Meet the Ancients: Open to all Anantya
Thaddeus gripped Alfarinn's hand and smiled with only a trace of anxiety as the limo approached the Manor. He was, in all honesty, more excited to be bringing Alfarinn to his Clan than he was worried; there was an insuppressible happiness to the situation, though as the moment approached his nerves began to catch up to him. He distracted himself by, for at least the tenth time, going over what needed to be done in his mind, and considering carefully what to tell Mai.
The limo came to a stop at last, but before the driver could open the door, Thaddeus rather suddenly pulled Alfarinn to him, kissing him quickly but firmly and thoroughly, breaking away just as the door opened.
[I thought we both might need that.]
Behind them, Thaddeus heard the limo drive away as they approached the front doors. He paused before opening them, made one last effort to shake off his nerves, and opened the door, gesturing for Alfarinn to enter and following closely after him.
We can cut through here and out the other side to the Japanese Gardens. That is an ideal place to find Mai.

He gazed at Thaddeus and felt the nervousness grip him, this was his family, they could make things very difficult for the two of them. He was also walking alone, an elder of a rival clan, into the hands of ..if not always an enemy then at certainly not always a friend either. Alfarinn corrected himself, he wasn't alone, Thaddeus was with him. Though he was not certain what would happen if they really wanted to hold him badly enough. He could be potentially putting Megan and Clan Evenhet in a bad position with his possible capture and ransom.
Thaddeus kissed him soundly just as the limo stopped moving and it took Alfarinn a moment to stop blinking at him in surprise. He grinned slowly.
[I'd have to agree.]
He followed along behind Thaddeus looking around at the unfamiliar architecture.
"Excellent taste as always."

I like to think so.
He led them down a series of hallways, indicating various rooms to either side of them and hoping the Evenhet was not getting too terribly lost along the way. Then he wondered why it mattered, since they would be together. He shook his head of his own thoughts when he realized he was pointing out exits and wished this visit were slightly more...normal.
At last they made their way to the entrance to the Japanese Gardens, and Thaddeus paused to pull his mobile out of his jacket pocket. He was about to turn it off completely before realizing that while almost anyone who needed him could find him easily enough, Simon was the exception. He set it to vibrate instead, though it seemed somewhat wrong to him.
His fingers found their way to the jade turtle under his button down shirt, and he smiled as he stepped onto the familiar paths, checking over his shoulder to ensure Alfarinn was with him.

"Welcome home." She was in an uncharacteristically good mood and assumed it was seeing her Ba-di safely back at the Manor. Paying attention to the blonde behind him for the first time, Mai bowed her head slightly in greeting, still not letting go of Thaddeus.
"Konbanwa Alfarinn-san." She smiled at the Evenhet before turning back to Thaddeus. "There is someone I would like you to meet, Ba-di-kun, He is in your Order, his name is Qu Yuan."
Taking his hand, Mai led him towards their favorite bench along the path,near the pond.

He realized that he was grinning rather stupidly now and Alfarinn must think them both slightly mad for that little display, and hoped he was not uncomfortable. He brushed his gloved fingers over Alfarinn's hand before following Mai's lead to their bench.
Qu Yuan. A new turn or new to Anantya? I am not familiar with the name.
He frowned for a moment, not liking to miss anything within the Manor, but could not hold on to the regret for long. It simply felt too good to be here, with Mai and Alfarinn, to let troubles linger.
[This is...a favorite place in the Manor.]
He realized the explanation was somewhat inadequate, and hoped Alfarinn had at least a small idea of what sharing this place meant to him.

The wolves sensitive ears perked up when he heard Mai's and anothers voice.. 'that's T, back again it would seem', curiousity perked he padded out of the woods and twords the garden. Halfway between the garden and the woods he resumed his humanish form without missing a step. He was careful how entered the garden, he didnt't want to step on any of the delicate or beautiful plants that were so painstakeningly planted here.
coming around to the base of the path he entered behind the duo and watched as they were led deeper into the garden by Mai. seeing no reason not he followed, albeit at a respectful distance in case this was a private conversation.

"Good Evening to you as well, Mai."
He smiled at the comforting touch on his hand and followed the pair of them to the bench. Standing next to Thaddeus, he took a look around. It really was quite beautiful and very serene.
[I can see why. It seems very peaceful.]
It was then that he noticed the tall blonde stranger and for him to consider someone tall was saying something. This must be the man that Simon mentioned.
Alfarinn nodded his head at Talon by way of greeting and invitation.

"He has recently come here to live with us but he is not a fledgling."
Her white eyes scanned one and then the other. They seemed closer than before, more like the origami cranes that she had given to Thaddeus not so long ago. Smiling faintly, she said.
" You have more news, nee?"
Without turning around, she said grinned, feeling the presence of Talon nearby.
"Konbanwa Kuma-san"

I am glad to hear he found his way home.
Taking in Mai's glance between himself and Alfarinn, he decided to share the good news first. He smiled softly and pulled off his left glove.
Yes...we have more news.
He lifted up his hand to show the ring on his thumb, then joined it with Alfarinn's, looking up at him in affection. He saw that the Evenhet was looking just ahead of him at the same time he heard Mai's greeting, and turned his attention to his clansman. For a moment he was unnerved, realizing what this must look like to Talon, and wondered if the Huntsman would be shocked.
He decided the giant man's delicate nerves could probably take it. He stood in acknowledgement and inclined his chin.
Please, join us.

"Konbanwa Kuma-san"
and then
Please, join us.
with a shrug he stepped deeper into the garden and walked over to stand across from the bench.. not wanting to seem like he was towering over them all he slowly knelt down and sat back on his heels..
he looked to each of them in turn starting with Mai "Half-pint" he said with a slight grin and a nod, he turned to Thaddeus "T-bone" with that his grin came on in full and he turned to regard the other blonde man and nodded to him "Guy I dont know" he said plainly and sat back once again. Sensing that there was something important going on here, he quieted himself and tried to blend into the background.

Talon, this is Alfarinn of Evenhet. Alfarinn, Talon of the Order of the Hunt.
He turned his attention to Alfarinn.
Talon is new to Nachton, though certainly not to Anantya.
[Talon is a bit...rough around the edges.] He thought of their first meeting in the cathedral. [But he is well intentioned and a committed asset to Anantya.]
He turned back to Talon, returning the smile, and rubbed his thumb over the back of Alfarinn's hand.
I see you have taken to the gardens as well.

Gentle breezes sent the willow trees in motion and the spanish moss draped from them swayed gently as the two of them walked down the trail. She stopped and tilted her head at Louis and smiled as a pang of home sickness hit her. Gathering daisies, lilies and other colorful blooms into a large bundle in her arms she picked her way barefoot over the stones and grasses.
Amberelle's mood lifted some when Thaddeus' scent blew past. 'Ah, he's returned!' Her amber eyes twinkled. After their conversation the other evening in the kitchen she looked forward to seeing him again. He was one of the few here who'd been kind to her.
[Race you!] she said to Louis and took off running down the path, laughing. She was a blur of tanned legs and billowing white linen from her poet shirt.

He regarded the new arrival with curiosity and grinned at the nicknames his companion's seemed to have earned.
[T-bone? How charming, can I call you that often?]
Alfarinn was still inwardly chuckling at the name that could not have gone further away from being something suitable for Thaddeus. He was quite sure that was the intent and wondered if his companion blushed the first time it was used.
"Well then, Welcome to Nachton. I'm one of the evil opposition."

Louis ran past her quickly, a small black blur. He stopped in the middle of the others, in front of Thaddeus, and began turning in circles and meowing happily.
[You only won becase I stopped running, so stop gloating!]
Bonsoir, mon famille! She smiled. It's good to see you again Thaddeus.. She walked up and held her arms open to give him a hug.

[I believe there is a rule that states you must weigh at least 300 pounds before you are permitted to address a Grey by a nickname.]
Thaddeus raised his eyebrow at the black cat circling in front of him, and looked up to see Amberelle's approach. She seemed more relaxed, happier even, every time he saw her, and that came as a relief to him. The somewhat retreating woman he had met that day in the cathedral was gone for the moment, replaced by a vivacious lady carrying flowers in the garden.
He released Alfarinn's hand long enough to step into the offered hug, which was slightly more gracefully done this time around.
It is good to see you as well, sister.
He shot Alfarinn a grin before stepping back to stand next to him, and gestured his introductions.
Another new arrival to Nachton. Amberelle, Alfarinn of Evenhet. Alfarinn, Amberelle. My apologies, but if you have chosen an Order I missed the news.
He added a note of question to this last statement, and took Alfarinn's hand in his own again.

Enchanté, Alfarinn. It is a pleasure to meet such a close friend of my brother.
'Mistress! Mean man Louis no like' the cat said, his agitation transparent.
'Sacrebleu what has he done to YOU? You'd better behave, filou.. Or I really will put you on a diet!'

[Ah well, we'll keep our little endearments to ourselves then. I suppose. Wouldn't want to break any Grey family rules, now would I? ]
Alfarinn saw another Anantya approach and hug Thaddeus. He was surprised at the reception his companion got at home. It had certainly changed from his day of cordial greetings of " So good to see you again, old chap. " and a glass of wine over some quiet discussion on the events since the last meeting.
He reached out his hand and took Amberelle's hand and bowed slightly.
"C'est mon plaisir, Mademoiselle."
Stepping back, he returned his hand to Thaddeus.
"I am happy to see he has such kind companions."

I don't know if I would call all of us here kind.. I think some might be offended at that. She made a point to glance at Talon and winked.
As for choosing an order... Well no, I hadn't really. I hadn't seen a reason to rush to a decision. Maybe I'll start an 'undecided' option.
Louis came over and began to wind around his mistress' legs, rubbing up against her while keeping a watchful eye on the huge 'mean man' called Talon

[Indeed. Because you hold rules in -such- high regard.]
He was pleased, however, that so far impressions seemed good on all ends.
Chuckling at Amberelle's comment, he turned to Talon.
It seems your secret is out. He turned back to Amberelle, considering her reply. Oh, I imagine you would be told otherwise if there were any hurry. It can take time to decide where you best fit in, though I must say I hope you consider the Order of the Night, and not merely because I serve there. He grinned. Not, of course, that that is not enough of a reason in and of itself.
Sincerely, I imagine Sorin would be delighted to have you as a fellow Nightsman, as would I.
Thaddeus shook his head, still smiling. Of course, it is entirely up to you. You'll forgive me if I've spoken too much; it does not seem so long ago that I was making this very same choice. Of course, at the time I was certain I would join the Hunt he looked somewhat apologetically at Mai but it was not to be.

"Daijobu desu, Thaddeus-san" She nodded her head slightly. "You are where you were meant to be."
She stood up and regarded Amberelle for a moment. " Things happen as they should if you allow them to. There will always be a place in Anantya for you and a purpose, no matter where you choose to go."
Mai placed a hand on Talon's shoulder by way of greeting her fellow Order of the Hunt. She then looked down at the cat that seemed to have an issue with the man's presence. He was a wolf after all, no doubt the feline could sense that and even in this form he was a hunter.
Reaching out a hand to the animal, she wondered how often it was going to get chased. There were a lot canines about the place and even she was known to chase something larger than herself in stoat form because that was more of a challenge.
She felt that it would be wise for her to speak to Thaddeus alone before he chose to leave again and so she stayed a while longer instead of wandering off as was her normal custom.