Late Night with Unwanted Visitors.((Panos and Co.))
Meegan stood from her drafting table, put her hands in the small of her back and bent backwards as far as she could. Straightening, she twisted at the waist using her arms to guide the movement. She bent and touched her toes, hanging limp there for a moment, then slowly rolled up one vertebra at a time. She was working late tonight, her winter dead line loomed and she still needed at least seven more designs, and that was only for Gothic-ah. Luckily Gothic Threads had it's own team of designers that she met with once a month to go over sketches. Her subsidiary ran itself very, very well.
She was alone in the Gothic-ah building having forced Rachyl out at five with everyone else, the darling woman had brought her food, but Meegan didn't let her stay. By six-thirty it had just been her, the classic composers of Punk and her drafting table. So far she had one design, and she was starting to pencil the fifth draft of a second.
She was secure in the knowledge of the only way in or out of her building was through the front door via a buzzer that rang right to her phone. Cameras and two security guards took care of the rest.
((ooc take your time, and come when you're ready. This was floating in my head and needed to get written.))
"As ready as I'll ever be..."
He snatched the table from her, it seemed wrong somehow, for her to carry everything. He pressed the button on the elevator, and the doors slid open. No vampire inside this time....kept himself ofcourse
As they stepped outside she let go of his hand long enough to press in the away code for the building. The guards lay as still shadows on the ground. Meegan's breath hitched, and she had to stiffle a sob.
"I need to call someone about this." She took out her cell and dialed 911. The man that answered the phone sounded like he had no desire to be on the other end of her call.
"I was walking down 53rd and found two men. They look dead." A pause to listen. "No I didn't touch anything. They're in the alley by that gray warehouse down at the end of the district." Another pause. "Let me go look...Building says elven eighty-five. Sign by the door says Gothic-ah."Pause. "No I'm not going to stick around. I just didn't want them lying in the alley all night for some poor sap that knows them to find them...yeah, yeah. Alright. Thanks."
She hung up the phone and walked to Aron's car. She was doing her best not to cry, but everything seemed to be cathing up with her and she knew if she didn't get far away from here soon she'd be a puddle of tears soon.
"Can we get out of here, please." Her voice hitched as she pushed the tears down. The faint pleading tone could not be helped, and she was just greatful she wasn't crying...yet.
((Meegan out, waiting for response.))
He opened the door for her, before getting into the jaguar himself. "Yes, let us get out of here." The roar of the powerful engine could be heard through the city as the car made its way towards Aron's mansion
((Aron out))