Piper sigs
Red of The Pipers by *Rozbeans on deviantART
13 years ago
so <3 the tat's!
Reese E Deardon
13 years ago
13 years ago
Very nice!
Brig Jameson
13 years ago
13 years ago
I like it. Even on my phone you get a good sense of motion. And it is also a very good thing JT wasn't chasing a guy...
13 years ago
LOL, I love the small bit of story that went with it. Shame on JT! Though honestly he's hot as all hell so I don't see what she's complaining about.
Ellis Duban
13 years ago
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The Runner, the Traitor, the Nerd, and the One. by *Rozbeans on deviantART
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
The Runner, the Traitor, the Nerd, and the One. by *Rozbeans on deviantART
Rowan Murphy
13 years ago
Lovely as always!
Such a cute nerd.
Such a cute nerd.
13 years ago
We are quite fond of the nerd... but everyone looks really good. Beautiful, her expression is particularly nice.
Ellis Duban
13 years ago
Rowan Murphy
13 years ago
Ooooh. Pretty!
13 years ago
There is nothing wrong with a little cheese now and then. It is very pretty! Mind Charlie is breaking my heart hooking up with her but... it is lovely!
Ellis Duban
13 years ago
Charlie's gotta have someone! Plus their story goes way WAY beyond what happens in the now. =) If you've been paying attention (seriously close attention so I don't blame you for not noticing) to the TAC art events, Cait is part the scifi events that happen in the GASHER stuff.
13 years ago
See now I've gotta go back and look...
Caitlinn Conrad
12 years ago
12 years ago
Very pretty! I might understand why Viv would be a touch intimidated/worried.
Caitlinn Conrad
12 years ago
Vincent is a sweet pea. Still not sure about Louisa - you raise 4 boys and see how that turns you out lol. Shayle - not sure yet if he's evil or just blindly righteous.
12 years ago
LOL well if you ask my mother who had two boys and two girls... ummm... tired. And at least you've kept your options open with Shayle and he's pretty in the mean time.
Ellis Duban
12 years ago
Ellis Duban
12 years ago
I converted some of the guys over from M4 to Genesis off of Daz, which allowed me to scale JT way bigger without distorting his clothes or having to fuck with refitting it. Charlie's still M4, but I'm working on converting him. Came out kind of cool.