Blood Memory - Coming October 31st

Blood Memory: Book 1

Blood Memory by *Rozbeans on deviantART

Rowan Murphy 12 years ago
Awesome Roz!
Simon Huntington 12 years ago
Figure why the hell not? Been putting it off for 2 years anyway lol.
Eiryk 12 years ago
Bravo! glad you didn't put it off any longer.
Evgeni 12 years ago
Congratz over here also! Dammit why are there no dancing hamsters here!? Imagine dancing hamsers!
Joshua Wesson 12 years ago
Grats. Got my copy!
Charlie Hammond 12 years ago
Charlie Hammond 12 years ago

Click for a preview of the book.
Eiryk 12 years ago
Bravo! Congrats... don't throw up.
Charlie Hammond 12 years ago

Printed format is available! Use discount code: y73xqzf3 for 30% off!!!