A trip to the mall
Nyra parked her car in the parking garage at the mall and made her way inside, stopping only three times to admire the architecture and shadows the lights made as they flickered on in the burgeoning twilight.
Inside the mall that was teaming with Nachton residents, she wandered about window shopping. She passed large chain stores and jewelery booths. She briefly contemplated picking up some scented candles in a specialty store but kept walking, knowing she would forget about it and leave it lit unattended. She paused outside a clubwear shop to admire an interesting display of wire and glass chunks hung like a mobile. She wondered if the artist worked at the store or lived in Nachton.
She walked into the store to get a better look at the piece. Unfortunately it was blocked from view on the inside by a rack of long black pants with various straps, zippers and buckles apparently this was for someone 5'6" weighing 500 pounds due to the amount of fabric, Nyra speculated.
Pushing the heavy cloth aside she climbed underneith the rack and into the window to get a closer look at the art.
((OOC: Others welcome to play. Hope she doesnt get kicked out by the managment for playing in the display!))

The odd trenchcoat in the corner of the display partially obscured the piece. She wondered why anyone would want a high mandarin collar with corset laces up the back of a coat. Pushing her way forward a bit more she reached her hand out to stroke the glass.
Upon touching it for the first time Nyra realized this was nor ordinary artwork. This was an angry piece that was as dangerous as it was beautiful. The glass was sharp at irregular points that were invisible outside the window. The deep grey color bloomed inside like a dirty fog making the glass murky and unreadable. Even the wire had sharp points where the pieces came together to form a mobile.
Hanging from the mobile was what she could only assume merchandise from the store. Most was some leather or vinyl choker, but one was a pendant that caught her eye.
It was of the same style of glass from the artwork but with blooming oranges and reds swirling around the inside. This one was just as sharp as the mobile pieces and gouged her palm, drawing blood, as she removed it.
She kneeled in the window turning it over in her hand, examining it and holding it up to the light, watching the formation of light and shadow dance within its depths.

The last week had moved quickly, and she learned more daily about her work as a fashion supplier. She felt trimmer; the daily workouts, daily salad lunches and mostly-healthy dinners she'd been forcing herself to eat began to give her a bit more - although already considerable - confidence in her body.
She had a list of things to look for, including "cute" furnishings, posters, and more club attire (because it just wouldn't do to keep wearing the blue/silver shimmery combo), and decided, when she was shopping, to follow the list alphabetically.
And when her eyes passed into the display window of the shop, she saw the curvy woman standing there, holding something in her hand... Normally the woman's attractive curves, highlighted chestnut hair, and striking hazel eyes would have caught her attention, but this time it was the blood streaming down her arm...
Rachyl went into the store, digging into her purse for a tissue or handkerchief, and looked for the entrance to the display case.
"Miss? Miss?" she called, not even knowing what to say. "Hey, you in the display case!" was a brief thought, but she didn't want to startle the woman and cause her more pain.
(( assumption, this post's IC date is 7/18. ))

She moved through the mall crowds with ease and made her way to her favorite clothing boutique. Glancing quickly at the corner of the display she saw the coat was still there and did a little happy dance into the store.

No one in the store was paying her any mind, though one rather determined looking woman with short black hair and flashing violet eyes was striding her way.
Glancing up at the window she noticed the woman digging in her purse looking concerned at her. She watched the woman enter the store and wondered what had her so concerned. Nyra wasnt moving the display, just looking, er, closely. Ok so she did remove the pendant but she was going to buy that.
Stepping onto the floor and climbing back through the rack of oversized pants Nyra noticed the stains on her hand and sighed. "Just what I need, all the way to the mall and no turpentine to clean up this paint."

"Miss, your hand... It's bleeding?" She also couldn't keep the sound of somewhat disgusted incredulity from her voice. "Doesn't she feel that?" she wondered, and waved the paper squares incessantly at the woman, trying to get her attention.

"Miss, your hand... It's bleeding?" the redhead sounded quite astonished, like she had never seen someone bleed.
"Blood?" Nyra asked "Just a little paint im sure, I only scuffed my hand on the glass a bit. Thank you for the napkins though. She thanked the woman with a smile and took the napkins and tried to wipe up the red on her arm.
Much to her dismay she realized it was all blood and the few napkins would not hold up to the challenge of removing the long rivulet off her hand and forearm.
"Well, you were right, it is blood. Wonder how I did that!" she mused mostly to herself. "Nyra McGurn by the way, thank you so much for your assistance. I would shake your hand but I fear mine are full." She held up the glass shard pendant in her redstained hand and the messy napkins in the other.

Rachyl furrowed her brow, then dug into her purse again, finally finding a white handkerchief. "Pleasure to meet you, Nyra. Rachyl Walker. Here, let's find somewhere to set that trinket down so I can at least tie your hand. You're not hemophiliac, are you?" She looked a little worried as she cast her glance around to find something to set the item in, and found a small shirt box. She saw a towering, official-looking man staring at them, then looked back at Nyra. "I think we should get you to the first aid station. If not for yourself, then for the manager who's staring at us..."

The smell reached his nose, it was to say the least, intoxicating. He noticed the manager, looking less than happy. He had no wish for the women to get into trouble, at least not this kind.
"Ohh, why so protective all of a sudden? Getting in touch with your fatherly side?" May laughed.
"Merely trying to get a dinner date my love..."
He wishpered in reply.
He adjusted his black blazer, polished the knop on his walking stick and then walked over to the manager and the two women.
"Excuse me, is there a problem?"

Slowly sliding to the side past the two of them, she positioned herself as close to the display as she could. Even though she was concerned, there was no way someone was going to snipe her on that jacket.
That looks painful, what happened?
"Excuse me, is there a problem?"
Serena spoke just as a pretty cute guy walked up and spoke as well. 'Hmm not bad, but he looks stuffy, way overdressed for my tastes. But do-able,' she mused.

The large man with a nametag glowered at her. Either he was upset she was climbing in his window to disturb his merchandise or he disliked her bleeding on herself. "I would like to purchase this pendant sir, if you would be so kind to ring it up." She said in an airy unconcerned voice that hopefully allayed his fears that she was trying to steal it. The red-head produced a small box so Nyra gently placed it into the cardboard to keep it safe. She watched as the official man just looked more disgusted.
Looking down she noticed she was dripping blood on his rug. "Yes, I think a trip to the firs-aid station might be in order." she said as a rather handsomely dressed man with ebony hair approached them and inquired if there is a problem.
"It appears I am bleeding all over this fine establishment. Apparently the glass was sharper than I realized. My appolgoies if I have distressed anyone. I am sure its just a scrape or two that can be bandaged swiftly." she hurried to assure the small gathering that it was alright.
She brought her hand to her mouth and began trying to stop the bleeding by applying pressure and sucking on the fresh cut on her wrist that she hadn't noticed till now.

Serena doubted it was so simple from the sheer amount of blood flowing down her arm. Probably would need a stitch or two but you can never be certain. She watched the looks passing over the managers face and almost smiled. 'Any second now there should be steam pouring out of his ears.'
Since everyone seemed rather unsure and it seemed like the poor bleeding woman was trying to dismiss everything and get out of there Rena decided to try and move things along. 'I do have plans tonight, can't be late..' With a determined nod and a firm, commanding voice she snapped into General mode. Years of military exposure and bossy parentals had left an impression.
You, she pointed to the manager give her some more tissues and call down to the mall office for a nurse. You there she motioned to the redhead standing near the injured woman Help her hold that up and apply some pressure. You sir she looked at the distinguished gentleman go find her something to sit on please. Ring that up for her she motioned to the salesclerk with the bloody pendant. And let me take a look and see how bad it is.
((OOC sorry to boss everyone around, feel free to ignore her if you choose!))

"Ahh, I think this might be a little faster than waiting for the intire hospital to arrive" He produced a clean hankerchief from one of his pockets. " Let's get this wrapped around your hand. We can't have you wasting all that blood, now can we? "
He turned his head to the manager. "Perhaps you should go get the first aid box instead of wasting time with paper napkins and doctors who will not arrive this century?" For a fraction of a second, his eyes flashed red as he made sure the manager would take the suggestion in a very favorable manner.

"C c ca cash or cch charge?" the clerk stuttered out, looking faint.
"I have cash in my backpack" Nyra said gently to him. "If someone could be so kind as to help me out of it." she asked as she slipped the thin strap off her uninjured arm.
The handsome gentleman produced a hankercheif as well as some comments about the medical professionals but Nyra concentrated on finding why so much blood was flowing. So far she had only seen three injuries. A scrap on the heel of her hand, a gouge on her palm and the nick on the underside of her wrist.
"Thank you for your help." Nyra said to everyone, trying to make smiling eye contact with them all.

"This will do" he said, and added a glare that did nothing to decrease the clerks amount of stuttering.

She was reaching out to the woman's arm, trying to get a look as she struggled to get her backpack off. Serena smiled and started to help her when she heard the man speak again.
" Let's get this wrapped around your hand. We can't have you wasting all that blood, now can we? " Serena's smile froze and she glanced at him with narrowing eyes. 'That was a very odd way to phrase that.. I wonder...' Her tone was cool as she regarded him with a suspicious look.
Why don't you hand me that she motioned to the handkerchief After all I'm sure you don't want to get any blood on you, there's no need for you to get all bloody now is there? Mr. ...? She seemed to but a little more emphasis on blood when she spoke.
((OOC she's paranoid and see's vampires everywhere so ignore her if you like.. yeah she's a little nutty.. ))

A thin chunk of glass was protruding from her forearm on the underside still slowly oozing blood. The stained glass looked to be a piece from the mobile. "hhmm" she thought to herself "that must be what annoyed the manager!"
Without looking up at the people around her she plucked the proffered cloth from the man's hand and used it to gently remove the glass. Which resulted in a renewed flow down her arm. Unfortunately she wanted to preserve the glass in the cloth so she could not use that to stop the flow.
She dropped her hand and arm allowing the backpack to slip off her shoulder to the floor with a thud. The slow steady stream continued flowing, this time to her hand. She hoped that first aid kit would get here soon!
((Nyra is rather oblivious to all things odd so dont mind her not catching subtleties.))

"Do you believe she knows?"
He didn't answer, if the woman did indeed suspect, he would have to deal with that later.
"Swiftwood. Aron Swiftwood if you want the whole name. I would tell you that I was at your service, however right now that is not the case, as the bloodspattered young lady here seems to have a somewhat more urgent need. Don't worry about my clothes, my dry cleaner is very good at getting bloodstains out"
The manager was back with the first aid kit as instructed. Finally. Aron was not quite sure how long he could resist the temptation of licking the hurt womans arm. He grabbed the kit and got out the gauze.
"Now, let's get you patched together. You're dripping blood all over"

Pressing it tightly to the wound on her forearm she then extended her arm towards him. "Would you mind wrapping this up so I dont drip anywhere else. I think the manager is a bit peeved at me." She whispered conspiratorally.
((Permission granted for anyone to move Nyra in the act of bandaging and cleaning.))

Aron's words had done nothing to calm her suspiscoins, in fact when he said "Don't worry about my clothes, my dry cleaner is very good at getting bloodstains out" she was almost convinced. He was either the eccentric do-gooder rich type, which she doubted would be shopping at the mall, or a blood sucking vampire.
'You always think people are vampires, how many times have you been wrong now? 27? But still, this guy seems odd..
Well my name's Serena, here let me.. reaching into the kit she grabbed some gauze pads and started layering them on the wound, gripping her hand around and using her fingers to apply pressure in between setting down the gauze. She paused a second and waited to see blood seep through, then layed down another layer. Her movements were sure, like she'd done this type of thing a few times before.
Good think I took that Red Cross first aid class huh? She grinned at the woman, trying to see if she was going to get faint from her blood loss.
So, what were you doing in there? Someone would have gotten that pendant for you. Oh speaking of.. hey Stan she tilted her head to see the sales clerk doing something with the credit card machine. I want that jacket in the window, grab it for me ok?
She didn't turn her back to the strange man but she was trying to slowly shoulder her way in between the two as she waited for her to speak, giving her a encouraging smile.

"Mental not Sunny, give the man cash for that before he leaves. And dont forget to give him back his hankerchief AFTER you remove the shard." She started to feel quite embarassed about causing such a ruckus. Thankfully the taller woman introduced herself which helped distract Nyra from her embarassment.
"First-aid class? How brilliant!" She watched Serena closely as she bandaged up the wound. "Unfortunately I always seem to just shove cuts in my mouth so I can keep working and then I forget about them until clean up time. You would think the constant turpentine would break me of the habit but so far it hasnt."
Nyra watched as the sales clerk went to the window and grabbed the jacket she had boggled over earlier. Perhaps on this commanding woman it would be appropriate.
"I wasnt really in there for the pendant, I just was window shopping when I should be looking for more practicle things and saw the glass mobile. I just wanted a closer look at it and before I knew it this nice woman" she pointed at the shorter red head still holding the box with the glass in it "was offering me napkins for the blood. Silly me, I thought it was paint I hadn't gotten off earlier today." Nyra spoke calmly and clearly with a small smile, all the while wondering why Serena was edging out the handsome man. Nyra had probably missed something earlier no doubt. She really should get her head out of the clouds, this scene proving that quite clearly.