Well, here I am... lol.. now what?
So, first, I figure, say hello, and see if I meet anyone nice enough to wanna play with (once I'm all official and whatnot).
To introduce myself, I'm an avid roleplayer (been playing roleplaying games since about 1980). I currently run a board of my own, based mainly in Joss Whedon's Firefly Universe. (We do have a third story now, a modern day superhero sort of thing - like SA, that one isn't based on any established mythos, just our own sort of thing).
Reading about the SA system being it's own - not White Wolf, or Whedon, or (god forbid) Anne Rice (don't get me wrong, I just HATE whiny ass vampires, her books are cool) - well, I really love that idea. I get SO tired of vampires based on all of the above, it's nice to see someone being original. I'm as protective of my Firefly stories being as canon as possible, I respect the idea of keeping this place canon to it's mythology as well.
I love to write, and I love the creative process that play-by-post gives you, with so many peoples' input. This place looks like a lot of fun!
Or turning.
Or something.
Welcome aboard, can't wait to see what kinds of terrors an unrestrained artist can unleash on Nachton.
Welcome again!
Intervention! Flying out to your place with the series in hand!
Wet noodles are fine, so long as it's creamy pesto they're wetted with
I'm DEFINITELY a dedicated Browncoat. If you like firefly, I've got some nifty firefly fan art Here for dolls, and Here for Digital Paintings. Enjoy. If you have any, please share the links with me - I'd LOVE to see it!
If you're interested in Firefly Play by post, you're welcome to check out our board, The Oberon. The Obie itself is pretty much packed to the walls, but Salvation, our other spin-off (we call ouselves a spin-off of the original show Firefly), is definitely in a place where we could use some more people. Maybe not a TON, but there IS room. Epsecially for a pilot. I'll be up front, and admit there IS a sort of try out, and it's VERY strict on staying ultra canon, even if we don't have any of the original characters. It's more lenient than that sounds, but still, it's true. Feel free to pop on over just to read, if you like - we have a couple of people that used to just read, but they got to jump in and join when the space opened up.
Anyhow, not here to advertise, just willing to share with another Browncoat
Oh And Roz don't feel bad.. I only saw the movie, never seen an episode of Firefly and I am a Whedon fan =x
Welcome! Jump in wherever you find an open thread! Plenty of mayhem rolling wround these days...
Look out for Nic and Alexandra - they're always a dirty little flirts! Otherwise, Jan is the only consistent Emo Kid, so you should be safe! So sayeth the Alec, who has been sobbing uncontrollably off-screen for awhile! :P Depending on where you drop into the action, Dawn may be out and about. Have fun reading the back-stories, and welcome aboard.
I'm sorry for your recent loss, but expect when time helps to heal those wounds, you'll be back out there among us, giving me a run for my money. Life goes on son.
Nice to meet you all! I'm hammering out the details on Ilvi'a bio now, if anyone has any suggestions on threads they think I might fit into, I'll take all advice - I'm very excited to get involved.
Wet noodles are fine, so long as it's creamy pesto they're wetted with
I'm DEFINITELY a dedicated Browncoat. If you like firefly, I've got some nifty firefly fan art Here for dolls, and Here for Digital Paintings. Enjoy. If you have any, please share the links with me - I'd LOVE to see it!
If you're interested in Firefly Play by post, you're welcome to check out our board, The Oberon. The Obie itself is pretty much packed to the walls, but Salvation, our other spin-off (we call ouselves a spin-off of the original show Firefly), is definitely in a place where we could use some more people. Maybe not a TON, but there IS room. Epsecially for a pilot. I'll be up front, and admit there IS a sort of try out, and it's VERY strict on staying ultra canon, even if we don't have any of the original characters. It's more lenient than that sounds, but still, it's true. Feel free to pop on over just to read, if you like - we have a couple of people that used to just read, but they got to jump in and join when the space opened up.
Anyhow, not here to advertise, just willing to share with another Browncoat
You are more than welcomed to advertise! I found The Oberon by googling and just realized where Salvation was lol. Feel free to advertise here and over on TAC as well =)
I hear you about VTM, sometimes it is nice to just get a break from the same old jyhad! LOL.. Get something that is a bit different. Werd. As a ST on my own oWoD site, I have to come here and relieve myself from what has now become the mundane of my RP existence.. -chuckles-
I'll get an official "go ahead and post" pm from the modly types right? I don't want to jump in before I'm s'posed to.
It's always cool to meet more Browncoats
All I've been doing is Firefly RP, and a little superhero, lately, so I'm looking forward to some serious vampire stuff yay!
And for those other rp'ing thingies - I read a couple Anne Rice books (whiners) and started a Hamilton chick book (meh) but I have no clue about VTM and this was my first rp site.
Oh and Ilviana - don't forget to credit yer sig and avatar! =D Thanks!
it's a World of Darkness game. One the very first Rps I got into on table top.
I also forgot to say I did get Kem's pm - didn't realize it was a go ahead, lol Thought we were just clearing up the last little rough edges :P
Now to figure out where to begin! *takes a deep breath*