Piper sigs
Red of The Pipers by *Rozbeans on deviantART
Ellis Duban
12 years ago
Pipers are bred big, much to Cait's surprise. I went a lot deeper into piper heritage with the books. It was a lot of fun to do.
Amberelle DeEspionne
12 years ago
Books...? I know, I've only been lurking around here again for a little while so I am woefully ignorant. You wrote books?? Where plz? =)
Caitlinn Conrad
12 years ago
I haven't put them up yet for sale, they're still in the final editing stages. =)
Amberelle DeEspionne
12 years ago
*gets out the motivational whips, cattle prods and treats*
Going to be selling them yourself online?
Going to be selling them yourself online?
Ellis Duban
12 years ago
Yeh, who'll publish me anyway? Lol. Prints too hard to try for.
12 years ago
I like the freckles and the eyes. Bravo!