17 years ago
Shaking his head, and grinning like an idiot, Nic was sated from feeding, and sort of wandering a bit aimlessly.
The night air was crisp, signaling the change in seasons, a faint glimpse of cold weather to come hung on the air along with vehicle exhaust. The industrial area wasn't some place Nic frequented often, but he'd followed his prey toward that area, without second thought. Once he'd finished what he'd come out for, he just started walking, with no destination in mind. Thus he found himself headed towards the bowels of the concrete and steel mini-city within Nachton.
The prospect of what he might find if he continued his path turned his feet in the opposite direction. Even if he continued to just walk along unfocused, he didn't see any reason for not heading toward someplace more interesting.
"Holy shit! What the hell...?"
Before he had gone a half block, a god-awful noise pierced the semi-still night, and Nic did a complete about face. The sounds of metal smashing into metal was all he could associate with the offensive intrusion into his silence, but even in that particular area of town it sounded a bit out of place. Unusual.
With nothing better to do, and plenty of time before he had to begin worrying about returning home, Nic shrugged, and began a trek toward the still disruptive noises. Curiosity wasn't a general fault of his, but tonight he saw it as a possible enhancement to his evening, and not anything that would over tax his well fed lethargy.
What he really hoped for, in the back of his mind, was that whatever had happened, there wouldn't be a lot of human injury. He really didn't want to face the aspect of trying to help anyone, especially if they were covered in blood. In fact, just thinking about more blood, on top of his full stomach, slowed his paces a bit. Instead he hoped he would just come upon some industrial accident involving a large crane maybe...or some other type of heavy equipment, where twisted metal would be splayed about...bodiless. That could be interesting.