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All Work and No Play

Rowan hadn't expected to have many nights off; being the doctor with the least seniority and having the credentials to work in multiple areas of the clinic aside from Pediatrics, he was certainly getting milked for all he was worth. It wasn't that his job was bad. This was just the way it went.

Off of work, finally, a bit before dawn, Rowan had opted to explore Nachton's much talked-about strip before returning to Liefde. While free time wasn't horribly abundant for him he did have a few hobbies he liked to keep up with. On his list was a decent calligraphy set. As he wandered along the strip, however, taking in the night life and the various shops, his eyes were attracted to the sign for a music store.

Rowan enjoyed music. He sang reasonably well but he also played the whistle and the flute, both easy enough to travel with. He owned a variety of both, chosen for various keys and timbres. Most of his flutes were simpler ones, but he did own a classical concert flute.

Intrigued, he entered the music store and lost himself for a few minutes in various music books, smiling and waving off the seller's offer of help. He was happily browsing, that was all. Maybe he'd find something new to play.

Akahana Yoshida 13 years ago
Akahana smiled at Rowan and bowed. "That would be wonderful. Perhaps I can write some music for you in exchange." There was some pieces written and played inside the walls of the karyūkai that she might show him.

She laughed and nodded. "Well I suppose every salesperson has a quota to keep."

Turning to the manager, Akahana smiled. "Good evening. George and I here think you have a lovely store." She glanced sidelong at Rowan a moment before turning her attention back to the man in front of her.

"Thank you. I just wanted to ask you a question. If you have a minute."

A question? That wasn't what she expected. Akahana raised her eyebrows and nodded.

"Would you be willing to come back and give small concerts." He gestured quickly. "Not often. Just demonstrations. We've been doing fairly well with our traditional instruments from other parts of the world but we have not found a skilled koto player." He gestured back to the instrument. "Its intimidating and without hearing it played I have been having a hard time selling it. Its beautiful and it would be a shame not to carry them anymore."

Akahana repressed a laugh, and bowed slightly. "I would be honored. Perhaps you have someone here who would be interested in learning a few songs? You would then have someone capable of demonstrating it on a more regular basis."

The manager smiled and returned her bow. "I would love to learn...if you are willing to teach me." He blushed and looked down at his feet.

"I think that can be arranged." Teaching was something she did very well.

Turning back to Rowan, she smiled. Taking a free flyer off the counter, Akahana wrote down her number and handed it to him.

Beth (Now called Hana)
555- 739-4357

She hugged him and smiled. "It was good to see you again, George. We'll have to catch up now that we're back in the same town."

((OOC: Out pending George's response. ))
Rowan Murphy 13 years ago
"That sounds like an excellent trade," Rowan said. He didn't know if Hana would know similar or different pieces than him but he was always willing to pick the brain of anyone who was a fellow musician, even if just to get some variances in melodies that he hadn't yet tried.

Rowan stifled his amused laughter as the manager caught up with Hana, not to try to sell her a kodo, but to prevail upon her to help him sell a kodo. However, he couldn't say that all their acting had been for naught, because Hana seemed like a fun person to know.

She kindly agreed to help the manager out, suggesting lessons, which Rowan thought was generous of her. Then she wrote down her number for him. He chuckled at the name upon it. Tearing it in half and keeping the section with her information he jotted down in his very un-doctorish, meticulously neat hand, his own number, labeled "Rowan (the doctor formerly known as George)."

As the conversation ended Rowan held the door for Hana. They said their farewells and headed off to their own destinations, Rowan back to his own apartment to unpack a box or two, locate his music stand, and play around on his new toy.

((ooc: Rowan also out!))