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Hey Chica

Marie left the Qwerty, her back pack slung over one shoulder and an iced coffee in the other. She and three other girls in her World History class had meet there to work on a project. Ysabel had been a very helpful and a great resource. The trouble was Marie could hardly cite a primary source that was still living in her bibliography. But she had given her some very good ideas on who and what to research. It had made their study session very productive and had impressed the other girls.

As she walked to the bus stop she heard a voice call after her.

"Hey! Marie, wait up!"

It was Jesus. He'd been in a number of her classes in high school and they had some classes in common now. He had always been very nice and respectful. At first she'd rather liked him, just as a friend, because he both kept his distance and because he was from the southwest and they had a common frame of reference. But lately he'd gotten rather forward, bordering on aggressive.

She bit her lip and wished she'd taken Rica up on her offer of a ride home instead of insisting on working on something for another class and taking the bus home. Still, she slowed up just a little it would have been rude to ignore him.

"Hi Jesus."

"What are you doing here?"

"Working on that paper for class."

He laughed and grinned. It was a charming smile she had to admit that but she could see something else in it, something sly something she didn't like and shied away from it a bit. He frowned slightly before responding.

"Always school with you. Why don't you come to the movies with me today?"

"No thank you. I've got work for Chemistry I need to do yet."

Suddenly Jesus' manner changed it was as if all the times she'd polity turned him down finally made him snap.

"What? You think you're too good for me? You live up there on the hill with your rich guardians and you think you can do better?"

He sneered the word 'guardians' implying that the relationship wasn't what it seemed, making it sound dirty. Marie forced herself to remain calm, she'd learned that she had to stay calm when anyone else got aggressive then she stayed in control and could get out of the situation. Taking a step back she shook her head.

"No, that's not it. I just have work to do. That's all. Now my bus will be her in a minute so..."

But he didn't take the hint, he didn't leave and for all the open street, Marie really didn't have a place to run to. Nor did she think Ysabel would want her to run. It was, however, a Sunday afternoon and far too early in the day to hope her vampire might come to the rescue, besides she had to learn how to handle this herself. But as Jesus started in on another jibe Marie really wished she could learn how to deal with this another day and not alone.

Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex was heading home from his store. He was closed on Sundays but he'd had some paperwork to do, leftover insurance stuff from the water main break a few months ago. He still hadn't seen all the money he was entitled to and it caused him some concern but he was trying to be optimistic and not get down about it.

He'd left Eiryk sleeping like the dead, as usual, combining this trip out with a few errands to run. Alex had slept in this morning, and therefore he hadn't left their new shared apartment at Liefde until nearly noon. Now it was getting on toward evening and he was in a hurry to get back to Eiryk, who would be waking up as the sun went down.

As he hurried down a side street he heard a familiar voice. Backtracking, turning around, and heading to the corner, he looked and saw Marie faced with a taller man who was definitely in her personal space. He popped his head around the corner in time to hear the guy go on some rant about Marie being high and mighty or something.

Alex hesitated for a fraction of a second, worried that his involvement might only cause Marie trouble in the long run, but there wasn't really any question of his stepping in or not. He wasn't going to leave Marie to deal with this asshat by herself.

Alex came around the corner and walked confidently up to Marie, standing next to her, slightly in front of her, invading Asshat's personal space in return.

"What she's too polite to say is, she has taste, class, and can definitely do better than you. Get lost. She isn't interested."

Looking down at Marie, Alex smiled.
"Hi, Marie. How'd the paper-writing go?"

He was ready for it if Jackass decided to take a swing at him or something, but Alex didn't think it would happen here in the middle of the street.
Marie 13 years ago
If it had been any other male voice Marie would have given up trying to be brave and bolted. But Alex was on a very short list of men she trusted. She looked at her employer with gratitude plain in her expression. Without really meaning too she half stepped behind him. Not really hiding, but no longer bothering with as much of the brave front.

Deciding it was best not to say anything to Jesus at that point she smiled back up at Alex and answered, her voice subdued and still keeping half a wary eye on Jesus. She didn't know how he would react at this point.

"We got a lot done. I just need to do a little rewriting and clarify our thesis and Jane is going to polish the bibliography and we should be done."

Maybe she shouldn't have ignored Jesus because he got a little louder and stalked toward Alex. It was very much an adolescent alpha male wanna be move.

"Just who are you? Her protector? Another 'guardian'? This is between Marie so if you'll excuse us?"

Jesus reached out to take Marie's arm and remove her from both the bus stop and Alex's protection. She twisted away from him and backed out of arm's reach. He stepped forward oblivious to the fact that he'd have to brush by Alex.

"He's a friend Jesus. Just let it be. I'll see you in class."

But never alone again. Not if she could help it. He'd never quite made it on to the list of trustworthy men but he would never be on it now.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
The look on Marie's face told him that making his presence known had been the right thing to do, for Marie's sake, but Alex still made a note to check up on Marie. This guy could be a bother to her at school, on the street, any number of places. And it was immediately clear that he didn't like the interruption, which made Alex like him even less in return.

He looked on in surprise at the kid's audacity as he actually reached out past Alex to try and grab for Marie. Alex wasn't exactly a lightweight. He was built on a slender frame but he was clearly in good shape and, moreover, he would bet he had at least thirty or forty pounds on the shorter man.

As Marie pulled away Alex raised his arm, blocking whatever tentative hold Jesus might have gotten. The kid stepped forward and Alex did too. Then he shook his head.

He turned away, slinging his arm lightly over Marie's shoulders and propelling her along with him.
"Come on, I'll walk you home."

He didn't look back at the kid although he did listen for any suggestion that he might get brave and try to throw a punch or follow them. Alex wasn't worried. He'd subdued his fair share of violent drunks in his day. One horny little punk with an attitude didn't intimidate him.
Marie 13 years ago
A man's sexuality didn't automatically put him on the safe list. Marie had known other gay or bisexual men and had still be a little afraid of them. Alex though, she felt safe with him and didn't object or freak out when he put his arm around her shoulders. She let him direct her and was happy enough to use him as a shield between she and Jesus. She didn't even point out that they were going the wrong way. They were going away from Jesus and that is all she cared about.

"Fine chica. I'll see you on Tuesday then study hard if that's all you're worried about."

Marie glanced over her should to see Jesus turning and leaving. He was apparently not taking this well. But she hopped that by Tuesday, the next class had in common, he would have cooled down.

She breathed a noticeable and even semi dramatic sigh of relief and looked up at Alex like he was knight in shining armor.

"Thank you so much. I really didn't want to run away but I was thinking about it."
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex continued to steer Marie away from her would-be swain. When they had rounded another corner he looked down at her. "Why not? Sometimes the smartest thing you can do is run away."

He peered behind them as if he could see around the corner and make sure the guy was gone.
"Do you actually have to see him on Tuesday? Is he likely to give you trouble at school?"

Alex was not opposed to meeting Marie on campus and escorting her home. He knew most of her classes were in the evening though so it was very likely that she could arrange for... other methods of protection.

"Don't get stuck alone with him anywhere," Alex advised. "I don't like to think I might have made the situation worse, but well, I might have made the situation worse." He shook his head at himself. "I couldn't stand there and listen to him keep giving you a hard time though."

He dropped his arm from Marie's shoulders and they continued to walk, making a wide circuit that would eventually sweep back around to another bus stop that would land them much closer to where Marie lived. Alex fully intended to go with Marie. He wasn't letting her travel home alone after that.
Marie 13 years ago
"I didn't want him to know I was scared."

She didn't want any man to have that kind of power over her. She'd let that happen once and she'd run only stopping when she'd reached the other coast and had run out of country. Besides, she didn't think she'd make a good vampire if she always ran away. Not that she thought being turned would make her dangerous and strong or even less afraid of men but...

Marie nodded quietly looking at the ground.

"We have Freshman Lit and Math together on Tuesday and Thursday."

Two classes and he usually made an excuse to walk her to the bus stop or to wait until Ysabel or Ambrose picked her up.

"I... don't know. He never has before. He's always been nice."

It was unsettling to have no idea what to expect from Jesus now. She'd always had a decent feel for him and understood what he was likely to do but the game had just changed.

"No. No thank you... I... I... really appreciate it. I'll be careful around him, more careful from now on."

Alex really was sweet, cute too. Marie suspected half his female students had a crush on him, maybe some of the guys too. Funny, she didn't maybe something was wrong with her. Of course she did really like him.

Finally she noticed that he was still walking with her. Well that was very polite of him and she certainly appreciated being escorted to the next bus stop.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex regarded Marie solemnly. "I wish you didn't have to be."

He didn't know why Jesus had scared Marie, but he knew there was some sort of mistrust there. She had taken a while to really warm up to him at work, but he felt like they were becoming friends. He liked Marie; for all the difference in their ages she was pretty down to earth and mature for her age. Of course, Alex did tend to get along better with women than men right off the bat.

He listened to her speak, nodding his head. It sounded like she was at least aware of the risks of knowing this guy, and he didn't want to scare her with his concerns. He was probably just being overprotective. Alex resolved to talk to Ysabel at least; he had seen her once or twice since meeting her and she was always sweet and polite. She clearly cared deeply for Marie. She'd want to know about this.

They reached the bus stop and Alex waited with her, of course. He leaned against the side of the covered bench, looking up and down the road.

"So. Any idea what your major is going to be yet?"
Marie 13 years ago
"I am trying."

She said quietly. And she was, she was getting better. While Marie didn't seek men out she could manage to be polite if not cordial to new people she met, even men. She didn't shy away from casual touches, unless she was surprised. And she wasn't quite as stand offish as she had been when Ysabel enrolled her in high school here.

Marie considered explaining, or at least hinting at why she was so nervous around strange or aggressive guys to Alex. But she couldn't, not just yet. Someday though.

She sat down on the bench, neatly, polity, just as her vampire had taught her. And relaxed a little when her boss changed the subject.

"This semester it is Art History." She smiled in a self effacing manner knowing perfectly well she would probably change it again. "I'm thinking about minoring in Italian. Or maybe French... I was thinking maybe Spanish but that seems like cheating."
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex let the subject change, having been the one to drive it in the first place. He didn't want Marie to be uncomfortable with him, too, which she would no doubt be if he continued to harp on the matter. He smiled at her current major; it changed frequently. She often told him about it at work.

"Spanish does seem a little like cheating," he said with a laugh, "but on the other hand, is it really cheating if you enjoy it and do it well? It's not your fault you were raised to be bilingual. And if you can use your abilities to help others communicate where's the harm?"

He had spoken to her in Greek before and the two of them had quickly determined that there were nowhere near enough similarities between the two languages to have a conversation in them. He didn't think he'd feel like he was cheating if he went back to school and got a degree in Greek History or something.

As he waited for her to answer the bus rolled up to the stop. Alex, glad they hadn't had to wait too long, let Marie proceed him onto it and then hopped up the steps behind her, paying his fare.
Marie 13 years ago
"Maybe Spanish Lit or Mexican American studies would count."

She said thoughtfully as she blushed just a little. Oh that was an idea she could teach English as a second language. Although that seemed more like a hobby than a vocation. Still she had enjoyed studding languages with Ysabel.

With a smile and thanks Marie hopped on the bus and swiped her student pass. By the time she noticed Alex following her the bus had started moving again.

"Oh... no. I mean.. but thank you. I could have gotten home on my own."

Now she felt a little bad. Certainly Alex hadn't anticipated escorting her all the way home. It had to be out of his way. Well she'd ask him in for a drink or something. As she was the only one in the house who ate regularly the kitchen was more or less Marie's domain.

She found an open bench and sat down next to the window leaving the aisle for Alex.

"How do you like the Towers?"

At first Marie had been a little leery of opening up that store without Alex upstairs but she had quickly gotten used to it. Mostly because she thought it was sweet he and Eiryk had moved in together. Some times she wondered how Eiryk felt about dating a human, but they seemed happy together so she didn't question it. Besides she didn't know him well enough to ask.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alexander smiled at Marie and took a seat on the bench close to hers but not right next to her. He stretched out his legs and crossed his arms, waving away her thanks. In his opinion any decent person would have accompanied Marie home after what they'd heard. Clearly Jesus knew where Marie lived.

He raised his eyebrows at her question.
"Liefde? It's nice," he said. "I'll be honest, it's a little out of my league, it's so posh. But it's comfortable and, of course, Eiryk is there."

He sighed happily. He hadn't regretted moving in with Eiryk. It was so nice, having their things together, sharing a closet, sharing a dresser. Those were little things that couldn't be taken for granted. It helped, too, that they were both so OCD about being neat and tidy. They lived easily together.

"I thought I'd miss my apartment a little... and maybe I do. A little. Mostly though it's so nice to live together."

He shrugged his shoulders. Alexander readily admitted that the big appeal for him was living with Eiryk. They have made a cardboard box into a home... provided Eiryk could decorate it.
Marie 13 years ago
Marie always appreciated that Alex didn't invade her personal space any more than was necessary. He never made a big deal of it either it just happened.

Apparently she'd caught him a little off guard with her slightly forward question. Well more forward than she often was and Marie looked away for a second. But when Alex seemed to relax a bit so did she, he looked happy but of course he was also in love. It made her smile.

She also couldn't help but giggle a bit. Her home had been adequate, comfortable even if a little crowded and out dated and then she'd lived on the streets for some time and now she lived... well as Alex said, posh.

"There is nothing wrong with going up a little bit in the world as long as you're in love."

Marie was in love too, not the same way Alex was in love with Eiryk but still in love.

"I've never been in them, the do seem pretty high class though."

She did like Eiryk though. She was still a little cautious around him but only a little bit. While Marie was certain there were bad vampires, mostly she trusted Alex's opinion.

"I sort of miss having you upstairs but I think it is good for you both, I'm happy for you. Besides, I think you manage posh better than you think you do."

Perhaps she'd check with Ysabel. Maybe a house warming present was warranted. Marie would like to pick something out for her boss. Nothing too personal of course and nothing that would clash with Eiryk's decorating.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex shrugged. "No, you're right, there's nothing wrong with it at all. It feels odd but really, when Eiryk is there it's home no matter where we are."

Alexander really believed that. He had very few close friends although that number had increased since arriving in Nachton, and he had never had a really serious relationship before Eiryk. Now that he had a boyfriend he loved, he could better understand the phrase 'home is where the heart is.'

He smiled at Marie's laughter; he assumed it was because he was talking like a lovesick idiot. He couldn't argue. He felt like a lovesick idiot where Eiryk was involved. It was okay by him, assuming he was only ever going to feel this way once in his life. He didn't plan on having any other boyfriend.

"Thanks," he said to Marie when she mentioned being happy for him. He felt a little bad about not being right there for Marie anymore but Marie had the number at Liefde and it was only a five minute walk, really. She was completely competent now, and Alex didn't have to worry about her being alone in the store.

He just quietly shook his head about managing the whole posh thing. Eiryk was posh, not Alex. He was okay with that.
Marie 13 years ago
"I'll be he feels the same way."

Granted Marie had never been in a relationship, not like this. But she had lived around Ysabel and Ambrose enough to get the idea. She suspected that if Ysabel needed or wanted to go back to England Ambrose would go, he might grumble and groan but he'd do it and if Ambrose wanted to go back West, Ysabel would manage that too. The odds were good that if Alex had insisted, or even asked, Eiryk would be living upstairs right now.

Maybe some day she'd have that. Marie wasn't willing to bet money on that yet but if Ysabel did agree to turn her then her chances went up. It was going to take more time for her, among other things.

"How did you meet?"

She was curious. As much as she though that Alex could do posh she understood it wasn't natural to him. It didn't seem like Alex and Eiryk would run in the same circles.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
"I like to think he does," Alex said with a grin. In truth, he was certain Eiryk felt the same. Eiryk wasn't one to hide or downplay his emotions. Alexander had never had any reason to feel that Eiryk was less than genuine with him. He was usually pretty insecure but lately, he'd been getting much more confident in Eiryk's return of affection.

Alex laughed at the memory of how he and Eiryk had met when Marie asked.
"We met at Babylon," he said, and continued hastily lest Marie get the wrong idea. "One of my yoga students is a waitress there. I walked her to work since it was dark out. The place looked so cool on the inside I figured I'd walk through it when I left instead of going back out the alley way.

"I literally bumped into Eiryk there. He had a business meeting. I played hard to get for maybe fifteen minutes while I walked him home and then sort of spontaneously agreed to dinner."

Alex left out the part about being kissed, very thoroughly kissed, outside Liefde. It was still one of his most favorite memories and he wasn't quite willing to share it.

"Things were pretty rocky for us until the truth about him came out." Alex grinned again. "I thought he was ducking out of daytime dates because I bored him or something."

He shrugged. Marie would understand. In retrospect it was funny although it hadn't been at the time. But Alexander figured if their relationship could survive that stress, they could handle anything.
Marie 13 years ago
Babylon? Marie was just a little scandalized. That seemed so unlike Alex! Of course he quickly explained it but still. Besides, it was a little fun to be shocked. Just for fun she tried picturing her boss and friend there, she couldn't imagine that he would have been comfortable and then to be hit on besides. She giggled just a little.

Oh that would be rough. Marie hadn't thought of that and wondered if she'd have similar problems if she should ever actually meet some one. It was something to think about. But Alex and Eiryk had over come it so it wasn't an insurmountable obstacle.

"That had to drive you both a little crazy. I guess... well I'm sort of surprised Eiryk waited so long to say something. He seems so open, especially for who he is."

More like what he was but they were on a bus where any one could hear them and she was good and keeping some things under wraps.

The one thing she didn't do was question why Alex would feel that way, no matter how many cover stories Eiryk came up with.
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
"He is open," Alex agreed, "but you know how it is. He has a family to look out for. He wouldn't do or say anything that might endanger them. How could he know how I'd react?"

He smiled at Marie.
"At any rate I'm pretty sure he did plan to tell me soon, it just sort of... came out at a very awkward moment."

Alex shrugged.
"It is what it is. The moment came and went and in the end the only thing that matters is that I love him, and he loves me."

It didn't matter to him anymore, what Eiryk was. The things he'd thought beforehand were worse, in his opinion, than the truth. He'd prefer a vampire to a convicted felon any day. He wasn't sure if that made him odd or not... but then, he'd had plenty of time now to get used to what Eiryk was.
Marie 13 years ago
That was true enough and Marie easily nodded her agreement. It fact she would most likely have thought less of Eiryk if he had exposed Evenhet or even himself easily. Granted Ysabel and Ambrose had told her what she was on their first meeting, but it had been sort of an extraordinary circumstance. They really hadn't had much of a choice.

She cocked her head curiously at Alexander.

"How... did he tell you?"

Marie asked quietly. Alexander was right it didn't matter not since they both loved each other and had gotten through it.

"Have you thought about... you know?"

It still seem slightly unusual to Marie that Alex wasn't a familiar or a vampire. Well... truthfully she understood why he wouldn't be a familiar. With the wrong kind of familiar bond a romantic relationship would be awkward to say the least.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude or nosy, but there aren't too many humans I can talk to about this sort of thing."
Alex Aristos 13 years ago
Alex looked around. There were only a couple of people on the bus with them and they were sitting reasonably far away. The only way for them to hear the soft conversation was if they had superhuman hearing, in which case, it wouldn't kill them to have heard it (ha, ha). Still, he answered in the same vague manner.

"He didn't, exactly," Alex said. "I, uh, opened a window."

He shrugged. Marie could take it from there. Her next question wasn't exactly unexpected. He knew what she saw in her future; she'd told him as much.

Shaking his head Alexander said,
"It's not for me. I don't want that. I like him how he is, but how he is wouldn't suit me at all."

Alex didn't know how to explain that further... how to tell Marie how he felt when he thought about potentially looking down into a vast chasm of eternal life. He was going to grow old, die, and do whatever happen to dead people. Decompose, he supposed.

"It's okay," he said to Marie. "I understand."

They were nearing Marie's stop but that still left them with a decent walk ahead of them. Alex planned to see her right to her front door, so they could at least continue the conversation then if the younger woman wanted.
Marie 13 years ago
"Oh dear. That had to be rough on both of you."

Marie could only imagine what it would be like for a vampire to wake up with sunshine streaming in on them. Not only would it burn but it had to be terrifying, especially if you were a place you thought you were safe.

"But... well it must have worked out since... I mean..."

She blushed a little. She really did have to work on her manners and minding her own business. But Marie liked Alexander and wanted him to be happy. As near as she could tell Eiryk made him happy so she wanted them both happy.

Her stop was coming up next so she signaled for a stop.

Frowning a little Marie tried to wrap her mind around where Alexander was coming from. It seemed... odd. They were in love, he would die, Eiryk wouldn't. But it wasn't her place to say, besides Alexander had time to change his mind. Maybe he just needed time to get used to the idea.

"It wasn't something I wanted right away."

But that was the most she would say on the subject. Just a quiet little nudge to get Alexander to keep an open mind.

"But I suppose it isn't for everyone."

As the bus slowed and stopped she gathered her bag and stood.