Unexpected Vistor (w/permission)
Simon was in an unnatural state of rage. He had spent the good portion of his vampire life containing that rage, more out of necessity than his old human tendencies. He gripped the wheel as he thought about the events of the past several hours.
The beast missing. Marthinus having his heart attack. Ellis with Sorin doing or plotting god knows what.
His patience was wearing thin.
He sped his blue jaguar around the corner to the Manor, knowing Alfarinn and Thaddeus would be there and even if they weren't, he needed to find them and at the moment his rage wasn't allowing him to think straight.
Simon drove up the long winding road up to the Manor and slid along the gravel, taking the corners. His foot never left the gas pedal. As he passed the huge trees covering the front of the estate, he spied the front gates. Large, black and ornate.
He finally hit the brakes, stopping just inches from careening into the iron gates. He stepped out and felt the first drops of rain hitting him as he ran up to the security panel. Simon began to pound on it, signaling that there was a vistor at the gate. He did not stop pressing the announcement button until finally there was a screech.
He heard the cameras move to focus in on him. He could only imagine what they were thinking as they watched this known Tacharan vampire pounding on the front door of its highest opposer.
Simon didnt care, all bets were off and he would receive his revenge.
The Butler was so focused on listening for footsteps that the much louder sound of the intercom buzzer nearly startled him out of his chair. He scowled at his end of the intercom device before picking up the receiver; after all, did these idiots really think pressing the button multiple times would incline him to move -faster-? He paused long enough to hear a screech of feedback, but before he could inquire on what jackass was interrupting his break, the answer came through loud and clear.
'I can hear you just fine. Moron.'
Yet another thought best kept to himself. He held the receiver a distance from his ear and typed in the command on his computer to reposition the camera above the intercom.
'How disgraceful.'
The Butler spoke in his most calm and polite tones, wondering if this Simon character would catch the irony and finding that he did not particularly care.
One moment please.
Just to add insult to injury, the rude jackass wanted to speak to the pompous jackass, which meant the Butler would have the unenviable honor of dealing with 'Lord Grey' as well. He didn't even know if the snot was home; he hadn't seen him around lately, come to think of it. Still, he would make an attempt at contact.
He pressed the intercom button for the little beast's quarters.
Thaddeus Grey?
Damn. He's home after all.
He took a moment to sort out his words, steering away from statements like 'some complete jerk off here to see you,' and gave the appropriate reply, bracing himself for the onslaught that was sure to come from disturbing 'His Grace.' Likely he would have to play the middle man between these two, as he could not imagine the snot allowing the rude man entrance, and did not relish the thought of turning the rather aggressive man at the gates away.
The second surprise came at the clipped order to let Simon in. The Butler frowned, not expecting this outcome, but recovered quickly and consented.
This had damn well better not be -my- ass on the line in the end.
He hit the button to open the gates, and watched through the camera for the man to drive through.

Again he stepped out, slamming the car door and walked up the steps. He banged on the front door, forgetting his manners. The rain was cold and running down his neck, into his clothes. Simon sniffed once but did not bother to wipe the rain off his face. He stood there, looking like a crazed man ready for Hell and it's minions.

[What in the hell has gotten into that man?]
Deciding that asking retorical questions of his companion, who walked alongside him, was likely a waste of time, he instead increased his pace.
He walked briskly down the hall and into the foyer, a hundred questions on his mind, and flung the door open not knowing which he would ask first. 'What the hell are you thinking?', 'Are you completely mad?', and 'Why in God's name didn't you just call?' all seemed fitting queries, but when he took in the sight of Simon, dripping wet and looking vaguely...feral...all such questions were driven from his mind.
My God, you look awful.

'Give me the ring, I need the ring. You have to give me the ring now. I need it.' He rambled on like an addict begging for his fix. It was the only thing he could think about, other than Marthinus. He looked at both men, the startled looks on their faces. Thaddeus seemed repelled by Simon's mantra. The ring, I need the ring. I need to save Marthinus.
He stopped, trying to hold onto what composure he had left. This was unlike them, if not the extreme opposite of his normal self. Cool, collected and to the point, Simon babbled like a baby. Admonishing himself he continued.
'I'm sorry...I...would've called but,' he took out the yellow phone, knowing its color was enough to have him committed at this point, 'my phone broke...I'm borrowing...' Simon gulped, tears now threatening his eyes. He was so out of control, why was he so out of control?
'Please, give me the ring,' he finally grabbed Thaddeus by his jacket, his eyes wild and his fangs pulsing in spite of his sorrow and pain.

He put one hand on Simon's arm gripping more forcefully than normal so that the man might pay attention for a moment and moved himself somewhat between the two of them. He quelled the over protective nature that suggested he do more than that at seeing a near insane vampire with a firm grasp on Thaddeus. This was Simon, Alfarinn reminded himself and this was not his normal behavior. An appeal to what senses the man had left seemed a better road to travel than unnecessary violence.
"Simon." Alfarinn's voice was calm. " We plan on giving you the ring. Slow down and explain what's going on... but not here. Remember where you are, man."
Alfarinn looked briefly around the entrance, knowing there was quite possibly cameras here. Using his other hand, he fumbled for his own phone and called the limo which he had asked to be waiting near the estate.
"The limo will be in a under a minute and we can take care of all this in there."
He regarded the Tacharan thoughtfully before sending to Thaddeus.
[Yes, I'd say something serious happened and he's on the verge of losing that last marble]

A number of things crossed his mind at that point, though his only action was to keep eye contact with Simon. He thought of just how terrible this would all look to a passerby, and the emotion in the Tacharan's eyes, and the ridiculous color of the cell phone, and the ring in his pocket, and found he was quite at a loss for what to do next. His instincts told him to do whatever it took to get this man's hands -off of him-, but in truth he did not know how Simon would react to being pushed away. Or commanded away, but Thaddeus hoped they were not at that point just yet. In any case, there was something so distraught about the Tacharan's expression that he could not quite bring himself to react as strongly as he thought he probably needed to.
Fortunately for all involved, Alfarinn acted more quickly, moving between them with calm ease and speaking in a level tone. He nodded in agreement, calming himself and looking to Simon.
Alfarinn is right; you should not be here, it is not safe for you. We will work this out, trust us.
He looked out the window, watching for the limo, and turned back, straightening his now damp jacket. He was, in truth, somewhat shaken still.
[Anyone would think the man had a death wish, the way he came in here. Hell Alfarinn, I wasn't far from hitting him myself, and some here don't need a reason.]
He trusted Alfarinn's evaluation of the situation; he had, after all, known Simon a fair bit longer than he. Not for the first time, he was quite glad to have the Evenhet with him, for both his own reassurrances and Alfarinn's diplomatic abilities; he only hoped they would be enough to bring Simon back to some level of reality.
Before too long, the shiny black limo pulled up to the curb, behind the jaguar Thaddeus assumed belonged to Simon. He opened the door and nodded to Simon and Alfarinn, indicating they should go.

He looked crazed, but it wasn't half of what he was feeling. He set the ridiculously yellow phone down beside him and let himself sink into the plush upholstery. He swallowed once and felt his skin shiver from the cold rain.
'I'm...' he started to say, then he straighted his shirt and again ran his fingers back thru his hair. He tried to sink back into his normal disposition but having tasted his hysteria, he was now scared as well as angry.
'I'm sorry but this is urgent.'

He took off his now wet gloves and set them down on the seat next to him, then pinched the bridge of his nose as he listened to Simon's apology and explanation, such as they were. He rather thought Simon had already done a fine job of conveying the urgency of the matter, but kept that comment to himself.
Perhaps you should explain; has The Wolf returned so soon?
It was tempting to fire off more questions, but Thaddeus thought it best to take this one step at a time. He wondered why Simon would need the ring so desperately now, and remembered that the Tacharan was meant to receive something from The Wolf in exchange. Perhaps Tacharan's trials ran deeper than they had appeared from Simon's previous light tone. Or, he reasoned, it could be that The Wolf had proved a troublesome collaborator, and Simon was in a hurry to be done his association with the vampire.
He leaned forward, elbows on knees, and looked in Simon's eyes.
You know we have every intention of giving you the ring.
He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small red bag. He would want to explain the tracking device before handing it over, lest the surveillance equipment cause bad faith, but he thought perhaps seeing the ring in question would ease Simon's mind.
We simply need to know your intentions once you have it so that we can best prepare.

"Is Ellis alright?" Alfarinn's first conclusion was that something had happened to the leader of Tacharan, perhaps one of the few events that he knew of that would set Simon off like this. Admittedly he didn't know enough about the man's private life to have a better insight on what, other than the very ambitious female vampire, might be important to him.
He then remembered he was planning on letting Simon tell this tale at his own pace and waived his hand.
"I'm sorry, take your time and tell us what happened when you're ready."

His hands balled up again, trying to contain the anger. Lifting his right hand to touch his hair, he knocked Nova's yellow cell phone to the ground. It slid across, right towards Alfarinn's feet.
He sighed defeated, 'I'm sorry, excuse me.' He leaned forward to pick up the phone but Alafrinn beat him to it.

He saw a woman standing in what looked like a hospital using the phone. In the bed next to her was Marthinus, Simon's decedent looking none to healthy at the moment, hooked up to monitors of all kinds, tubes stuck in both arms.
There was a flash backwards, seemingly a memory being played back while someone was using the phone, of an empty warehouse and Marthinus falling to the ground in a crumpled heap.
The woman handing the phone to Simon.
Simon's worried expression turning to anger as he spoke to someone else on the other end of the line.
Simon driving at break neck speeds somewhere, the phone still clutched in his hand.
He slowly leaned back in the seat and took a shaky breath, rubbing his eyes absently as if that would cause the images to go away.
"Marthinus...He's alright?"

'I dont know.' He managed to say. 'He's had a heart attack.'
Simon crumbled and covered his eyes with his hand, running it over his nose and mouth. A sob racked his body and he felt the tears well up in his eyes. The shame he carried all these years dwelled inside him, black and cold. He carried it around every single day of his life, along with regret. He chose Ellis over his humanity...how could any man do that and live with himself?
He thought of Ellis and how she mocked his pain by using his mortal family as familiars. Simon watched family member after family member give up a child to raise within the Tacharan fold. He watched Marthinus as a child, sit on Ellis lap and be dazzled by her beauty and charm, when all the while she had his life planned the moment he was conceived.
A spark of hate was born just then, in poor Simon. Poor Simon, Ellis called him. Her one rival. Simon thought deeply for a moment and cradled that hate inside him. For so long he kept it safe and hidden but now...Simon let his rage and fear feed it.
With weary eyes he looked at Alafrinn, 'Have you ever hated what you are, Alafrinn? Hated what you've become?' His eyes were pleading. Simon looked at Thaddeus, Alafrinn's companion and saw their bonding. He hoped their love wasn't as empty and heartless as his.
In a monotone voice Simon said, 'I have. All my immortal life.' He looked back at Alafrinn. 'I need the ring to give to The Wolf so I can find Hillman, the man who's stolen our blood harvesting machine.' Simon gave them the truth, letting it spill out of his mouth. He shook his head not believing his own words. 'I need to find Hillman.'
He thought to himself, a deep dark wish. 'Then maybe he'll kill Ellis before I have to.'

He frowned, passing the small bag from one hand to the other. He had hoped for more time, but Simon's help was his own to give, at the time of his choosing, and if he needed to make things happen more quickly for the sake of his clan Thaddeus could hardly fault him for that.
He decided it was best not to pry for specifics on Simon's Clan problem; in circumstances of betrayal suspicions tended to fly, and it made sense to stay out of that particular crossfire. Just as it was in Simon's best interest not to know the Anantya politics involved in their mission, they had neither the need nor the right to know Tacharan's internal business. It was enough to know that by giving Simon the ring, they would be helping each other.
He looked to Simon, nodding in understanding, and would have said as much, but then the brightly colored phone was knocked to the ground, and Alfarinn picked it up with his bare hand. Whatever he was sensing was clearly a cause of confusion and disorientation, but Thaddeus could feel more through the bond; concern and compassion. Perhaps Ellis had been harmed after all, and Simon was not comfortable speaking of it? It was clear that Alfarinn had sensed something upsetting, and he put a comforting arm around the Evenhet's shoulders.
[Are you alright?]
Then Alfarinn spoke a name. Thaddeus was not familiar with the person mentioned, but it was clear enough that this was more than a political matter; somehow, Simon's struggle was personal. The Tacharan's reaction to the query only confirmed that, and he could only feel sympathetic. Simon was clearly affected deeply by this Marthinus's heart attack. He wondered how a human had come to mean so much to the vampire.
[Who is Marthinus?]
Simon's next words brought him out of his musings and sent a chill through him. Oh, he thought he could relate to the man's sentiment, if not its intensity and duration. He imagined most vampires had been forced to come to terms with their nature, and it was a sign of sanity and reason to be self examining...but Simon was being eaten alive. While to some extent such concern was a credit to Simon, caution and introspection had turned to self hatred, which would only lead to madness.
The man seemed, in this moment, to be on the brink of exactly that. However, he continued, and his next statements were somehow more lucid, cutting through the man's pain.
Thaddeus sighed mentally. So much for not knowing too much. Naturally he did not hold that against Simon; the Tacharan was clearly beyond the point of discretion. He simply saw the complications in becoming more deeply involved in a large scale clan matter. He optimistically hoped that the blood harvesting machine was not as...brutal as it sounded, but he had a feeling such hopes were ill conceived. He would let his conscience stew over that particular matter at a later time.
[Clearly this is about more than a piece of stolen equipment, which, by the way, is a matter that concerns me. I do not imagine that Simon would have spoken of it ordinarily.]
We have the ring, and will be ready when you deliver it to The Wolf in exchange for the information you need.
He hesitated, wondering if he should say more. He had intended to ask if Simon would be willing to listen in and perhaps provide aid should The Wolf prove difficult, but the Tacharan had his own concerns and he felt uncomfortable approaching him for more help than absolutely necessary. In fact, he was inclined to offer assistance rather than request it.
Is there any more we can do?

[I'm alright. It was just a shock. The images are very fast and vivid when there is a lot of emotion behind them. ]
He remembered what he saw and thought to explain what he could.
[Marthinus is Simon's decedent. He had children before he was turned. I know he cares for them a great deal as is understandable. Marthinus works for Tacharan. I do not know if that is the cause of the trouble or not but I saw an image of him in the hospital and it did not look good.]
There were things that could induce a heartattack or things that could be seen as a heartattack to a doctor not knowing to suspect foul play. Alfarinn wondered briefly whether this unfortunate circumstance was natural or not. Was Marthinus targeted by someone because he was a human working for Tacharan? If that were the case then Simon would certainly blame himself even more than he already does.
Simon's pain was nearly overwhelming to Alfarinn. There was so much feeling that the man normally kept in check and it had all come to the surface one emotion feeding another, the grief, anxiety, guilt, shame and...hate. The last one was confusing but perhaps it was for the person responsible for the betrayal of Tacharan. It seemed so deep though, slow burning like something that had been coiled inside for a very long time and only now managed to reach the surface of consciousness.
He was surprised to feel the tears sting his own eyes, threatening to fall in sympathy for the man's plight and reached out a hand to grasp Simon's arm.
"Yes, I don't think there are many of us that don't regret but it eats away at you if you let it. You care about your family and take care of them the best you can. You'll drive yourself crazy wondering how things might have been different. All you can do is make it better for them now."
He leaned back and glanced at Thaddeus, some of what Simon was saying still confused him. Leaning against his companion's shoulder, he sent
[I agree, he probably wouldn't. I don't like the idea of such a machine either. I like even less that it has gone missing. In the hands of..] Alfarinn gritted his teeth and said the thing that would be contrary to most Evenhet thinking.[humans, this could be a device of dangerous opportunities. People could be turned without the vampire's wishes... an army could be made of unprepared souls. Not to mention that I can't imagine such a thing is a pleasant experience or that it would be used on willing subjects. There is no way that Tacharan would become an official clan any time soon if word got to the elders of Anantya as well as Evenhet that this kind of thing were being done to our own kind by the Orphans. Even worse...they've lost it.]
Alfarinn sighed, that, scary as it may be, was not their immediate concern.
"I agree with Thaddeus. Is there anything we can do to help? And how is the Wolf connected to this Hillman?"

Marthinus's relationship to the Tacharan explained a great deal, and Thaddeus mentally shook his head in understanding at the mad things a family will do for each other. Simon was liable to get himself killed if he continued this way, and Thaddeus was not certain the Tacharan cared at this point. There was a sense this man had nothing to lose, and that was a dangerous thing; he hated to think of the fate of anyone standing in Simon's way right now.
He had been making an effort not to think about the machine Simon had mentioned, but realized it was a lost cause when Alfarinn began voicing his own concerns.
[I don't even want to think about the machine in the hands of humans. Bad enough that it exists at all, if it is what we suspect. Though frankly...I thought better of Simon than that. I think he's up to his neck at the moment, and we can walk down his dark path with him or we can help pull him out of it.]
He wondered when, exactly, he had stopped thinking of walking away from this tentative alliance as an option. While he could argue that he was only acting out of necessary self preservation, in reality he found that he did not want to see Simon lost to his own pain and not just because of how that could effect him.

Simon continued in his monotone voice, 'The Wolf is searching for the link between Hillman and Tacharan. We know it's the Mercs, the newer ones, but not how deep it goes. Ellis is forcing a meeting. She wants to kill him and I'm sure, Hillman wants Ellis dead as well.'
Simon had decided to embrace his hate, his existence and be the man he once was but by going down the road that Ellis knew too well. Only the difference between Simon and Ellis will be knowing when to let that hate go and being able to do it.
He added, 'I want to make that meeting happen. I think certain end results would benefit everyone.' Simon had fully regained his composure, ironically by deciding he'd see Ellis dead after he helped Thaddeus and Alafrinn. He put his hands on his thighs and gave them a strong and determined look.
He spoke quietly and with a hint of his british accent. 'We all need to take care of what's important to us, gentlemen. To keep those things close to us out of harm's way. To walk a path that has meaning. I've been lost all these years, but I think I've finally found my way.'

[I've heard nothing of blood harvesting, much less territories for it. I can't imagine Sorin would keep me in the dark about something this significant...do you know what Simon is talking about?]
The talk of killing over land and machines did not sit well with him; he understood that Simon was at a point where he would go to any means necessary, but the Tacharan had spoken so casually and bluntly about both Hillman and Ellis's intent, and that disturbed him. That he was willing to encourage a meeting that had a very good chance of ending with one or both parties dead was an even darker thought, and Thaddeus found himself wondering what end results Simon was hoping to achieve.
[Surely he does not mean harm to his Maker...]
To say the idea offended him would be an understatement, though Thaddeus knew of no other way to put the shock he felt at that thought into words. Surely he had misunderstood.
I understand the sentiment; indeed, we do what we must for our own. I am, however, not certain I follow your meaning in this instance...
He trailed off, hoping Simon would clarify. He wondered what road this man had found, and just what darkness may lie along the path.

He could not be plainer in his words. Everything was falling into place now and it was all so clear. For years he used his love for her as a reason to stay compliant and kill on her command. To let her farm his family to further her profits and power. Simon had been the backbone for Tacharan. Why? For Ellis? Simon slowly shook his head, both in response to his own statement and for his lack of courage.
Simon, a man of constant sorrows, finally saw the benefit of hate and he relished it. He would mourn his humanity later. Now was time for him to avenge it.

[I..don't know. I've not heard of this...nothing so organized...its staggering to think of.]
He frowned in thought, the anger in Simon seemed to have won over the rest. Alfarinn was surprised to find that the man was casually talking about a situation that could mean Ellis's death. It was almost as if he wanted it to happen. Did this situation finally break a hold on Simon that had been slowly weakening over time? It was not unheard of, it was just that the Tacharan across from him had always been so fiercely loyal. Things were changing so rapidly, they needed to get a hold on the new pieces to this situation before it slipped out of their control.
[It does seem that way. As if he doesn't care...I'll admit I don't understand it.]
Alfarinn looked up sharply at Simon's reply.
"Ancients?" Alfarinn almost snorted at the thought. "Dangerous prey and very few that aren't clanless... she's likely to start a war. If she doesn't get herself killed first." But he doubted Ellis would fail. If an ancient was what she had in mind, she'd use the necessary force to take one down. It was a frightening concept and it meant than any of them could be a target.
"Do you plan to get this machine back for her, Simon? Is that what the ring will help you do?"