Dinner... Meeting (Closed)
Oce sat at the circular table near the back. She had not been able to get in touch with Megan so decided to meet with Xerxes and get a little bit more information on him before meeting with her Elder. Not wanting to be in an uncomfortable situation Ocean called Xerxes to a middle sized French bistro.
She had found it a while back and it was very well run. She often came to speak with the owner who had once lived in France. Oce had come straight from her office and wore an ivory v neck suit. The jacket was made to fit with out a blouse. She liked to wear these when she went out after they were more 'sophisticated' but still attired useful around the office. Fixing her collar, the gold broach on her lapel and smoothing out her hair was something she did regularly. She never liked to look disheveled it would give the opponent and advantage. Oce began to fiddle with her necklace.
"I wonder who he is." She said out loud. It was a question that had plagued her since their meeting. Waiting for him to arrive she ordered a bottle of wine to be left. An 1870 Bordeaux was their specialty and of course given to her 'on the house'. Oce had done many free cases creating a strong connection with their 'human' community. One never knew when favors would be needed. She nodded to the proprietor and thanked him for his kindness. When he returned to ask if she was ready she informed him she was waiting for a guest. Making idol chat she asked about his family, his wife and their 5 children.
How any managed that household she never knew. Smiling he insisted they were all well and excused himself to attend a newly arrived couple. Her French flowed off her tongue with ease. She adopted the English language and all but erased her French accent accept when she was at home. It did not suit her going under aliases and not being able to fit her background.
Within minutes he was out the door and halfway across town, driving at breakneck speeds. He felt a thrill and almost wanted to yell. He couldn't figure out quite why he was so excited, was it the surge of adrenaline from the car ride, or was it Océane Émond? Shrugging, he let the thought pass from his mind as he slowed down to a reasonable speed as traffic picked up around the strip. He parked in his paid parking spot and checked his PDA for diretions to the restaurant.
Xerxes left the busy sounds of the city night when he entered the restaruant. He welcomed the soft murmur of conversation, the joyful sound of chuckling from a group of four from near the middle of the restaurant, and the musical clinking of silverwear.
He scanned the patrons for his rendezvous and managed to spot her at a small circular table near the rear of the restaurant. She was talking with a well-dressed man who looked to be the owner of the place. The man turned to another table as Xerxes was approaching Océane.
"Quite the socialite," he said by means of salutation. "I am terribly sorry it took so long, I was running late." He bowed his head slightly, in apology and took a seat.
He looked across the table, and smiled.
"I thought flowers wouldn't be appropriate, but there is a florist near here that is still open, if you want I could run out and get you some," he winked. "I trust you have been well since we last parted?"
((OOC: I just had to put that first part in, cause the image of a vampire darting around the house looking for his keys and tie cracks me up))
This however felt a bit different but she couldn't put her finger on it until she looked up and walking toward the table was Xerxes Asha. She smiled at him and raised her eyebrow. Her empathy skill did not quite read him and that left her wondering. She had not noticed it during their last meeting had something changed?
"You could say that." She nodded to him, "Really no cause for concern I am capable of amusing myself for a short time at least." Oce said hoping he took it in jest like she had meant it. Leaning forward slightly Oce was still puzzling out why he had suggested dinner. The obvious reasons granted but she thought there was more to it.
"Really not necessary, I am but a simple French girl." She said with mock innocence. It had been true once upon a time. "I have been well enough." She said adding in reply to his question.
"And you sir?" She asked politely in return but as her mind worked she had to stop herself from speaking her questions out loud consciously, so many burned to the surface. Finally she decided to bring the issue out right now before it drove her insane.
"I have been wondering why such a man as you would ask little old me out for dinner." She commented looking at him with curiosity. "You had mentioned a few reasons but you could speak with anyone from the clan, even those outside the clan for that matter, to gain such knowledge."Â?
"You see, Océane, I am not exactly sure," he said, a bit surprised at his own response. Normally, he liked being on top of the situation, and when he wasn't he tried to avoid the subject.
"And it is for that reason I think this is going to be the best route for me to take."
Nodding, "Sure, I could have found out about you, or Evenhet through other sources, or by my own actions," he paused and looked into her eyes. "But, that seems to defeat the purpose. Has Megan told you the story of our mutual history?"
When she indicated she hadn't Xerxes grinned and leaned back in his chair.
"Beautiful eyes, by the way, they are quite captivating," he said, and then after taking a sip from the glass of water in front of him, he began his story.
"Megan and I were once members of the same clan," he looked up to see her reaction, "and once, a long time ago, shared more then just a bed. We shared our lives with each other."
Normally not the sort of story you tell to a woman you are interested in, thought Xerxes, but perhaps she can appreciate his honesty about it all.
"This was centuries ago, before Evenhet even. But, the politics of our kind began to entangle me in its twisting and corrupting web. Wary of losing my freedom, something I hadn't had as a mortal. Well, not really had, though I was free literally, I was bound by my poverty."
He shook his head, "Sorry, I digress. In any event, I made the decision to leave not only the clan, but everything else that marked me as a vampire. I wanted to live a human's life, I wanted to enjoy that freedom which I had worked so hard for."
He looked down at his menu, picked a nice bottle of wine, the restaurant's best, and managed to get the attention of a waiter; the staff was admirably aware and responsive. After ordering the bottle and two wine glasses, he continued.
"So, understandably, she was upset. And, though her ambition, something I had always admired, took most of her resources, she has always spared a small amount on tracking and harassing me." The laughed then, deep and warm, "I just never had imagined the duration of her anger. It has almost become sort of a game. I know there are times when I manage to evade her eyes, manage to slip through her meticulously managed network of spies, informants, and payoffs. But," he said with a wry smile, "that never lasts long."
"I haven't spoken with her in person, but, we have spoken indirectly," he thought of the wounded mercenary he had sent back to her after their failed attack recently.
He seemed satisfied with his story, and knew he had most likely answered at least one or two of the woman's questions. Although, he chuckled, with an analytical mind like Oce's, he probably only accomplished giving rise to a few more. Trying hard to make some small talk, while he deciphered why he really had come to this woman, and why he found her so intimidating, he switched the subject.
"What is good here, to eat that is?"
He wasn't sure? She guessed that could possibly be the truth. Her empathy did not pick up any traces of deception but he was a very strong vampire she may not be able to read his emotions. He could have found out many things about her through normal means and she shook her head and said no when he asked about Megan's and his history.
The woman had been very busy and Oce was unable to get any time to meet with her yet to discuss this new fellow. So they knew each other at least she had an idea now. Megan had never spoken of him so it must be something personal she thought to herself and thanked him for mentioning her eyes were beautiful.
Oce was rarely modest but she never let it show. Men liked to see women blush and she usually used those kinds of things to keep her male counterparts at work nicely fooled. Her being female was threatening enough, her being smarter or better in any way made work hard. It was such a habit Oce had to stop herself from fluttering her eyelashes at the comment. Here she was not trying to fool him. She wanted Xerxes to know she was intelligent and not so easily taken advantage of.
Oce watched him surprised to hear the beginning of the tale. They were lovers? For some reason she had a hard time picturing them together but they both could have been different back then. She could feel he was being honest that in itself was perplexing. Why tell her the truth?
She mused on what it would be like to have been born so long ago and see the changes in the world. In her short 90 years she had seen so much change and that was a small fraction of her Elders life and Xerxes it seemed. Oce had been given the choice to die or become a vampire. She had chosen to become an immortal and taken the gift of being a vampire as a blessing.
Xerxes did not seem to feel the same at least back then. It was hard to understand for her. Oce could only imagine Megan's anger. It was probably far surpassing merely upset and she smiled.
"I can not even imagine." She laughed softly knowing it probably was a serious matter but the idea of Megan just being upset was slightly funny.
Oce knew very well Megan's... network. Oce had worked very closely with her for the past few years as their lawyer. She worked on the 'red' tape surrounding many of their archeological artifacts.
"You should think of making amends with my lady." Oce suggested, "Not that my advice counts for anything but I do not like to hear she is upset. I owe her a lot." She said letting a bit of her true feelings show through. When he changed the subject she smiled.
"The pasta is excellent in spite of it being French restaurant not Italian." She laughed softly, "But I suggest their fish it is delicious." Oce motioned for the waiter and took the liberty of ordering an appetizer for them and a basket of bread.
The appetizer was a mushroom's cap filled with Caviar medley all mixed together with a hint of garlic. She motioned for him to try.
"These are delicious." She said nodding. "The waiter will return in a moment for our order have you decided?" She asked ripping off a piece of bread and buttering it slightly. It was the perfect accompaniment for her meal.
"I am going to order the lemon and onion sea bass. I believe it is served with a brown rice."
He saw her confusion and surprise as he told his story, though she hid her emotions well. That could be dangerous, he warned himself.
Snapping out of his reverie, he replied, "Ahh, I trust your taste, it has served me well so far," he pointed out. He selected a salmon entree, with rice and steamed vegitables and handed his menu to the waiter. As he left, Xerxes looked across the table and spoke seriously.
"Océane, I know my questions may seem confusing you. It is not my intention to leave you in the dark. I know you are close with Megan, and that assures me you are respectable; she tolerates nothing less. I also have no doubt you will later describe the details of this dinner to her."
He paused momentarily, taking a sip of his wine.
"It is for just this reason that I am speaking with you. I have, you may say, changed my mind about a few of my former opinions; living for eternity can get lonely without friends, something I am short on. Sure I have aquaintances and contacts, but they are professional only."
He grinned then, a rogueish smile that was surprisingly charming.
"I know Megan still holds a grudge against me, as is her right. However, I also know she will sacrfice personal comfort for the betterment of her clan. I just hope that I, through you, can persuade her that having me a part of Evenhet will do just that, better the clan."
With a mock pain that Xerxes secretly thought had root in reality, he said, "And I know that had I tried going directly to her, she would immediatly decline my proposition."
He fidgeted with the silverwear still rolled up in front of him and looked down.
"I have to admit there is also a large part of me that is intrigued by you, I find your personality interesting and your beauty compelling," it was an odd change for the man, his normal confidence was replaced with embarrassment.
"So, there you have it," he sighed, "now you know my intentions, what do you think?"
He ordered and then his tone turned serious. "Your right I have to mention it to her. I would not feel right if I did not at least tell her myself. I had a mind to speak with her before but she is a busy woman." Oce admitted her mind to him. She rarely gave her cards away but speaking honestly had its purposes.
She followed him and drank her wine and listened. She remembered from her human years what being along was like. Being in the resistance against the German invasion left her with very much alone time. She was a code breaker always hiding. She nodded and raised her eyebrow at him as he mentioned friends. So he wanted to be friends?
The way he said the word made her think. "And what is your definition of friends sir?" She asked noticing his roguish smile. The charm she had noticed earlier sprang forward.
"I will relay this message to her at her earliest free moment if that is what you wish." Oce nodded to him. "I am sure your joining us would benefit both Evenhet and yourself greatly." She said doing the honest thing. He was a strong and intelligent vampire that Evenhet would benefit from having around. If anyone could get past personal feelings it would be Megan as long as it was for Evenhet that is.
When he looked down that surprised her. He was not talking of the clan or Megan or anything else but her. "Your honestly is refreshing sir." She said blushing unable to control it. Oce knew she was beautiful but having him say it brought colour to her cheeks. It was usually a tactic she used to disarm her co- workers but this one came out naturally.
"What I think still remains to be seen but I can say this we have taken a step in the right direction. I have to admit my first impression was not the... greatest but away from Gaia I see you in a much better light." She smiled at him and reached over patting his hand.
He simply looked up and smiled. He couldn't really think of anything to say, he had said it all. He had asked to join the clan, he had explained his past and he had been honest with her; more honest, he mused, than he had been with himself.
Suddenly, it struck him that he was staring and her quizzicle expression looked as though she were waiting for something. He quickly ran through a list of comments to say, when the waiter arrived with his food. As the man gave them their meals, Xerxes looked at him with a face of complete gratitude.
He smiled and began eating, still uncharacteristically quiet.
Oce moved her hand as the food arrived. She had oddly not felt anything from him as she touched him. He had suddenly gone blank and that scared her and intrigued her. Why couldn't' se read his emotions? Since becoming a vampire that skill has been something that never failed her.
There was a silence as he smiled at her before she their dinner was there. "Perfect I am famished." she smiled at Xerxes. "The office has been hectic recently. Gaia seems persistent on creating more work for me." She chuckled softly.
"I hope you enjoy it." She said laying her napkin in her lap and picking up her fork. The meal was steaming hot and taking her first bite she blew gently.
"I am sure I will," he said, smiling.
The food was well prepared and well cooked, he noted, after his first bite. Often, fish ends up tasting too fishy, oddly enough. Not so with his salmon.
As he finished his first couple of bites, he looked up, wiping his mouth with the napkin.
"I too have been pretty busy," he said. "I have just finished development on my new software, but I am sure you don't want to hear about that stuff, it isn't all that fascinating."
"A jungle hero perhaps?" She smiled wickedly thinking of him in a loin cloth and laughed. "Pardon me my imagination just ran away from me. What company is it you work with?" She inquired. Oce had a habit of following the more prosperous companies. She had made some prudent stock investments in the past that turned out well for her.
"I am planning on moving my law firm here eventually. I have had to keep low key the past 2 decades so I didn't create suspicion with the humans. I am finally able to take my place as the Lead Council again although it be as my 'granddaughter'." She smiled letting him in on her plan.
"I don't think the senior partners are looking forward to my taking the reigns fully yet. It will be interesting having dealings with them directly again," She nodded drinking some more wine. The taste of her bass and the wine and rice mingled delightfully in her mouth.
"I make time for some more adventurous activities," he said in response. "I've spent the past two decades working for various governments doing various things." He kept his background in that regard fairly vague. He trusted this woman, but knew beter then to play his whole hand at once. It wasn't safe and it wasn't smart.
He spoke between bites, satisfied with his meal, the wine and its effects, and his company. He had already finished much of his fish, despite the conversation.
"I work freelance, really, but have been lucky. I picked up on computers as they were developing, sensing their importance. I seemed to have a talent at coding and security related issues and have focused mostly in that field. When I am not out having fun."
He continued, after pausing to refill his wine glass, "I have been fortunate the past couple of centuries," he said, as if it were no more then a few years. "And I am now fairly financially secure. It has allowed me to do things I may not normally have tried."
"I noticed you were pretty good with that knife of yours. I know the courts here are vicious, but I hadn't thought they had degraded that far." He smiled as he joked. "I take it you lead a more active life then just your job?"
"Pardon me again sir. I am going to blame it on the wine." She winked at him. She was being undisciplined but in this environment it was easy to relax. She was in a place she knew well with food she enjoyed.
Fun... he said the word with such allure. She was not one to know what that was. Oce worked hard but was never much of a play for fun kind of gal. She smiled so he was saying in other words he was rich.
"It was a necessity. I do not plan to let anyone get the advantage of me or my lady." She smiled, "I may not be very old in vampire years but when I was a human, and my family was slaughtered. I took it to heart and vowed never to go down with out a fight. I joined the French Resistance against Hitler. I was a language expert and a very good actress. It was all well until the day I was captured and shot. Megan found me and gave me a choice... to live like her a vampire or die as a human. As you can see what my choice was." She sighed thinking of her old life. It was the past.
"Nothing to dwell on really," She nodded. "I am over it and have since followed in my fathers legacy. I have 5 law degrees and my own firm that has been around for about 50 years now. Quite prosperous they say." She smirked.
"Our job is relics. My job is to secure them... legally if possible... not so legal if not possible." Oce had finished her meal and sat back the wine glass dangling in her hand. A bus boy came and removed her plate for her. She smiled her thanks.
"I am so very sorry to hear that. I worked for Britian, speaking of James Bond, during World War II, I wish I had known you then, maybe I could have made things a bit less messy," from the tone of his voice he sounded quite serious. A bit of his sympathy shone through then, something many vampires tended to leave behind them with their mortal lives. "I had a similar experience actually. A vampire turned my sister, she was doing what work she could to help keep the both of us fed," he didn't elaborate on her profession, but by his expression it wasn't hard to guess she had sold her body.
He handed his plate to the waiter and continued.
"The rest of that night she was in pain, during the transformation process," his eyes focused far into the distance. It was as though he were looking past two thousand years. "He wasn't very gentle. Long story short, I was young, arrogant, and outmatched. I found him, attacked him, and a scant few seconds later I was lying in the gutter in a rapidly expanding pool of my own blood."
Ironically, he took a sip of the red wine.
"My sister found me then and offered to save me. She hadn't the time to really explain things, and I blacked out during the ordeal; but, I remember seeing a single tear run down her face. Later, before she died, I asked why she had cried, and she said she didn't want to turn me into a monster."
It felt good to tell someone about his past. He had shared his turning story with very few. All of those that knew were dead, all except Megan.
Grinning, "Sorry, that was almost as depressing as yours. On a lighter note, it seems that you too are pretty adventurous."
He paused then, feeling a bit awkward with what he was about to say, "I don't mean to sound self-rightous, or anything; and I don't expect to impress you with something as simple as money or prestige. So please, don't take any of what I ahve told you as boasts or attempts to blind you. I am mearly showing you my life."
His brow furrowed as he continued, "I left vampire society due to personal issues. It angered me some of the attitudes vampires were taking. Many of those vampires are dead now," he shrugged, "and I can't say that I am sad to see them gone."
"Since my sister turned me, I have realized the things that every person on this world takes for granted. Many newly turned are drunk on their new powers, and I may have been had my early years not been wrought with the tragic death of my sister, the only family I had really ever had."
He looked into the woman's glittering eyes, and sent with his gaze a surge of his emotions: his apprehension, his excitement, and his confusion. He sent his attraction and his caution, his sincerity and his curiousity. Mentally, he spoke to her.
[I have told very few people as much as I have told you, and I am not sure why.]
She felt relieved... Oce wondered what it would have been like meeting him during the war. Dismissing it she was too naive and self righteous to really know what was going on then.
Fear and anger prodded her on to do what she did. Now however survival was the last things he had to worry about. "I am sorry about you sister Xerxes." She said using his given name for the first time. She leaned over and patted his hand again. It was meant for comfort not pity.
The mood lightened and she smiled, "Ah but whom else to share it with other then friends?" She asked raising an eyebrow. Oce could safely say they knew enough to designate that relationship. Give and take they each held power over the other.
His declaration didn't surprise her. Xerxes had shared with her something. "I treasure it as a... gift." She said looking at him, "I will treasure it and keep it locked away. I did not believe any of the information you shared today as... boastful or blinding. In fact you may have succeeded in removing blinders." She softened it with a smile. It was meant to reassure him at least.
Oce couldn't remember her turning. The acceptance Megan had shown her cleared the event of her death away from her memory thank goodness.
"Megan would not allow me to... become drunk as you put it. I have never turned anyone." She admitted to him, "For that reason. I will not create a monster."
As Oce watched him as an anvil like force hit her chest and she realized it was her empathy. It was not acting right... or was it? She was sensing something from Xerxes.
Taking a few deep breaths she recovered from the shock of her ability suddenly kicking in.
She was feeling a wave of sympathy from him to put an edge of truth on what he has said. His gaze was penetrating until she closed her eyes as it radiated through her. She remembered him speaking of his sister she could feel the sadness and deep love. Or was it the sadness and love she had felt for her own family? It was all so confusing.
Clearing her throat she rubbed the tears from her eyes and opened them. Was it the wine causing her powers to act like this? Mentally she noted to discuss it with the Megan. Maybe the elder would know what is wrong with her abilities.
As he sipped his wine the room was in a slow motion. The red liquid passed through his lips and she felt dizzy slightly. Motioning for the waiter the nausea passed when he brought some water. The empathy changed in to excitement and confusion... apprehension.
Her mind cleared from the emotional fog to receive a message.
[My charming personality and drop dead gorgeous looks are not enough?] She as jokingly back to him.
[Honesty goes farther with some then others. I am glad to have shared it with you.] She said with more seriousness. Oce had managed to control her breathing and was back to her 'Ice Queen' exterior. It was rare her emotions ever ran away like that.
He hadn't thought about someone with her talents and still fragile abilities. She probably hadn't been receiving much from him empathetically, and then he sent his feelings out in waves. He had probably overwhelmed her. He had forgotten how little time she had spent as a vampire relative to himself, she acted so much more mature then even some of the oldest vampires.
He rose, after the waiter left, and kneeled next to the woman; her expression had changed again, back to her normal calm self, and he suspected that she had placed her defenses back up. He looked at her and found her more beautiful than he had yet. They had shared much with each other. She was right, honesty was sometimes better. Much better.
Gasping for words, he managed to stammer out, "I am so sorry, I had no idea. I had forgotten and I wasn't thinking. Are you alright?"
He placed his hand on her shoulder, providing himself support as much as her.
"No, no it's not your fault really Xerxes." She smiled reassuringly. Her face was a bit pale but she would be fine. "I am not sure... some how I wasn't receiving and I became lax. The area is empty and I wasn't picking up emotions for the first time in a very long time." She stressed. Probably since the last time she was in an open field.
[Forgive me for upsetting you.] She sent to him as she looked in to his eyes. Xerxes had come to kneel by her. She was feeling a bit tired but that was expected when abilities were used to this extent. Sending was much less energy then talking so she used it for her last statement.
Oce seemed a bit tired, and so, he left some cash on the table, plenty to pay for their food, and held out his hand, as if to help her up.
"Shall we? Or would you like to get some dessert or a cup of coffee?"
His face felt warm, no doubt due to the wine, and he felt as though getting outside to the cool night air would be welcome, for the both of theml He imagined it might invigorate her a bit, restore some of her energy. It would also give them some time to talk, if she wantedl or an excuse to part.
"Or," he said slowly, "we could just walk for a bit. I don't know about you, but some air might refresh me a bit," he smiled then, less showy then before, although, he hoped, a bit more sincere.
He shook his head and chuckled, "I am sure you have a lot of work to do as well, I shouldn't keep you from your busy life too long. I don't want Megan any more irritated with me than she already is" He smirked, the boyish grin on his face again, his normal demeanor returned.
The closeness of this kind was unfamiliar to Oce. She was rarely deliberately touched by anyone unless there was motive. She played games with men usually but she manipulated them in to doing and saying everything she wanted. This was different he was concerned for her.
"It is still early I have time. I actually don't have any work as of 9 hours ago. I am very efficient." She winked at him, "A walk would be lovely though. Do you know Nachton well?" She inquired because he had mentioned before she must pick the place since he was relatively new.
His smile was refreshing. She enjoyed that one much more then the charming one it. Oce accepted his hand standing up straight she stopped herself from swaying by placing a hand on the table.
"Dear me... wasn't expecting that." It passed and the strength returned to her legs and she went to step but suddenly the world went black and she fainted.
As he passed by curious or concerned patrons he assured them that everything was ok, she was fine, she just stood up too fast after having a little too much to drink.
As he got to the doors to the restaurant, the waiter was arriving with the water. Xerxes stepped outside and was pleased to find a cool night breeze and only a little foottraffic. The strip could be very busy during the early evening hours, and he imagined during the day, as well. It had gotten late enough and most the window shoppers had left.
He gently placed her on the ground, her back resting against the wall; he took the pitcher of water from the nervous boy standing beside him and dipped his fingers in. He flicked the cold water onto her face, and noticed a slight flutter of her eyes.
After another minute or so of gently sprinkingly water on her, she seemed to be coming to and he spoke to her sweetly, "Océane, Oce, are you alright?"
Her head felt heavy at first but as she breathed in the cool night air her head cleared. "Xerxes?" She shook the blurring out of her eyes. "Really what did I go and do now?" She laughed softly and sat up. Luckily her suit wasn't mused.
"I am really not one of these women who goes fainting all over the place. I just... wasn't expecting the 'feedback' from my empathy." That was the best way to describe it.
"I think a walk would be good now," She smiled reassuringly.