Alrighty then...wasn't that interesting?
At that particular moment in time, Nic couldn't think of two other people he would want as companions.
What was supposed to have been a nice evening with the new woman in his life had turned into anything but, yet still she stood at his side, without as much as the smallest complaint. In fact, had she not been as generous and giving as she had been, he guessed there was a small chance he might not be standing at his door now.
And Kem...reliable, strong, and not at all as stoic as Nic had once thought him to be, but always there for Nic when his need arose. Nic would try, but doubted he could ever express his appreciation for what these two had given him tonight.
Once inside his suite, Nic nodded toward the sofa, and fairly collapsed onto the cushions when close enough. A soft 'oomph' could be heard coming from both Nic, and the sofa.
"Thank you both, for everything you did down there. I wish I had explanations for you, but I'm pretty sure Ellis' agenda was beyond teaching me a lesson."
He would be more than happy to give each of them whatever information he had, but at the moment his concern for Livia's injuries, and Kem's own possible mental anguish overtook the conversation.
"Please, both of you...sit down. Livia? Do you need medical attention? I noticed earlier you had been hit by the glass too...I'm sorry I wasn't able to shield you from that, but can I call MARI and have someone sent up?"
His own injuries were healing as he sat there, and short of a few bruises and minor cuts, he knew come tomorrow night he'd be good as new. But he hadn't personally inspected Livia's injuries, and had no way of knowing what her healing rate was like.
And Kem...did the man look green around the gills, or was that just Nic's perception?
"Kem...that was pretty amazing, you coming up seven flights in the elevator. I know it must have cost you some...thank you again, old man."
His worry for Kem was fleeting. Even if he was afraid of heights, Nic seriously doubted it was something that might kill his friend. It didn't lessen his indebtedness though. Adding tonight's rescue to the ever growing list, Nic was almost to the point of giving up the idea of payback. Soon there would be no way he'd ever be able to come close.
He knew he needed more blood as well, but was loathe to ask either person to get it for him. Instead he figured just a few more minutes of rest, and he'd be able to pull himself up, and into the kitchen.

"I didn't do anything. I was a bit late for the fireworks. I'm sorry I missed it."
The statement wasn't born of some desire to have seen Nic get his ass kicked, but because he had always felt, in some way, responsible for what happened to Nic; he still hung onto a shred of hope that had he been around earlier, he could have helped avoid it. There wasn't any sense in dwelling on it, however, and Kem was just glad that some easy-to-heal cuts and bruises were the worst of it. Considering how he thought Ellis might react, Kem figured they'd gotten off rather lightly.
He glanced at Livia when Nic drew his attention to her, giving her a cursory once-over, and came to the conclusion that she wasn't really very badly injured. When Nic mentioned the elevator, Kem simply gave another terse shake of his head... it wasn't a big deal... and headed into the kitchen.
Nic's wounds were healing already, and considering the amount of blood he'd lost, Kem didn't really think it would be a stretch to assume someone had offered him help. Perhaps it was pure conjecture on his part, but considering who'd been where in the lobby when he entered, he didn't have to go far to guess that both of the vampires in the living room could use a drink. Not the stiff kind, not yet anyhow.
Pulling open the refrigerator and checking the temperature out of habit, he found what he was looking for and popped the bagged blood into the microwave, on low heat, for a minute or two. While even Kem had to admit that nothing really held the same satisfaction as drawing blood from a living donor, he was well-versed in a variety of ways to make bagged blood more palatable. It wasn't long before he returned to the living room and handed a glass to each of the two sitting there.
"Fesihetak," he said, identifying the meaning of the Egyptian word by raising an imaginary glass as if toasting. "May you never be thrown through a glass door by a vengeful woman again."
Then, raising his brows ever so slightly at Livia, he quickly added, "Unless you deserve it, in which case, may it not create too many stains on your furniture."

"I am fine really."
Keeping her opinion of that horrible woman and her actions to herself she busied herself with plucking more pieces from herself. Silently she mourned the ruin of the stockings she wore as she noted several chunks embedded in her knees. With a sigh she stood and made her way to the restroom and returned with the small trashcan and began to remove the pieces from her and Nic's legs.
She was feeling somewhat shaky and having something to do helped calm her considerably. The clink of glass landing in the bottom of the can and the quiet whir from the microwave seemed strangely normal in a macabre sense. Sitting there she felt the need to break down and sob at the thought of Nic being hurt but luckily Kem returned at that moment with sustenance for them both.
"Thank you." Livia murmured quietly as she accepted the lightly warmed drink.
Taking a sip after the somewhat strange toast she tried to control her emotions but failed. "I don't think anyone deserves to be thrown through a glass door."
Her voice caught at the last word and it came out as a sob. Placing the cup on the table she buried her face in her hands to hide the tears. Part of her wanted to fling herself into Nic's arms but the other part warned her not to injure him further. So she sat hunched on the couch, shaking and crying quietly.

Of course seeing Ellis leave the towers also did a lot to reinforce those feelings. Crazy bitch…crazy, exciting, sexy bitch. Nic chuckled at the thought, and quickly grimaced as well.
While Kem busied himself in the kitchen, Nic watched Livia going through the motions of removing glass. He could finally see through the parting haze, and was so relieved to know she hadn’t been hurt worse. But her proclamations of being ‘fine’, he didn’t buy into. He couldn’t see anything contrary, but there was a feeling about the woman that just didn’t pan out the way she implied.
Before he could question her further, Kem returned with the blood, which he had thoughtfully warmed. Nic raised his glass to the man’s toast, and smiled, then drank deeply. Nic appreciated the sentiment, as well as the joke, and wasn’t at all prepared for Livia’s reaction.
Reaching an arm slowly toward her, Nic pulled the crying woman into his side, and shot Kem a helpless look. Although Nic truly wanted to comfort Livia, his initial movements were those he’d acted out in scripts, hundreds of times. It had been many, many years since he’d grown so close to a woman, to be there and offer comfort in her time of need.
Yet it felt right, and natural now, to be holding this woman, and trying to make her feel better. With his other arm he cautiously reached around and stroked Livia’s back. Though he was healing, and the bleeding had subsided, he still ached in nearly every spot on his body, and even these small gestures drew a lot of energy from him.
“Shhhh, darlin…it really is okay. I’m going to live…you’re going to live…Ellis is gone, the doors will be fixed…come this time tomorrow there probably will be very little left to show this evening even happened. “
He ‘shushed’ her softly, and smiled over her shoulder at Kem.
“Kem is a wise man…his toast was just covering all the bases, while also trying to lighten the mood. Trust me when I say, he doesn’t REALLY think I deserved being thrown through that glass door.”
And Nic’s face turned to one looking a little of skepticism. He let Kem know that whatever the man felt, it was okay with Nic, by a quick wink of his eye. Kem knew the real Nic, and quite possibly Nic had deserved some of Ellis’ wrath.

"She could have killed you. I just found you after a century of solitude. And I just stood there unable to do anything. And our lovely dinner is probably ruined."
Her voice trailed off into hiccuping tears as she realized how stupid she was being. While she was unaware that this was probably just a result of the adrenalin coursing through her from the incident, Livia realized how important Nic had become in such a short time to her. Blinking up at him she suddenly realized that he had pulled her close and was gently stroking her back.
"And I am probably hurting you. I am sorry Nic."
Lifting herself off of the poor man's chest she kissed his bruised cheek so lightly she barely touched his skin. Sitting back on the couch she swiped at her face and patted down her disheveled hair embarrassedly.
"I am sorry for breaking down like that, I know you did not mean it Kem. I just have issues with violence."

"For what it's worth," he pointed out when the tears seemed to be subsiding, "I doubt Ellis will spend too much more time worrying about Nic. So I don't think you've got to worry about losing him. Besides, there's nothing you could have done. Don't blame yourself for just standing. How would it have helped Nic at all if you'd gotten hurt as well?"
He shook his head. "No, I think you're probably stuck with Nic for a while yet. And there will most likely be many, many more dinners. If ruining one reminds you how special you are to each other, then perhaps you'll look back on it weeks or months from now and laugh."
Well, he tried to put a positive light on it anyhow. It wouldn't do to set livia off, which she was apologising for even now. That drew another shake of the head. Violence wasn't his bag either, but Livia didn't know him at all and he wasn't about to debate issues at the moment.
"Violence should be avoided at all costs," he agreed, "but not everyone sees it that way, obviously. Now it's done and in the past, and in another night neither of you will have a single mark to show for it."

He had to bite back a chuckle as the lovely woman in his arms admitted to being distraught about the fate of their dinner. It was endearing, but unnecessary, yet he did not voice that thought. Women could be strange creatures when it came to plans they made, and right now he didn’t want to say or do anything that might add to Livia’s discomfort.
Her moving away left Nic feeling strangely empty, and he yearned to pull her back into his arms.
“My dear Livia…after what I’ve just been through, there is no chance your slight weight would give me anything besides comfort.”
He patted the spot at his side that she had just vacated, but didn’t pursue the matter. Maybe she needed some distance.
It helped when Nic heard Kem reinforce his sentiments. There was a greater chance that together they could both convince her the danger had passed, and Nic silently blessed his friend for helping yet again.
“What’s this…sentimentality from you, old man? Sounds like the woman in your life is having a remarkable effect on you.” It was a side of Kem that Nic had seen little of, but that he approved of highly. “Isn’t it grand how they can do that to us mere men?”

She raised her head and looked at the two men, who were probably quite uncomfortable with her hysterics, and offered them both a wan smile.
"Thank you. You are both correct."
Quietly she moved back closer to her injured lover and patted his chest very lightly. Perhaps once Kem departed she would offer him her assistance in cleaning up.

He kept the concern off his face, but not out of his voice. Light though he might try to make of the situation, it still could have gotten far worse than it did.
Standing slowly (he'd been sitting on the floor as far away from the windows as possible. Seven stories was still seven stories, after all...), he gave one last cursory glance over the two vampires in the room with him.
"Will you both be all right, then?"
He'd stay if they preferred but now that Livia's anxiety had found its way out, the best thing for them both would be rest, peace and quiet. Besides, if physical comfort was what was required now (and it certainly seemed appropriate), Kem wasn't going to hang around and get in the way.

And though he also derived security in knowing Kem was close by, Nic wouldn't begin to think of asking the man to stay.
"I agree with both those thoughts...I'd enjoy meeting your woman, and am also glad you didn't have her with you tonight. I can also think of yet one more lovely woman who would have been better off missing the episode downstairs."
Nic softly rubbed his thumb against Livia's upper arm, as he made reference to her appearance. Selfishly he was also somewhat glad she'd shown up when she had, especially now that he knew she hadn't been badly hurt.
"Thank you Kem, for all you've done, but yes, I believe we'll be fine now, or after a few hours sleep, and maybe a bit more sustenance. As always you've been a good friend, and guardian angel. I still retain my promise to you...there will come a day when you will no longer need to watch over me. Until then, I can only offer you my hand, appreciation, and hope you know how you've come to play such an important role in my life.."
Sitting up straighter, Nic tried to push up onto his feet, but lacked the strength. He ended up holding his arm upward to Kem, releasing Livia from his embrace for the moments it took to move. He held back a wince, as his hand remained upright, and hoped his friend would not ask him for an escort to the door.
"I'd like to think once we're both healed, we might be able to join you and your companion for a nice dinner out?"
The interest in Nic's voice was genuine, as he wanted to spend more time with his friend, and under much better circumstances.

A blush tinged her cheeks when Kem stood, rousing her from her train of thought. His mention of his own lady had her wondering what she was like and how much she had help change the taciturn archivist into his present amicable self. Offering him a small smile at the suggestion of them meeting.
The gentle brush of Nic's fingers upon her skin was nice and seemed protective. Her gaze turned to his profile and for a moment, as he spoke to Kem of his appreciation, her eyes tinged with deeper emotion reflected her own for his safety. As he tried to rise she steadied him slightly but was glad when the attempt only gained him sitting upright. Turning to Kem she smiled tentatively.
"Thank you very much for your assistance, Kem."
Wavering for a moment she debated staying in her seat before good manners prevailed and she rose, careful not to jostle Nic. With one hand lingering upon his shoulder she stood ready to see Kem to the door.

"You stay here where you are," he said gently, offering her his usual small, crooked smile.
With a nod to Nic he said, "Count on it. Aishe and I will meet you whenever you're able. But until then, if you need anything at all, either of you, please let me know."
It was short and sweet, but having ascertained for himself that both Nic and his girlfriend were all right was all Kem had really needed to do. He gave them one last smile before heading out the door and straight for the stairs. One elevator ride was enough.
((ooc: Kem out, so sorry to hold you up!))

A sense of drowsiness had crept over him that he guessed was his body’s way of saying he’d need some down time. More blood might help as well, but for now he thought sleep would work better wonders.
At Kem’s parting invitation, Nic mumbled his thanks, and held up one thumb, which promptly fell back to the couch. He would have liked to thank Kem yet again, but figured his friend must know by now just how big a part he played in Nic’s life.
When Kem had left, Nic smiled at Livia, and rubbed his hand along the couch cushion.
“I know I’ll have to find strength enough to make it to the bedroom, very shortly, but give me a few more minutes, okay?”
The living room was adequately protected from daylight, but Nic always felt better in his own bed.
“I hate to assume anything, but…you weren’t planning on leaving tonight, were you?”
It was wrong of him to hope if she had other plans, she would shelve them just for him, but he did so anyway. He would just sleep till the next evening, yet knowing she was nearby was giving him a calm that he wanted to take with him into the day. Without here there he was pretty sure his sleep would be fitful.

Livia reclaimed her seat and picked up both glasses, offering Nic's to him to finish. Since she had been quite distracted at the time she had only taken a brief swallow of her own glass. Knowing that she would heal best with a full belly she finished the glass as quickly as possible while maintaining a ladylike demeanor. Her tongue darted out to lick a stray smear off her upper lip as she put the glass back on the table. Turning to look at Nic she smiled.
"You may feel better if you finish the glass, but you are welcome to stay here as long as you need."
While she would never rush him anywhere he did not feel like going, especially in his current condition, she had no intention of sleeping on a couch. With a rather mysterious smile she took the bold path.
"I will be staying here though my plan is to sleep in your bed, if you would have me."
Oh well, she was bold for the first part of that statement. A slight blush washed over her cheeks at the thought of sleeping through the day with him again. Rising from the couch she tried again, ignoring the slight pinkening of her cheeks.
"Would you care for some assistance getting cleaned up? Or should I go first while you rest?"

He wasn’t sleeping, but he could have fallen very quickly if he let himself. His eyes opened and he watched Livia drain her glass. The swift lick of her tongue across her lips would have sent him into a fiery desire, under other circumstances. At the moment he was just too tired to see the gesture as anything more than…cute.
Doing as she suggested, Nic followed suit, and managed to finish his glass as well, which he then handed to her to return to the table. When that had been done, his arm circled her shoulders again, to gently pull her against him.
“Have you? Without a doubt, though I’m afraid sleep is all I have in me tonight. I hope you’re not terribly disappointed, since…well I did have better plans in mind originally.”
His eyes were barely more than slits, but he could still see her quite well. He was just sorry he couldn’t give her the attention he wanted, and thought she deserved.
The blush caught his attention, and he tilted his head toward the side of her face. When his nose touched her cheek, he could feel the heat from her pinkness. He softly moved his nose and lips against the velvet of her skin, and then rested his head on her shoulder.
His next words were slow, and breathy, but audible.
“If you can help me maneuver into the bathroom, and perhaps steady me so I don’t fall on my ass, I think a shower would be best. I am rather…sticky, and probably don’t smell all that good either.”
Though as he breathed in along her neck, the soft scent that was hers alone, wafted into his nostrils, and brought him both peace, and quiet joy.

Livia could not bring herself to mention anything further about what happened in the lobby and prior. She was sure that some of the bruises had not been caused by getting thrown through a window. Rather than focus on that though, she thanked God for Nic having the strength to survive and return to her.
Snuggled in the circle of his arms she did not care for one moment about sticky or scent. The weaver simply reveled in his presence.
"I would be more than happy to help whenever you are ready."
Studiously she avoided contemplating the interesting parts of the shower and instead focused on how to get him clean and not cut up his feet if there was more glass being shed. She could simply keep picking up any pieces that fell. Smiling at him she hoped the extra nourishment would help keep him awake through the cleaning process so they could snuggle before falling asleep.

And even though the pain was subsiding, and he could feel the healing going on, as well as his strength returning, he was still a little too muddled to want to make any declarations. The way the evening had gone, he didn’t trust he would be able to convey his feelings in the way he wanted to.
“Guess there’s no time better than now…”
Reluctantly Nic let his arms slip away from Livia, and he scootched to the edge of the couch, before slowly getting to his feet. He didn’t move further, waiting for Livia to rise too, and insinuate herself against him for support. His arm encircled her shoulders once again, and he held her close, but tried to bear his own weight.
The walk to the bathroom was slow, and dedicated, but uneventful. Once there, Nic let go of his hold on Livia again, and leaned up against the counter. While his eyes were now closed, it was more to recapture his balance, than a result of pain. He grinned at his lover’s expression, once his eyes reopened.
“I’m really not as bad off as I may look. Right now I’m mostly just tired.”
Having enough strength to begin his undress, Nic unbuckled his pants, and pulled his shirt from within them. Now leaning his ass against the counter, his fingers started unbuttoning his shirt.
“Sometimes the water takes a minute or two to warm up…would you mind?”
Nodding to the shower, Nic continued to ease out of his garments.

"Good to hear. Lets hope we can get cleaned up quickly then so you can get some well deserved rest."
Watching this man undress was dangerous, so she quickly turned to obey his request. The water took but a moment of fiddling with to produce what should be a nice warm shower. Since she felt slightly shy she took a moment to fuss with her hair, twisting and wrapping a band around it to secure it all in a messy bun at the back of her head. No easy feat with waist length hair but she knew there was no chance of her drying it this eve so it was best to keep it as out of the way as possible.
When she turned back around to offer Nic help she found his fingers at the last button of his shirt. Several inches of skin were exposed and bore very little resemblance to the sexily muscled chest she had enjoyed just the other night. Clenching her lower lip between her teeth she stepped forward to help. Avoiding his gaze, so he would not read the distress she still felt lingering she looked down.
"Shoes next?"

Her discomfort caused Nic’s grin to grow larger than normal, or possibly even appropriate, not because he found her funny, but because he found her so cute, and endearing. Had he been the man who had left the house this morning, he would have gathered her up in his arms, and taken them both to the shower, where he could have shown her his pleasure with her company.
Unfortunately, that was not to be the case, and his grin faded some as he put one foot in front of the other, and used the toe of the one behind to work off the other shoe. While he did this, he shrugged out of his shirt, and pulled the belt from its loops around his pants.
Nic’s pants were snug enough as to not drop down once the zipper was opened, which was both a blessing, as well as a hindrance at the moment. Somehow he needed to be rid of them, but almost certain his boxer briefs would come off at the same time, he wasn’t sure if he could delicately ask Livia for assistance there.
Turning around, presenting his now naked back to her seemed the best course of action.
“I don’t seem to be able to bend very well at the moment, and am afraid if I do so to get my pants off, I might wind up on the floor…”
The words weren’t said as a question, but the inflection did sound like he was asking for her help.

Thankfully he turned around and described his dilemma. Caught mid motion with her shirt half way off she realized what needed to be done. Finishing the move she dropped the article to the floor and swiftly stepped out of her skirt as well. Moving closer to him she rested her hand on his waist and snugged her thumbs under the elastic of his undergarment.
"Allow me." The bold comment slipped out from nowhere but she gently slid the clothing down. Pausing just slightly as she winced at a particularly lurid bruise on his flank. Without thought she leaned forward and kissed the discolored skin with a butterfly touch of her lips.
Uncaring now that she was clad in her ruined stockings, bra and panties she tenderly took care of Nic. The garments slid down and she carefully lifted each foot to remove them from his path. Folding them swiftly, she laid a light hand upon his shoulder.
"Give me a moment and then its into the shower."
The destroyed thigh high stockings were quickly shed and discarded into the trash can. Reaching behind her she unhooked the catch of the bra and placed it atop the pile of clothing she had on the counter. Biting her lip briefly before removing her panties and placing them there as well she tried to hold back the blush.
Turning away from Nic she busied herself briefly with the water. Livia stuck her hand under the water to test the temperature and found it just a bit hot. She tweaked the faucet slightly until she found it to her liking. With a shy look but determined spirit she smiled at Nic.
"Shall we?"

Besides, having Livia near, helping him tend to his needs, was almost worth the pain.
At the touch of her lips on the back of his thigh, Nic winced, though not in pain.
As he watched in the mirror, as Livia finish aiding him, and then undress herself, he was amazed to feel the stirrings between his legs. Her blush did not go unnoticed either, though for a change he felt himself redden slightly as well. Oh to be a man, and not even have pain stop the body from appreciating the sight of a sexy, and lusty wench.
But being a man of considerable years, once he put his mind to it, he was able to slow, then halt the progression of his penile appendage. He chuckled to himself as he remembered reading that description a few years back, and thinking at the time that he just couldn’t see ever adopting such an odd way of labeling his cock. He shook his head clear of the thought, and returned it to Livia, and her extraordinary presence.
“Yes, we shall. And thank you. For all you’ve done tonight, I’m the one who should be bathing you, as a means of telling you how much I appreciate all you’ve done.”
Turning from the mirror, Nic slowly moved to join Livia, and move into the shower. Holding her hand now, he gently tugged her in as well, and under the spray of the warm water, moved his body flush against her.
His flaccid member stirred, but only briefly. Right now Nic’s lusts were on hold, and he merely wanted to feel Livia in his arms as a means of comfort, and affection.
The shower wasn’t monstrously huge, but big enough that they could both enjoy it, and not drown under the water. He moved so his back was getting the brunt of the spray, and ‘ahhhhed’ as he felt the soothing water penetrate his sore muscles. Looking down he could see the water at their feet tinged pink from the blood washing off, as well as a few pieces of glass. With the use of his foot, Nic lightly brushed the glass behind him, and out of the way of Livia’s small feet.
“I’ll be sure to let the cleaning people know to be on the lookout for any missed glass, but can see you’ve already done a great job in removing most of it.”
He pressed his now wet lips to her forehead, her nose, and settled on her lips for the briefest of kisses, before releasing her, and reaching for the bar of soap. He then began to was of whatever bloody residue remained, closing his eyes, and enjoying the calm he felt in the watery stall.