Pak parked in the driveway. It was late, or early depending on how you looked at it, she doubted Kem was going to be going any where and she did hate leaving the Lil Bird on the street. She stretched in the driver's seat and almost turned around. It was late, she would be bothering him and really she should be able to work this out on her own.
Finally she decided that even if she didn't talk to him about the whole command thing she wasn't wasting a trip out here. With a bit of sending and some telekinesis the door was opened, Pak came in took off her shoes and relocked the door. It was Pak's way of more or less saying she was planning on staying the day.
Kem wandered out, apparently from the bedroom and apparently read for bed. Maybe she should work on her timing a bit.
"If you want to tell me to get [color=red]the hell[/color] out you'd better do it fast."
It wasn't a growl or a threat though, just a fact. She'd leave and wouldn't feel chased out after all she was the one intruding.

He smiled at her softly. "Why would I want that? I just wish we had a second bedroom."
He glanced at the study thoughtfully. It wouldn't be difficult to put doors on the room and a day bed or a futon or something in there. That way Pak could have some privacy.
Kem shelved that thought for the moment. "Aishe's out back with her raccoons," he said. "She'll be back in half an hour or so. Want a drink?"
Pak was reasonably famliar with his bar. Hell, she was here enough and had stocked some of it herself after one or two particularly heavy days. Kem suspected she had something on her mind but he wasn't about to push; Pak would get to it in her own time and there was no point in rushing her.

She countered. Which of course, made her think of the opera a few days ago. Serious? Chanting for Edward? Pak would be just as happy when this particular wave of vampire trendiness had passed, it was getting worse as the years went on.
Aishe and the racoons. It amused Pak. She often wondered what they had to say but she had her hands full enough with MARI and her kitten. It would be unsettling to have other animals talking to her too.
The offer of a drink was Kem's way of acknowledging that Pak planned on staying the day. Sure don't drink and drive was a little different for a vampire, but it did still apply. She poured herself a scotch not bothering with ice or lemon this morning, but not a heavy one either, just a taste really. Kem might be semi relaxed, but she'd just left work a few minutes before.
She was stalling for time and she knew it and Kem knew it too... and yet neither of them said or did anything about it. That was a good brother.

The idea of him living any larger then he did was absurd. He had been plenty comfortable on his own before and with Aishe around he was more than comfortable. They fit together perfectly; moving her in had been a seamless transition and he could now no longer imagine the thought of sleeping in a bed that didn't have her in it. Even if he did fall out of it on occasion.
Kem followed Pak into the kitchen and shook his head at her when she asked if he wanted a drink. Instead he put the tea kettle onto the stove and started it up. He'd gone through a year or two of ridiculously heavy drinking recently and while he wasn't opposed to tying one on now and then he knew Aishe worried. Besides, he really had been just about ready for bed. He'd just been waiting for Aishe. So tea would be a lot more appropriate.
It took almost no time for the kettle to boil and soon they were back out in the living room with their respective drinks. Kem knew something was bothering Pak but he wasn't about to pry. She'd say so when she was good and ready and not a moment sooner. In the meantime he sent to Aishe to let her know they had company and turned to Pak.
"So, what will it be this morning? Wii? Movies? Pick one."

Pak updated Kem's wardrobe choice.
"But if you try and get Aishe in one of those bunny outfits I don't want to know about it... unless she beats you up."
Watching him make tea, Pak made a cup of her own too. Yes she was double fisting and no she didn't care. She'd forgotten about the scotch almost as soon as she'd poured it and once in the living room having set both the tea and the scotch down she promptly forgot about the tea as well. Her mind was else where.
"Movie tonight? But something with a real ending."
She'd just seen both Inception and Shutter Island and was tired of movies that didn't have a clear cut ending. Pak took up her standard 'thinking end' of Kem's couch and curled up into a small ball. With Kem she only bothered with subterfuge about half the time, of course even when she did it was this sort of habit that made her transparent to him. Some day she would realize it and sit on the other end of the couch.
"I went to the opera with Eiryk and Alex the other night. You might want to take Aishe to this one, it is good for a laugh."
Pak had more or less decided to work her way backwards to her actual thought. That and she knew Kem had a fondness for vampire clichés and this damned thing fit the bill to a tea.

It didn't really need to be pointed out that he hadn't seen a date in the better part of several hundred years until Aishe had come along. Although, he paused, thinking it over... the bunny suit might have merits.
"I don't know Pak... Aishe in a bunny suit, beating me up? You paint a compelling picture."
The temptation to gross Pak out was always strong. He was weak, what could he say?
At Pak's request he went to his dvd shelf and pulled something lighthearted and fun out, aware that it was probably less about the movie tonight than it was about the company. Loading it into the Bluray player Kem started it up and joined Pak on the opposite end of the couch.
When she told him she'd been to the opera he asked, "What opera is it?"
While he didn't attend very often he was familiar with a great number of them, having sung many of them himself over the past few centuries.

Ew! Why did Kem do that? He knew she went out of her way to avoid thinking about he and Aishe that way. It was one think to know they did it and hope it was fulfilling but it was quite another to talk about it and have it spelled out. She might do better talking to Aishe about it but not to Kem. Pak obligingly threw a throw pillow at him. But she did it the old fashion way.
She didn't even notice what he put in the blue ray, she just paid enough attention to know it wasn't one of those trippy mind bending things you had to pay attention to. That was good enough for her.
"Der Vampyr. It seemed appropriate, besides Eiryk had good tickets. Could have been funnier though."
Not that she thought they had been playing it for laughs. And of course Eiryk's performance after the opera had been something special but that wasn't the point. The point was.... the vampire always went to hell? Meh she didn't know what the point was either.

He suspected the pillow and caught it mid-air before it could hit him; he didn't relish the idea of spilling hot tea on himself. "Hey," he said, laughing, "if you don't like it, don't bring it up next time!" She had gone there, not him.
He raised his eyebrows at the opera. "Wow. Campy 1800's vampire B-movie equivalent. We might have to check it out."
Kem wasn't sure Aishe would enjoy the opera. Especially not being able to understand a good deal of it, even with translations. He'd check though. If nothing else he could go by himself although that idea wasn't as appealing. Besides, not only had he seen it before, he'd performed it too.

She grinned at him. Neither of them was terribly serious right now. Which, given the hour, was as it should be. Pak was typically up for a while after sun up, for a few hours at least so Pak wasn't feeling terribly sleepy.
"I thought it was odd too, but it was kind of fun if predictable, but most B-movies are. Hard to do the dialog along with the singers though."
Speaking of campy B movies... Pak settled back and watched the movie for a little bit.
"I didn't know Aishe did opera."
Pak knew that Kem had sung here and there and if she hadn't been pondering Bao's offer she probably would have teased him about singing in this one. A vampire playing the vampire and all that, but she wasn't on her game. Maybe she'd remember to tease him about it later.

He returned her grin. Whatever was bugging her couldn't be horrible. Pak's sense of humor was directly related to her mood. When one suffered, so did the other. He turned to Pak when she mentioned Aishe.
"I don't know if she'd be interested or not," he said, echoing his previous thoughts. "But it's worth a try. Even if she doesn't, I've seen it before."
He wasn't going to mention performing it. Knowing Pak she'd demand a performance. He had yet to sing for her and wasn't sure he ever would; the amount of teasing it could generate might be intolerable.
"How did Alex like it?"
Kem grinned again. Their mutual friend wasn't the sort he saw enjoying the opera but he suspected Alex would have gone just to please Eiryk. They were sweet that way; it was the kind of thing Aishe would probably do for Kem, if he really looked like he wanted to see this show.

"Just watch yourself during the intermission... Eiryk tried to kill two people. You never know where he'll strike next."
She shook her head a bit at the memory of Alex dragging her along trying to make sure Eiryk was OK. Some one really had to explain to Alex that vampires were sturdy and it was very hard to seriously hurt his boyfriend.
"I don't think he liked it much, I think he was just there for Eiryk."
Watching the movie for a second Pak realized she had no idea what the characters were up to and that it didn't much matter.
So how much of this was she doing for Bao and how much was she doing for herself? Pak frowned and made one of her less subtle conversational transitions.
"Do you know any one with command?"

He smiled when Pak said she thought Alex had just gone for Eiryk. That sounded about right. Alex wasn't really the opera type, as he'd suspected.
A ha. Now they got to it. He hadn't thought Pak would take too horribly long getting down to whatever was bothering her. "Command? I've known one or two," he said. "Not closely though." He paused for a moment, thinking. "Your creator?"
He recalled the things Pak had said to him and it seemed likely that that was the person she was referring to. "How's that all going anyway? I thought it wasn't so bad."

Pak shrugged it off. Kem knew full well it was Eiryk falling down or running into something. But this was more fun.
She tucked her knees up under her chin and nodded. It was just a nasty evil gift. It really shouldn't be allowed.
"Yeah... that's... well that's how he got me. I couldn't..."
It wasn't as bad as it had been. She didn't get too wierded out she just didn't like talking about it. It was upsetting, that she'd lost, no not lost, had control taken from her. There was no free will at all.
"Not too bad. He's been throwing me around every week or so, then I beat him at chess. I think we are both learning from each other."
It was what he wanted her to learn next that was bothering her. They'd get there though.
Pak realized with a start that Bao and Kem would be 'brothers' they had the same maker. She also realize that Kem hadn't met her maker. Not that she was quite ready to treat Bao like a friend or deal with him in social situations.

"That is how is works," he said with a smile. "You know, the whole learning thing."
He held his teacup in both hands, warming them. "Why Command though?"
He wasn't terribly concerned. Not yet. He could feel her discontent over their bond but it wasn't the terror he'd felt from her in the past.

Pak took a deep breath and thought about this. She knew full well why she was scared and unhappy about the situation. She also knew, however, why she really ought to do it.
"I've been commanded three times, well three times I remember. The first was the night he turned me, I lost. The second was some damned punk looking for a meal and the last was him again out in California."
She gave Kem the set up and felt around for one of her two drinks. Her hands found the scotch and she mental stabilized the other as she almost knocked it over. She didn't drink any of it though, really she just wanted something to do with her hands.
"He... I beat the last two. He thought that was sort of... he seemed to think it was good. He wants me to practice."
To voluntarily submit to one of her greatest fears and place total faith in the man who'd killed her, killed her husband and basically ruined her life. It was a lot of trust. Pak didn't know if it was a good idea or not. If anyone would understand that and have an opinion, it would be Kem.

"Wait, he wants you to practice ignoring a command?"
That seemed pretty crucial to Kem. The suggestion came from Bao himself.
"Think about it Pak," he said. "This is an ability he could use to control you, and he wants you to learn how to refuse it. How can you not take hm up on it?"
He knew she might not like that answer but he recalled day after day of riding Meridian's damned elevators because he didn't want to be crippled by his own fear. Pak's creator was offering to help her with this... she needed to do it.
"Would you be more comfortable with someone there?"
As with the HoP, Kem was willing to go along for moral support and protection if Pak wanted.

She might have told him it was evil to his face.
Kem's reaction had been her second response. Pak didn't even have to dig all that deep to know it was a good idea and something she should be able to do if she had to. It fit in with the fighting style he was teaching her too. She wasn't exactly an offensive whiz but he was working to build up her defensive. It was something she appreciated, playing to her strengths.
"Because I don't know what he'll leave in there. Maybe he teaches me how to get out of one command but commands me to forget another and I wind up some mindless zombie and do something I'd regret. It puts more than me at risk, I've got images of security at my door after I've killed MARI."
One too many B movies could be influencing her judgment here but Pak wasn't about to admit that. It was a legitimate fear. Kem had to see how this reached beyond her though.
Setting the untouched drink back down Pak wrinkled her nose.
"He suggested that too. He even said something about recording the practices."
The idea of watching the play back, to make sure nothing had been left behind, that everything was on the up and up was an OK idea. Part of her though was starting to wish she wasn't so dang stubborn. They wouldn't be having this conversation if she was more cooperative.

"You got a bit cross, huh?"
In Pak speak that meant she'd been unbelievably rude. He could see that. It was Pak's general response to things that upset her or made her nervous or uncomfortable.
"It's not a bad idea, senet," he reaffirmed. "Record it. Bring someone along. Someone older. Someone who won't be swayed by it and has your best interests in mind."
It didn't have to be him. Someone from security would work, although Kem suspected Pak might be more comfortable with a friend. "I know you're not comfortable with it, but that's the process," he continued, wrinkling his nose at the remembrance of hundreds of elevator rides. Hell, Pak had come along on some of them. "It's going to get worse before it gets better. It always does. Accept that he actually wants to help."
He sighed and sat back. "I'll be honest though, as far as I know, at your age, if you run into someone much older than you with Command who really knows what they're doing, all the practice in the world might not help. It's better than nothing though."

Pak protested. Even in retrospect she didn't think she'd been terribly unreasonable, just blunt. But you had to be with Bao sometimes. Pak just didn't have the patience to deal with his games and talking around things. He should just say what he had to say. OK maybe she had been a touch blunt.
That Kem thought it was a good idea meant something. It backed up her initial, well her secondary response. Since Bao was being reasonable about this maybe, just maybe she should do this.
"Uncomfortable doesn't begin to cover it. Remember that night when the elevator stopped? Take your feelings then but then imagine you were stuck in a glass elevator on the outside of the Sear's Tower without Aishe or me."
In short, abject terror. The world could drop out from under her feet at any point if she gave Bao that kind of control. She even worried that he would be able to command anyone else who came with her.
Pak didn't know how old Bao was, but vampires Kem's age were few and far between. He should be safe. Possibly Mara, she was Bao's older sister. One of the two of them should be.
"I've beaten him before."
She said a bit defensively. Although, she had a feeling she'd caught him off guard and shouldn't rely on that one instances as proof she could always win. Huffing a bit she turned back to Kem.
"Are you volunteering or should I get some one from security?"

She compared her emotions to his and he recalled that particular night quite vividly. He shook his head at her. "I know it's terrifying Pak," he said, "but since when has that ever scared you off from doing what you know you should do?"
He watched her carefully, measuring her level of discomfort through he bond they shared. In his opinion, it was maybe not as bad as she was making it out to be unless she was seriously repressing. And Pak wasn't always known for repressing. Sometimes. Not always.
"Maybe it's not about beating him this time," he suggested.
The process between Bao and Pak fascinated him. He was impressed with his younger sister's fortitude and willpower. Kem personally didn't think he would have had the patience Pak was exhibiting for her creator. His was almost certainly dead; theirs was a small world. He couldn't imagine his own creator still alive and well after all this time. Kem didn't want to. It would only encourage him to go back to a place he didn't want to be. Surely Pak had felt the same initially, and probably felt some of that now. She was a strong woman though.
"If you'd like," he said, nodding at her. "I have to admit it'd be interesting to see the man crazy enough to turn you."

Too much in her life was scary lately. First meeting Bao and now this and she always seemed to lean on Kem for these decisions. She made a face at him, if it wasn't about beating him what was it about? Although, she had to admit he didn't seem to want to win any more. He wasn't trying to sway her any longer, it almost seemed like he cared. Pak wished for Aishe's ability, just a touch of it to help know what he was thinking.
"I used to be sane and rather normal. Almost boring."
Almost, but not quite. Kem's words made her frown though he had only turned her because of her eyes. Maybe because she fought him, but both were frivolous reasons. It was still upsetting and unsettling. She was a mistake, a whim that was all.
Still thought, she might like Kem's opinion on Bao though. You couldn't accurately judge someone you never met.
It took a minute or two but Pak's sense of humor caught back up with her and a slow grin slid across her face.
"And then I got run over by a rampaging archivist and hit my head on a computer. I haven't been the same since."