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The Asian Festival (Attn: Dana/Open)

Not being a subtle driver Pak had put the 'Lil Bird through its paces but she never even risked scratching the paint on her precious 57 Thunderbird. She loved her car. It was a nice night out so the top was currently stowed in the trunk. She'd have to put it back up when they parked, but for now, she enjoyed having the wind in her hair. Reaching their destination, she parked a fair distance from any other car and under a light. Sliding out of the car, she set about putting the top back in place and locking up.

Apparently, it was cultural awareness month in Nachton as Pak had gone to a Celtic festival with Kem and Aishe last weekend and after some chat had settled on an Asian heritage festival tonight. There should be plenty to do and see. Calligraphy demonstrations in several language, bonsi and origami demos, food, drink, shopping from silk to jewelry to art, dancers were performing, artists were arting and many other things.

Pak absently smiled at the sounds and smells. It was far neater and quieter than the market back home had been but it wasn't that far off.

"Where do you want to start?"Â?

Aishe 15 years ago
Aishe furrowed her brow at Pak. "Who's Bob Ross?" She assumed he was someone Pak couldn't imagine wanting to watch, but beyond that she was clueless. Therefore the threat didn't hold much weight. She made a mental note to look into it, though. It would be interesting to know about someone Pak considered TV torture.

"You know, some things just improve with age," Aishe said wisely, sending a knowing grin in Pak's direction. "So it's odd hearing that from the mouth of an artifact herself."

Aishe gave a little squeak as Pak pulled the car out and quickly accelerated. She quickly braided her long thick hair and tied it away out of her face so it wouldn't be a wind-tangled mess by the time they reached home. As she did, she remarked, "You don't look much like a Jeeves. We'll have to come up with a more appropriate chaffeur name for you!"
Pakpao 15 years ago
“Try late night PBS reruns.”

That was one of the down sides of being nocturnal, lots of bad TV and infomercials. Perhaps it was a good thing Pak wasn’t much of a TV watcher.

Did Aishe just call her old? Pak looked at the girl for confirmation and decided that, yes that was indeed what had happened.

“If I’m an artifact you’re barley a proto type and what –does- that make Kem?”

Pak got a certain amount of satisfaction out of catching Aishe off guard and grinned. That was followed by racing a yellow light and just winning and taking a turn a bit sharper than she could have. Honestly she wasn’t a reckless driver, she was just feeling more aggressive than usual tonight for some reason.

“What was the chauffeur’s name in Driving Miss Daisy?”
Aishe 15 years ago
"Blech, no thanks," Aishe said. "You have noticed Kem's DVD collection, haven't you? I imagine PBS is why he felt compelled to grow such a thing."

She was hardly complaining. Kiamhaat's collection was extensive, and they had been adding steadily to it since moving in together. No longer limited to movies, they had added several good TV shows as well.

Aishe raised her eyebrows at Pak. "I'm the new modern model," she bragged exaggeratedly to Pak.
"New and improved!" Then she added, "And Kem is a relic, of course, and a national treasure."

She poked her tongue out at Pak, then laughed as the car nearly squealed around a corner.
"Not so fast, Hoke!"
Pakpao 15 years ago
“PBS itself isn’t a bad thing. It’s the god damned pledge drives that will drive a person mad.”

Pak’s own DVD collection was nothing to sneeze at, but Kem’s put hers to shame. She pitied her brother when they changed from DVD/Blue Ray to something entirely different. Updating the collection would be a massive undertaking.

“Yeah let’s as people about Windows Vista.”

It was said with an obvious sneer. Even if she didn’t –loath- Them with all her heart and soul Vista was crap and she, and most of the IT world didn’t care for that ‘upgrade’ at all.

“You might be right about Kem, but don’t tell him that it’s hard enough keeping his ego in check.”

She only snorted at Aishe’s next comment.

“Was that his name? I still don’t think that’s right for me. I think we need something more X-Men and since there are no cops we won’t be slowing down. I’d like to get you home before dawn, unless you want a house guest.”

That was more a tease than anything.
Aishe 15 years ago
Aishe favored Pak with a falsely innocent wide-eyed expression. "You mean you don't want your concert interrupted by a 20-minute long infomercial?" She shook her head in mock disbelief.

She let slide the Windows comment. Aishe had no opinion about computer operating systems, since she wasn't very computer savvy at all. Heck, she was pretty proud to be able to recognize Windows as an operating system, and that was thanks to Kiamhaat, who had explained why the "Mac Vs. PC" commercials should be funny, which, she acknowledged after he'd explained operating systems, they were.

She tilted her head at Pak's next words, understanding that her friend wasn't necessarily in touch with her emotional side but unable to let the snarkiness go without taking her boyfriend's side.

"What ego?" she asked, all mocking aside. "He has none. He's the least egotistical person I know. I didn't get like this," she gestured to herself, "out of a desire for him to not know how highly I regard him."

It was said with a wry smile at Pak. Aishe had, of course, had her choice. She was very aware that few were given such a precious thing. Free will and turning didn't generally mesh but they had in Aishe's case and she was glad for it. Having stated her point, knowing the obvious and frank sentimentality would make Pak uncomfortable, she gave a carefree little shrug and held her hands out in front of her like Superman, pretending she was flying in the wind their speed created.

"X-Men huh? You're not quite hairy enough for Beast or Wolverine."
Pakpao 15 years ago
Pak just smiled softly, not even looking at Aishe. She had apparently been misunderstood but it was to Aishe’s credit that she would immediately stand up for Kem. That being the case Pak didn’t even defend herself. She knew, and Kem probably knew, how much she respected, trusted and even loved him (just not that way). After all who else did she turn to when her world did odd things, who else did she let see her a total mess and then managed to coax her out of it. Hell she’d even considered turning his girlfriend. If that wasn’t love she didn’t know what was.


Was all she said and was happy enough to let the subject drop. Either Aishe would understand or she wouldn’t.

Pak rolled onto Kem and Aishe’s street, letting her speed drop knowing there were kids and dogs in the neighborhood.

“God no! Too many damned male X-men… I guess, hmmmm, Phoenix is probably the closest.”

Not that Pak had a secret fondness for comic books. No not at all she’d learned all this second hand. That was her story and she was sticking to it.
Aishe 15 years ago
Aishe noted Pak's gentle smile, an expression she didn't see on the other woman's face very often but one that became her. She pretended not to see it however. Like Kiamhaat, there were certain things about Pak you just didn't need to poke and prod at, and emotional sensitivity was one of them.

Instead she lowered her Superman (well, woman) arms and stared at Pak.
"Phoenix? How do you get that one? You're totally not a spandex jumpsuit kind of woman, unless you're engaging in a part-time job we don't know about!"

They had turned onto their road, and Aishe gave a tiny sigh as she noted Kiamhaat's car was still gone. She was hoping he'd be back by now; it was nearly half past midnight. He'd traveled for a few hours to get to the university requesting his particular skills though, and assuming it took him two or three hours to finish his appraisals he was probably just wrapping things up now.

It would only take him the space of a few minutes to discover if the artifacts they wanted him to appraise were geniune or not, but for all his psychometry was helpful, it didn't offer a lot of information beyond where the piece had come from or when. For anything else; its uses, its likely owner or owners, its approximate modern-day worth - those things came from Kiamhaat's own experiences and learnings, and he had to give a complete report if all the artifacts were genuine.

As Pak rolled into the driveway Aishe said,
"Thanks for the ride Pak. Do you want to come in for a bit? Kem won't be home for a couple of hours yet, I'm afraid."

She wasn't sure if Pak would take her up on it. Sometimes she did, other times she preferred to go back to her apartment. Either way Aishe assumed Pak knew she was always welcome at their house but didn't skip on the invite nonetheless.
Pakpao 15 years ago
“Perfectly logically, The Phoenix is Jean Grey’s alter ego. Jean Grey possessed telepathy and telekinesis. I think I’m a shoe in for being Phoenix.”

It really was a sound argument, at least as far as Pak was concerned.

“Besides, I look good in spandex. Two hundred and fifty odd years and I still have my girlish figure.”

The rolled into the drive way and Pak did actually consider the offer. She enjoyed Aishe’s company and it would be nice to see Kem for a bit outside of the towers, but…

“Ordinarily I’d love to but I’ve been slacking all night. I only went out for dinner and haven’t done much in the way of work just yet. I’ll take a rain check.”

She didn’t mention that she had failed to actually find any dinner, with her luck Aishe would just worry. Worse yet she’d probably tell Kem and Pak was trying very hard to project and air of confidence around Kem lately.

“I’ll see you both later.”

Pak backed out of the driveway waived at Aishe and headed home.

((OOC… Pak out.))
Aishe 15 years ago
Aishe favored Pak with an incredulous look. "Right. A shoe-in, except for the fact that Phoenix was a red-headed white chick. Other than that, I can totally see it."

She hopped out of the car before Pak could retaliate physically, standing at the side of it while Pak considered, and then declined, her offer. She shrugged to herself and smiled at Pak. Their friend would be over soon enough; her visits weren't frequent but they also weren't rare.

"Good hunting," she offered quietly with a smile, and nodded to Pak as she backed out of the drive. She watched the car cruise slowly to the end of the road and turn, speculating on Pak's recent insecurities as she did so. She did seem to be improving. There had been a great deal of awkwardness when Pak realized Aishe and Kiamhaat were hardly going to let her starve herself into oblivion.

It had been a learning experience for everyone involved. Aishe, naturally the more active hunter between herself and Kiamhaat, had discovered several new places to find a decent meal. She'd also learned that it was quite easy for one vampire to sustain several others as long as said meals were readily available. Furthermore, when she'd become a veritable Meals-On-Wheels to Pak's doorstep, she had learned that Kiamhaat did, indeed, hunt. It was the first time she had known him to do so since meeting him years ago, and it was quite the revelation.

Things were calming down for Pak now, though, it seemed. Aishe's smile remained as she headed up the walkway to the home she shared with her vampire and turned the key in the lock, waiting for him to return home.

((ooc: Aishe out))