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Living in Blissful Sin

It was a chilly night but not too bad; Mara's new coat kept her plenty warm, as did her hand tucked into Jin's. They had opted to go by foot this time rather than take Jin's car. Mara had rapidly gotten used to having Jin near. Since Valentine's Day they had rarely spent a daytime apart. She had been a frequent visitor to his apartment and he to hers. She fell asleep nestled against him and woke up wanting him and having him there.

Tonight they were simply walking. Mara had delivered a few cases of her newest designs to the three shops in the mall that sold them for her; this round was all spring flowers done in glass, of course. She was curious to see if there was a lot of interest. Her glass animals tended to sell well.

Business finished, they were walking hand in hand down the strip. Mara didn't shop much so she was taking in the sights as they talked. As they reached a corner her attention was drawn to a two-story building with a small, tasteful sign in black and pink that said

She broke off mid-sentence and stared a little. The windows were darkened but there was a pretty display in them that showcased corsets, teddies, and all kinds of creative lingerie. She slowed down, curious. She would have had to be blind not to notice that her boyfriend was particularly interested in what she wore. Mara was fairly particular in her choice of underthings. She liked things to be pretty, soft, complimentary. Jin seemed to appreciate the wrapping, as it were, every bit as much as the present within.

Glancing over at Jin Mara found him grinning at her with an air of impish mischief. She stopped and raised her eyebrows, her face growing red as his dark eyes flickered to the store and back to her. Curiosity and the desire to please her partner won out, as well as, she admitted to herself, the fact that she did like to dress prettily. Revealing, not normally, but if it was for Jin there was a lot of appeal in the idea. And who else would it be for?

"Should we...?" Mara turned toward the doorway, casting a glance at Jin. She wanted to do things he liked... and this, she could have fun with.

Jin 14 years ago
Jin had spotted the name of the shop and noticed the tinted windows further down the strip. He could guess what kind of things it housed and was curious to see Mara's first reaction. She wore pretty things and he knew that she liked them but he didn't want her to feel that she had to wear anything special for his sake. He loved her the way she was. However, he'd admit to enjoying playing with lacy bras and panties when she had them on. They looked nice and felt nice.

She stopped talking and looked at the store for a minute before turning back to glance at him. Jin grinned in response, if she was asking his opinion then of course he was interested. When she did, indeed, ask his opinion he said much the same.

"I think we should." Jin pulled her close and kissed her cheek. "but only if you're comfortable with going in there."

Otherwise they could do similar shopping online. Of course it was harder to be sure of whether you would truly like something from a tiny jpg. He thought they'd be able to manage.

Still they were here and it looked like a nice shop, not grungy or cheesy and it didn't have the air of being geared towards teenage men looking for something forbidden and naughty.

It was adult and tasteful. A good place to start such an adventure.
Mara 14 years ago
Jin's endorsement was really all the encouragement Mara needed. She couldn't see the harm in wearing something playful if it appealed to her sense of fun and his. She could understand his enjoyment of it, she thought. Much in the way a housecat could be enthralled for hours by the sounds and texture of a piece of crinkly paper, a man who spent time in the body of a tiger might have parallel tastes. It didn't seem odd or out of place in Jin.

Offering him a shy smile she tugged his hand and said,
"All right, let's go."

The interior of the store was tasteful. The lighting was soft, the music surprising (classical), and it was obvious that this place was a few steps above average. There was a staircase leading up to a second floor but for now what they were after appeared to be right here in front of them; a veritable sea of assorted scanty garments in beautiful colors and luscious fabrics. These things were not cheap nylon or rayon knockoffs. They appeared to be very well made.

Biting her lip softly Mara turned to Jin. Of course her preferences would count but he was her motivation for coming in. So starting off with something that caught his eye appealed to her.

"Do you see anything you like?"
Jin 14 years ago
He was happy to see that the advertising out front did not lie. The place was well kept and inviting. Jin looked around while also casting glances at Mara to see if she were uncomfortable or if she seemed to find anything appealing. When she asked his opinion on whether he saw anything he liked, Jin smiled.

"Yes." He wrapped his arms around her and scooped her up, pulling her just slightly off the floor. "I'll take one of these and one of everything else." Jin set her back down. "Good thing I got here when I did. It looks like you're the last one."

Moving away slightly, he said thoughtfully.
"I wonder if I could get a discount on the display model...."

Jin ducked and glanced back at her, expecting a retaliation of some kind.

Looking around the room, he considered her question seriously.

There was a lot of things in the store that he liked, some because of the fabric, some because of the colour and some because of the cut. The best had a shape, texture and colour that he preferred. Jin picked one of the more tame ones that caught his eye for its look and feel.
"How about this?"
Mara 14 years ago
Mara smiled at Jin when he picked her up and took the opportunity to drop a soft kiss upon his lips. He was so sweet to her. So loving.

... and so in trouble! Mara gave him a little mock gasp of shock as he moved away. Instead of physical retaliation however, she allowed a sad and hurt expression to cross her face and turned around, her shoulders slumping as if she were about to cry. Before it went too far and Jin could truly worry, she peeked up through thick black lashes and peered at him over her shoulder.

Lowering her voice, knowing he could hear her she whispered,
"I didn't realize I was supposed to be charging all this time... you owe me. Later."

When she turned back to him it was with a slightly wicked smile that faded into curiosity as Jin held up the adorable pink nightie. She moved toward him and reached out to touch the pretty silk, her free hand lifting to pick up a strand of long white hair. Mara tugged gently and drew closer to Jin.

"Should I try it on?"
Jin 14 years ago
Jin waited for the blow that never came and then turned back to Mara. She had given a hurt look and then turned her back on him. She did such a good job that if he didn't know her better he'd have believed her. The look over her shoulder made him grin and her comment made him laugh.

"Quite probably." He sighed. "You can have all my earthly wealth, is that enough?"

He blinked at her several times before answering.

"Are you seriously asking me whether or not you should try on sexy lingerie or just teasing me?" Jin grinned. "Because that'd be cruel, Mara." He gave her puppy dog eyes and looked back at the lingerie and then back at her.

Following her to the dressing room, Jin asked "Do I get to see or is there a strictly no men in the dressing room policy?"
Mara 14 years ago
Mara raised her eyebrows at Jin. Slowly, she shook her head with a smile. "I was thinking of a far less tangible sort of remuneration," she said slyly. "Something dramatic. You know. Your soul. That sort of thing."

She gave him her biggest, widest, most innocent look to accompany that suggestion, lips still tilted up in a smile.

Jin's puppy dog eyes were very nearly heartbreaking and she laughed softly.
"I don't know if that would be a... I don't know... lingerie faux pas," she insisted. She leaned forward and took the pretty garment from Jin, brushing her lips against his cheek.

"I didn't see any 'no tigers' signs," she pointed out. "I have faith in your ability to get wherever you need to get to to... participate."

Mara more than welcomed Jin's presence in the dressing room. She wasn't shy about disrobing before him, and she would appreciate knowing his thoughts on anything she tried without having to leave the dressing room to display their selections.

As they reached the entrance to the dressing room Mara turned to Jin and said just loudly enough to be heard by the attendants,
"I'm going to be a few minutes. Why don't you shop around some? I'll meet you outside."
Jin 14 years ago
Jin raised his eyebrows at her, she had his heart and now she wanted his soul. He smiled and said.

"That's what the thousand years are for, as I recall. So we'll just have to go back to getting busy."

Pleased that his sad face didn't go unrewarded, Jin smiled happily at the little kiss.

He looked at the people manning the dressing rooms and then back at Mara. "No one says no to a tiger." Jin said while looking smugly serene, which was an expression that lasted approximately ten seconds before he grinned again. Yes, he could manage to participate and it wouldn't even require eating that staff.

Jin watched her head off to the dressing room and tell him to meet her outside. He wandered around the shop instead picking up a few more things that he thought would be nice. Making sure he was not under anyone's watchful eye and past any cameras, he blended and headed back to the dressing rooms.

Finding Mara's, he slid into the one next to it. He placed the other pieces he had found on the hook on the door. Sitting on the seat, he leaned back against the joining wall. Jin smiled and said quietly.

"So, how does it look?"
Mara 14 years ago
Waiting on Jin, Mara went into the dressing room, chose the one as far away from the entrance and the attendants as possible, and closed the door. In keeping with the theme of the store, the dressing room was also well-appointed. It wasn't a simple box-and-curtain affair but a little room with a door. There were hangers on the walls of course but also a little end table you could put a purse on, and a chair as well. To her, it seemed fairly tasteful and cute.

She neatly hung up her coat and stripped out of her clothing with a tiny, slightly paranoid glance around for cameras. Of course there were none, but she'd had to check. Removing the little slip from its hanger she slid into it, smiling at the feel of silk upon her skin.

She turned this way and that before the mirror, cat-like in her vanity perhaps but wanting to make sure it fit. The fabric clung in all the right places, in her opinion, the delicate pink color striking against her dark skin. She sensed rather than heard Jin's arrival and his voice drifted softly to her through the adjoining wall. Mara glanced down at herself.

"I think it's pretty," she admitted, smoothing her hands carefully down the front of the pink nightie. "Would you like to tell me if you agree?"

Perhaps it would be more fun for him if he didn't see it at all, but Mara suspected that once she had a feel for the things he liked she would do a much better job at shopping on her own. The idea made her blink as she realized she was, indeed, having fun with this instead of being embarrassed. It pleased her to dress in things that Jin would enjoy. And truth be told, she did like the feel of it.
Jin 14 years ago
Jin laughed softly and said. "I thought you'd never ask."

He picked up the other ones he'd picked out and laid them over the top of the dressing room stall for her and then poked his head through the wall between them. Coming through the rest of the way, he smiled at her.

"It does look nice."

Placing his hands around her waist, he rubbed the fabric softly. "Feels nice too." Jin leaned down and kissed her gently. "I am sure it will look good on your floor." He favored her with a meaningful little grin. Wrapping his arms around her, Jin smiled and said. "I brought some more that I found. You can tell me what you think."

Moving away, he sat down on the little bench in the stall. "And if you want me to try on anything out there we can do that too."

He wasn't going to make her do all the trying on without offering to do the same. Besides he might found out just what Mara liked to look at and that was a good thing to know.
Mara 14 years ago
When Jin poked his head through the wall of the room Mara tucked her hands behind her back and made a shy little turn to display the silken slip. As Jin came fully into the dressing room she immediately felt better. In spite of the fact that they were obviously more likely to be caught in a compromising manner now, she was less concerned about hidden cameras and hidden attendants. Having Jin there relaxed her no matter what the circumstance.

She leaned into him, sliding against him as she kissed him back and then sliding down a bit as she pulled away. The sensation was pleasant. She could learn to like this. Mara laughed softly at Jin's assessment of the slip in its various locations.
"Yes, but will it match your floor? That is equally important." She wasn't going to pretend she didn't crave Jin's caresses, wherever they were. Sleeping with him had not cooled her desire for him at all. If anything it had only increased with the acknowledgment of love.

"This is cute," she said, her eyes drawn to the color of one of the garments hanging over the wall. Pulling them all over she hung them up and picked out the one she liked.

She changed into it carefully, not wanting to damage any of the delicate fabrics on either piece. The new one was far more sheer but just as much fun to wear. Turning for Jin once more she raised her eyebrows and flashed him a playful grin.

"I didn't even see things for men," she said. "I'll have to go out and shop. Of course, you should come and make sure you like it too."

Jin couldn't go in and out visibly but his abilities made it very easy for him to move about completely unseen. She could certainly shop with his heard-but-unseen commentary.
Jin 14 years ago
"It will look very nice on my floor, but to be sure we should get several, some for your floor and some for mine." Jin liked this plan. It sounded reasonable and well thought out to him and more lingerie was never a bad thing.

"Yes, it is. Though cute isn't the word of I would have chosen." He smiled at her. "Try it on and we'll see if I can come up with different adjectives."

He watched her change out of the small pink garment and pull the other on. There was something deliciously erotic about watching Mara's hands pull off the lingerie and revealing herself in the small room. It didn't matter that he had seen her naked many times before, this was different. His breath caught slightly and he thought he was going to have to sit on his hands to keep them off her.

When she turned to him,he sighed and grinned.
"Irresistible, gorgeous, and extremely sexy." He leaned forward and lightly touched the pale blue fabric. "I like the cut of this one and all this." Jin reached up and trailed a finger along the edge of the lacy bra portion of the lingerie. "is very feminine and flirty. You look kind of innocent and ravishing all at the same time." The last was uttered in a tone that was almost a soft growl. He gave Mara a hungry look before forcing himself to sit back on the bench. This time he -did- sit on his hands.

Answering her question gave him something more tame to think about.
"Yes, its on the other side of the bottom floor. There is a lot more for the women, obviously, but there's some stuff for men here too. You can tell me what you like."
Mara 14 years ago
Mara swayed toward Jin when he traced the line of lace with his fingertip. This one, and the pink one, would definitely have to leave the store with her. The tone of Jin's voice made her smile; she recognized the growl in it. It generally preceded what was rapidly becoming her favorite activity. She glanced around the small room, ideas forming.

Noticing that Jin had slid his hands beneath him Mara glanced down at them. Leaning down she slid herself between Jin's legs and touched her lips to his.
"I wouldn't mind being ravished," she said, "so long as it's you." The look she gave him was every bit as hungry as the one she received but she straightened and moved away a little bit.

"I like you," she sad with a smile. "In anything."

She pulled the little blue babydoll over her head and reached for something red. It confused her for a moment until she figured it out. Wriggling into it she said over her shoulder to Jin,
"I'll be sure to find you something though. So you can play dress-up too."

Smoothing the new red slip over her front, Mara turned and showed Jin the new one.

"How is this?"

She liked it, herself, for the arrangement of little straps as much as the color.
Jin 14 years ago
Jin leaned forward into her kiss. She moved away again before he was overcome with the temptation to reach out and pull her closer. The look Mara gave him was enough to make his blood pressure rise.

"Mmm, that's good." He said in reply to her liking him in anything. Jin would admit to being mightily distracted by her pulling off the blue baby doll dress. She reached for the red one and he bit his lip harder, tasting blood as the delicate fabric skimmed over her body. Her bronze skin glowed in the warm red of the fabric, enhanced by it. The open sides and all the intricate straps suited his love of beautiful lines. When she turned around, Jin stopped breathing and stared.

Catching himself, he answered in a gruff voice. "Very nice." Jin stood up and reached for her, sliding his hands over the front of the sheer fabric and around to the back. He gently turned her to face away from him. Wrapping his hand around her, Jin pulled her against him. He leaned down next to her ear and murmured hoarsely "I particularly like the back." Jin slid both his hands down the silky fabric over her stomach. His mouth found Mara's neck, and with his lips and tongue, he did his best express his fierce urgent desire for her, to convey what the sight of her being sexy for him did to him.
Mara 14 years ago
Jin's voice was a powerful aphrodisiac. There was nothing more gratifying, Mara realized, than knowing the person you cared to tempt was indeed tempted. She felt sinful and sexy and absolutely delicious and she wasn't afraid to admit it to herself or to Jin. He stood and approached her and she met him halfway, eager to feel his hands on her.

Mara was overwhelmed by the sudden rush of hot desire as Jin pulled her close, pressed against her back, and gently, ruthlessly, teased her neck with the warm wetness of his mouth. She gasped softly, clasping her hands over his before uttering a long, low purr in the back of her throat. She let one hand drift up to caress his face and dive into his hair as she tipped her head away to let him have full access to her neck.

They were of a similar height, Mara being only slightly shorter than Jin, and their bodies matched well together. She arched her back away from him and stood on her toes, shamelessly rubbing her backside against the hard evidence of his desire like a cat in heat, uttering a soft sigh. There was something about Jin in this mood that drove her crazy. She'd seen glimpses of it before but it seemed more evident now. It was that restrained ferocity that he kept on such a tight leash, repressed and controlled as if he himself feared its intensity.

Mara didn't know if that was the case but that was how it projected itself to her and she wondered if Jin worried about frightening her. The time that she would have shied away from him was long past. She trusted him, regardless of whether or not he trusted himself, and she wanted him to be nothing but who he was - in all respects.

Hardly daring to believe where they were and what they were doing Mara continued her sinuous little dance, enjoying the contact, wanting more, wishing they were at home and wondering if they dared to take it further. They were alone in here for the moment; the attendants were outside. Even if anyone came in there was no way to see around or even under the door. As if guided by her subconscious Mara's hand tightened in Jin's soft hair and she encouraged him with a tiny growl of her own.
Jin 14 years ago
She pushed herself against him, sensual and teasing. Jin wondered if Mara knew how much she was provoking him, how hard it was to restrain himself from claiming her here in this booth. Her body rubbing against him in almost nothing was more than he could handle. His response was part plea, part warning growl.


If she didn't want this to go much further then they needed to stop. Her noises were encouraging, and having made his small inquiry, Jin relented to his desire. One hand still wrapped around her waist, holding her close, he slid the other lower, slipping his fingers beneath the tiny red panties. Jin sighed softly in satisfaction as his palm pressed against her. He curled his fingers, sliding them inside her cleft and feeling the warm wet evidence of her arousal. Jin teased her, rubbing light and steady. He continued at a much more passionate pace on her neck, biting, kissing and tasting with a feverish intensity.

Not wanting to stop touching her, he used his other hand to push the little thong further down, granting his hand more freedom to move. Holding her close once more, Jin thrust with his hips, returning her teasing rub, reveling in the feeling of her against him, only the fabric of his pants between them. Most of him demanded more, but for now he enjoyed the texture and the feel of Mara's warmth through the material. It was a heady mixture of sensation and Jin knew that need would overcome him all too soon.
Mara 14 years ago
Jin's voice in her ear had Mara smiling. She closed her eyes as he trapped her against him; in this position she couldn't see him and that would have made her nervous except for the fact that she had, by now, memorized everything that made him Jin. His scent, his sounds, the feel of his gentle hands. Images that once were thrust to the fore of her memory had faded and now, regardless of where they were, all she sensed was her beloved tiger.

His hand traveled down and she flushed as he must have immediately discovered how ready she was. Mara would have felt ashamed if not for the fact that she knew this response in her was triggered by Jin and not by just anyone. She pressed herself against his hand, shivering as he stroked, having a hard time believing he could do this to her any time, any place.

His mouth on her neck was quickly making her lose her sense of restraint; what little she had left anyway. She kept one hand clamped over the one of his that held her close. The hand that had been in his hair she abruptly released. Abandoning reason and propriety completely Mara dropped that hand to the waist of Jin's pants and tugged, hard, not caring about anything at that moment but that he unleash the ferocity inside and love her. Right there. Right then.
Jin 14 years ago
Jin paused the briefest of moments to look down at the hand reaching back to tug urgently on his pants. His eyebrows rose and a slow smile spread across his face. This was the same woman who mere weeks ago was so uncertain. Her insistent fingers proved otherwise now. Her assertive self confidence was incredibly sexy. Jin decided that he must remember to tell her that later.

He reluctantly paused his teasing, still wanting to hold her close with his other arm. Jin fumbled quickly with the buttons on his pants until they came undone. Once loosened, he awkwardly pushed them and the boxers down one handed over his hips until they dropped the rest of the way to his ankles.

Sighing both in relief and pleasure, Jin pressed himself against Mara, his erection caught between them, this time flesh on flesh, the feel of her velvet soft skin against him was breathtakingly incredible. Guiding himself with his hand, he slid the tip against her opening and then holding her tight, he thrust himself deeply inside her. Jin moaned softly against her neck, muffling the much louder sound he'd normally make.

Reaching down, he placed Mara's free hand against the side of the booth for support. His voice was a gravely whisper when he warned her.

"I think you better hold on."
Mara 14 years ago
Mara could have wept with relief when Jin's hand fell away and she felt the last barrier of clothing between them drop. His hard length pressed against her, a totally new sensation from this angle, and she remembered at the last moment not to scream in ecstasy as he drove into her in one deep delicious motion. She continued to arch her back, moving against him as best she could.

The vibration of his muffled moan against her neck shook her to her core and she turned her head briefly, seeking Jin's mouth for a moment. It was not a position they could hold for long but she needed that taste, however short.

At his words, in that deliciously husky, sexy voice, Mara obligingly rested her hand up against the wall of the room. The entire time she was unable to stop moving, just a little, in a conscious imitation of the shameless rubbing she'd done earlier. She wanted to respond to him in words but there was nothing to say. If she opened her mouth all she was going to do is beg him to do exactly what he as about to; she might as well save her breath since she didn't think she could formulate the words properly right now for anything. Instead she clutched Jin's hand tightly, the one that still held her, and glanced back at him through her pale eyes, anticipation curling her lips up.
Jin 14 years ago
When Mara turned Jin found her lips eagerly, equally hungry to have that intimate contact and sign of affection if only for a brief moment. His kiss was fierce and passionate, filled with his urgent need for every part of her.

Her rocking movements were easily driving him insane. Jin reached his hand back down beneath the red fabric teddy once more. Finding that small bead of pleasure, he resumed his stroking, matching the beat of his measured but insistent thrusts.

There was something heady about knowing that they only had a small amount of time before someone came to look for them. It was equally erotic to know that they could be walked in on at any time. Jin was good at not being seen and so to be so easily spotted went against his nature. He felt exposed and vulnerable but somehow that was wickedly arousing.
Mara 14 years ago
Mara thought she might die all over again. The combined sensation of Jin's steady, powerful thrusts and his fingertips against her sensitive flesh had her gasping. The hand that braced her against the wall flexed and clawed, polished fingernails scratching the pink paint that decorated the dressing room.

She bucked against Jin as they set a frantic, fevered pace, driven by the knowledge that they were sure to be disrupted very soon. Mara could already feel that rising tension within though, the coiling heat that heralded the delicious release they both sought so eagerly. Most of all, however, she loved the feel of Jin's body, hard muscles flexing and releasing as he steered them both at a near uncontrollable pace towards it.

Mara, having discovered that she was not very silent when Jin was doing such things to her, bit into her lip to keep from crying out at the twin sensations of delight he was creating within her. Blood flowed sluggishly over her lips from the two little punctures she had made herself but she didn't want Jin to stop. She was so close, right at the edge, breathless with the depth of desire he inspired.

Turning her head just a little she whispered,

Just that much harder, that much faster... She writhed beneath him, searching for an angle that would enable her to take him in deeper, if such a thing were possible. She was wildly, absolutely gloriously, uninhibited at the moment. Her trust in Jin was absolute - he had never made her feel trapped. Only free. Briefly, however, she spared a thought for the glimmer of hope that he wasn't disappointed to have seen her move from terminally shy to horrifyingly wanton.