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Of Doctors and Dinners

((From A trip to the mall))

Aron led the ladies up the stairs to the door, which a man in his 50's opened. His hair was steelgrey and he was clad in a penguin suit. His bright blue eyes radiatet a humor one would not expect in a butler.

"Greetings M'ladies." He nodded to Aron "Master Aron. Dinner will be ready soon. Dr Peterson is in the library, studying Charles Dickens and a glass of single malt"

Nyra 19 years ago
Nyra drank a sip of her water as Aron commented upon the wine. Too many people used bland words to describe colors so she was pleased to hear his description. Catching sight of the bandage on her arm felt it fit the evening quite well.

"Ultimately we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in oruselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it toward others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will be in our troubled world." she said quietly after her sip of clear cool water.

((Quote by Etty Hillesum 1914-1943))
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
"To find inner peace is something which every man of every faith struggles for, but to turn one's stormy sea of emotions and desire, into a calm pond of balance, is a struggle that may take more than a lifetime"
Nyra 19 years ago
"Gallant, philosophical AND appreciative of art. You dont happen to be unattached do you?" She smiled warmly at him.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl prevented herself from saying anything... untoward... by filling her mouth with pasta.
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
"Miss Nyra, I am afraid I am just the biproduct of a fairly decent education. I'm afraid I'm also rather attached at the moment, however my cat hasn't shown any jealous tendencies as of yet" he said with a twinkle in his eyes, which by now seemed to be brighter than usual.

"I think I should've persuaded Dr Peterson to stay...if Miss Rachyl continues like that, she will most deffinetly need someone skilled in the Heimlich"
Nyra 19 years ago
Chuckling she commented lightly "Cats unfortunately make me sneeze. I do have a pet rabbit at home in Oregon who is quite demanding in her own right."

Looking over at Rachyl she smiled "I can completely understand her motivation though, the food is delicious. I really should give it my full attention, myself." she took several bites of her own dinner. "You have quite a jewel in Jeeves. The pasta and sauce tastes home made! So few go to the trouble now adays to cook from scratch. mmm" she closed her eyes in delight at each bite.
Serena 19 years ago
In between the philisophical banter and the slight nausea she'd had since Aron had pretty much cemented her suspisions with his blood red comment Serena's mood was going downhill rapidly. Not that she'd been in high spirits to begin with, but.. well she was not having fun. Even the delicious pasta wasn't doing much to improve her mood. But it helped. She shoveled in another bite and just listened to the banter between Nyra and Aron.

'Is this flirting? Or high brow conversation?' she mused and took another sip of her wine. She tried to catch Rachyl's eyes and see if she too felt a little like a third wheel.

"The pasta and sauce tastes home made! So few go to the trouble now adays to cook from scratch. mmm" Nyra's comment made Serena look up and smile at Aron.

I have to admit, this sauce is probably as good as my Nonna's, at least as I remember it. You'll have to get me the recipie.

((OOC sorry guys, work is kicking my ass today...))
Rachyl 19 years ago
Quotes and random sayings had never been Rachyl's forte, and in fact a lot of the time it just made her frustrated because she'd inevitably be forcing herself to analyze whatever was said.

She glanced over to Serena as she dabbed at her lips with the napkin, removing a spot of the luscious sauce her agile tongue just couldn't reach. Catching the woman's eye, she winked, and smiled consolingly, knowing the woman was probably feeling the same way she was - out of place, out of touch, and in general, not feeling like she belonged.
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
"You know, there's a cure for cat allergy these days....Unless you're afraid of pointy objects ofcourse" he said with a smile.

Rachyl was bored and had her guards up, Serena was not in the best of moods and had her guards up, which in boths cases was very understandable, and annoyed Aron terribly. Rachyl was an interresting woman and he wanted to help her past this "milk problem" of hers. Ofcourse she'd need to let her guard down first...which she wouldn't untill the milk problem was solved...
Serena was a more curious case and would need futher investigation. Well, at least Nyra seemed to be warming up rather rapidly, and artists were almost always enjoyable company, in every sense of the word.

"Ohh, the recipe is no secret, but you'd have to...well..." he smirked "ask Jeeves."

Aron took a sip of his wine, then focused his mental powers on Serena, speaking to her without the least amount of sound.

"Is there any way I can make you relax just a little bit? It won't kill you...I promise"
Nyra 19 years ago
"Aparently I dont feel much by the way of scrapes or point objects" Nyra glanced ruefully at her bandage. "But I try to live as naturally as possible, no drugs, alcohol, perscriptions and the like. So I just make sure to avoid felines."

Nyr listened to Aron joke about the recipe for their divine dinner. She glanced down at her plate and noticed she had finished it all. It had been wonderful, just like the company. Finishing the last of her water she placed her napkin on the table and pushed her plate forward a few inches.

As casually as possible she reached down into her bag and withdrew a slim palm sized screen. Detaching the stylist she began to draw while trying to keep her attention on her companions as well.

Slowly the drawing took shape on the screen.
Serena 19 years ago
Serena tried her best not to snort when she laughed at Aron's 'ask Jeeves' comment. Grinning at him she teased with a little sparkle in her violet eyes, And here you were telling us not to make such comments? For shame Mr Swiftwood!

She had just started to take a sip when she 'heard' his words. Thankfully she was able to refrain from spewing her mouthful of wine all over the room but it did cause her to choke a little as she set the glass down with a jolt.

Coughing, she waived her hand, fanning her face and used the napkin in her other hand to cover her mouth. Glancing up at their host she muttered in the napkin just barely audible, but sure he would hear her.

More worried about 'you' than 'it'..

Ahem! Wow that was embarassing. I promise, I do know how to swallow properly.. Wait, that sounds bad... She laughed, faintly red from coughing or embarassment, it was hard to tell.

'Holy crap.. OK can he hear what I'm thinking?' she wondered, keeping up a smile.
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
"Avoid felines? Well, I shall keep my puring to a minimum then"

Aron finished his own spaghetti, and took another sip of his wine.

"Anyone for desert? I believe there is some in the fridge."

His senses were now focused on Serena, quite a few people made the assumption that if you could send thoughts, then you could read them as well. The side effect was ofcourse that he shut out Nyra and Rachyl. He continued to send thoughts to her.

"I have in my intire existance never brought harm to a guest, and never to a woman who hadn't harmed me physicly first. I have no intention of starting a habit now. Ofcourse working at Dubine you have probably seen things that has...shaken...your faith in thw word of my kin. And yes, with the right amount of focus, I can indead read your concious thoughts"
Serena 19 years ago
Serena didn't know what to think or do. 'I.. I can assure you not all of your kind share your hospitality.' There was a great deal of bitterness and grief in that thought as memories of her Mother came close to the surface. 'It would seem my comming along to make sure nothing happened to these two was unnecessary.' She made a soft dry chuckling noise.

Dessert sounds great. If you tell me Jeeves can make a tiramissu to rival his spaghetti, well then I'm afraid you're SOL 'cause I'm going to marry him. Her tone was mock serious then she grinned at the men.

'So.. your motivations weren't to trap us in your lair and eat us for dinner? Have to say I'm quite a bit relieved, that would really have messed with my long term goals ya know.' She was teasing him, but she was not completely relaxed. Rena didn't know why, but she wanted to relax around him. It wasn't a normal reaction for her by far and had her confused. And a little nervous.

Nyra 19 years ago
Nyra vaguely listened to the banter about dessert. She was intent on finishing the sketch on her screen. The likeliness to Aron Swiftwood was very good even though she almost never did portraits. She really did prefer landscapes but this was special. She had already saved off a sketch of Rachyl that she would have to have her father print and send to her whenever she remember to plug in this toy as he had taught her.

The black and white sketch showed Aron smiling, like when he had invited them into his home. Without color she could not capture the green of his eyes but she had his cheekbones and nose perfect.

She hoped she would have time to finish one for Serena before the evening came to an end. Now she just needed to remember to get addresses on where to send the finished works.

Hopefully she remembered her own address to invite him to see her works in her studio. Details details. She bent her head closer to the screen, concentrating.
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
"I can indeed make a tiramisu to rival my spaghetti. Would saturday be convenient for the marriage?" Jeeves said with a perfectly serious voice as he entered the room. Only his eyes reveiled that he was jesting and highly amused.

"However given the small timeframe master Aron has given me to make a sufficiently delightful meal, I am afraid there will be no tiramisu tonight. I can however offer my rather excellent italian fruit salad"

"Jeeves has as you can hear, never learned the famous art of humility" Aron said in a dry voice.

He continued his mental conversation with Serena. "I will not lie to you, it was, and is still, my intention to have a drink before dawn. I do however prefer my dinner dates willing and alive, both before and after I have nipled their neck. Like sex, it is not nearly as good if both parties do not enjoy themselves"
Serena 19 years ago
Still smiling and teasing she waved her left hand at Jeeves, Saturday's great babydoll, give me the rock and we're set! She laughed and nudged Rachyl, trying to get her laughing and cheer her up some.

Italian fruit salad huh? Hope it's better than my Mom's.. that was just pop and pour or for a treat straight from the can.. Her eyes twinkled, and her mood had brightened considerably. At least until Aron spoke to her again.

oh... it was barely louder than a breath, and as her smile faded her eyes slowly moved to Aron's face. oh.

It took willpower Serena didn't even know she had not to jump up from her chair like she'd been bit. Her hands started to shake and she placed them in her lap, clenching her napkin and twisting it like it was a lifeline. Her pulse was racing and she licked her lips.

'I..I.. I don't want to be.. I think I'm going to throw up..'

For what seemed like her entire life Rena'd heard about the ecstacy a vampire's kiss could bring, could remember hearing her Mom through the apartment's walls as she screamed at her Dad how he could never please her like just her lover's kiss did. And she would never forget the way it addicted her Mom to it's delight.

Her vision seemed to dim as she focused on just breathing slowly.
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Aron felt Serenas emotional compass turn 180 degrees and it hit him like a bucketful of ice water. A genuinly shocked look crossed his face.

"Are you allright m'lady?"

In the tidal wave of stored emotions, Aron felt something different...excitement? He couldn't help comparing her to the victorian girls, who's mothers advice for their wedding night was to close their eyes and think of their country.
"Shh....I said I didn't force myself on anyone, didn't I? You're free to leave whenever you choose, I can even get Jeeves to drive you home. He's completly human, I assure you. But just know, that it will not put you under my control, nor will I be haunting your dreams, it is not my way. But I will not bite you, unless you wish it?"

He tried to calm her, to make her understand and to perk the excitement at the bottom of her emotinal ocean. That was the key. If this poor girl had been working for Dubine for so long, and had these fears all along, it was a wonder she wasn't raving mad. Perhpas he could cure her of her fears tonight.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl's attention watching Nyra focused so completely on her digital device was diverted by Serena's sudden intake of breath.

"You okay?" she asked, "You're not choking, are you?" She examined the woman's face for the cyanotic tell-tale signs.
Serena 19 years ago
'For God's sake get ahold of yourself,' she told herself firmly. She listened to Aron, taking deep breaths and stilled her shaking hands. 'You know they're all not murderer's..' she said to herself then remembered Aron could hear her. 'I mean, I know your kind aren't.. at least some aren't.'

She cleared her throat and looked up at the others. Her voice was rough with emotion and slowly she shook her head to clear the mental pictures she'd conjured up.
No, I'm.. I'm not choking. I'm sorry.. I.. umm.. reminded myself about my Mom. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Sometimes it doesn't bother me, but every now and then I remember.. She shook her head again, more firmly and set her jaw. Unpleasant things. She uh, was murdered when I was a kid. It was.. yeah. ahem..

Serena massaged her temple with a mostly steady hand for a second then glanced back up and smiled weakly. Sorry to scare ya like that.
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl reached out and squeezed Serena's hand gently, a look of compassion and sympathy in her eyes.