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Forgive us our trespasses(private)

Christian nodded to the priest as he passed through into the main hall of the church. He liked churches and always felt a peace in them. Once he stepped inside, especially in the older ones, there was a sense of being out of time and space. You could be anywhere in the world or no where and it did not matter. It was one of the few places he could relax though the current events did little to put his mind at ease.

Humans had died and though it was an unlikely possibility some of his clanmates could have met their end in the flames. It had not happened but it -could- have happened and that was enough to put him on edge.

Alfarinn mentioned on the way to the church that he and Thaddeus intended on buying the place and living there. This did not sit well either, how could they protect their elder if he was spending so much time away from the Towers? He knew the man was capable of taking care of himself and if he were just any other vampire Christian would not be concerned for his safety but Alfarinn was a bigger target than it seemed the blonde sometimes realized. Certainly the man understood that many of the Anantya and almost all of the Tacharan would not be opposed to one of the Elders of Evenhet going up in flames? They might even be persuaded to help. That did not even touch on the clanless that had many who wanted to see any of the established clans fall out of pure spite, so it seemed.

This Thaddeus was Anantya. What should he make of that? Other than his elder had completely lost all of his sanity. His empathy told him they had feelings for each other. That is when he could sense anything from Alfarinn and the man was not closed off like a blank slate. It did not take an empath to read his leader's expression, however, and the fact that the feeling was returned by the Anantya was the only thing that kept him from physically trying to shake some sense into the Norseman.

He turned to the two men and raised his hands palms up in question. Well?

Theodosia 18 years ago
Theo kicked off her shoes once inside the church and tip toed quietly after the group, carefully balancing on her invisible string. She thought it might have been better if there were music playing from the massive pipe organ, but that wasn’t likely to happen in the middle of the night. She did wonder if she might be allowed to light some candles, as those always seemed to add to the ‘church feel’, but then she considered that fire right now might scare some people and she didn’t want to do that.

She stopped in the middle of the aisle, breathing in the smell of the church, the oil for the wooden pews and pleasantly damp scent of the stones.

It wasn’t clear to her why she had come along, but she thought that it was nice to be invited to a new place, especially a church, and wasn’t about to spoil the lovely time by asking a lot of questions. She knew she had to behave herself inside even though the voices got –terribly- excited in these places, or she wouldn’t be invited back. Since she had already decided she would like to come again, that wouldn’t do at all.

After a moment of simply enjoying the atmosphere, though, she quietly sat down and took out her purse, which had several things inside to put on a long piece of yarn. She forgot where the yarn came from but she knew at least most of the stuff in the purse was hers and she didn’t think anyone would miss a little piece of string in any case.
Palmer 18 years ago
Things just were not going to plan according to Palmer Calhoun, and it was quite frankly frustrating the hell out of him. He’d had an idea about how coming to Nachton would go. He would find Thaddeus and do his best to startle the heck out of the blonde Brit, after which they would have another crazy couple of weeks of crime solving and joking around before Palmer returned home with a handful of new addresses and contacts.

Then the Mayor’s Mansion blew up and his little plan got all shot to hell. Worse still, he had no idea of what on earth was going on with his friend; there had been so much running around and chaos that real talking was out of the question.

Thaddeus –really- should have written him, and Palmer was getting annoyed. The blonde was clearly up to his neck in something, damned if Palmer knew what, and then there was this mysterious Evenhet boyfriend. Thaddeus was undyingly loyal to his clan. It made no sense at all and there had, as far as Palmer was concerned, better be an accounting for all of this.

Still, all that was no reason to be rude, and so he was friendly enough on the way over as introductions were made all around. He walked into the church behind Christian, who seemed like a good guy if actions in the aftermath of an explosion were any indication.

Palmer thought that might be the best indication there was.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus walked down the aisle at Alfarinn’s side, smiling inwardly at the imagery and thinking back to finding his lover after the explosion. As much as he was now trying to keep his mind where it belonged now, at the time he’d thought nothing of walking up to the fire truck and putting his arms lightly around Alfarinn’s shoulders.

He supposed by now the shock should have worn off but he was still in a bit of a state of disbelief over the whole matter. How quickly everything had changed. How he had thought over things he’d like to say while he and Alfarinn danced one moment and the next he was standing up to meet Palmer while Alfarinn went to speak to Simon.

His southern friend had been quiet to the point of unsettling and while he couldn’t begin to guess at what was racing through Palmer’s mind, he had the feeling something was coming. He knew he owed Palmer an explanation of some kind, which was one of the reasons he invited the huntsman along even though their current situation was likely to bring about more questions than answers. Frowning, he reached inside his jacket for the gloves he had taken from Lykiaos’s backpack, thinking of just how to approach the subject. Likely Alfarinn would better know what to say to his clan mate, and the right timing.

Turning to the group, he thought to offer some explanation as to why they chose this location.

“We thought, with recent events being what they are, it might be best to meet on neutral territory.”

He resisted the urge to rake his fingers through his hair and gave Palmer an ‘I know, I know’ sort of look. Things felt so incredibly out of control, accelerated and confusing, and while on the one hand he didn’t think he could take any more surprises right now with grace, he also believed that if they could find out just a little more about the gloves, which were in some ways the most vexing piece of the puzzle, it might make him feel a little more level about all of this.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn had been resisting the urge to pull Thaddeus close and hide his head in his companion's neck for quite some time now. He was pretty certain these were actions unbecoming an elder and so much as he wanted nothing better, he pushed them to the side.

Thaddeus had found him while he was giving the head count to one of his security people via Natt. It was comforting to feel Thaddeus's hands slide across his shoulders and to know his partner was safe and sound through physical touch as well as the bond between them.

Crispin was giving him a patient level look that held skeptical calculation just beneath the surface. He wondered just how far gone the security chief believed him to be. Crispin was harder to read than most people and it was not worth Alfarinn's time to try to push through the man's natural abilities at hiding his feelings in order to find out what simply asking him later would accomplish.

He came to a stop near his fellow Evenhet and put a hand on Thaddeus's shoulder.

"There are events that have started out as a personal quest to solve a mystery between Thaddeus and I. It was this quest that brought us together in the hopes of bringing to justice those that murdered a close friend and creator."Â?

Squeezing his companion's shoulder slightly, he took comfort in Thaddeus being warm and close next to him.

"That has uncovered more than one person responsible for the deed. Our lives are almost certainly in danger. Thaddeus's the more so, as all clues point to the unknown person as being someone within Anantya."Â?

He held up his hand to forestall questions from both Cris and Thaddeus's friend. Theo seemed intent on a piece of string but was likely paying close attention

"We can take the time to explain why we believe this if you like but first I would like to say to all of you that Thaddeus and I are in this together and will remain in this together. That will not change. Our relationship might be one of the few good things to come out of this adventure so far, but difficult as it is being from two different clans, we are dedicated to each other."Â?

He looked up and gave Crispin a look that said without a doubt that he was serious, he loved an Anantya and was willing to put his life on the line for him. It was not something the head of Evenhet's security was going to approve of but it was something he would have to accept and hopefully his own demeanor made it quietly clear that he was determined and unshakable where Thaddeus was concerned.

"We have already faced the person physically responsible for killing Emma. Lykaios the vampire hunter is dead. We believe from various clues that he was hired to kill the Elder of the Night and so there is an accomplice still at large. Thaddeus's gloves were taken from the Manor and found among Lykaios's equipment."Â?

It was probably best to stop there and answer whatever questions were likely to come their way, fast and furious. Just hopefully not -too- furious. He felt very protective of Thaddeus at the moment, or truthfully most moments. His companion had gone through so much so quickly that Alfarinn hoped his friend would be supportive. Cris was likely to grill him in private about his connections to Thaddeus but that was easily dealt with when the time came for it.
Christian Bern 18 years ago
Christian nodded to Palmer as he entered and then turned back to Alfarinn to await an explanation of some kind. It was Thaddeus who commented on the reason for this location. That was understandable; he was not yet certain how far the clans were mixed up in whatever business the two men in front of him were involved in but neutral ground where both had stakes in a matter was always wise.

He made a minimal gesture of comprehension at the mention the personal quest that brought the two of them together. Alfarinn had mentioned the mystery surrounding Emma's death to him in the past. There had been no new light to shed on it at the time and he had been under the impression that the Elder had given up on it years ago. He gathered that Thaddeus brought something to the equation that changed this. That portion of the story seemed to be unimportant as Alfarinn continued.

More than one person was involved. That was interesting but not surprising. It meant there was someone very skilled and intelligent in this, or dead. The more people you brought into a scheme the more likely it is to become complicated and fail at one of its various portions. This either had to be well done and still very small or one person killed the other and now there was only one.

An Anantya... Christian frowned slightly and looked at Alfarinn with disapproval. This then was their affair and being involved would only cause strife and trouble between the clans and bring unnecessary danger to one of Evenhet's leaders.

He sighed inwardly in resignation as his clanmate continued speaking and made it very clear that he would continue being involved in the matter despite all attempts at reasoning and good sense that were brought his way.

His frown grew more pronounced when Alfarinn mentioned them having faced and killed a dangerous murderer without the clan being alerted to his involvement. Yes, he was going to shake the tall blonde after all.

Sparing a glance for the gloves in Thaddeus's hands, Christian returned his expression to neutrality but spoke with calm command.

"It appears that being the voice of reason would be to no avail. Therefore I shall make this plain. You will not go into further danger without my knowledge."Â?

Even if he had to track the elder physically, by himself.
Theodosia 18 years ago
Theo contentedly put her various items on her string, making an alternating pattern according to the category of object, an organizational system that made perfect sense to her even if the end result looked like disorder itself. The voices from the items made their running commentary in languages she could not always understand, but that didn’t matter for her purposes.

Then the men started talking. Mostly Alfarinn, and he talked a whole lot. Paul seemed very interested, though, so she listened too, voices mixing in her mind and coming together in their cacophonies of sound and meaning.

That was probably why Christian’s comment about being ‘the voice of reason’ struck her as so funny, but she was aware enough to realize that laughing wouldn’t be very nice and might hurt his feelings. Judging from the voices, especially Palmer’s, the room was a little tense and worried even though Alfarinn and Thaddeus were just fine and could clearly take care of themselves.

She did, however, notice the gloves Thaddeus was holding. Gloved hands holding gloves…it was a strange sight to her, like catching a glimpse of the reflection of your reflection.

In any case, they were clearly ‘extra’ even if Alfarinn had explained that they belonged to Thaddeus and had been stolen.

She gave a nervous tug to her hair when it occurred to her that they might think it was her fault the gloves were stolen. She didn’t remember picking up any gloves but then she sometimes forgot these things. But then, she’d never been to the Manor, so it couldn’t have been her, and Alfarinn probably knew that.

“Maybe it was someone on the staff. Like the bad waiters at the dinner.”

Not realizing she had spoken out loud, she continued stringing up her beads and coins and keys.
Palmer 18 years ago
Palmer rarely found himself at a genuine loss for words. Sitting down and shutting up was not really his thing, and he was mildly surprised to find himself doing just that as Alfarinn spoke.

He didn’t so much mind Alfarinn’s pull no punches way of speaking, though he thought the Evenhet might have been a bit more clear. However, it soon became apparent that Alfarinn had merely assumed that he knew more than he did, which wasn’t an unreasonable assumption to make.

Suddenly a lot of things Blaine had said were making more sense. Nightsman and their damn books and their damn secrets. He might have been hurt if he didn’t understand that order’s way of being so well.

“Jesus Christ.”

He pulled a face and ran his hand over his bald head, then looked up at the ceiling as though checking for lightning, then nodded in agreement with Christian’s more put together statement. Perhaps a little strongly worded for speaking to a Clan Elder, but Christian struck him as…experienced, if not in age than in personality, though there was a very good chance it was a little of both judging by the authority he spoke with, not to mention he was chief of security and this was his job.

He didn’t, however, presume to understand Evenhet politics. Instead he looked to Thaddeus.

“You know, I really do hate to harp on this point, but a letter to the effect of ‘Dear old friend, have new Evenhet boyfriend, oh, by the way, in mortal danger, possible inside job, mum’s the word! Sincerely, Thaddeus Grey,’ might have been helpful.” He looked from one person to the other in the group before adding: “All due respect.”

He rested his arms on the top of the pew and sighed. Alright, maybe he was a little hurt. He had thought, foolish as that may have been, knowing Thaddeus, that they had a sort of understanding. That they would help each other if it was needed. That Thaddeus might, after all these years, have occasionally confided his troubles in Palmer, beyond the day to day stresses of life. Sure he was glad that Thaddeus had apparently found –someone-, but hell, why shouldn’t he be hurt? Besides the fact that it was just a little selfish to be offended when his friend was in trouble, that is.

“Mr. Bern’s got the right of it though. We’re all here and in the know now, there’s no reason to keep trying to do this on your own.”

Now that the mini lecture was out of his system he was able to focus on the most disconcerting part of all of this; the idea that Thaddeus’s creator was murdered by a member of Anantya. Thaddeus’s creator, the Elder of the Night. Was murdered.

They really ought to talk more. Here he thought he knew Thaddeus so well, and in his own way he did. He knew that Thaddeus didn’t like to be touched and he could turn into a dove and he could pick things up and understand them somehow. He had managed to pry out the fact that Thaddeus also had command, though when they had first met the ability was only beginning to surface. He knew his friend spent a lot of time not sleeping, that he took forever to find a meal. He knew that Thaddeus played the piano but didn’t like an audience and that he was picky about his hair looking neat. He knew quite a bit about how Thaddeus was.

He also knew that this all had to be unbelievably hard on his friend. To be convinced that a member of his own clan had plotted to murder an Elder, and most likely Thaddeus himself as well, would be devastating.

For some reason, even though his friend had a few years on him, he had always thought of Thaddeus as being younger than himself. Perhaps he was merely biased by the nightsman’s youthful appearance, but he’d never really been able to let go of that feeling, and now he couldn’t help but feel sympathetic at the thought of a scared kid doing this on his own, Elder boyfriend or no. Not knowing who to turn to, who to trust, perhaps even too scared to write a letter asking for help.

Caught up in such thoughts, Theodosia’s offhand comment took him by surprise, but it also broke some of the tension, at least for him. He turned to Thaddeus with a smile.

“She’s got a point. But yes…I know I would very much like it if you took the time to explain why you believe an Anantya is responsible at some point. It seems like you have more talking to do, and Lord knows the only way this’ll get done is doing it your way, but I can’t help you if I don’t know.” He held up his hands to indicate he wasn’t trying to be adversarial. “I cannot imagine that you came to that conclusion lightly, and in spite of recent…complete insanity?…abrupt behavior…I’ve always known you to have good judgment with things like this.”

This was true enough, though he felt it would be best to leave out his thoughts on Thaddeus being completely paranoid a lot of the time. After all, this time that wasn’t the case and his friend’s un-admitted weakness had never taken him this far down a flight of fancy.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus covered the hand on his shoulder with his own, resisting the urge to tuck his head in that perfect space just under Alfarinn’s chin only by sheer force of will. Odd that not long ago such a thing would have never occurred to him at all; he supposed he was developing habits.

He let Alfarinn do the explaining, as his lover was good at such things, and watched Palmer for reactions in hopes of keeping interruptions to a minimum. His friend seemed to be so shocked that perhaps being cut off was not so much of a concern, however.

To be fair, there were quite a few surprises being put on the table.

He was positively determined not to blush when Alfarinn explained their commitment to each other, though his cheeks colored a little regardless. Still, he indulged in an extremely brief moment of admittedly childish merriment before going serious as Alfarinn continued.

Christian Bern didn’t exactly look like he was going to ask where they were registered, but his tone still took Thaddeus by surprise. He could accept the other people in their lives being less than thrilled with their courses of action up to this point but talking that way to an Elder was a little…shocking.

Conversely, he had expected worse from Palmer, who was still being fairly mild…for Palmer, anyway. He quite valiantly did not roll his eyes at the ‘letter’ he could have written; he knew full well that he really –should- have written, if not to discuss recent events then at the least because it was his turn and there were, after all, things to talk about.

When Theo spoke up he looked to Alfarinn, raising one eyebrow.

[I didn’t even think to ask the Manor staff about the gloves. I’ll have to remember to do that; I rather doubt any of them are directly responsible but they could be a source of information.]

Palmer, meanwhile, wanted to know more about how they managed to get on this road, which was reasonable enough even if he felt the smart assed remarks weren’t really needed. The huntsman did, after all, claim to believe him, and that was a start.

“From the beginning there has been a sense that we are being…manipulated. Something of Emma’s was left where it was sure to fall into my hands and led us down a trail to Lykaios. It seems that he was simultaneously being led to us. We believe this is someone who knows me well, has unquestioned access to the manor, and understands the nature of my abilities.”

He looked down for a moment before speaking.

“All roads lead to Anantya, I’m afraid.”

He looked to Theodosia, his expression serious.

“As to who specifically may have been responsible…we were hoping you might be able to help us with that.”
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn quirked an eyebrow at Cris but nodded silently. The man considered it his solemn duty to protect those in Evenhet and the elders all the more so; with Megan out of the country, Cris was probably even less amused by Alfarinn's undisclosed where abouts. The man had willingly taken on the thankless duty of pulling him out of numerous scrapes and bad plans of action for centuries. That had earned him the right to strong opinions; they were gained by plenty of experience after all. Cris's friendship and concern for him also gave him the right, in Alfarinn's mind, to speak as one, as an equal and then some when it came to matters of security and tactics.

"I am just a phone call away, Cris. We have been as careful as we possibly could be and with so many unknowns involved in an elder's death... we did not want to pull in any more people that could be put into danger over it."Â?

The head of security would understand his meaning well enough. Cris was a sender and could contact him at any time in the most secure of fashions. He could not, however, reach out as easily to the soldier for help should he need it but there were others that he could reach and that was something his clanmate understood also.

Cris was his responsibility as well and Alfarinn sometimes felt like the security officer forgot that. He would never forgive himself for something happening to the shorter blonde Evenhet if it could have been avoided by Alfarinn not getting him into some 'crazy' scheme.

"You'll be happy to know Thaddeus has a nice grounding effect on my recklessness. He's a good influence."Â?

[Most of the time....]

Alfarinn could not help smirking inwardly despite the serious nature of the discussion. It was perhaps some perverse way of dealing with the stress of it all and he supposed there were worse methods of coping than remembering Thaddeus's more naughty moments.

He smiled slightly at Palmer's more expressive admonition, finding something abundantly satisfying about being Thaddeus's "Evenhet boyfriend"Â? and he spent a brief moment simply taking in that acknowledgment before coming back to the task at hand.

"That is quite likely my fault, I'm afraid. I have insisted, and Thaddeus has been so kind as to comply, that he not go to the Manor unaccompanied while this danger is still lurking out there unknown. This whole situation has been on a forced fast paced time table and in the beginning of our working together I am certain he would have liked more privacy and time to conduct a proper letter."Â?

He smiled at the Southern gentleman and continued.

"Hopefully you're forgive us both our rudeness in this matter because, I, for one, am very grateful you are here. I feel that Thaddeus has suffered with good grace my Evenhet companions and myself but it makes me feel far more at ease to know he has a friend and a clanmate here in the city that he can trust and speak with."Â?

Thaddeus had held up with strength beyond imagining through every blow that this trial had given him: finding the murderer had ties with Anantya, that the man was turned by his very own creator and was his brother, having to admit the clues pointed to an Anantya being the guilty party, coming to terms with the possibility that it was the elder of his very own order that was responsible, and knowing that the accomplice likely knew about his search and wanted him dead. Any one of those would have caused a lesser person to crack, to hide in their room for days at a time and refuse to come out but Thaddeus continued on with hardly a pause. Alfarinn had been there to support his partner as much as he possibly could but he knew that having another clanmate around for understanding and support would help restore some of his companion's spirit in a way he could not accomplish. Mai certainly had amazing healing effects. Alfarinn chuckled to himself that both of these clanmates of Thaddeus were Order of the Hunt and not known for doing work of an uplifting nature.

Here now was his amazing companion quietly stating the reasons for their belief that a member of his own clan was involved in the crime. Hopefully it will plain to the others when Thaddeus finished and they could work towards following the trail further.

His own clan mate added her quiet voice into the mix and Alfarinn turned to Theodosia and smiled.

"You are quite right. That's a good idea."

He added his agreement when Thaddeus sent that they had not actually spoken with the staff.

[ I believe Rupert would be willing to help you check around. He is such a nice guy. I will admit to half way attempting to steal him away to Evenhet but alas he seemed very comfortable in the Manor.]
Theodosia 18 years ago
Theo could not quite stifle a giggle when Palmer Calhoun referred to Alfarinn as ‘the Evenhet Boyfriend’ but smoothed her expression quickly enough when suddenly all the attention was on her. At least it felt that way; she had to struggle to remember what she had contributed, though outwardly she merely tied up the ends of her string and put on the new ‘necklace’.

Then she blinked, wondering what was supposed to happen next. Thaddeus had stated that they would like her help but that wasn’t a question. Maybe she had already helped them by mentioning the bad staff. Maybe she was supposed to come up with more ideas, but she didn’t have any more so that couldn’t be right.

She fiddled with one of the keys on her necklace, which was emitting a soft, throaty laugh, and pressed her lips together thoughtfully. Taking a guess, she finally looked up, at Thaddeus and Alfarinn, and gave a little shrug, hoping her statement might prompt a little more information.

Palmer 18 years ago
Palmer tilted back his head, his chin in his hand, and listened in silence to Thaddeus’s explanation. He was well aware that his friend wasn’t telling anywhere near the whole story, but trusted the interpretation of events…to a point. Thaddeus had his own definition of ‘need to know’ that didn’t always jive with Palmer’s, but then, that was nightsmen for you. Always holding something back.

Alfarinn’s friendliness did do a little to ease the bruised ego, however, and he chuckled good naturedly.

“Ah, yes, he really looks like he’s suffering terribly. I saw you two from across the ballroom and thought to myself ‘my goodness, but Thaddeus Grey does look put upon.’”

Shaking his head, he waved one hand and settled down to a broad grin. “In all seriousness, I’m glad to be here.” He looked to Thaddeus, then, who in spite of everything looked better for just standing near Alfarinn, and added: “And I do understand, really.” ’As much as I can. As much as you’ll let me,’ he thought, but did not say. “I can hardly fault you for wanting each and every missive directed to yours truly to be a perfect literary masterpiece, after all.”

He turned back to Alfarinn and waved one finger. “But don’t you let him fool you; oh, he seems like a good influence now, but Thaddeus has streak of trouble a mile wide. I could tell you stories.” He pretended to think for a moment. “Well, to be fair, those were mostly my fault.”

With a solemn wink, he resolved to quiet down and let get back to business. He hardly ever let work get in the way of his sense of humor but considering Thaddeus was directly in danger things were a little different.

Theodosia, meanwhile, had apparently agreed to assist them, and Palmer was once again a step behind. He assumed it had something to do with the gloves; perhaps he meant for Theodosia to track them, considering Thaddeus already had psychometry and could sense them for himself if that’s what he was after.
Christian Bern 18 years ago

Christian opened his mouth to object about the 'phone call' but in truth Alfarinn had his own way of calling for help which was better than sending in many ways. The people he bonded with if the bond was kept active were able to feel his distress without Alfarinn's need to concentrate unlike sending which required the vampire with it to focus on the person and the message he wished to send.

He smiled slightly at his elder and nodded once in understanding. Point taken, he would shut up now and listen. Christian did look over at Thaddeus and seemed rather skeptical about the man's good influence, after all it appeared to him that his friend was now getting into trouble for not just his own reasons but someone's else's as well. Someone not even a member of their clan. Still Alfarinn appeared calm and happy and that was something he had not truly seen in a long time so perhaps the Anantya was good for his friend after all.

Turning to Theo, Christian wondered if she had any qualms about displaying her powers to those she did not know. Moving a little closer, he took a seat next to her. Chris looked up at Alfarinn in concern. It was not a lack of trust in anyone present but a matter of privacy, Theodosia's were her own to divulge or keep to herself.

There seemed to be no cause for worry however because she readily agreed to Thaddeus's request. Her aura suggested a bit of confusion but no distress, no doubt Alfarinn or Thaddeus would clear things up for her before they started.

((OOC: Permission granted to sense Theo ))

Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Alfarinn seemed to take Christian’s comment in stride and Thaddeus likewise let go of the initial surprise he had felt. Perhaps that was just the security officer’s personality and his lover was used to it.

He looked down for a moment at Alfarinn’s aside, willing himself not to blush, and Palmer’s comments didn’t help matters much. For a moment he felt caught in the midst of not one, but two people trying to make him blush and foresaw many more such occasions in their future.

[Don’t believe a word he says. Palmer has a terrible habit of exaggerating.]

Feeling slightly smug that he could get away with that comment and have his friend be none the wiser, he smirked in response to Palmer’s claims.

“You have me pegged. And literary masterpiece? I had no idea you thought so highly of my letters. And I believe you mean –all- your fault.”

He didn’t realize that Alfarinn had come to know Anantya’s head butler so well; well enough to form an opinion on his character, even. Hell, Thaddeus didn’t have an opinion on the head butler’s character.

That certainly didn’t mean he would stand by and let Evenhet take in the man, though.

[Hands off the Butler; I was just getting used to him.]

Theodosia gave her brief agreement and Thaddeus turned to her with interest. He had been expecting to dance around the matter a bit more; he would insinuate, she would think about it, one or the other would suggest taking a walk with the company of their choice, and in the end they’d share information in some form. Theodosia’s abrupt agreement came as something of a surprise, though not an unpleasant one.

Smiling a little in what he hoped was a reassuring way, he passed the gloves from one hand to the other, nodding his head.

“We appreciate that; this isn’t exactly a pleasant situation but we really do need the help.”

He looked down at the gloves in his hand, wanting to explain a little so there would be no surprises.

“I’ve had this particular pair for a couple of years but only started wearing them in the past six months. They went missing…” His eyes flickered upward and he wondered why he couldn’t just say ‘I lost them’ “…the last time I was at the Manor and turned up again shortly afterwards, in Lykaios’s equipment, specifically in a backpack he carried with him. We’re hoping to piece together what happened between the gloves being lost and recovering them again.”

He looked to Alfarinn for a moment before turning back to Theodosia.

[Was there anything you wanted to add? I don’t want to make her uncomfortable.]
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn laughed outright at Palmer's expressions of understanding, both of their situation and Thaddeus's nature that required things to be done well if they were done at all. He wondered what their first meeting or two must have been like. Did the southern gentleman startle his companion with his outgoing nature or did Thaddeus take it in stride from the start? He knew from experience that anything was possible, even his blonde partner being the outgoing one was within the realm of possible things. Just not very likely, without reason. This called to mind their forays into the House of Pain which made him smile inwardly at the things they had done since their own meeting.

"He's suffering let me tell you. It takes a great deal of patience to put up with me. As Cris can attest to."Â?

Alfarinn smiled over at his clan mate before looking down at Thaddeus.

[Don't believe him? So I'm -not- your Evenhet boyfriend? Oh... the bad influence, I see. I will have to see if Palmer will tell me these stories sometime. They might shed some interesting light on my good influence.]

He bit his lip to keep from smiling when Thaddeus told him to keep him hands off the butler.

[I had no intention of man handling, Rupert. Honestly! What a notion! And I'll leave him to Anantya and come visit. We have MARI and I think she would not be a good fit with everyone in your clan so no exchange is likely going to happen any time soon.]

Turning to Theo, Alfarinn looked thoughtfully at her. They needed her help but neither of them wanted her to be uncomfortable and would prefer doing the psychometry themselves than having her upset over it.

"Theo, we would like you to take the gloves and tell us what they tell you. But if you don't want to then that's okay also. We believe more with our abilities would be helpful. If you like we might be able to all sense them together."Â?

He looked up to Thaddeus to make sure that solution was okay with him before turning back to Theodosia.

((OOC: fear the non edit ))
Theodosia 18 years ago
Theo tilted her head to one side and played with her necklace while Thaddeus spoke, explaining the background of the gloves and what they hoped to accomplish. Then Alfarinn made things a bit more clear and she nodded her head, understanding now. It didn’t occur to her that they would want to know what the voices said, because so often they didn’t say anything that was relevant to anything else and most people just weren’t interested. That was where MARI helped so much; she had time to listen to everything and then tell other people just the things that they wanted to know. She imagined with just a pair of gloves they would be able to sort out what they needed, though. Maybe that was why there were so many people to listen.

She cast a doubtful look on Thaddeus, frowning at the suggestion that they all sense together. She didn’t know him but she thought it would be a little mean to tell him he couldn’t sense with the Evenhets.

She thought it was a good thing she was so mature and sensible as she stood and approached the blonde Anantya, nodding her head for Alfarinn to join in as well.

“You might want to take your gloves off if you’re hoping to sense with us.”
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus smirked inwardly at Alfarinn’s reply, giving in to a slight smile directed at Palmer. ‘See, I’m happy,’ it seemed to say, and he found the idea of the relentless teasing he would get later hardly bothered him at all. To Alfarinn, he sent:

[I doubt Christian Bern finds your lessons in patience as enjoyable as I do, though.]

He looked up at Alfarinn at the phrase ‘Evenhet Boyfriend’, suspecting that his lover was rather pleased with that particular title, and colored a little at the thoughts of what Palmer would be likely to tell Alfarinn.

[I don’t imagine you would have any trouble prying stories out of Palmer.]

He wondered if there was any chance on earth Palmer –wouldn’t- tell whatever embarrassing stories he could think of, in fact. Oh, he trusted his friend would refrain from putting him in a bad light on purpose but in truth the two of them had encountered a fair amount of mischief during their short time together in Charleston. Most of it wasn’t either of their faults, really, though he supposed it was possible to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Smiling inwardly at Alfarinn’s denial of malicious intentions toward the butler, he looked down at the floor for a moment before replying.

[Ah, I see. Your plan is to keep him from his duties with friendly visits in the hopes that we will let him go on our own. I see right through your plots and will have none of it!]

Becoming serious again as Alfarinn explained their request more specifically, he looked to Theodosia to see what she would make of their request. She seemed fine, though it was hard to say what she might be thinking.

He gave a slight nod to Theodosia’s comment, already thinking along those lines but wanting everyone to be close together, and carefully pulled off his left glove, slipping it in his pocket before giving a last look at Alfarinn and Theodosia and a quick nod of assurance to Palmer. Then he placed the pair of gloves in his bare hand, holding it out to let the others take hold as the senses took hold, becoming stronger as the other two joined him.

Mostly, he could sense himself, which was not the least bit disconcerting when it was just him but adding the other two psychometrists to the mix amplified that sense. Even so, he tried to focus and force his sensing into something more linear in the midst of feeling his own hands, his own emotions, echoed back several times more loudly.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn nearly choked at the comment about the Security Chief and looked over at Crispin. He actually did not know much about the man's love life at all. From anyone else that might be surprising but Cris was a private man so perhaps he had kept whatever dating he did away from Evenhet. Certainly Alfarinn would know if he had a wife, right?

[I ..hmm...I don't think he'd be willing turn his back on those lessons are probably out.]

He quickly went on to some other thought before he started blushing uncontrollably for no reason most of the room would be able to discern.

[Oh good. That makes the prying less difficult.]

Laughing inwardly at the thought of whiling away hours of Rupert's time in the hopes of getting him fired, Alfarinn responded.

[You're on to me! I shall have to think up some new dastardly plan.]

Once Theodosia saw the goal they had in mind she seemed equal to the task and that was good. He did worry that it might make her uncomfortable but she appeared willing to try it. Alfarinn had to smile when she told Thaddeus in her best teacher's voice that he could not sense with the gloves on.

He laid right arm around Thaddeus's shoulders before reaching down with his left hand to sense the gloves. Closing his eyes,he let the images come to him.

Thaddeus standing before a mirror putting on the gloves as the finishing touch to his outfit. He seemed so solemn and focused.

A gloved hand in his own. The museum when they first met.

That same hand in his hair their first night in the House of Pain. He was startled to learn that his companion felt a thrill of desire at the action even then though his companion had kept it so silent that Alfarinn had not noticed the reason for Thaddeus's emotions. He remembered Thaddeus saying not too many days later 'Have you -any- idea of the effect this has on me?'. Alfarinn had thought he did but still it seemed startling to think that Thaddeus had been attracted to him then when he had just been waring with his own reaction to Thaddeus pulled so tightly and temptingly against him.

Several layers of images came after that. His hand in Thaddeus's more than once, little gestures, his companion's hands clasped together on a table. The gloves being set on a bench.

Aged hands picking them up. Those hands giving them to someone else.

Darkness and hands that he assumed belonged to Lykaios by the sword scars of a man who had been a soldier before he was turned.

Alfarinn frowned into the fading images and found that he was clutching Thaddeus's shoulder tightly. He loosened his hold apologetically.

[I'm sorry, Beloved. Are you alright?]

It was not for just his grip on Thaddeus's shoulder that he asked but also the combined images, feelings and sounds were disturbingly strong. He knew what it did to him and could not imagine that Thaddeus would go through it unaffected.
Theodosia 18 years ago
Theo gave Thaddeus an approving nod as he stripped away his gloves, satisfied that he knew what he was doing even if he was a little odd at times. She waited for Alfarinn to join in before placing her hands over top of the gloves as well, her fingers making contact with both men’s. Her eyes slipped closed and her head tilted back as the voices began, at times blurry and incomplete but noticeably more clear when her senses were combined with others like her. She recognized the speaker as Thaddeus, though his inflections varied, and muttered what she could understand. Theo was a good mimic, though at the moment she was focused on sensing rather than a perfect impersonation; speaking out loud helped to reinforce what she was hearing so she would remember it when she was done.

Her words echoed the clearest of the statements in her mind, strung together as quickly as she sensed.

We can’t continue this here. Trust me. Everything is alright. I would die for my clan or kill for them; I think I do better by living for them, but that is another debate I suppose. I can only hope to, in some way, live up to the great cost of my own existence. It’s…surely it’s unlawful to appear like that, ever! Those eyes. Hmm, I had a different plan in mind.

The words were beginning to trail off, but Theo continued to repeat what she could catch.

I fear I am making a mistake in not going to him…And the stakes just keep rising.

Then the voice changed, to something much more singular. Theo put a little more effort into imitating this one; it was easier, less blurred with a cloud of words than Thaddeus’s statements had been.

" Emma's -other- child. You and I both want him dead. "

She could feel her senses beginning to fade, but there was something else, something thick and watery and deep. It did not sound quite right to her, in some way, but she carefully repeated the words.

“The tall one is yours, but not the throat. The little one is mine.”

/ooc Edited for clarification :X.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus could hear Theo’s voice at the edge of his awareness, but surprisingly it served to put order and structure to his own thoughts rather than distracting him. Little flashes of feeling and flickers of images passed through his mind, layering themselves with the other sensings; a wet nose, soft blonde hair, the firm grip of a hand. An image of resting one hand on Alfarinn’s shoulder, another of clutching his gloves in one hand while fixing Simon with a hard look. Rain soaking all the way through the leather, cold wet drops splashing and rolling down the fingers.

A flicker of annoyance as someone else picked up the gloves. Someone he knew and could not place, sensing being too different from his normal way of taking in the world, and even with all his focus he could see no more.

The grip of rough hands and a sense of intense concentration.

And then his own concentration broke and the world came back in a rush, his senses still flickering, Theo speaking, Alfarinn’s hand on his shoulder like an anchor. He pulled back, surprised to find himself staggering a little, leaning hard on Alfarinn. When he opened his eyes he saw Palmer on his feet, and Theo with the gloves in her hands.

[Yes, I’m quite alright. That was…intense.]

Still feeling a little dazed but admittedly intrigued by the sheer power they’d just experienced, he gave Palmer a nod and was about to offer assurances, imagining he must look a sight right now, when everything they had sensed began to really register.

“Well. That was disturbing.”
Theodosia 18 years ago
Theo took a step back when everyone broke apart, the gloves still in her hands. She thought that had gone remarkably well and considered asking to do it again, but Thaddeus was looking a bit worse for wear and she had to admit her head hurt a little.

She gave Thaddeus an indignant huff when he made his little comment, mildly annoyed, but Paul reminded her that the Anantya was young and inexperienced and probably couldn’t help it. Still. How rude.

“Well –I- was wonderful.”

She wandered back to her pew, slipping the gloves into her purse, and plopped back down. It was obvious –he- didn’t want them anymore, after all, and at least she wouldn’t lose them.

“Do you need to hear anything again?”

It was a good thing Christian and Palmer were here too; they wouldn’t be as good at listening as MARI was but they would probably suffice.