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The Tropic's Resort - Excedrin Headache #62

The resort was impressive, and Fallon had told Nic exactly that last night when they arrived. The tour he took her on was lengthy but because he was so enthusiastic she became so as well, and thoroughly enjoyed herself.

What came after had been enjoyable at the time too, as well as enlightening...who'd have thought the cute young man would turn out to be a vampire as well! Luckily Fallon had eaten shortly before she met him at the Marina, so she didn't suffer the same experience as she had so recently with Aislinn. No, this time it was Nic who unmasked himself at the onset with his fangs. The cut on Fallon's lip had healed hours ago, but she still recalled the surprise it created when he kissed her. They both had laughed a bit about the entire set of events...before things heated up.

And now, here she was, sipping coffee at the outside tropical coffee shop, amid the palms, waterfalls, and parrots squawking overhead. If it hadn't been for the terrible headache she was now experiencing, she might have been able to really appreciate her surroundings, but as it was she just wanted the pain to go away.

Since being turned she couldn't recall ever having a headache, and apparently had taken that tidbit of good luck for granted, thinking she would never have to suffer as she had in the past. For whatever reason it was now evident she had been wrong. However, all things considered, she could already tell this headache was passing, and even without aspirin she should be rid of it soon.

When she first awoke to an empty room, and saw the note Nic had left she immediately called Aishe. It had been much too long since she'd spent time with her sister, and in addition to missing her terribly, Fallon really needed to talk. When she called she got the answering machine so she left a short message, asking Aishe to either call her cell phone, or meet her at the resort if she could. Otherwise Fallon would what she could to catch up to her sister later. As nice and attentive as Nic had been, he seemed to have forgotten he had brought Fallon to the resort on the back of his bike. and she had no way home.


Aishe 16 years ago
"You drive a hard bargain," Aishe said to Nic with a grin. She accepted the offered gift card amd tucked it carefully into her purse. "A weekend here would be a wonderful break. I'll just have to get Kem to cut the cord with Meridian for seventy two hours or so. I can have him back before the worst of the withdrawal pains begin."

She said it with good cheer; Kem was busy but since Pak had yelled at him he'd done his best to be extra attentive even though Aishe knew he disagreed with her. She was sure he would like it here; he could appreciate a break when it was offered.

Aishe took Nic's offered arm and glanced at Fallon across his chest. Fallon wasn't entirely comfortable with the situation yet and Aishe didn't blame her. She would have felt odd, too. There was no one but Kem in her life, and she wanted no one but Kem in her life. Who knew what she'd think or how she'd react if he weren't around? But then, she imagined she'd know at least if he were alive or dead; their bond ensured that.

She, for one, had not noticed the lighting as she'd just arrived not a half hour ago and had only had a chance to see the one area. She kept quiet though, and nodded along, impressed with the feature now that her attention had been drawn to it.

"Well, if it's to remain this magical," she told Nic, "It's only fitting that you keep some secrets." She wouldn't want to know all the minor details. It was enough to know what to look for, like the breeze and the lighting.

Once again Aishe glanced at Fallon. "Should we start indoors? It's such a nice night it might be hard to get us back in once we're out, and I'd like to see everything."
Nicholae 16 years ago
He was glad she accepted the gift, and even more so to hear she would make an effort to get Kem away from work for a while. Nic understood why the man worked a lot because he enjoyed long hours himself when he was involved in something he really enjoyed. God knew he had been working eighteen to twenty hour days lately, getting the resort off the ground, but he also understood the need for time away from work. His bike had the new miles on it to prove he had been taking his own medicine.

Of course if he had a sweetie at home like Aishe, Nic didn't think he'd probably ever want for lack of playtime. He looked over to Fallon then, and smiled, but felt a twinge when he still saw a little sadness, and anxiety in her eyes.

At least she returned the smile when she agreed the indoors was the place to continue the tour.

"Alrighty then, indoors it is."

From the cafe Nic led the ladies around to the front of the lobby and reception area. There were pools on each side, one with a fountain, and one that had a very long waterfall over rock wall in it. The sounds of water filled the lobby, and with the open courtyard construction, night sky above, tropical trees, plants and flowers, he was again taken aback by the atmosphere that had been artificially created.

"Since this is the main way in, I know you've both seen this, but I wanted to solicit any criticisms you might have, since I know there is always room for improvement. My main concern here is that I want everyone to be transported when they walk in through that archway, and truly feel like they've just left the days troubles behind, and are now immediately transported to a place of peace, and relaxation. Not that we don't have excitement here too, but I'm really trying for the whole 'get away' feel, more than anything else."

As they walked on, a pair of very attractive people approached, one was male, and the other female, dressed in very tropical garb, a shirt and shorts for the guy, and a sarong of matching material for the woman.

"Steff!" Nic nodded to both, and introduced them to Fallon and Aishe.

"Ladies, if ever you are in need of something, and I'm not around, these are the two you need. One or the other is always here, and can get you whatever it is you desire."

Laughing, though fairly serious, he looked to Fallon, then Aishe.

"Fallon, Aishe, this is Steff, and Steff. You two...this is Aishe, a dear friend and one I trust my life with. Soon you'll be meeting her other half, Kem, and I want them both treated like royalty."

He hoped he hadn't spoken out of turn addressing Kem in such a way. Fallon was next.

"And this is Fallon...the same extends to her."

His eyes held a special affection for his new friend, and could only hope she took him up on his earlier invitation. She was always welcome here, and could use Tropics for relaxation, or to even add some excitement into her life...though he doubted that was something she usually lacked.

He also didn't doubt that either Steff would let him down. Having genetically created staff was new to Nic, and the duo were the first of their kind to Tropics, but so far he had been pleased beyond belief with them both.

"Ok...we'll see you around then...I'm taking the ladies on a tour of our new home."

A nod of his head and each Steff took off in opposite directions.
Aishe 16 years ago
"How could we find anything to critisize?" Aishe asked as she gaped shamelessly at the entrance she'd been too distracted to notice before. "It's beautiful, Nic. Did you design it yourself?"

She nodded as he explained the goal; she couldn't help but feel the "get away" theme. She'd never experienced stepping into a building as lush as this one was. Aishe had certainly seen some fantastic sights in her time, including the pyramids in Egypt and the lushness of the Nile River valley, but that this had all been created as the entrance of a resort was fascinating in its own right.

"It's really wonderful."

The introduction of the host and hostess made her blush. Aishe was definitely not used to being treated like royalty and the idea that she and Kem were to be treated specially was surprising. She didn't consider herself above or beyond anyone else, and besides... being here would be special enough. She smiled at the man and woman, who both remained quiet, and as they moved off she turned to Nic and said, "Twins? That's cute, what a nice touch. What were the odds?"

Nic must have searched through piles of resumes to find a brother and sister both in the hospitality industry who wanted to come work at a resort in Nachton.

"You've really put a lot into this, haven't you?" She smiled up at Nic. It was good to see him in his element. Every time she'd met him, he'd never really seemed entirely at home with things and that was the impression she'd gotten from Kem as well. Speaking of... "Kem is going to be really happy to see what you've done here."
Fallon 16 years ago
Content to walk along and observe, as well as not be required to do more than take everything in, Fallon didn't offer anything to the conversation. She smiled at the twins, and thought pretty much what Aishe said, but found no reason to comment as well.

There were still a few butterflies flapping around in her stomach, to make her slightly uneasy. Not having to do anything but 'be' was a relief for her now. Perhaps as they saw more, she'd think of something else to say besides...'Gee Nic, you smell great,' or 'wow, but I'm still amazed at last night,' neither of which would be appropriate right now, yet both of which thoughts were foremost in her mind at the moment.
Nicholae 16 years ago
"Yes, I did design Tropics, but I also had some help. Three guys, Manuel Mestre, Daniel Libeskind, and William McDonough were all instrumental in making what I saw in my head, come out in steel and concrete. Bill developed an insulating panel that we used throughout, and not only gives us a higher than required structural rating, but works fantastically as a sound barrier, but helps keep us green. Dan...Dan was more involved in designing the structure...he's built a couple incredible commercial structures, and I just knew he would fit into the group well, and he didn't let me down. Manny, well Manny was more focused on the interior...HE is the one responsible for helping to make the place LOOK like it did in my head." Nic waved his hand before he continued. "I'm sorry, once I get started I have trouble stopping, but I'm sure you two don't care about all's what you see, hear, smell, and touch that will make this place or break it."

Taking a turn, Nic walked to the party room, then beyond to the media center, and fitness room, and sauna/steam spa. But while he walked he stopped and pulled both ladies close, choosing to keep his voice as low as possible as he explained the twins.

"I have to tell you...though I haven't anything to back it up yet, but I think there is more to the Steffs than even I know about. I will admit I spoke to several agencies before I found one that knew exactly what I was looking for, and GUARANTEED they could fill the bill. Needless to say I was skeptical, at least until the pair of them walked through the doors, and sat down to talk to me."

Nic eyed both women, and smirked. "I think...maybe...they aren't real."

And he truly was of that opinion...maybe they were genetically altered, maybe they were cyborgs...maybe any number of theories had crossed his mind almost every time he ran into them since hiring them... "But whatever they are, or the case is...they are beyond belief in the way they treat the guests, and I sure as hell hope I never have to run this place without them."

Some day he might look into their backgrounds with a little more intense scrutiny, but right now things were running so smoothly that he didn't want to jinx anything.

It was difficult for Nic not to prance through the resort like a proud peacock. Aishe's words were reasons behind his desire to do what he had. To give people a place they could visit, that didn't take too much time to get to, yet once there eliminated any feeling of the outside world, where they could do nothing but enjoy themselves for however long they wanted...if he was doing that, then he was succeeding.

"I tried, believe me, I spent more time on this than anything else I've ever attempted in my life, and to see it come to be, right before my's more than phenomenal to me.
Don't tell Kem, but he's partially responsible as well..." Nic laughed. "He was sitting on my shoulder throughout most of this process...pushing me, urging me on, not letting me give up. I owe him a lot, Aishe."

Nic had asked her not to say anything to Kem, but Nic wouldn't let it go off without commenting to his friend. By having the couple stay at Tropics, and hopefully seeing them enjoy themselves, Nic might see his friend realize that he wasn't the big flake he had come across as when he had arrived at Nachton. THAT was another reason why Nic had done all he had to make Tropics what he hoped it was.
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe nodded as Nic talked, happy he was so enthusiastic about his resort. But then, who wouldn't be? He'd created something very lovely not just for Nachton's residents, but for anyone within traveling distance. The logical part of her thought there couldn't be anything wrong with creating a few extra jobs, too, and increasing tourism to Nachton.

Nic's speculation regarding his hired help was enigmatic to her. The way he talked about his twin host and hostess, she got the impression that perhaps Nic thought they were like them, vampires? Maybe one was and one wasn't? After all, he needed someone reliable to look after the resort during the daytime.

She followed along but didn't add much, merely absorbing the information Nic gave her. She responded to him without words, in her own way, with a nod here and there, a thoughtful 'hmm' to emphasize once in a while.

When Nic spoke of Kem though, he seemed so sincere she looked up at him and smiled. "He'll be flattered," she said. Embarrassed too, if she knew her lover. "I'm pretty sure he's been accused of being a lot of things in his time, and shoulder-angel is going to be a first."

She glanced over at Fallon, who'd been very quiet this whole time. Aishe obviously couldn't speak to her friend right now to verify that she was all right, but she did seem okay. Pensive, maybe, a little unsettled too. But all right overall.
Fallon 16 years ago
A sense of serenity was invading Fallon, and she could almost feel it as it seeped into her body. It was such a welcomed relief that she was more than happy to remain in her own little world, and let Nic and Aishe do all the talking. She even closed her eyes for a few seconds, here and there, as they neared the fountains that seemed to be scattered through out the resort.

"Birds...or sounds of the tropics..."

Fallon opened her eyes and looked to Nic first, then Aishe.

"Don't you think that might add a final touch? Don't get me wrong, I've never in my life been to a place more magical...or remotely close to being as magical as Tropics are...but just now it occurred to me that the sounds of the tropics...well...I just thought, anyway."

The idea sounded great in her head, but the second she started talking she revised her opinion. The last thing she wanted to do was to critique Nic or his establishment, seeing how he loved it, and imagining the humongous amount of time and money he had already spent.
Nicholae 16 years ago
"Hmmm...well, actually, there are sound effects set up, but I don't think they were tested with the place in full on occupied mode. What I mean is, with the fountains all running, the breeze machine, and people milling all around. I see what you mean now that you mention it. I'm not sure if birds would work...they do tend to be a little messy, but on the other hand, I'll bet there is some way to cage them in such a way that you don't see the enclosure, and can still appreciate what they would add to the atmosphere."

Letting go of the two lovely women for a moment, Nic reached into his pocket and pulled out a small recorder.

"Check on sound system throughout lower floor, and find out more about bird habitats, plus the prices on some exotic parrots, and similar birds that can live happily in small enclosures."

He flipped the recorder off, put it back into his pocket, and put hands on the lower backs of both Aishe, and Fallon, directing them now to the elevators, just off from the lobby.

"Now I'll show you both one of our more prestigious suites...much like the one you will both have access to, whenever you choose to visit."

The elevators gave a good sampling of what Nic thought was to be heard in the lower floor...soft breezes blowing through palm trees, parrots squawking in the distance, and the sound of the waves crashing on the sand...all loud enough to hear, but not so loud that they overpowered conversation. Beyond that the elevator ride was quiet, and quick, the doors opening and closing almost silently.

Taking the ladies to the top floor, Nic ushered them down the hallway, and opened the door with a gold card key. Beyond the door was a completely furnished and decorated three bedroom suite. All the suites were set up identically, with exceptions being the number of bedrooms.

"We've tried to be as green here as we could be, using a lot of bamboo...floors, decorative framing, furniture...its so easily renewed, and fortunate for us looks perfect with the Tropics theme. The coloring does vary, from loud and wild, to rich and calming...reds, oranges, yellows, to blues, greens, and purples. I know there are much more sophisticated names for the real colors, but that's one area I just can't seem to that, you know?" He chuckled, but wasn't at all concerned. As long as those who did the creating knew and understood, that was what had been important.

"Go ahead, and look around. The two bedroom suites won't have this bedroom, and the one bedroom suites won't have it, or this bedroom." He walked to each bedroom as he commented, opening the doors, and looking inside, again pleased at how nice everything looked.

Moving into the kitchen, Nic smiled.

"All of the appliances are state of the art, energy efficient, yet manufactured to give you the utmost service you could want. The maker with crushed, cubed, and ground ice...ready for whatever drink you'd like to make."

And from there he was lost, shamefully. He just never spent much time in the kitchen, so he had no need of that knowledge. Moving to a phone system on the wall between the kitchen and the dining room, Nic pushed a button.

"Hi, it's Nic...just testing." A sweet young voice answered, laughed, and was disconnected. "This is all I need in a place like service! And they'll serve you pretty much anything you want, as long as you give them some notice. Otherwise there is a standard menu for those in a hurry."

Moving to the patio balcony, and the side of the unit that was all glass, overlooking the rushing river, and sands below, Nic was again beaming.

"Special glass. You can make it darker, or lighter, as well as completely transparent, or opaque...with a simple touch of a button."

Which he revealed behind a panel set into the wall next to the sliding glass door. He demonstrated how the glass trans-morphed into what looked just like the wall next to it, and then went dark and transparent, giving a night time look, and then returned to the daylight look it had when they had entered.

"I really love this shit." He laughed remembering the hour he spent just going all over the suite trying the different gizmos that had been installed, and delighting in the thought that so much they had there would appeal to so many...or he had hoped anyway.
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe nodded to Fallon. "Yes, you're right." If she listened hard, she could hear very faintly the tropical noises Both Nic and Fallon mentioned. But if she, as a vampire, had to strain to hear them, then certainly the average human wouldn't be able to make them out. She confirmed Fallon's opinion with a nod of her own, sure that Nic would take no offense in the observation.

She enjoyed the brief elevator ride; hearing the actual bird noises was a change from the usual boring music and only added to the atmosphere. When they emerged and entered one of the suites, Aishe immediately took liberties. She didn't mind poking and prodding, and since Nic was eager to show off his baby she was happy enough to oblige by sticking her nose into every corner.

"This is great, Nic!" She bounced in and out of each room, admiring the architecture and the decor. What she would ever need with three bedrooms on a vacation, she would never know, but it was still fantastic.

What really got to her however, was the glass on the one side of the suite. Her eyes widened as Nic made adjustments.

"You mean even during the day...?" She went to the panel Nic revealed and played with it when the opportunity presented itself, her jaw open as the wall around them went from simulated daylight to a plain wall, to clear glass, to a bautiful dimly-lit twilight.

"Nic - it's incredible." She didn't have words to express anything else. "To feel like it's daytime again, even if it's not really the sun or the clouds... that's amazing."

Aishe imagined she missed the sunlight as much as the next vampire, but for herself, or Fallon, well... they were young enough that their summer days were still well-remembered, not so far in the past. What would it mean for someone like Kem, or Chris, to come here and be able to stand in light again without injury? Would they welcome the feeling, or would someone their age just be reconciled to the dark, used to it?

She looked back at Nic, who probably wouldn't have any trouble guessing where her thoughts were going.
Fallon 16 years ago
Having just spent the last night in Nic's personal suite, this tour was a little lost on Fallon. She did enjoy watching Nic, and the way he puffed up like a rooster with pride, as he told Aishe all the little perks of the rooms.

It was also nice to see things through Aishe's eyes, that gave the tour a little different spin as well. Everyone had their own perspectives on things, and when you were able to see those of others, it sometimes helped widen your own. Fallon felt this way now.

"The windows all over this place are like that Aishe." Fallon was now picking up a little of Nic's energy, as well as having had prior knowledge she liked that she knew a little more about things than Aishe did. It was a strange sense of pride for her, but she felt it anyway, and as she had also done earlier, Fallon moved to the glass, and basked in the 'sunshine' when Aishe created it.

"Funny how some things we take for granted, until we have to do without huh?"

Smiling at Aishe, Fallon wondered if her sister had started missing the daylight yet. From Nic's comment, she knew it was another one of the hotel perks he was completely enamored of, and understanding all this made her all the more excited he had shared it with them.
Nicholae 16 years ago
Yep, bringing daylight back into his world had been another intention of his when he began to visualize the resort. Much of what he learned in the movie business went beyond acting, and with the way technology had advanced so rapidly over the past fifty or sixty years, he was incredibly thrilled to find he could now create the sensation of daylight, in this world he also created. For something that had such a natural feel to it, Tropics could also give someone a sense of the surreal as well.

He stood back and watched Aishe play with the windows, glancing to Fallon every now and then. Since he had gone over this with Fallon already, and she had shown the every bit as much excitement as Aishe was now, he wasn't expecting that level of attention from her now. But he was still worried a little, about her overall mental state. Something about her had touched him. She seemed fragile on one hand, yet underneath he was sure there was a core of steel. He just wished she had more to smile about, and whatever he could do to help there, he planned to do.

"I know, right! I used to get small glimpses of that feeling on sound stages, back when I was in the business, and ever since then I've wondered how that feeling could be built upon to enjoy even in a less manufactured setting. Well, you know what I mean... This is totally manufactured, but you don't feel it. You don't see the false ceilings, or blue screens, or see a room with windows, and either night time, or day time, right? Its still all illusion, but its such a good illusion, it really takes effort to see it."

Well, he knew what he meant, and hoped he was explaining it so she did too.

"Shall we check the outside now? It is less artificial, in a way that having an ocean running around the outside of a hotel in Nachton can be less artificial."

He laughed, again saying what he meant but not having it sound as intelligient as he hoped it would have.

Waiting for the ladies to join him at the door, Nic led them back to the elevator, and down to the lower floor again.

"Don't let on, but below us are two levels of floors that house all the mechanics for this place. There is a lot that goes into making this place what it is, and to help keep the illusion alive, I didn't want anything visible to the visitors that might distract them from their experience. Kind of like that movie Westworld?"

It was an older movie, and one that he had almost accepted a part in, but had to surrender at the last minute having found there was an old cameraman on the crew, who had known Nic back in the forties.

"Anyway, I know there will always be things that will retain some edge of artifice, but as much as I can hide, I will."

He explained all that during the ride down the elevator, and as they walked through the back of the building, and outside. There they saw a lot of grass, and tropical greenery, followed by sparkling clean, white sands, and clear teal colored water, which flowed in circles around the resort. There were actually two currents, going in opposite directions that allowed a swimmer, or a tuber, to either go with the flow, or swim against it.

It was nighttime now, and Nic didn't want to completely lose the daily cycles, with special lighting he was able to back light the water so a person could see well enough to get into the water, and not become disoriented. He certainly didn't want anyone to drown, or become harmed in anyway. Not only would that be bad for business, but it would go against everything Nic wanted this place to be, and do.

However, as you went with the currents, and traveled around the resort, you would pass through areas of artificial daylight, as well as gentle tropical storms, all alternating around the resort. He explained a lot of this to the two women, but left out the mechanics.

"I guess it can seem a little bit like Disneyland, but I'm hoping even more realistic than anything you'd find there."
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe stared at Fallon wide-eyed. "All over?" she echoed. She shook her head in disbelief.

She simply listened and nodded, following alongside Nic as he detailed the many little ways he'd made his resort resemble the outdoors. As far as she was concerned, it was sheer brilliance, and a complete wonder that none of their kind had thought to do this sort of thing yet.

This resort was going to be big, she thought to herself. And she wanted Kem to see it. Wheels in her head were already turning. She had an idea... but would Nic be able to help her do it?

Shelving the thought for the moment, as difficult as that was, she rubbernecked shamelessly at the grasses and the beach, the flowing river and the beautiful clear blue water.

"It seems every bit as magical as Disney, Nic," Aishe said with a smile. "I know a lot of our friends are going to want to come here. This is really special."

She'd been holding his arm as they traveled, and now she wrapped her free one around it and pulled him close, standing on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek as she had when she'd first seen him that evening. Whether he realized it or not, Nice had made something that she imagined many of her friends had given up dreaming about ever seeing again. Illusion or not, she imagined they'd all be happy to spend time here.
Nicholae 16 years ago
Giving tours was not something Nic was used to, but he had really enjoyed the little outing with Aishe and Fallon.

Selfishly Nic was thankful for the extra time spent with Fallon, and though he knew she faced a difficult road, he hoped she would take him up on the assistance he had offered earlier, and more than once. To say he was attracted to her would be an understatement, but until she either closed the book on her marriage or came to other terms with her situation, he would be good, and remain a friend. Should the door open up to him later, all bets would be off, and he would do his damnedest to get to know her better in a role beyond that of doting friend.

Nic was also selfishly delighted that Aishe had been one of the first to see the resort, and that it had the impact on her he had hoped for. If the majority of Nachton's vampire population reacted half as well as Aishe had, Nic was confident that he would have a hit on his hands. He hadn't been this excited since he had been up for an Oscar nomination back in 1942. He had pulled his name from the list, for his protection, but those in the know had assured him if he hadn't he would have won that year. The success of Tropics was that, and then some.

He grinned when Aishe kissed his cheek, and then his phone rang. Fishing the instrument from his pocket, Nic held up one finger, and moved a few feet off to the side to address his caller. Had he not been working, he wouldn't have taken the call, still feeling it was a rude action. But right now he couldn't risk missing any call that might have to do with problems, so he took it.

"Ladies, I hate to cut this short, but it seems we are to have a Washington dignitary visit soon, and we need to figure out security logistics before hand. If it were anything else I'd let it go, but..." He held up his hands as if to say...'what can I do?'. "But please enjoy yourselves. I've already called the bar and you are to have carte blanche there, on the house."

Moving to stand before Aishe, Nic took her hands in his. "Please, PLEASE, convince Kem to take a night or two to visit us. It will be nice to see him again, especially since I think the last time I did was when those dead things were chasing us. Get the guy out of that basement, and bring him here to get a tan."

Nic was laughing at so much of what he had said, and how he imagined Kem reacting to any of it. He adored the man, and wanted nothing but to possibly give him some pleasure. Not that he doubted Kem's life was without pleasure these days...Aishe was a total fox, and Nic envied Kem's relationship. But he still thought his friend devoted too much time to his work, and really wanted more for him.

Moving to stand in front of Fallon, Nic just smiled for a few seconds. He then leaned close, and kissed Fallon's cheek.

"I hope to see more of you soon, you know you can always call me...for whatever you need, or think I can do to help. I'm never going to be too busy to stop, for you."

Standing back, Nic gazed into the lovely eyes, and he nodded. Then he turned, and started walking toward the west side of the building, stopping after a few feet, for a last look, and smile.

(Nic out)
Fallon 16 years ago
In an atmosphere such as this, Fallon found it impossible to remain too uptight or depressed. Her troubles were still out there in front of her, having refused to disappear no matter how much she wished them to. But with all the beauty and comfort surrounding her, it was becoming less difficult to put those troubles behind her at least temporarily.

Then too, Aishe was always a welcome summer breeze to Fallon's soul, and Nic's constant attentions were difficult to ignore as well. How could ANYONE remain down with these two at her side?

The ring of his phone was off putting though, and Fallon felt both instantly irritated that something would take him away, yet a little relieved. Putting sad or uncomfortable thoughts from her mind for a bit was one thing; however, that didn't change facts. She was a married woman, and not free to behave as she had been lately.

Watching Aishe kiss Nic's cheek, Fallon again found herself fortunate knowing Nic was a good guy. How lucky she had been with the people meeting so many nice people in Nachton. Save Panos, there hadn't been one other bad apple in the bunch, and in a place as large at this city, she found that rather remarkable.

She had no desire for a drink, which was a little surprising.

"Thank you for the offer, but this might just be the one place I could see where just being here removes the 'need' for drinking." Not that she always imbibed to obliterate the nasty parts of life...sometimes she really enjoyed something fresh and fruity, or even clean and woodsy. Then too, with her life being so topsy turvy at the moment, Fallon was more aware of relying on the artificial happiness alcohol could bring, and not becoming dependent. She wasn't an alcoholic by any means, and being a vampire wasn't even sure that could happen now, but there was no point in risking anything.

His quiet message sent a shiver through her. Fallon closed her eyes and reveled in the feel of his breath, steeling herself against the desire to kiss him back.
And then he was gone from her side, and she felt an obvious void, wanting nothing more than to grab him, and pull him back to her. Which of course she did not do.

Instead she remained steadfast, and forced a small smile, thanking him again for his hospitality.

Turning to Aishe, Fallon closed the gap between them, and hugged her friend.

"Thank you for coming, and sharing this with me. I wish I hadn't been such a worry wart earlier, but credit you, and 'our' Nic, for leading me out of my funk."

It was very nice to have Nic validated by one of the few people Fallon had complete trust in. Knowing he wouldn't likely be after her for any nefarious reasons was another problem she was glad she wouldn't have to face. Watching him as he walked away, she wondered if knowing that would make it more difficult to stay away from him...or Tropics.
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe smiled at Nic and nodded at him when he spoke of Kem. "Oh, we'll be here. We won't miss it," she said. Watching him go, she turned to Fallon and embraced her friend.

"I'm glad you're out of your funk," she said with a cheerful smile. "That's what friends are for though. I'm happy I could help."

Fallon did look a little better, she thought. Her face was still a little worried and the stress was still there, but her eyes weren't as troubled as they'd been when Aishe had walked in.

She was still concerned about Cyrus' disappearance but Fallon was relaxing now and Aishe didn't doubt that she needed at least one night where she wasn't plagued with worry, so she didn't mention it. Maybe there was something she could do to help look for Fallon's wayward husband.

Putting that thought on the back burner for the moment so she could pay attention to Fallon once more, she said, "The night is still young, you know. Is there anything Nic left out that I should see?"

She knew Fallon had had more chance to explore than she had, but maybe there were still one or two areas left untouched. Aishe wanted to know everything about this project of Nic's, because she had to admit she was more than just a little intrigued with what their mutual friend had built.
Fallon 16 years ago
Fallon clung to Aishe a bit longer than necessary, not wanting to give up on the feeling of another body close to hers. It was both encouraging, as well as sad, to know it wasn't just the feel of Nic's body next to hers that gave Fallon comfort. Strange to think that growing up, then married to Ted, Fallon had lived so long without the touch of another, but now that she was probably better able to cope, she missed it more when it was absent.

She managed to keep her smile, not wanting Aishe to pity her. Most of the smile was sincere...just a small bit of it was she wasn't truly lying when she kept up the minor charade.

The matter of Cyrus wasn't forgotten, but put to rest for the time being. Nothing could be done right now, so was there any reason to dwell on it?

"The only place I can think of is Nic's suite." Fallon gave Aishe a mischevious smile, as if she was almost daring her sister to pursue that place to visit. Not that Fallon would have entertained anything as invasive as returning to his suite to show it off, but it was kind of fun to tease about it.

"I haven't really walked around outside much, want to go check out the 'raging river'?"

She might have suggested seeing what was playing in the theater, but that didn't seem a good way to spend this little amount of time with her best friend.

"You can catch me up on all things new with you and Kem?"
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe laughed at Fallon's lighthearted suggestion that they examine Nic's suite. Shaking her head, knowing her friend was joking, she replied, "You know, there are some things I'm content to leave to my imagination."

She linked her arm with Fallon's, squeezed it, and nodded at the suggestion that they look at the river. "I like that idea much better."

As they walked, Aishe following Fallon's lead, she smiled. "Well I don't think anything much is new," she said thoughtfully. "Kem's been working a lot more than usual, taking care of some Clan business as well as his archives. I think he's been trying hard to find a balance, but you know how it goes - the balance tips in one direction. He makes an effort to give me my time too though, which is sweet of him."

She waited for Fallon to direct the line of questioning; if she wanted to know more about how she and Kem were faring she was welcome to ask and Aishe thought Fallon knew that, but on the other hand Aishe was reluctant to rub in the fact that she was in a happy relationship to the woman whose loneliness stemmed from missing that same thing.
Fallon 16 years ago
Reversing the roles, Fallon could only nod in agreement. She truly loved Aishe and Kem too, but that didn't mean she had to share in every little bit of their lives. Not that she would have been embarrassed, or put off if Aishe needed to talk about such things. God knew Fallon had talked about things every bit as personal. But knowing her friend was happy was her main concern.

"As long as he keeps giving you your deserve such things, and a man who loves you like Kem seems to.

I know I do too now. It took me a while, after Ted, to believe that, but Cyrus showed me."

Fallon became just a little pensive then, remembering the earlier days with Cyrus, but she did not let herself wallow, or dive too deeply into the sad subject.

"If something were to happen, and I never saw Cyrus again, at least I'd have the memories of our time together, and the love he gave me. I know how easy it is to go through life without being loved like that, and to have it for even a fraction of my lifetime made it all worthwhile."

The night air was heavenly. Temperatures hadn't dropped yet to the true autumn range, but had lost their summer sultriness, and a slight breeze wafted around them. There was a heady scent of some sort of flowers that the breeze taunted Fallon's nose with. Returning the squeeze to Aishe's arm, Fallon looked out over the expanse of grass, sand, and water, and inhaled.

" nice."

Fallon whispered in delight.

"So Kem has his work, and is now also doing clan business like me...I hope he's faring better with Evenhet than I have been with Anantya."

Not that she was having too much of a rough time, and when you eliminated the problems she created herself, things were even that much less worrisome. But she would probably always critique her work for her clan more heavily, at least until the elders returned and confirmed that she had done okay.

"But no wedding bells for the two of you yet?"

It was how Fallon had been raised through her exposure to the media. People fell in love, and they got married. Marriages didn't always work, but that was a problem you addressed later on.

"Having loved someone as long as you've loved two people ever seemed more suited for marriage, to me anyway." A certificate didn't guarantee happiness, Fallon could confirm that simply enough through experience. Still, she would probably always believe in the tradition, even for herself.
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe stood next to Fallon and did something similar, closing her eyes, inhaling the air of the fresh breeze. The nights were growing cool again but for now they were comfortably so. In the back of her head she made a little mental note to spend as much time outside as she could with Kem before winter hit. He wasn't averse to cold weather; on the contrary, he seemed to have gotten quite used to it, but she knew he enjoyed spring, summer, and fall, far better than Nachton's chilly winters.

Smiling over at Fallon she reminded here, "No fire at Heolfor - remember? You've been doing a great job, and I don't need to verify it with any other knowledge because I know you. You love your family, your Clan. You'll provide for them."

Aishe recognized the quality in Fallon. She might never have intended to be turned, to join their little nocturnal society, but she fit in well and had adapted beautifully. She would take care of the Anantya as best she knew how.

With a soft laugh, she said, "Kem, as usual, doesn't give himself enough credit. He's been run ragged trying to cover both jobs and if he'd stop for two seconds, he'd realize he's doing just as well."

When Fallon mentioned wedding bells, Aishe tilted her head to the side and shook it. "Wedding bells? No. Not for us."

There was no sadness in her voice; Aishe didn't need a formalized union to be happy. "I'm not sure if Kem would be comfortable with that or not. Over the last year or so I've watched him begin to put the past back where it belongs, but marriage, I think, might still be a bit close to the open wound."

She toyed with the tail end of her braid, shrugged one shoulder at Fallon. "Eventually, maybe, but for now I let him take things at his own speed. We're only just getting to the more intimate parts of being in a relationship."

She offered Fallon a quick grin. "Slow but steady, right?"
Fallon 16 years ago
"Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, and I am trying, that's for sure. It's just a little weird though, you know? Getting a new job, and then having no boss to report to, or fall back on." Though she had been able to reach Morrigan, at the most just a couple days after trying, the woman obviously had something horrendous going on in her life, and her attention to Fallon always seemed distracted. But Fallon rode with that, and tried not to bother Morrigan except for dire emergencies.

And Aishe had hit the nail on the head when she referred to Anantya as Fallon's family. With a small exception.

"They are my family, and a wonderful clan, but don't you ever forget...YOU and Kem are every bit, if not more family to me. Funny huh, how that worked out...since both of you are Evenhet."

Of course it was Cyrus who led Fallon to Anantya, and after even this short a period of time, she couldn't imagine belonging to any other clan.

Fallon laughed.

"And even Nic! If I didn't know better I might think I had made a mistake in not joining Evenhet."

She knew Aishe would understand that she was joking. The choice of clans was more than just checking off a preference on some ballot. Anantya took Fallon on, just as much as she had taken them on. It was a good fit.

"But then YOU guys are so much more accepting...I'm glad roles weren't reversed...or worse yet...I'm glad you're not Tacharan!"

Fallon giggled at the idea. She didn't know anyone who was Tacharan...well, outside of Alec, and while she liked him, she didn't know him very well. At least she didn't think she knew anyone who was Tacharan. But she had heard some very wicked things about that clan, and the people who led it.

"Do you know anything about them? Heard anything?"

It was idle gossip, and not something Fallon doted on, but occasionally she had to admit she was curious.

"I'm sure you're right...Kem doesn't seem the type to do anything half-assed."

Or suffer the feelings of inadequacy that Fallon often did. Like Aishe, from what Fallon had seen of Kem, it had all been good. Compassionate, level headed, rational...the man seemed an excellent fit for her sister, and best friend. Fallon couldn't be happier for them both, marriage or not.

"No point in rocking the boat then." Throwing an arm around Aishe's back, Fallon gave the woman a hug. "If you're happy, that is the only thing in the world that matters."

Fallon had been having thoughts lately about her beginning relationship with Cyrus. Wondering if she might have been responsible for backing Cyrus into a corner, and making the man feel as if he had to marry her... His absence did nothing for her self esteem, though she also recognized she was putting ridiculous expectations on her husband, and what she might think marriage and her husband were responsible for in her life.

The two women walked along in companionable silence for a short while, before Fallon sighed.

"I know I already thanked you for coming here tonight, but I have to make sure you know how much this has helped me. I really do feel a whole lot better, just having someone to sound off to."

She had stopped walking, and turned to face Aishe as she made her confession. Lightly touching her knuckle to the Egyptian woman's cheek, Fallon smiled.

"You do know you can always talk to me too...on the off chance that Kem ever has to travel, or heaven forbid you two should ever have a tiff."

A quick hug, and Fallon was walking again.

"Not like that's bloody likely to happen any time soon."

Her face was now glowing with love and happiness for Aishe, and her man, Kem. Knowing those she loved were happy went a long way to insuring Fallon's happiness.