..." Fallon's face took on a slightly quizzical look when she heard her words, and how odd they sounded. "We were just discussing communicating...well, sort of."

Though it wasn't Fallon's place to divulge Aishe's new ability, and the raccoons, since she was a participant with Kem's 'mind talk' she felt she could bring that up.

"Did you know Kem can talk to you with out actually saying anything? It was a little disconcerting at first...but it's kind of fun now that I think about it. I tell you, we are really going to need to keep on our toes around here with these two though..."

Fallon cast a wink at Kem, and grinned enormously at Aishe, an immense sense of love welling up inside her for all three of the people in the room.
Montana 17 years ago
Ana shrugged in Fallon's sideways embrace. She'd said all she wanted to say about the current issues with her employment, and while they were certainly frustrating, she did enjoy her job.

The revelation of Kem's ability shocked Ana, and yet it didn't, having read quite a few fantasy stories in her 'day', not to mention the vampire books she'd read since learning of Fallon's inclusion in that race.
"Can he now? That's pretty cool! So you turn into a bobcat, Kem sends mental postits," she said with a wink to Kem, "and Aishe... Hmm, no, wait, let me guess... She can either float inches above the ground, or hmm... Something communicative... No, wait, you know what, most of what I've read can't be half serious, or if it is, it must be a deliberate attempt to mislead mortals. So..."

She looked expectantly at Aishe, an encouraging, curious expression in her eyes and smile. "Alright girly, fess up. What neato new fun super power have you discovered that is communicative?"
Kem`Raaisu 17 years ago
The idea of a mental post-it made him laugh softly, and Kem nodded once at Ana to confirm. "It's a great party trick. We can try it sometime if you like."

It certainly behooved him to make Aishe's circle of close friends aware of that particular ability. If it were necessary to contact any of them for any reason... in case of emergencies... or whatever...

Well, he was being paranoid, almost certainly. He couldn't imagine a circumstance in which he'd be unable to speak directly to Aishe through either their bond or his sending. Or, maybe he just didn't want to imagine it.

The momentary frown that passed over his features was replaced quickly with neutrality while Ana's attention turned to Aishe. It was up to her, if she wanted to divulge her new trick to her human friend, but Ana, so far, seemed more than open to their kind. He wondered briefly if she, like Aishe, would end up among them, but time would tell there.
Aishe 17 years ago
With the second round of welcomes over with, Aishe led the way to the living room again, which was much more comfortable for sitting and chatting. She and Fallon hadn't made too big a mess yet with the magazines, so there was plenty of room for all of them.

She looked questioningly at Kem when Ana asked about her abilities, but his mild response was just to lift one shoulder; clearly, it was up to her to put her abilities on display. She didn't mind one bit where Ana was involved. Kem would have told her if there was some taboo against discussing these things.

"I just found out, Fallon and Kem were here. I can't do any fun tricks," she indicated Kem with a nod of her head. "In fact I'm not sure I can get them to come back at all, but I talked to raccoons tonight!"

She bounced a little as she said it, realizing as she did that it probably didn't sound all that terribly cool. "All right well... I guess it isn't as useful as turning into one might be. But it was exciting."

She tapped her finger against her lower lip thoughtfully. "They didn't have to much to say."

With a sheepish little shrug, she laughed softly.
Montana 17 years ago
Ana found an empty cushion and sat focusing on Aishe. A thrill went up her back at her friend's short explanation - "why did it need to be detailed, anyway?" she thought - and she realized after a moment that she was staring uncourteously at Aishe. Smiling widely she rambled, "Oh, wow! That's so cool! Talking to raccoons, wow! Why wouldn't it be useful? If you made friends, you could have them as scouts or ask one to bring you the tv remote - okay so maybe that's a bit extreme, but I'm sure you'll find it useful. And they probably didn't have much to say because you only just met! And..." Ana got a puzzled look on her face as she asked, "Why raccoons? Is it just the luck of the draw? Or could it be that a raccoon was closest to you when you changed?"

The idea of gaining abilities, powers, talents such as those exhibited by her friends thrilled Ana, but she wasn't quite sure it would be something she would seek out as fervently and dedicatedly as Aishe had. But when she pondered it, every once in a great while, she wondered if it wasn't something that the Turned gained from their "sire" or if it were completely random. Surely "they" had a better idea than a "normal human."
Fallon 17 years ago
Well, Fallon had to giggle at the 'mental post-it' images, even if she wasn't totally sure she was up to 'party trick'. She was still a bit unsettled by learning of the new communication abilities going on around her. And as Ana began guessing at Aishe's talent, Fallon's giggles grew. The word 'mortal' turned her giggles into full fledged laughter, though she did manage to keep it from becoming too boisterous.

"Pah! Turning into a bobcat really isn't anything I would term 'useful'. I am rather glad, for Cyrus' sake, that I didn't turn into a wolf, or a chicken though!" And even giggling alone, Fallon continued. Being with her sisters, and Kem, and being able to relax and be her true self around them, was undoubtedly one reason why she was so happy. Add to that a bit of nervousness yet because of all the new information to assimilate tonight, and she could readily explain the giggles.

She didn't doubt Ana would accept the news with her typical aplomb, and nodded as her younger pal took the 'raccoon talk' in stride.

"Exactly! Not too many new friends just run off with the conversation after you've just met. I'll bet the next time you have your little klatch, you probably won't be able to get a word in edgewise."

The whys were something Fallon also was curious about. She wasn't even really sure why it was she turned to a bobcat, though she had more or less assumed it was because of Cyrus' influence, somehow. She rationalized it was a bobcat, instead of a lion, or tiger, or snow leopard, because of where she was born, and grew up. Having only seen a tiger in the zoo once, chances were much greater that a North American bobcat had crossed her path in the past. She made a mental note to ask Mai about that someday, assuming Mai would know.

Regaining her seat on the sofa, Fallon now sat close to both of the other women, but she still acknowledged Kem with a small smile every so often. She also remained very alert, ready to pick up on any visiting voices that wished to play in her head again. Hopefully the novelty would wear off, and Fallon would become as comfortable conversing with Kem as she was romping in the woods with Cyrus.
Aishe 17 years ago
Aishe's questions ran along similar veins as Ana's, and she hadn't yet gotten any answers herself. She grinned at her friend as she fired them off, along with her creative suggestions for usefulness. Laughing at the idea of raccoons fetching remotes, she pondered the possibility that the remote would actually end up in her hands versus someone's nest.

"I was wondering the myself," she said, turning to look at Kem where he sat on the floor beside her. "Why a raccoon? Am I just naturally sneaky?" She held up her circled fingers, making a little "mask" around her eyes.

The idea of Fallon turning into a chicken set her off into a fit of giggles. "A wolf would have been cool, but imagine his reaction if you were a guinea fowl. I have a feeling he would be blind to it, whatever it was, though." She smiled at her sister knowingly.
Kem`Raaisu 17 years ago
Once again, Aishe turned to him for answers and once again, he simply lifted his shoulders. This time not because he was leaving any desicion-making to her, but because he really didn't know.

"It seems to be mostly random," he supplied. "Or at least from what I can tell. It's been a topic of debate for scholars over the centuries... whether we inherit our talents from our line, or whether they develop entirely at random."

[I believe the remote-control-fetching job is mine,] he added in a mock-huffy tone to Aishe silently, watching her grn break out again. [I have opposable thumbs. Bigger ones, I mean!]

After a second's thought, he went on. "For most people with abilities like that, the common factor seems to be that the animals they relate to are indigenous to their environment. I've never heard of anyone developing an ability to speak to an animal they've never seen."

He smiled slightly. "Of course, by definition, we wouldn't know about it." Looking down at the top of Aishe's head, he reached out and tugged playfully at a hank of silky black hair, answering the rest of her question. "I don't think it's your natural sneakiness that was attractive, as much as your natural insatiable curiosity. I'm going to have to raccoon-proof the entire house, hmm?"

Wincing slightly at Fallon, he nodded to her as well when she mentioned Aishe never getting a word in again. "She'll get all the juicy gossip though," he added. "You never know when it might come in useful to know what your neighbors have in their trash cans, or what sort of critters are moving in next door."
Montana 17 years ago
"I don't think it's the sneakines of you, Aishe, I think it's more the curiosity, determination and ingenuity that possibly attached you to them." Ana wondered briefly at Kem's statement about environmental affiliation and influences for a moment, then snorted. "Could you imagine, hypothetically speaking, if I had either of those two abilities? I'd either end up talking to buffalo, or walking around as one!" She snickered and shook her head at her own silliness.

She quirked an eyebrow at Kem's gossip comment.
"And they could give you ideas on which of your neighbors to invite over for dinner." At her double-entendre she snickered again, and rested her forehead against the back of her hand, shaking from mirth.
Fallon 17 years ago
Fallon had again picked up another magazine, and was somewhat absently thumbing through the pages as she listened. She was also quietly giggling, as images of kittens and raccoons frolicking in Aishe and Kem’s livingroom, danced through her head. Playdates…it was too funny.

“Wait a sec…look at these!”

Holding up the magazine, Fallon presented two pages of bridesmaid dresses in various colors, but all having contrasting black stripes around the bottoms of the skirts…red and black, purple and black, silver and black…that was the one she tapped her finger over.

“Think someone is trying to tell me something?”

How similar to a raccoon’s tail did the silver and black dress look? To Fallon it was a bit uncanny. Not that she was seriously considering any of those shown, but she had to share her finding with the others.

Remembering her decision to switch from red to multi-colored dresses, she brought Ana up to speed.

“Oh, and Ana…I think I’m going to go with multi colors, instead of the red theme. Being it will be in June, and not a Valentine wedding, I think I should like a more spring, or summery feel. That way Aishe can still wear red, but you could wear purple…or even blue if you choose.”

Setting down the one magazine she quickly found the one she’d been looking at earlier that gave an example of what she was referring to.

Before she showed Ana the pictures, it occurred to her that she had changed the subject of the room, and pulled the magazine back onto her lap with a look of apology.

“Sorry…didn’t mean to change the subject.”

She smiled and looked to the other three with interest. She had time to get into her wedding plans later. Aishe deserved her moment now.
Montana 17 years ago
Ana looked at the raccoon-like dress and giggled, then furrowed her brow curiously as she glanced over the "not red" dresses Fallon pointed out to her.

A decision clicked into place in her head, and she felt her cheeks warming as she looked at both of her friends and said,
"I would wear red for both of you."
Aishe 17 years ago
Aishe abandoned her 'hug quota' principals to wrap her arms around Ana and squeeze. "That's sweet of you."

And, in a totally girly way that she was absolutely certain Kem wouldn't understand, she understood just what Ana had said... it was a perfect affirmation of her love for her friends. Maybe something like wearing a color you weren't comfortable with was subtle and trivial, but Aishe thought it quite selfless and generous.

She immediately wanted to tell Ana that the multi-color thing was a great idea and not to worry, but she glanced at Fallon instead, feeling like it was more appropriate for her to say so, if she chose. Aishe didn't want to dominate the wedding decisions. She would wear whatever Fallon decided. It was her day, after all! Instead, she settled for compromise.

"If Fallon decides to put us in neon pink paisley, well then, that'll do fine, too. So long as you're smiling when you marry that wonderful man."
Kem`Raaisu 17 years ago
Yep, another female interaction definitely not understood. But Kem wasn't too worried. Apparently his status as the male in the group kept him exempt from having to get mushy at all. Which was just fine, except that as he understood it, his clothing was supposed to match Aishe's... and he didn't think for a moment that neon pink paisley would flatter his complexion.

He didn't point that out, however, and instead opted to use that moment of distraction to escape once again from the room, to the kitchen, where he was at least safely assured of being able to prep drinks and snacks without having violent pink-paisley day-dreams.
Fallon 17 years ago

Fallon was sure Aishe was joking about the paisley…or she certainly hoped so anyway. While she had come to like the idea of a lot of colors, patterns, and especially those as intricate as paisley were nothing Fallon would think attractive.

That Ana would do almost anything for her, and had already, tugged at Fallon’s heart. Nachton had brought her freedom, without doubt, but it had brought her so much more. Though she didn’t gush and go on about it any longer, she still didn’t take one minute for granted, and that included a loving man, and the most wonderful friends she could ever imagine.

In fact, the word ‘friend’ was pretty inadequate. What she felt for Aishe and Ana…well, Fallon didn’t even think the word family was sufficient. She had so many people of importance in her life now, but there were only four she could admit to loving and adoring, and two sat in the room with her now.

Watching Kem leave, Fallon suspected some day she would be adding a fifth person to her list, and that idea gave her immense pleasure. She felt she had the capacity to love, and being given the chance to find out was almost as wonderful as the people she included.

“And I would never ask you to.”

Her response to Ana, she hoped, reciprocated her feelings, for she felt the same way.

“Aishe…please…I asked you and Ana to help me with the wedding plans, because I trust and value your opinions. I know the ultimate decisions will be mine, and Cyrus’…” Fallon laughed, and winked. “…so okay, mine, but really…I want you both to tell me honestly what you think…not what you think I want to hear.”

Her smile turned into a bit of a smirk then.

“And no one need worry about me smiling…even when I feel my lowest, all I need to do is look into my Cyrus’ eyes, and my world is instantly better. Funny how they do that to us, isn’t it?”

She could share that emotion with Aishe, because she truly believed her friend and her man were a perfect couple, and looked totally happy together. When Fallon looked at Ana, her smile faltered a little. She wished she could feel the same way about her and her new man…

“Ana…now that Kem’s gone for a few moments…care to share the low down on Joey?”

Had Fallon not had such negative misgivings about the man, she most surely wouldn’t have been so bold. But in a case like this her concern outweighed her timidity, and manners.
Montana 17 years ago
Ana felt a strange sense of family, sitting there with Aishe and Fallon, and even Kem, crusty old codger that he was, seemed to be basking in the atmosphere, until Fallon mentioned paisely. Hiding a smirk behind a stretching arm, Ana looked from one friend to the other.

"I'm sure that you have no need to fear, Fallon," she said as she responded to Fallon's request to tell the truth, and not what they thought Fallon might want to hear.

The sudden change of subject that swung in her direction caught her off guard.
"Low down? No, big tall. He's much taller than me. I don't know. What do you want to know?" Her brows furrowed behind her glasses and she looked again between her two friends.