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Coffee Tea or Me (Attn Eiryk/Open)

"[color=red]God damned you to hell and back you idiot Viking![/color]"Â?

Pak roared at the blond sitting outside one of the coffee shops in the mall. She was thoroughly pissed and didn't care that she was in public or how many people heard her.

"I don't know why you did it and I don't care you are going to fix it if it take you all day."Â?

As he was sitting Pak made a reasonable attempt at looming over him. But even with him sitting down that was hard to do.

"But you -are- going to tell me how and you're going to do it now."Â?

Eiryk 14 years ago
Eiryk didn't even bat an eyelash, but he did smile slyly behind his book at the sounds of Siamese screeching. He'd made the mistake of saying Thai once where Pak was concerned and had almost been flayed alive and able to regenerate or not he'd never pushed that button again.

Slowly setting down his book he regarded her calmly, a look of total innocence that would have fooled St. Peter himself.

"Do what?"Â?

Pak, however, was no saint and not fooled. She started off in a huff towards a sporting goods store. Probably to get a baseball bat so he relented.

"Wait, wait come back. I just hadn't seen you in a while and it seemed like a good way to get your attention."Â?

It had apparently worked a little too well. He did enjoy Pak's company though, well when she wasn't fuming and giving him death looks. While Eiryk had learned to take those in stride, they could still be a little unsettling. He, however, knew she'd forgive him once he told her he had tickets to Madam Butterfly and asked her to join him.

He frowned at his empty coffee cup.

"Did you want one because I'm out... As to the how... you have one intern that is a little too trusting and MARI thought it was a good joke too."Â?
Pakpao 14 years ago
"You are buying."Â?

Pak growled at him as he smiled at her. He had a good smile, she had to admit it and as near as Pak could tell she was one of the few people who didn't melt at it.

As he disappeared inside to get them some coffee she went about setting up the chess board he'd left on the table. Eiryk wasn't as good at the game as she was but he would play with her and didn't mind constructive criticism and/or coaching so she enjoyed playing with him.

He was also less of a smart ass that MARI, but not by much. His tying half the USB cables in the storage room into knots was proof of that. The part Pak felt bad about though, was she'd already retaliated against Kem before she'd worked out it was Eiryk. It was the first time Eiryk had ever tried something on her at work, besides which his practical jokes were fewer and farther between than Kem's so Kem had been the obvious suspect.

Placing the last piece on the board Pak wondered how long it would take Kem to figure out -all- the archive clocks that tied into the system had been set ahead by an hour. She also made a note to talk to the new intern, have MARI restrict Eiryk's access to storage it wasn't like it was a terribly sensitive or secure area but obviously that needed to be tighten up, and start an IT's Ten Most Wanted board while she waited for him to come back.
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
It hadn't taken any time at all to track down Pak. She wasn't even hiding. And that meant she thought she was justified somehow in screwing with all the archive clocks.

"Thanks to you, I'm working the archives by myself for an hour since everyone has gone home."

He stood next to her with his arms crossed.
"If I didn't know any better I'd make you work with me, but I do know better and instead I'm just going to build a three-foot stockade. It might be high enough to keep you out."

Kem pinned Pak with a halfway-annoyed stare. "You're welcome to explain to HR why my three archivists need to be comped an hour of time because they went home early without realizing it."

That bit was non-negotiable. Usually their pranking didn't affect anyone else, but Pak's little joke had caused three of his co-workers to lose out an hour's pay each. Not very nice!
Pakpao 14 years ago
"What the hell?!"Â?

That was out of the blue! She bristled at Kem and prepared to get all defensive, it took Pak a second to remember that Kem hadn't actually started this particular battle. And when she did damned if she was going to take the fall.

"I'll fix it, I'll fix it take a deep breath. If HR doesn't buy the computer malfunction I'll pay them myself."Â?

There was a reason she's picked on the night shift after all, other than that was when Kem was there. But she then jabbed an accusatory finger at him.

"But this is not my fault! You were framed and I was obligated to retaliate!"Â?

About then Eiryk came back out of Barney's with two cups of coffee and Pak had -no- qualms about throwing him under the bus and did so enthusiastically. Her finger went from pointing squarely at Kem to pointing at the man with her coffee.

"It is his fault entirely."Â?
Eiryk 14 years ago
It was probably wrong that he was on a first name basis with all of the Barney's staff, but Eiryk had given up worrying about it. As soon as he'd walked in he'd flashed two fingers and by the time he got through the line, the coffees had been ready.

Cheerfully carrying them back out he nearly turned right around when Pak started pointing at him. That couldn't be good, especially as, if he wasn't mistaken, that was Kem. They'd not officially met and he doubted this was going to be a good first impression.

Ah well. With a cheerful smile, he set the coffee down.

"I'm not sure what exactly is going on, but I deny -everything-. Should I get another or a plane ticket out of the country just in case though."Â?
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
"I was framed," Kem stated flatly. He raised his eyebrows at Pak and repeated, with a question this time. "I was framed? That doesn't make any sense."

He looked up at the man Pak pointed at. The face didn't look familiar. He was several inches shorter than Kem was, which still put him at 'towering' over Pak, and had an easygoing air about him as he smiled and offered coffee.

"I don't know, should you?" Kem asked wryly. "It sort of depends on what it is I'm supposed to have done. What did I do to her?"
Eiryk 14 years ago
Eiryk watched Pak nod adamantly. Ah yes this was the things on which friendship, it was good to know she'd stand by him through thick and then. Eiryk chuckled to himself.

"She might have been under the impression you tied most of IT's spare USB cables in knots. You've got quite a repertoire if it makes you feel any better."Â?

He looked over to Pak, slightly bewildered but still in good humor, wondering exactly what she'd done to get the head of the clan to track her down. Eiryk suspected that she and Kem were on fairly intimate terms, she mentioned him often enough and always in a rather casual way that indicated she wasn't name dropping. Not that name dropping was Pak's style.
Pakpao 14 years ago
"Told you so."Â?

Pak said somewhat sulkily to Kem. Her reputation had been tarnished and it irritated her. Worse, yet, she was now fair game for Kem to retaliate. Oh Eiryk was going to -pay- for this one.

"Would you sit down. You're making me feel short."Â?

She groused at Kem. Not knowing if the two men knew each other or not she decided to introduce people.

"Kem, Eiryk. Eiryk, Kem."Â?
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
"I did? I do?" Kem was impressed at himself. "I didn't know I could do that."

Still, a grin spread across his face as he relished the mental image of Pak spending hours trying to get a lone USB cable out of a complicated knot. "That does make me feel a little better, yes."

He complied when Pak demanded he stop making her feel short, although as he sat, he shot back,
"Does it really make that much of a difference?"

When introduced he shook Eiryk's hand. "Well thanks for giving me a reason to get back at her. This is turning out to be a good night."

He couldn't heckle Pak in his usual manner; humans were everywhere this time of night and for all he knew Eiryk was one of them. That was quickly solved though; he didn't have access to MARI at the moment but he did have Pak and Pak seemed to know him.

[So... he didn't get hit in the head with a nearby skillet or punctured with a stiletto heel? You must really like him. I'm wounded,] he sent to Pak.
Pakpao 14 years ago
"It does to me thank you very much."Â?

At least the lanky bastard sat down. Suddenly Pak was thinking it was a very bad idea that Eiryk and Kem should meet. They might gang up on her and that was a very undesirable thing.

[I don't think he'd respond to that particular side of me too well, it might scare him. Only you truly understand me that way. But, he wouldn't be surprised if things went flying.]

Which was Pak's way of saying that Kem could be himself around Eiryk. She didn't quite come out and say he was a vampire, at least Kem would know that he could be himself around him.

"You realize,"Â? She said to Eiryk, "that if Kem comes after me you will have to be destroyed. I can show no mercy."Â?
Eiryk 14 years ago
"You did and you do. I'd love for you to show me how you did it some time."Â?

Apparently Kem was as amused by the knots as Eiryk had been. When Pak got the taller man to sit down and join him Eiryk half flirted with an incoming staff member and half placed an order for another cup. You could not have too much coffee on the table, ever.

"You are quite welcome. Any time you need her annoyed I'm happy to assist. I'm just glad I don't have to go on the lam in fear of your wrath."Â?

Even though Eiryk was certain he was considerably older than Pak she could be intimidating. He couldn't place the wherefore or the why of it but he was certain she would have been a good viking. Other than that he just made it a point not to let her see she could get to him.

"How do you feel about bribes? After all, I'm a lover not a fighter I'd much rather buy my way out of trouble."Â?
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
[Only I understand how to duck because you're constantly flinging something heavy at my head? Lucky me.] Kem couldn't resist needling Pak. He'd gotten so good at it over the years, after all.

To Eiryk Kem said,
"I didn't realize I was that good. I'd be happy to show you." He grinned quickly, the expression fleeting as usual. He nodded to the barista who was taking orders. He could always go for coffee.

He looked at Eiryk with mild surprise.
"Fear my wrath? I don't have wrath. I just have a big red button they told me not to press unless things got really bad."

Kem still wasn't used to having people look at him as the Clan leader. It was slightly intimidating but as far as he knew he'd never really let anyone but Aishe and Pak know that.
Pakpao 14 years ago
[You should buy a lottery ticket. The odds of my affectionately throwing cookware and shoes about is slim to none. So you are damned lucky to have me and you know it.]

Pak said as sweetly as possible before sticking her tongue out at him.

She settled back in her chair, her smallish hands wrapped around the coffee cup Eiryk had brought out and she raised a delicate eyebrow.

"What kind of bribes are we talking? I'm not a cheap date and you know it."Â?

Actually Pak was almost a free date. She didn't go out often unless the tickets to the fund raiser or opening or whatever had been comped. Even then she tended to give the tickets away unless there was a damned good reason for her to show.

Eiryk made good arm candy when she was finally pried away from her fortress. He was charming and interesting and pretty to look at. Best of all he came with no romantic complications. God bless the 21st century.
Eiryk 14 years ago
"Opera tickets?"Â?

He said, almost in passing. He knew she had a soft spot for opera and was not above exploiting it. He, however, refused to elaborate. If he knew Pak though, she'd know what was in town and then she would be putty in his hands. Insert evil laugh here.

Holding his hands up in a standard surrender gesture Eiryk shook his head and gave every appearance of being humble and contrite.

"I was told there was wrath to be feared. But if she's lead me astray again I can only offer my most abject apologies."Â?

He was having fun and hamming things up a bit, but why not it was all in the name of a good time. Although...

"Do I get to ask what she did that got you to track her down? I'm trying to work out a pattern for how she retaliates. I think I might need a statistician and a theoretical physicist to get an accurate working model though."Â?
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
Kem snorted and ignored Pak's poked-out tongue in favor of shrugging at Eiryk instead. "She might have exaggerated slightly. I was irritable once last year, but I don't know about wrathful."

Keeping an eye out for anything coming at his head he continued. "She set my archive clocks forward so all of my staff punched out and went home."

He turned to Pak again.
"You have no idea how much work you just heaped on me, you brat. We have a huge loan going out tomorrow morning."

Still he had to grin. It had been a pretty well done gag. And Pak was a brat sometimes, as most little sisters were.
Aishe 14 years ago
Aishe found Kiamhaat up outside of Barney's with Pak and a blonde man she didn't know. She invited herself over anyhow, though. It didn't seem to be a business meeting, a fact which was confirmed for her when she got closer.

"You need some help tonight?" she asked, sliding up behind Kiamhaat and wrapping her arms around his chest. She stood on tiptoes to lean over his shoulder and drop a kiss on his lips. "I can manage a one-night lateral transfer into the archives to make up for Pak's evildoing. I'm assuming there was evildoing?"

Having said that she offered her smile and her hand to the other man at the table. "Hi. I'm Aishe."

She didn't let go of Kiamhaat though; she hadn't seen him for a day and a night and she'd missed him.
Pakpao 14 years ago
That did get Pak's attention and she looked up from her coffee with moderate interest.

"Good seats?"Â?

Damned him for knowing one of her weaknesses. She never should have told him.

Hearing that all the effort she'd gone to to reset the clocks was making life difficult, but seeing Kem's grin she settled back in her chair with a smug and satisfied smile. It was good to be appreciated.

"You are the big mean boss, why didn't you just ask for OT? I'm sure that puppy you keep on would have obliged."Â?

From what she'd heard about Drew puppy really was the only word that applied. She snorted cheerfully at the two men.

"Wrath. Don't let him fool you."Â?

Aishe's arrival was met with a cheerful smile. She was never going to get to their chess game at this rate, the board was still set up, but Pak didn't mind at all. This was more fun. Besides she was supposed to play Bao the end of the week and he could be a bit of a challenge.

Pak sighed dramatically.

"Why does it all ways have to be me who is the evil doer? Kem is no saint, he even starts at least half of these little... fiascoes!"Â?
Eiryk 14 years ago
"Disgustingly, violently good."Â?

He said with an air of satisfaction. And they were highly sought after seats, especially for an opera as popular as Madam Butterfly. He was going to win this little battle without Pak firing a shot. He was going to have to make note of this, it was the first time he'd ever won one of their tiffs.

It was interesting to see this side of Pak. Not that what Eiryk was used to was much different but she seemed even more relaxed, more affectionate than normal. It made him smile. He still thought she needed to get laid, and would be expressing that opinion again when they went out, but she wasn't quite as uptight as normal.

His eyebrows rose in admiration when Kem explained what Pak had done. Never anger an IT specialist for you are crunchy and go good with ketchup apparently.

"Creative. Very creative... but just to be clear you already fired back you just picked the wrong target and I'm bribing you so I'm off the hook right?"Â?

He was saved from any further begging by the arrival of another young woman. Superficially, at first glance she and Pak didn't look all that much different. On closer inspection though, there were numerous differences. Not the least of which was the other woman, Aishe as she had introduced herself, almost immediately came off as warm and approachable compared to Pak's more guarded first impression.

Eiryk stood to greet her, it was only polite, and accept the offered hand with a pleasant yet firm grip. His smile was open and honest and he was genuinely pleased to meet her. Obviously she knew Kem already, and from the sound of things knew Pak as well.

"Very nice to meet you. I'm Eiryk."Â?
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
"Of course there was evildoing. Pak was involved," Kem stated. He briefly described the events that had transpired to bring her revenge down upon him, returning Aishe's kiss and smiling as she wrapped her arms around him.

He managed to turn to Pak and say, out of the corner of his mouth, "You want wrath? I can squeeze something out for you."

Then, in his normal tone he answered her other question while shaking his head. "He's off tonight. I have to let him off the ball and chain every once in a while or the government gets irritable."

He didn't bother to comment on the status of his sainthood. His halo was on back order, that was all.
Aishe 14 years ago
Aishe watched Eiryk's face when they touched, the physical contact still the most reliable way to willingly invoke her empathy. What she saw was pleasantly surprising. Normally there was an overlay to almost every new acquaintance's aura. Everyone was hiding something. Some more than most. In Eiryk, it was very faint. Clearly there were things about him that not everyone needed to know, but that was the strongest impression she got. She blinked and her smile grew. Here was someone genuinely unguarded and friendly. What was he doing hanging out with Pak?

Aishe turned to the woman in question and said,
"Kem hasn't murdered you yet. I'd say that's a posthumous miracle right there."

It hadn't been revealed to her if their company was a vampire or not, but even if he wasn't the odds were better than good her joke would go over his head. She ducked her head down so as not to interrupt the side conversation between Eiryk and Pak and told Kiamhaat,
"I'll come back down to the archives with you and help you get that loan ready."