Piper sigs

Red of The Pipers by *Rozbeans on deviantART

Ellis Duban 12 years ago
Pipers are bred big, much to Cait's surprise. I went a lot deeper into piper heritage with the books. It was a lot of fun to do.
Amberelle DeEspionne 12 years ago
Books...? I know, I've only been lurking around here again for a little while so I am woefully ignorant. You wrote books?? Where plz? =)
Caitlinn Conrad 12 years ago
I haven't put them up yet for sale, they're still in the final editing stages. =)
Amberelle DeEspionne 12 years ago
*gets out the motivational whips, cattle prods and treats*

Going to be selling them yourself online?
Ellis Duban 12 years ago
Yeh, who'll publish me anyway? Lol. Prints too hard to try for.
Guillaume 12 years ago
I like the freckles and the eyes. Bravo!