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The Tropic's Resort - Excedrin Headache #62

The resort was impressive, and Fallon had told Nic exactly that last night when they arrived. The tour he took her on was lengthy but because he was so enthusiastic she became so as well, and thoroughly enjoyed herself.

What came after had been enjoyable at the time too, as well as enlightening...who'd have thought the cute young man would turn out to be a vampire as well! Luckily Fallon had eaten shortly before she met him at the Marina, so she didn't suffer the same experience as she had so recently with Aislinn. No, this time it was Nic who unmasked himself at the onset with his fangs. The cut on Fallon's lip had healed hours ago, but she still recalled the surprise it created when he kissed her. They both had laughed a bit about the entire set of events...before things heated up.

And now, here she was, sipping coffee at the outside tropical coffee shop, amid the palms, waterfalls, and parrots squawking overhead. If it hadn't been for the terrible headache she was now experiencing, she might have been able to really appreciate her surroundings, but as it was she just wanted the pain to go away.

Since being turned she couldn't recall ever having a headache, and apparently had taken that tidbit of good luck for granted, thinking she would never have to suffer as she had in the past. For whatever reason it was now evident she had been wrong. However, all things considered, she could already tell this headache was passing, and even without aspirin she should be rid of it soon.

When she first awoke to an empty room, and saw the note Nic had left she immediately called Aishe. It had been much too long since she'd spent time with her sister, and in addition to missing her terribly, Fallon really needed to talk. When she called she got the answering machine so she left a short message, asking Aishe to either call her cell phone, or meet her at the resort if she could. Otherwise Fallon would what she could to catch up to her sister later. As nice and attentive as Nic had been, he seemed to have forgotten he had brought Fallon to the resort on the back of his bike. and she had no way home.


Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe smiled at Fallon, secure in her confidence that her friend would do everything she could for her own Clan.

"I won't lie," she responded to Fallon's ponderings about family and Clan, "I would have been thrilled if your calling was to Evenhet instead of Anantya. But it doesn't matter. You're still my sister."

Aishe wondered briefly if those words would ever come back to haunt her. She wasn't naiive enough to think that the Clans would all get along great forever, and she knew that someday she might find herself standing on the opposite side as Fallon. She hoped that that time was a long way off, because it would make things difficult for them both.

When Fallon brought her back to herself by asking about Tacharan, Aishe shook her head. "I don't know much about them. I know Kem met with Simon and Ellis a while back, but it was just to introduce himself. I don't think anything much was said."

Aishe didn't concern herself too much with the affairs of the other Clans. It was true that her job was to watch over Evenhet, but the role of intelligence and information-gathering was not her particular job. Not at the moment, at any rate. She imagined that at some point Chris might ask her to perform that function once more, and she would be better prepared the next time.

She smiled at Fallon's touch on her cheek as the conversation turned back once more to her relationship with Kem. "I know I can talk to you," she beamed at Fallon. "And you should have called me sooner!" She poked her friend gently on her arm.

"I'm not worried about us," she said, meaning herself and Kem. "All I ever wanted was time, to get to know him, to learn who he is, and to show him that not all good things disappear when they touch him. I've got plenty of it now. Maybe there will be a wedding in the future, but if there is, I think it'll just be a formality to appease my parents."

Aishe laughed. "They're convinced Kem will make an honest woman of me one of these days." Rolling her eyes a little she grinned at Fallon. "They adore him. It's really kind of cute."
Fallon 16 years ago
All the talk of clans, and differences did have Fallon wondering. There obviously was a reason why vampires belonged to clans, and why there were more than just one clan. What would she ever do if something were to happen that pitted one clan against another, or even against ALL the others? Second guessing that kind of decision wouldn't even enter her mind if the other clan was Tacharan. But Evenhet?

It was too terrible to even comprehend something like that occurring, and it wasn't like Fallon had to seek out things to worry about, so for now she put all those kinds of thoughts out of her mind.

The people Aishe spoke of, when referencing Tacharan, were foreign to Fallon. At this time in her life she was more or less glad of that. No point in stirring up trouble, or looking for it. If it was bound and determined to find her, she had no doubts it would.

"I hope, even though we're techinically of different clans, if something happens and I can't reach Morrigan that Kem won't mind a friendly, if possibly frantic call...? I some ways we're kind of like different corporations, right? It could be just like a business venture...and he could be like an adviser of sorts...keeping all the information very generic, couldn't he?"

Knowing Kem now shared a position somewhat similar to that of her own, would it be so wrong if they were to compare notes sometime, as long as they didn't divulge any clan secrets. Which would be impossible for Fallon to do anyway, since she didn't know any.

"But if he wouldn't feel comfortable doing that, I'd understand." Looking around for something wooden, Fallon ended up knocking on her own head. "Knock wood nothing will come up."

And then they were talking about being happy, married or not, and Fallon again found herself praying everything was okay with Cyrus.

"You're so have Kem AND other family...AND they like him too!"

She snickered in a slightly envious way. She truthfully was very happy for Aishe, and Kem, but couldn't help comparing her 'familyless' life to that of her friend. At least she had no reason to wish for things to be different now, since they were. Aishe, Ana, and all her other friends, and clanmates...they were better than any family she could have ever imagined.

Looking up, Fallon realized they had walked around the entire resort, and were now approaching the area they had begun from. Instead of automatically going inside, she plopped down on an area of grass that butted up against the sand, with the water's edge not far away. She laughed when she looked up at Aishe.

"Want to sit for a while, or do you have to go soon? I remember what its like having a horny lover waiting for me at home, so don't worry if you do."

Under other circumstances Fallon might have kept such a thought to herself, but this was Aishe after all. They had never really broached such subjects, that she could remember, but if they couldn't be honest with each other even about these kinds of things...
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe nodded her head at Fallon after a quick confirmation. "I can tell you with complete honesty Kem wouldn't mind at all. I just asked him." She grinned at her friend. "Although he says he's not exactly sure he's any more experienced at this than you are."

Aishe needn't have bothered asking but she hated assumptions. Of course Kem would help Fallon if she asked for it. His response was no surprise to her either. It was just like him to downplay his own abilities. Aishe could think of a number of ways Kem could help their friend, be it through vampiric abilities, experience, or just plain logic and common sense.

"i am lucky," she responded to Fallon. "My parents like him so much, I was afraid to tell them when we were separated. He's a mom and dad's dream come true, if you think about it. Responsible guy, good job, has a house, isn't the type to look at other women. I think they were more afraid I'd screw it up and lose him."

Aishe said it all with a laugh just under the surface. The only reason her parents had felt free to go back to Egypt was because they knew she was with Kem.

The laugh came out with Fallon's next question. "I'd agree with you, if Kem were at home. Sadly, he's already at Meridian for the night. That said though, I do have to go in myself in just a couple of hours."

She did sit with Fallon though, for most of those couple hours, chatting about everything and nothing, catching up on all they'd missed in the last few months. By the time Aishe left to head home and change into something more suitable for work, she was satisfied that even though Fallon was going through a bit of a rocky patch, her friend would make it to the other side just fine.

It was all right if she didn't though, because at least now she'd been reminded that if she needed help getting there, she had friends who were happy to lend a hand or throw her a rope.

((ooc: Aishe and Fallon out))