Legend Bound
Created on 12/30/2005
695 Posts & 46 Threads
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Happy Easter to all
17 years ago
Sighing softly as Amby spoke Alex shook her head, what was done was done, she left Tacharan because she didn't fit in, she didn't feel she w
17 years ago
"Oui effectivement"
Her French accent became apparent the moment she switched to her native tongue, so the other woman had ties to the hom
17 years ago
Ooo nice office I like how you added all the personal touches to it, makes it feel all homey
17 years ago
Her eyes widened slightly as Amby mentioned owning around 40 pair of Manolo's she owned none well until she would buy this pair, she did own
17 years ago
Looking inside the store from the outside gave a lovely view of what was to come, walking in as Amby held the door open for her she gave the
17 years ago
that's all i'm saying
17 years ago
Good thing i'm clanless then *looks around and goes back to her secret hiding spot*
17 years ago
Shaking Amby's hand Alex smiled at her.
"Nice to meet you Amby, call me Alex that's what most people do"
Handing the clerk her gold card s
17 years ago
Rofl, go Roz!! *cheers and claps*
17 years ago
If you want one just ask there are so many amazing 3D Poser artists around this board with great talent
17 years ago
Feeling someone move closer to her Alex's instincts naturally reacted, eying the blond checking out a pair of pink heels, at the words sale
17 years ago
Picking up a few garments of her liking Alex stumbled on a seamless black bustier she just HAD to have, it would cling to her body in all th
17 years ago
And new sig *claps* I'm totally in love with her face and looks
17 years ago
Oooooo it's soooo lovely look at mine
17 years ago
I''ll make the new pic into my new av and sig on here once i feel like it lol, gonna post it up on DA later on, right now little one is asle
17 years ago
Rofl well i know most of them by heart, and once i login here under Alex the rest follows
17 years ago
Hehehe already made something tasty with her, she rocks
17 years ago
I cleared my cookies and temp files and the problem is gone now, i don't know what happened to cause this since like i said i didn't have an
17 years ago
[I]There were a few things a woman could never have enough of, lingerie was one of those things, at least according to Alexandra, parking he
17 years ago