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Streets of Nachton - Infected Area

‘Waiting on you.’


‘Waiting on you.’

‘I always hated when you did that.’

‘Still waiting on you.’

Simon Huntington and Ellis Duban stood precariously on the edge of Nachton’s industrial district and watched the flurry of large men move crates of something heavy from the warehouse one hundred yards away from them to a waiting moving truck. The gun runners in Nachton were easy to find, at least the human ones were, it was the infiltration of werewolves that made this otherwise quiet outing unbearably difficult.

‘Still waiting.’

Simon rolled his eyes and looked over at his ex lover and recalled that he had killed her once and almost let her die again. Stupid choices and poorly executed ones put him here now, listening to her odd sense of tainted humor as they watched the humans load the guns into the truck.

‘We’re here to watch.’

Ellis sniffed with disdain.

‘It’s called reconn.’

With a dramatic sigh, Ellis pulled out a cigarette and lit it, not caring that she was undoubtedly giving away their presence. ‘I don’t recall ever teaching you this pussified way of doing reconn.’

Simon turned away and rolled his eyes again, no her way was just going down and killing them all but the driver, who undoubtedly knew where he was going, if he didn’t know what for or for who – the rest they always winged. Her way was painful, reckless and … well her way.

‘My way. I said we’d do this my way.’ Simon said with a firm voice as he knelt down to peer over the side of the building roof top.

Ellis recognized the tone and immediately wanted to shoot his fucking brains out of his head. Flicking her cigarette off the side of the building, which landed next to one of the large men who was keeping a look out, Ellis held her hands up and signaled surrender.

‘Fine, your way.’

Ellis would have gladly continued with her scathing advice for Simon if it had not been for a series of car accidents in the surrounding area. Both vampires jumped at the consecutive car crashes all around them, evening garnering the attention of the humans below.

Slowly Simon stood.
'What the hell was that?' Looking over at Ellis he saw that she had already crossed the roof top behind them and was looking down at an accident. 'Ellis?'

'What the...' Ellis' eyes widened and she began to wave Simon over, her hand finally realizing that anything less than a frantic wave would not be appropriate. 'Simon. Simon come over here. Simon...SimonSimonSimonSimonSimon.'

In a blink he was beside her on her right, looking over the edge. That could not be right, he thought to himself as the sound of soft whispered wailing filtered up into the night air to them.

'That is SO not my fault,' Ellis said quietly.

The Voice 17 years ago
Streets of Nachton - Infected Area

Our apologies, you are in grave danger, no pun intended. The streets of Nachton are NOT safe and are filling up with infected zombies with only one thing on their mind - to feed. There are a random mix of species that are infiltrating the streets and alley ways - human, werewolf and vampire. Please travel at your own peril.

Gosh. Good luck. (wink)
Nicholae 17 years ago
Shaking his head, and grinning like an idiot, Nic was sated from feeding, and sort of wandering a bit aimlessly.

The night air was crisp, signaling the change in seasons, a faint glimpse of cold weather to come hung on the air along with vehicle exhaust. The industrial area wasn't some place Nic frequented often, but he'd followed his prey toward that area, without second thought. Once he'd finished what he'd come out for, he just started walking, with no destination in mind. Thus he found himself headed towards the bowels of the concrete and steel mini-city within Nachton.

The prospect of what he might find if he continued his path turned his feet in the opposite direction. Even if he continued to just walk along unfocused, he didn't see any reason for not heading toward someplace more interesting.

"Holy shit! What the hell...?"

Before he had gone a half block, a god-awful noise pierced the semi-still night, and Nic did a complete about face. The sounds of metal smashing into metal was all he could associate with the offensive intrusion into his silence, but even in that particular area of town it sounded a bit out of place. Unusual.

With nothing better to do, and plenty of time before he had to begin worrying about returning home, Nic shrugged, and began a trek toward the still disruptive noises. Curiosity wasn't a general fault of his, but tonight he saw it as a possible enhancement to his evening, and not anything that would over tax his well fed lethargy.

What he really hoped for, in the back of his mind, was that whatever had happened, there wouldn't be a lot of human injury. He really didn't want to face the aspect of trying to help anyone, especially if they were covered in blood. In fact, just thinking about more blood, on top of his full stomach, slowed his paces a bit. Instead he hoped he would just come upon some industrial accident involving a large crane maybe...or some other type of heavy equipment, where twisted metal would be splayed about...bodiless. That could be interesting.
Aishe 17 years ago
Aishe poked her head out from the alleyway, her latest 'victim' swooning against the wall. Her eyes widened and she took in the spectacle around her. People were milling about the streets... and sure, Nachton was a lively place at night and this being Halloween and all, she expected a little carousing. But what she was watching was... well, unusual. Very unusual.

It was as if a Star Trek convention had hit town, only instead of Trekkies, the streets were full of live-action roleplaying Zombies trying to chew on each other. Not that she believed it for a second... probably some well-meaning trick-or-treaters had played a part and the spirit of the night had caught on.

A motion behind her pulled her away from the spectacle on the streets, and Aishe turned to see her victim being molested.

"Hey, leave him alone!" She hadn't bitten him just to have him mugged afterward. She wasn't THAT kind of vampire. He lived right around the corner; she was going to escort him home and hopefully he'd wake up thinking he'd had a great night. Or whatever...

A well-placed knee here, an elbow there, convinced the muggers they were best off harrassing some other poor stranger, and Aishe reached out to catch her last meal before he collapsed. Winding one arm around him she guided him onto the road and toward his building, looking down when she felt an insistent pinching on her bicep.

"What the..."

Peering closer, not overly concerned about her flesh (though it was nice to have a thick sweater on), she frowned and pushed the man's face away. He clung on doggedly.

"Are you trying to bite me?"

A woolly grin confirmed her guess. Aishe hopped back a step and shook her arm, trying not to knock too many of the man's teeth out. "Off. No. Down. Bad."

None of her commands seemed to work. Muttering to herself she dragged him to his apartment, shoved him inside, and closed the door.

Standing on the doorstep, she turned once again to see the commotion on the streets. Zombie roleplayers?

Suddenly she was snatched from behind, yanked into the now open doorway, and roughed up a bit as her erstwhile dinner stubbornly persisted in chewing on her arm.

"I said cut it out! Go home!"

Finally disengaging and shutting the door on him once more, Aishe ran down the steps and out into the street, where, she realized, several pairs of very hungry eyes were turning toward her. Where the hell was the hidden camera? Kem or Pak would pop out with one any second now, right?

Ellis Duban 17 years ago
Ellis was completely enthralled. Both she and Simon stood on the edge of the roof top looking down at the multiple car pile up that had happened during their reconnaissance of the human black market and they were so rudely interrupted by what appeared to be...

'Am I seeing...'

Simon nodded.

'SO *I am* seeing...'

Simon nodded again.

'Ok, we need to go.' Ellis pulled on Simon's arm but he had become completely entranced by the blood scene below as well. She knew it wasn't so much the blood that was captivating, it was the sheer speed of which the zombies were traveling. They weren't the lumbering, easy to dodge - tie your shoe while running away, moaning zombies from movies like Night of the Living Dead. These were 28 days later, blood lust filled, speed demon zombies who ripped bodies to shreds, tore with their teeth and then moved onto the next screaming being.

They were fucking fast and fucking coming to get you, Barbara.

Another set of screams went off like fire crackers behind them, causing them both to whip their heads around to where they were standing just a minute ago. Racing back over both she and Simon looked over and again was greeted with blood, flesh and zed filled massacre. All the gun runners were dead or dying - preferably dead. This time it was Simon who pulled at Ellis.
'Oh shit,' she yelped and pointed.

With nothing alive to kill, the zombies had all turned their attention up towards the roof top. Ellis didn't even want to speculate on how they knew they were there - probably some insane blood smelling...zombie feature, who the fuck knew but what she did know was that the zombies began to run towards the fire escape and in high shrieks, began to climb up.
Zombie Horde 17 years ago
They moved in a single group but certainly not of one mind. There were traces of who they were, what they were, still left in the firing synapses of their brains. They weren't the slow moving zombies who were captivated by bright shiny lights, like the stars in the sky. No, these were homicidal monsters and they were hungry.

So hungry.

Quickly they spilled out of Duibne Industries, spreading like wildfire into the streets of Nachton, killing everything in their path. They split off from the main core of zombies, never losing their speed, strength or drive - all searching for one thing.


It didn't matter what kind of flesh, only uncontaminated flesh. Flesh that had not yet been tainted by the infection that was burning in them and this need for this pushed them forward with incredible speed, agility but more importantly a viciousness that rivaled even the darkest souls of man. This infection not only made them undead but brought out the deep dark within the primal psyche of man that spurned them on with only one thing in mind.


They knew if they filled the streets it would stop the sweet flesh and without thinking they threw themselves in front of the moving vehicles, destroying their bodies but not their will. They slithered with missing limbs, missing bits of their bodies and fed.

Dear god they fed.

A group of zombies moved off to the alley ways - two single sweet flesh on the street and more near the warehouses by the alley way. More. Sweet.

Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
It was, quite literally, something out of Amberelle's nightmares. Stories whispered down in New Orleans to scare children, tales of the undead called forth by powerful Voodoo priests to extract revenge on their enemies. Tales long forgotten with childhood that come crashing back to mind when the reality of your darkest dreams is staring you in the face.

The Anantya had stared in slack jawed disbelief when she rounded the corner on her way to the docks to try and lure "dinner" and saw a woman and her children struggling against several bloodied figures. When the woman's blood curdling scream had pierced the night as one of the figures literally ripped a bite from her arm the Creole knew this wasn't a pack of vampires or any other kind of monster. This was only one thing. Zombies. Real, breathing, wild eyed and very hungry looking zombies. It wasn't hard to swallow, there was little doubt of the supernatural in the mind of someone raised by vampires, and certainly not growing up in a city like New Orleans with its roots deep in the folk magic. You just knew that monsters existed.

It had been a long time since the blonde had known true, honest to God, grab you by the guts fear. But as she ran through the darkened alleyways towards her car she was fully in its grip. No guilt entered her mind for leaving the poor woman behind, and only a slight bit for the two children. She knew by the time she could have extracted them from the mob they would have been bitten, and anyone who has seen a zombie movie knows what that means. The rational part of her brain kept saying not to look back every time she felt herself glancing over her shoulder but she felt almost compelled. So far nothing was on her trail but her luck couldn't hold out forever. Stumbling as one of the heels of her high heeled shoes snagged and snapped she didn't even curse at ruining her favorite, and quite expensive, pair. They were simply kicked away without a thought. Sounds carried on the wind of screams and the crunch of metal on metal and glass shattering. It only added to the surreal feel.

When she reached the dark blue Aston Martin and popped open the trunk with her key fob, it was barely rising up before she was ripping back the lining that covered the hidden compartment within without a care to the vehicle. Cases were flung open rapidly and in under two minutes she had changed into the spare set of 'work' clothes she kept in there. A dark blue leather bodysuit with reinforced armor pads and kevlar lining and steel toed combat boots topped off with a matching leather duster. Buckling on her nylon belt she thrust both of her guns into their holsters and shoved every spare clip and bullet she could quickly grab into her pockets. Her katana and wakizashi clicked in, spare knives slid into her boots and wrist sheaths. Closing the trunk quietly, she blew her car a soft kiss. No way would she try to drive through this madness back to the manor.

Looking upwards, her golden eyes glinted brightly in the dim light as they assumed their feline shape. She needed to gather information, see what was going on, see if somewhere was clear. That meant heading up to the rooftops. Her agility came in handy as she lept up onto a fire escape ladder and quickly climbed up until she reached the roof.

As the blonde climbed into the gravel roof and looked over towards the opposite side her eyes grew wide, watching two figures running at her. If the zombies had scared her, then that figure running at her terrified her. Her mouth opened but no sound came out at first, and she just stood there.

Zombie Horde 17 years ago
The horde raced up the fire escape without a second thought. The clean flesh was so strong that they could not deter from their path. Water, did not matter. The need to feed was painful and unquestionable and with two more standing on the roof top, a group broke off and was halfway up before the clean flesh seemed to realize it.

Another group splintered off, moving again quickly through the alley ways, searching out more clean flesh. The sea air mingled with the undeniably sweet smell of the uninfected and the group pounced on a family - male, female or child - it did not matter and within moments the painful hunger panged again. The collective turned towards the sound of more running feet - a female one knew, recognizing the tell tale sound of clickety clack heels. They were off, running after the noise and finally they caught up to the clean flesh smell only to lose the scent again until again one of them looked up. Then all the eyes of the infected looked up.

The roof tops.

The horde was off again only this time they ignored the fire escape railings - the smell of clean flesh was coming from the other side of a nearby door. With their infected fury they burst through the door and then through more - reveling in the screams of the delicious. They killed the first floor and made their way up the emergency stair cases, killing along the way till they reached the roof top. Their numbers had grown from six to fifty four by this point and they moved together as one with their sole purpose.

Nicholae 17 years ago
Oh good god! Nic couldn't believe his eyes, but yes, as he rounded a corner, and saw a glimpse of the carnage that explained the noises, he also saw Kem's girlfriend in the middle of things! What made matters worse was that he saw nothing of his white haired pal, anywhere near the young Egyptian woman.

Picking up his pace, Nic flew down the street, and caught up to Aishe in a matter of minutes. Though he didn't know her well at all, having only met her briefly, the fact that Kem loved her was all Nic really needed to know.

Of course Nic would have tried to assist anyone in a similar situation. Whatever was going on was bad. Even if his brain hadn't grasped what that was exactly...he hadn't lived as long as he had without some natural instincts on certain situations.

"Aishe...that's right, isn't it? Are you okay? What the fuck is going on around here? I heard a crap load of noise and was coming to investigate..."

His explanation was cut short when some deranged creature lunged in his direction, and Nic did the only thing he could think to do...he kicked out, and effectively deflected the thing against the brick siding of the nearby building. He could see there was only a matter of minutes before the ... woman...regained her wits...or whatever it was that had her going, and returned.

"Don't guess we really have time to have a car nearby, or should we just start running?"
Simon Huntington 17 years ago
Simon blinked. One moment they were staring up at them, the next they were halfway up. Backing up he grabbed Ellis' arm and turned back to the other side of the roof top, only to be greeted by a dozen that had already made the trek up. Looking off to the west both vampires broke out into a run and began to leap across to the next building. He wasn't sure if the zeds would follow but he wasn't going to look back to find out.

'Go GO GO!'

Ellis did not wait for him, but then he didn't wait for her either. With each building the spacing seemed to increase until finally Simon was using all his strength just to clear them. Ellis' agility was making them no problem at all and he reflected on this fact when he lost his footing landing and slipped. He scraped his chest and chin on the side of the building before he caught hold, cursing loudly. Whispers and finally screaming roared out from underneath him. Looking down he saw more zeds busting into the buildings and the screams filtering out from open windows.

He started to pull himself up when Ellis grabbed him and lifted him back onto the roof top. Even through the running she gave him a smile.

'Yes, I know, I know. I owe you.'

His perception was now going wild, the smell of the infected flesh was penetrating his nostrils and it was repugnant. Ellis again grabbed his arm and pointed. There was another figure on the roof top across from them but alone. It saw them and he narrowed his eyes.
Ellis Duban 17 years ago
'That's uh...god what's her name.' Ellis snapped her fingers trying to recall.

'Anantya,' Simon replied.

'Yeah, Amberelle. The french chick. Let's go.'

Again they raced off in the direction of the rival clan member but right that second Ellis really didn't care. It was another vampire and three standing together was better than two. Leaping across to the Anantya's roof top Ellis' perception again picked up more of the infected blood in the building below them.

'Do you smell that?'

Simon nodded.

'Jesus fucking Christ - the smell is rank.' Running up to Amberelle they paused only to grab her arm and rush her along.

'Hi. RUN!'

(ooc permission to touch amby))
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Amberelle was in a mild state of shock, her brain just not registering completely as the throng of snarling and hungry looking, blood and gore covered undead burst forth in front of her. It was a nightmare, a simple dream gone awry the blonde told herself. There was no way she was running, no more like being dragged along over a rooftop by an ancient vampiress and the leader of Tacharan as they fled from a mob of flesh eating zombies. Soon she would wake up and find herself in her warm and soft bed, snuggled deep in the covers next to her beloved.

Instinctively she moved along next to Ellis as the three rapidly approached the roof's ledge and they leapt almost in unison for the far building. On the ground below snarls and howls could be heard as the undead on the streets looked up and saw the flesh they craved. A few seconds before the trio landed, the roof's access hatch burst open and a man, screaming hysterically with a large chunk of flesh missing from his bloody cheek, ran out. His wild gaze turned towards them and he screamed incoherantly, words tripping over themselves. Several of the snarling creatures emerged where he had just been and cried out in triumph that their prey was now cornered. Spying the addition of more sweet smelling, succulent flesh sent them nearly into a frenzy.

Too many years of training and a survival instinct honed for years kicked in and as the young vampire landed she let her momentum carry her and tumbled forwards. Her hands planted on the concrete and she shoved herself off into a leap at the terrified man. He might have been alive for the moment but she had already tagged him as a threat. Might be now or it may be in five minutes, but he was already dead. Her coat fluttered behind her as she drew her katana and a gun in one smooth motion. Landing a few feet in front of him she winced as he reached out blindly, probably to throw her at them and buy himself time. The silver glint of her blade flashed and his head rolled towards the Tacharans as his body fell down beside the Creole. Turning a cold eye at the seven bodies rushing at them she began to fire, 9mm bullets hitting them neatly between the eyes.
Aishe 17 years ago
Aishe was contemplating whether or not vampirism had altered her fight or flight mechanism when someone else appeared right beside her. Reflex almost won, and she would have sent a roundhouse kick to the man's head had she not recognized Nic, another Evenhet, Kem's friend. A moment's glance showed her he was definitely not trying to eat her brains, and she gave him a quick nod to confirm her identity.

"Uh, it's either some kinda of roleplay gone VERY bad or we're being hunted by zombies. You pick."

As Nic launched a flesh-craving zombie into a wall on one side of them, she did indulge in instinct after all, a good solid punch sending another one flying.

"No car. Kem's got it, and he's not that close by." He was on his way home from one of the universities just an hour or so away, where he'd been doing some appraising for their archaeology department. "He'll be here in an hour or so, he says. I gather the interstate is a mess."

She meant that literally. Her brief and muddled sending to Kem a few minutes ago and been met with equal confusion as her bewildered boyfriend tried not to run anyone over while attempting to acheive warp speed in a BMW.

"I'm thinking 'run' for now," she said, aiming another punch, "but I can't tell you how nice it is to know you're not trying to eat me."

Of all the conversation to make... she couldn't help but chuckle at the irony as she was reminded, of all things, of a line in a Wierd Al song... "I hope I'm not being forward, but do you mind if I chew on your butt?"
Simon Huntington 17 years ago
Simon pulled out his glock and Ellis her .38's and began shooting down the incoming zeds. Without a real plan, they just started aiming for the head and hoped to God that the movies were right. The building roof top surged with more and more zeds, streaming out of the roof top access door when their numbers began out numbering their ammunition. Their only hope now was to get off the roof top and get towards somewhere uninfected.


Ellis looked back at him, currently in the middle of snapping a zed's neck and throwing it back at its friend. With a nod she yelled out to the Anantya and signaled behind her.

Simon kicked another zed away as the three were pushed back towards the edge of the building. The fire escape was clear now but who knew for how much longer. He yelled to the two women to climb down and he wondered briefly how close they were to a gun shop.
Nicholae 17 years ago
Aishe's actions weren't lost on Nic, even when his focus was on the zombies. Kem had himself quite a capable woman there, and Nic was a little relieved to know she wasn't going to need to be carried off to safety.

In fact, if he wasn't sure word of it would leak out, he could have easily relinquished all responsibility of getting them to safety to the woman's capable hands. He never did like playing hero, and only did when he had no other alternative.

"I swear I never thought these things existed. Pretty arrogant opinion, I guess, are these things butt ugly."

No car...neither one of them had one...what luck.

"Gotta tell you, I feel the same." How god-awful it would be to tell Kem that Nic had put his girlfriend down, rather than be changed into one of those things.

"Then we run, ready?"

Unable to do more than mince words, Nic started to grab Aishe's arm, but thought better of it. It was another instinct, yet he felt it to be unnecessary.

"Too bad we don't have an hour to to speak."

The next body Aishe took an aim at, was pushed toward Nic, but since he saw it coming he added to its momentum and partially helped fling it to the ground. A satisfying crack accompanied the fall, and Nic didn't think that one would be getting up again.

There was just no way to have much of a conversation with the increasing number of the monsters now seeming to focus on the two vampires in their midst. So when Nic saw a small parting of bodies, he shouted to Aishe, 'NOW', and took off through the void.

Once he had put a little distance between him and the clamoring crowd he turned to make sure Aishe was alongside, or at the very least following closely behind. This time it was gunshots that caused Nic's head to whip around and focus on the rooftops overhead.

"Somehow I don't think zombies are able to use tools...I could be wrong, but do you think we should see where those shots came from? Maybe whoever it is could use help...or better yet, maybe the could team up with us and broaden our chances?"

Because the enemy seemed almost overwhelming, Nic just knew it would be better to increase their forces. He hoped Aishe agreed, and he wouldn't have to try and force her...he wasn't sure he COULD force her.
Zombie Horde 17 years ago
Moving swiftly between the alley ways, the horde found the scent of two more clean flesh. Immediately they pounced on the male and female, ignoring that their actions were, for the moment, futile. The rest of the collective had broken off and were in pursuit of more clean flesh so this smaller handful was easily decimated to just a scant handful. No matter, they thought collectively, more would come.
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Amby had heard the authority there in their voices and reacted accordingly. Besides what would have been the point of arguing, it was painfully obvious they were outnumbered and running out of ammo. The thought of an infected Ellis sent a wave of nausea churing through her gut. Turning and running for the fire escape they had indicated, the blonde sheathed her weapons and leapt off, grabbing onto the railings. Superhuman agility with natural athletic ability made for quite the spectacle if anyone had been alive to witness it as she twisted and spun, swinging down the levels at breakneck speed and dropping the last two stories onto the sidewalk below. 'Much faster than running down,' she thought smugly and drew her weapons again.

Crouched with blade and gun at the ready, she looked to see just what kind of shape the streets were in while she waited for the other vampires to join her.
Ellis Duban 17 years ago
Ellis was suddenly reminded of a particular phrase from a favorite movie. It actually made her smile as she jumped off the roof top.

Express elevator to Hell. GOING DOWN!

Free falling from the roof top, she landed feet first onto the ground, causing a crater four feet in diameter. Simon landed next to her, choosing to take the quick way down. They could hear the screaming coming from above them, a noise that was slowly starting to drive Ellis insane. Psychological warfare, she thought. These zombies were not stupid, not feral animals at all.

Together they began to move quickly down the alley ways, away from the screaming.
'It's like they move together, as one. I've never even heard of anything like this happening before - like its some sort of...chemical or bio weapon? Nothing I've managed to get my hands on and oh my god don't look at me like that, Simon.'

Simon blinked at her expressionless as they began to trot away from the docks and back towards downtown.

'We need to find out what happened - what the clans are doing.' Self preservation, for the moment, was extended to beyond just her little circle in the world. Ellis had a single minded purpose, her purpose, but this was much bigger than anything she had ever seen. 'God if it spreads.' She didn't need to finish her sentence to know if it did spread, a bullet to the brain was better than anything she had seen tonight.
Simon Huntington 17 years ago
Simon had not heard what Ellis was saying. In fact, he was concentrating as they ran down the alley away from the zeds. He had never tested his bond with Carol this far out and he wasn't sure if her being a human would affect the range having heard of vampires connecting from half a world away. Without being able to stop and full concentrate, he reached out and called to Carol.

The silence was deafening, as well as terrifying. He had hoped it was distance or maybe she had to be concentrating as well...just anything but his call not reaching due to no one being there to receive it. He then heard Ellis' final word and all his concentration was lost. Looking around he recognized where they were heading and he moved them further east, dodging the screaming when it popped up around them till finally they reached their destination.

Rounding the side of the building, he found the back exit door and pulled on the it, breaking its lock. He ushered the women in and closed it behind him. Moving through the darkness was easy and his perception told him nothing was waiting there so in the darkness he moved towards the front of the building and with his elbow, started to break open the cases. Looking up he read the stenciling on the front shop entrance glass.

Westin Ammo
Smith and Wesson

'We got it so you can kill it.'

((ooc - anyone else wanting to join us, feel free to meet us here.))

Ellis Duban 17 years ago
Ellis smiled in the dark as she walked into the front end of the gun store. With a wistful sigh she pulled a modified 12 gauge shotgun off the wall.

'I'm so happy.'
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Her senses straining, feline eyes saw perfectly well in the darkness. She followed along after the two Tacharans mutely. As Simon began to break the glass she pulled out her cell phone and tried dialing Alex, then her cousin. Naturally all circuits were busy. Amby rapidly typed a text message, hoping it got through. Next she sent one to her cousin, letting Cel know she was safe for the moment. Sighing she slipped the phone back into her pocket.

Reaching in she grabbed boxes of 9mms and began shoving then into her pockets. When the ancient spoke, she turned to look at her, not quite believing what she'd heard the woman say. Amber eyes watched Ellis cradling the gun and she just shook her head faintly. Somehow she'd gotten herself into a fine mess.