Little Lost Lamb (attn: Drew)
MARI had specific instructions, and MARI never failed to follow them. Thus, when Aishe was on her turn at watch, she wasn't surprised when the AI popped up to warn her of something she was just noticing herself.
Drew, Kiamhaat's suspected wolf pal, was wandering aimlessly around the lowest level of Meridian's underground area, a place he was specifically not supposed to be. Oh, there wasn't anything particularly dangerous down there, really, but when Aishe had received the list of areas to program Drew's access key with limited security on, she had mixed them with some false leads in case he did ever decide to go wandering.
So, what was he doing down there? She watched him on one of the video screens for a while. He kept wandering around in a circle. Granted, the very lowest floor contained a network of halls and offices and a few storage rooms, but Drew didn't seem to be actively searching for anything that she could tell. His behavior was puzzling.
After watching with concern turned to amusement for almost ten minutes, Aishe deicded to go take a look for herself. With a brief thought to Kiamhaat she headed out to the elevator and down to the lowest level of the tower.
Drew sighed and debated what the best way out of this mess was, and was growing increasingly frustrated. He wanted to stay off the radar, he wanted to do his job and do a good job, get some good recon data and this was not going to help. Besides which, he had work to do!
This was going to wind up on his review he just knew it.
"Hi! It's me, Drew!" Aishe did her best to force recognition upon the younger man, waving her splayed hands at him. They'd met several times in the archives, for obviously she visited frequently and it was no secret whose girlfriend she was.
"Are you lost?"
She wasn't going to elaborate on how she knew, or why she was there, really. Drew knew what department she worked for. It wasn't entirely unbelievable that Kiamhaat could have sent her looking for him either; he was busy with several meetings tonight. With only a few people in the archives at any given hour of the night, Aishe would have volunteered to look for Drew. So she went with that story.
"Kem told me he hadn't seen you for a while. He's still tied up. I thought I'd come to the rescue."
She smiled brightly, but inside she wondered if she was really supposed to believe he was actually lost.
Drew Jump back, startled. Unconsciously for a second his head lowered another second, if Aishe hadn't said anything he might have come close to growling. Tonight though it slid into a very genuine smile.
He was both relived and embarrassed that some one would find him and from the sound of it come looking for him. Damned it, damned it, damned it. Maybe he'd just leave this out of his report.
While he was genuinely lost he was also poking about a bit where he probably shouldn't be. He might have been able to just charm his way out of it, but he threw a little bit of oomph into it just in case. Besides, Aishe was in security she probably wouldn't buy just pure charm so a little bit of help seemed to be in order.
"Yeah, maybe just a little bit."Â?
He flinched noticeably at Kem's name.
"You know it can't possibly be good that the boss has noticed me missing. Little help?"Â?
He asked hopefully. Maybe he could learn something fun and exciting from the nice young woman who hung around with the probably vampire boss.
"How can you get lost in a building with a finite size and space?" That was truly baffling.
At his plea she shook his head. "He's the one who sent me down here," she pointed out. "What do you expect me to help with, short of erasing his memory?"
((ooc: permission granted for using wolfy abilities))
Hey he was friendly, a bit goofy and light hearted not stupid. Drew had debated how he got lost so easily and so often more than once. He'd worked up that particular theory in a philosophy class he'd been forced to take as an undergrad.
Actually it was probably the virus, it and screwed something up in his Gifting, that was his best theory but it wasn't something you could just come out and say. So he stuck to what he'd told Aishe 99.9% of the time.
"So... .... how much profanity am I allowed to use in your presence or does that all get back to him too?
He turned the ultimate in puppy dog eyes on his now escort, dark brown sweet, pleading sincere and yet still masculine on her.
"I don't suppose you -could- manage that mind erasing trick?"Â?
Maybe she was a vampire and could do that. Assuming of course that vampires had that power at all and that it would then work on another vampire. OK so it was the most massive long shot ever in the history of history itself. But a guy could hope.
She laughed even as she said it. Drew had a reputation for being lost everywhere. it had been something she'd heard here and there while he was an intern, but now that he was a full time employee she was amused to hear through the grapevine that the rumor was entirely true.
She rolled her eyes at his next words. "Believe it or not, not everything gets back to your boss. Not even through me."
She was all right with lying. A little bit. It was mostly true; Aishe wouldn't betray a confidence and Kiamhaat wouldn't ask her to. But there was very little she would willingly keep from him. It'd have to be a pretty deep dark and terrifying secret.
"Besides, words are just words," she said philosophically. "If swearing will help you get back out of here, by all means," she made a sweeping gesture with her arm and smiled innocently. "Lead the way!"
The big eye trick was cute, but Aishe wasn't that big a sucker. Still she had to give him credit for trying. "Tell you what, when I see him next I'll give him the best kiss I can manage, and if that doesn't blow a fuse or two I'm out of ideas. Aside from that I'm sorry to report Kem didn't come with a remote control."
Then she brightened. "Fortunately for you, that also means there's no 'record and play back' mode."
All that round and round messed with the inner ear and after a while every thing started to look the same. All in all, it just made him kind of sick to his stomach.
"Gets me all turned around."Â?
Pun intended.
"Well I'm glad to hear he doesn't have a super secret network of spies."Â?
Actually, he could very easily envision Kem as some sort of evil ringleader of a much of spies. It was probably his coloring, so many classic villains had something that set them apart. Lex Luther was bald and... well he'd think of others later.
"Ummmm... how about I -not- swear and let you lead? I did need to get back to work some time tonight."Â?
There, he admitted defeat even if it was with more than a little chagrin.
It sort of surprised Drew that the boss had a girl. He was so busy and could be so serious and solemn. That and he really didn't like the idea of humanizing vampires and if they had healthy relationships, it made them more normal and less monsters.
Drew shook his head to get that idea out of it and focus on the job.
"Hey whatever you and the boss get up to is none of my never mind... but the less you want to tell him the better. In fact if you wanted to come up with a -really- good reason for me to be down here I'd take it."Â?
She let out a little bark of a laugh. "Yes, I can see it now. Meridian's Head of Archives... geek by day, man of the world by night. Or reverse that, according to which shift he's working."
She crossed her arms and favored Drew with another shake of her head. "I'm sure he'll be thrilled to know you think so highly of him. Maybe he'll come up with his own theme song."
She did her best to reinforce the idea that Kiamhaat was just a guy, working at a geeky job. It was bad enough that his experience with Egyptian history made him a recognizable name in that field. Aishe downplayed his notoriety at every chance, as did Kiamhaat himself. It was better to maintain a low profile... he was better at that. He didn't have Alfarinn's ability to wear fame and popularity with ease.
She took his defeat with good grace. "All right, let's get you out of here so you can actually earn that paycheck."
Aishe grinned back at Drew as she led him out of the hallways. His next plea planted the seed of a slightly evil idea and she went with it, shooting him an innocent look.
"Okay. I'll tell him I was kissing you instead."
Scratching his head head he considered the whole spy thing and reluctantly conceded.
"Hmmmm... I guess we'll just have to rule that whole idea out. Everyone knows that super spies only work nights. Much more dramatic."Â?
Secretly Drew had always wanted his own theme song, but any time he tried to come up with one he always wound up with tribal drums. And not that he wasn't proud of his heritage and family but it wasn't quite what he wanted in a theme song.
They could down play it all they wanted, but Drew was still slightly in awe of Kem for his reputation among archeologist. As they didn't share the same area of expertise it was only a very -very- mild case of being really impressed. No hero worship or anything like that, but it was kind of cool to have a recognized figure as his boss.
"Excellent. Thanks."Â?
Drew happily followed along. He really needed to start carrying a compass or writing down directions or something. He couldn't always count on a rescue.
Aishe's suggestion made him stop cold.
"Oh no. Nope, not happening no how. ... Er... not that you're not cute and all cause you are... but... er... yeah... no."Â?
Oh that was articulate Benally. No way to talk you're way out of this one. You're either hitting on the bosses girl or dissing her. Drew had the good grace to look flustered and embarrassed about it.
"Or you could just tell him I was totally lost and that you mocked me. I'm OK with that."Â?
She wasn't trying to be cruel... really! But she didn't want him to think that puppy-dog eyes were the solution to all of his troubles. They might have worked well enough before, but she was pretty sure Kiamhaat would be immune to them, at any rate.
She dropped that topic, having made her point, and reconsidered super spy rings. "I suppose maybe he could be he mastermind who sits in a big cushy armchair and somehow coordinates everything from the comfort of one plush office," she said.
Aishe turned to glance back at Drew. "Have you noticed a cushy armchair anywhere around the archives lately?"
Drew bounced right back though and went back to following along. Although he was much happier to deal with the whole spy game.
"Nope, can't say that I have. But it seems like he'd need a big book lined room with a fire place too."Â?
He paused for a second and thought. See not only did Kem need all this to be a ring leader it had to be a secret lair, it couldn't be easily stumbled on. ha! He had it.
"There must be a secret passage in the Archives some where, or at least in the building. That's where he goes during all those meetings. Place this big there is -bound- to be a secret passage."Â?
Or at least lots of air ducts, which were no where near as dramatic, fun or interesting; still he grinned a little pleased with his solution.
She chuckled easily with him. "Has anyone ever accused you of having an over-active imagination?" She asked as she indicated that the choice was his.
Nonetheless she went along with him. "If there's a secret passage I've yet to find one. not that I've really looked. But you didn't seem to be having much success."
The clan, the pack, back home was -not- rich. Far from it and while there were a lot of playmates there weren't a lot of of toys and games. Imagination was cheap. And especially after he'd started school it was useful, if he could keep the other kids entertained they tended to be a bit nicer, even if he was one of those freaks from the outskirts of the rez.
Drew punched the elevator button and wondered what floor he'd wound up on any way. They waited for the car to arrive, he probably should have taken the stairs, but oh well.
"But have you been -looking- for one? No one ever really looks for them."Â?
He said sadly.
While she had had her imaginative, creative moments since arriving in Nachton they tended to be few and far between. She was generally a practical, down to earth person, not really given to flights of fancy at all. Sometimes, she wished she were. But mostly, she was happy with herself the way she was, and imagination wasn't one of her great attributes.
Aishe stood and waited for the elevator with Drew, briefly wondering if he even realized they were only two floors below the archives. It became readily apparent when the car arrived and she punched the correct button, not willing to leave that choice up to him lest they ride all the way to the top floor.
She shrugged her shoulders at him, having already pointed out she hadn't looked for any secret passages. "If they're secret though, wouldn't they be sort of well-hidden?"
And, therefore, tough to find with just a search?
It was like any other muscle you didn't use it and you lost it. Drew had found that his imagination helped out in other areas, school, now work and maybe with this whole snooping thing. Although, so far it hadn't helped much with the snooping. Drew had pathetically little to report. Well, he'd just keep trying. He hadn't been at things long enough to give up just yet.
He wondered for a second if Aishe was a vampire. She seemed so nice, so normal how could she be? OK she wasn't, did she know Kem was? There was no good way to just ask these questions though. Hell there was no way to subtly allude to these things. Or if there was he couldn't think of it...
"Well yeah, I mean no one said it was going to be easy to find them. But you shouldn't be afraid of a challenge."Â?
Huh, he was only two floors down? Well he still could have starved to death trying to get out.
They began to rise; Aishe's green eyes snapped back to Drew at his next words, and her smile grew introspective, knowing.
"I never," she said slowly, "fear a good challenge."
She raised her brows at him and lowered them, emphasizing the words. "Ask your boss," she laughed, then, her features relaxing into her usual good-natured smile. "He's been on the issuing end of said challenge many times."
Kiamhaat was stubborn, but Aishe had proven on several occasions that she could out-stubborn him when the topic was important enough. Her presence here was proof enough of that.
He understood that look and it was a little hard not to rise to the challenge, backing down wasn't something he did often, and he didn't like to. But there was no real challenge here, still she'd probably be a capable opponent. Maybe there was more to Aishe than just the unassuming security chick. Drew decided not to under estimate her.
The door opened and Drew tried to get his bearings, it seemed like he should turn right, so he did.
"I don't know that sounds like the kind of conversation that could get me either sued or fired and I can't afford either."Â?
Had you seen his truck lately? And he was going to have to do some more work on it this weekend.
She laughed at his trepidation with the subject matter. Shaking her head she said, "I don't think fantasizing that your boss is the head of an underground, super-secret hidden spy ring is going to get you sued OR fired," she said. "But the idea's pretty amusing. I'm telling you, if Kem finds out he might start looking for secret passages and shopping for armchairs without any encouragement."
It was just the sort of thing that would entertain him, really. Although technically, he was already the leader of a super-secret club. Still, the best place to hide something was quite often right out in the open.
They reached the door of the archives and Aishe gave Drew a little curtsey. "There you are, delivered right back to where you started. Think you can find your way back in?"
She wasn't sure anymore... Drew seemed entirely capable of somehow managing to get lost in the two inches between where he stood, and the archive entrance.
A slow grin spread across Drew's face. He was actually pretty tempted to drop some hints about the whole spy theory just to see if Kem would really do something like that. For now though he'd keep it to himself.
"Yup no problems from here. Well I might not find my desk..."Â?
He shrugged half apologetically and half with relaxed good humor. It was a semi true statement but he was getting much better at the archives, he'd at least make it to his desk with no problems, after that it was up in the air.
"Thanks for the escort though."Â?
"I'm sure if you have any problems, MARI will be happy to help you out," she said to the much taller man. "Just don't starve in there. The last time we found a long-lost archivist, we just decided to leave him filed where he was."
She flashed Drew a mischievous grin and held the door for him; she stopped here.
"My pleasure," she said with honesty. She could see why Kiamhaat liked Drew in spite of his affiliations. And she respected his wishes to treat Drew as any other staff member until there was reason to do otherwise.
"Tell Kem I expect him to keep better tabs on his wandering archivists."
With that flip remark Aishe left Drew to his own devices and headed back the way she'd come, smiling to herself.
((ooc: Aishe out))