One, Two, Three Little Boxes (Attn: Alexander)
She'd been working for Alexander for a while now, a month or so, and had been actually enjoying herself. It was nice to know he was right upstairs so she never felt totally alone and didn't worry about things getting out of hand. Marie was even doing better dealing with the male customers, although she didn't ever respond to their flirting no matter how mild.
Tonight she'd happily agreed to come in and help with some inventory. She didn't really need the money, she honestly wanted to help Alexander out. He was very nice, she didn't even mind being alone with him. Just finishing up a count of carbines Marie heard Alexander coming down stairs, from the sounds of it with his boyfriend.
She did her best to keep her eyes down and pretend not to notice but she was a little curious, she always was when seeing them together, which wasn't often. She knew Eiryk was upstairs with Alexander most days but Marie never ever saw him. She was starting to wonder about him, but never said anything and even tonight just kept working. Objectively Marie could say both were good looking men, and those were the kind that were hardest to trust. But they were totally into each other and that let her relax a little bit, even around Eiryk.
Without really watching she saw Eiryk kiss Alexander and leave.
"So what's it like, Marie? Ysabel seems nice. I've never known a familiar before."
It hadn't been hard to guess at a connection between Marie and Ysabel. They had seemed very close when he'd seen then together, both times. Clearly there was some sort of connection.
"Have you two been together very long?"
She frowned, thinking and finally decided that she might as well tell Alexander the truth.
"She... She is very nice and she keeps me safe.
After my parents died, my uncle... he got... friendly. I ran away, it took me a year to get here. I was trying to get some money, enough to get something to eat and this guy..."
Marie frowned and nervously nibbled her taco trying to stay calm. She didn't like to remember that day. Except for Ysabel it was a very bad day.
"He, he bit me. I think he would have killed me... but Ysabel she saved me. She and Ambrose. And then she gave me a place to live. So... I've lived with her since there... three years? Maybe four?"
She told the whole story in a halting apologetic tone. She'd never told -anyone- that story before and was a little nervous, embarrassed. She didn't know how it would be received. The point was she basically worshiped Ysabel.
Knowing he'd not explained what a familiar was Eiryk heard the question different from what Marie heard. But what he did hear horrified him. Poor kid, no wonder Ysabel took her in. Marie needed some one to watch over here.
"Well I'm glad she did take you in."
He watched Alex carefully for his reaction. This was a very different side of the vampire/human story. It would do Alex good to hear it.
"Ysabel sounds like a good person," he said, agreeing with Eiryk. "I always thought vampires were evil. I guess you and I know a couple who aren't."
He smiled at Marie. He didn't know what Ysabel did in her spare time but he didn't think it could be termed evil if she had the heart to rescue and look after a teenage girl she didn't know.
Marie said with quiet enthusiasm and utter sincerity. Ysabel was sort of her hero, she wanted to grow up to be just like her vampire, even if it did take six hundred years. Well maybe not just like, but at least some one Ysabel could be proud of.
She suddenly remembered the food and started in on her meal again. As she ate she sized up Eiryk and tried to decide if he was evil or not. It didn't take long to decide he wasn't evil. Given what she'd seen of him with Alexander it was even easy to conclude he was good. So she nodded at Alex.
"Vampires are just like people not all of them are any one way. But I think you might be right."
Although, she couldn't really look at Eiryk as she said it. In fact she had a hard time looking at Alexander. It was as close to a compliment as she was likely to give Eiryk.
He lightly squeezed Alex when he said they'd found some good ones. Eiryk liked to thing he was good and he had been found.
It was very decent of Ysabel to basically raise a teenager. It was a little odd for some one as young as Marie to be taken as a familiar. There would be a lot that she couldn't do at first. Perhaps Ysabel had taken the girl in strictly to take care of her. Rather surprising for an Anatya, at least to Eiryk's mind it was.
"She's right, you know. I saw it on a bumper sticker so it must be true."
Eiryk teased both of the, but perhaps Alex just a little more.
"So... you've met a lot of them, then?"
It sounded like Marie had a lot of experience with vampires in general; Ysabel and Ambrose in particular. Alexander wondered f he could use her as an informant. Eiryk had clearly left some details out.
Eiryk's quip earned him another mouth full of spinach and cheese enchilada. "If that's how you judge," he said with a grin, "I have a bridge you should look at."
Marie's job was basically not to be in the way and help where she could. She also had a sneaking suspicion that Ysabel would keep her safe or at least away from any vampire that might disapprove. And even if she didn't, it wasn't like Ysabel introduced her to everyone in the clan.
"It doesn't take too many to realize that." She giggled a little bit. " Meeting Ambrose should convince anyone vampires are people too."
Her vampire's one legged boyfriend had more quirks and surliness than must humans she knew and Marie suspected he'd always been that way. Of course he had been fairly well behaved the only time he'd meet Alexander so it might be hard to tell.
She stifled a further giggle as Alexander teased Eiryk and shoved more food in his mouth to keep him quiet. No, now that she had a chance to spend time with them both it was fairly clear that Alexander was not Eiryk's familiar.
"I already own that bridge. Bought it years ago. I have a deed and everything."
Eiryk muttered around a mouth full of food. He thought it would be best to stay out of this conversation as much as possible. But he didn't want Marie to do all the work, and he had a feeling she'd still be pretty protective of Ysabel, in his experience most familiars were protective of their vampires. By default that feeling would probably extend to Ambrose.
He had noticed, however, that Alex still hadn't asked exactly what a familiar was.
He was going to grill Eiryk when they were done here... in a non-blistering sort of way of course. He was obviously not fully informed.
"I thought Ambrose was a gentleman," he said. "Quiet, maybe, but he sure seems to love you and Ysabel."
He glanced at Eiryk and shook his head at his boyfriend, not entirely sure that Eiryk hadn't bought a few bridges in his lifetime, probably just for shits.
Trying to act as if he understood Marie's point of view he said, "So how do you like being a familiar?"
That was the truth. Some days Marie didn't understand how Ysabel put up with him. In fact, sometimes he scared her. But since Ysabel loved him, so did she as well. She might have without Ysabel, he could be scary but was always nice to her, even protective. He was on her list of safe men.
"It is good, at least for me it is. I like helping Ysabel a lot. And I've learned a lot."
She remembered begging for a job from Ysabel and still thought that night was probably one of the luckiest of her life.
"I think she is probably too good to me really."
Marie didn't have too many illusions on that point. She did everything she could for Ysabel but it wasn't that much really. Ysabel had given her a great deal in return, a place to live, and education, a family, a horse and hope. No, Ysabel was way too good to her.
Hmmmm... OK so maybe he should have forced some more knowledge on Alex rather than waiting for questions. And of course Alex didn't know what to ask so how could he ask anything? OK he was going to have to fix this.
Ysabel had struck him as a good person so he wasn't surprised that Marie was a happy familiar. He felt a bit bad for Alex, Marie was unintentionally providing him with little bits of information but no details.
Then Marie mentioned helping Ysabel. Alexander looked at Eiryk sharply. Was he missing out on an opportunity here? Did Eiryk not want his help? What was it about being a familiar that gave Marie such satisfaction? This was not fair. If Alex had his way Eiryk would need no one but him. Eiryk, however, refused to drink from him often. Did he not like him?
It was going to kill him until he figured it out.
Finishing all the food he wanted then he joined Marie on the floor and continued his inventorying, somewhat deep in thought. hanging the subject a little he asked Marie, "So what happens to you after college?"
What he really wanted to ask her was what Ysabel was going to do with her. Did she stay a familiar forever? Did she die? It was so vague.
Out of the corner of her eye she should see Eiryk finally having a little something to eat himself and cleaning up as well. It was sweet. They were a cute couple.
Alexander's question made her blink and she looked up from her count debating how much to tell him. But she'd already said so much, what was a little more more.
"Well... I haven't decided on a career or anything. But..." She swallowed worrying what Alexander, and even Eiryk would say to the next bit, "I've asked Ysabel if she would turn me."
Did that make her a freak? That she wanted to be a vampire?
Everything cleared away, his eyebrows shot half way up his head at that little bit of news. Not something he would have expected from so young a woman. But in some ways it made sense, after all Ysabel physically looked about the age Marie was now.
"That is a big decision."
Eiryk said non-judgmentally. It wasn't a bad decision or a wrong one, it was just rather permanent.
He didn't respond immediately; instead he let Eiryk field that one until he figured out how he should react. Alexander was surprised to hear that Marie desired what Ysabel and Eiryk had, but different strokes for different folks. He wasn't sure he would ever be able to make that decision but it hadn't come up.
Alex glanced at Eiryk. Should it have come up? Was making a vampire such an easy thing?
Instead she just nodded to Eiryk.
"I know. That is what Ysabel said too, but it is what I want. When I'm ready."
Ysabel was right about that, she shouldn't do it too soon. And it could make life difficult. It made sense to see as much as she could while human.
"Not until after college at the earliest."
She was dying to know why Eiryk was a vampire, but she'd never had the courage to ask Ambrose so how could she ask Eiryk. Although, the odds were Eiryk would tell her he seemed rather nice and very open.
"Good, I'm glad you're both taking it slow and thinking about it."
Ysabel had struck him as rather thoughtful and considerate. It was nice to see her extend that to her familiar. Slightly surprising too given her clan, but there were good ones who saw some value in humans in Anataya.
He smiled brightly at Marie though.
"Well at least you have one life goal sorted out. Now you just have to get a career worked out. Eternity is damned dull if you don't have a passion."
Marie blushed prettily but she nodded in agreement. Good, she was bright, and with the support network she had she should be fine.
"You seem so calm about it," he said to Marie, meaning it as a compliment. "It's got to be nice to know what exactly what you want to do." He nodded at Eiryk, acknowledging his boyfriend's words. "At least in one aspect of life."
He considered for a moment. "If you're going to live forever though, at least career wise all you have to do is figure out what you want to learn first."
Alex shrugged. "It's not like you have to stop at one profession."
She confided in Alexander trying to encourage him, reassure him and stress that she was normal.
"I was afraid she'd say no, or think I was strange."
Much like she was afraid Alexander would think. But so far he seemed to be taking it in stride, if not warming up to the idea.
"That is part of the reason. There is just too much to learn and do to manage in one life time. I just don't even know where to start."
Her enthusiasm was obvious. Marie was tempted to ask Alexander if he'd ever thought about it, but she wasn't quite bold enough to say that. Of course, she hadn't started out wanting to be a vampire either, so maybe Alexander hadn't made that decision.