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Of Doctors and Dinners

((From A trip to the mall))

Aron led the ladies up the stairs to the door, which a man in his 50's opened. His hair was steelgrey and he was clad in a penguin suit. His bright blue eyes radiatet a humor one would not expect in a butler.

"Greetings M'ladies." He nodded to Aron "Master Aron. Dinner will be ready soon. Dr Peterson is in the library, studying Charles Dickens and a glass of single malt"

Nyra 19 years ago
Nyra graciously took the proffered limo ride back to the mall to fetch her car. She drove home happily knowing she had made three new friends. Hopefully she would find time to visit Mr. Swiftwood again to view his paintings.

((Thanks for dinner! Nyra out. ))
Serena 19 years ago
Serena had been quiet, just mulling over the events of the evening as she'd eaten. When bidden she smiled and exchanged numbers with Nya, and slipped Rachyl hers as well. For a moment she thought about asking the redhead if she'd like to come watch the races she was going to, but decided against it. At this point she wasn;t even certain she felt up to going. 'Such emotional highs and lows.. I should just get to bed and try to get some sleep.'

She said her goodbyes, studying Aron for a long moment, mulling over her options. A mix of curiousity and anxiety went through her whle she considered trying to find out more about some of his fellow vampires. 'After all.. Being European he could know something about.. then I'd have to stay and be alone.. No, it's safer to just go.' she told herself firmly and followed the others to the limo for the ride back to the strip.

((( OOC Sorry about not posting more y'all, weekends are not good for me to be online most of the time. Serena out.)))
Rachyl 19 years ago
Rachyl hestitated a moment as her dining companions headed out to the limo. Turning to Mr. Swiftwood, she said, "Thank you for the drinks last Friday, Mr. Swiftwood. They were a wonderful addition to a quite enjoyable night."

With a sly wink, she added, "And thank you for your hospitality tonight." With that, she turned and walked quickly to catch up to the other two women. She gave her address to the driver, and sat somewhat distanced from the other two.

Quietly, she commented,
"That was a rather interesting time. I'm glad to have met both of you."

Being the last one dropped off, she thanked the driver for his couriership, and sent him on his way. She felt the vibration of her phone at her side - it was ten o'clock - and opened the door to her building.

(( Rachyl out. ))
Aron Swiftwood 19 years ago
Aron sighed. American women were an odd species indeed, one he would have good chance of studying, he expected. He had hoped to study these three somewhat more intensely, and there might be time at another occation. He would have to visit Nyra's gallery soon, a sunrise might actually be nice on one of his walls. Perhaps he could get Serena out of Dubine, offer her a job himself. Though it would probably be better for her to work in a company that didn't involve vampires on a regular basis.
Rachyl...well a futher study might be a good idea. He had a feeling he was not the one to heal her broken heart and soul, but he could make sure it wasn't hurt any futher.
All in all, an interresting evening indeed....

((Aron Out, Thread Ready for Locking (TRL)))