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Party Time?

It certainly was a good thing Fallon didn't work weekends. As it was, it seemed to be taking an inordinately long time to get everything organized for her dinner Wednesday night.

Having set one of the bags on the porch chair, while she unlocked the front door and went inside to put down the other three bags, she returned to the porch and grabbed it now. Then she realized the bag held things that she had bought for the porch, so she set it back down. She would deal with that project later.

For about the fifth time tonight, she wished she had asked Aishe if she wanted to help, but for the fifth time tonight she agreed that it wouldn't have been much of a treat for Aishe if she helped put it together.

No, Fallon was bound and determined to do this on her own, and suffer the consequences.

So far she had received three RSVPs, the sweetest having been Ana's. Such a nice message to leave on her voice mail. But there was still time, and if it turned out there would only be three others, that would still be three more at a party than she'd ever had before.

Noticing she was still standing on the front porch, Fallon laughed before turning and going back inside.

Once she had put the food away, certain she had enough for a house full of frat boys, she gathered all the candles together on the table, and then set out to distribute them through the house. Thinking they would make her house more festive, with spending the smallest amount of money, she had bought many. And they were all in complimenting scents. With winter still upon them in Nachton, Fallon had gone with comfort scents...cinnamon, apple pie, and vanilla. She now just hoped having the house smell like baked goodies wouldn't be offensive to anyone.

Taking the small stack of papers from her purse, she set them inside her bar. She had devised a list of items for the scavenger hunt, and had them printed up. Now she just had to remember where they were, and hope everyone would have fun playing.

Tucking the folded paper bags from her shopping under her kitchen sink, Fallon poured herself a glass of white zin, and went to sit on the porch. The night air was still crisp, but not as biting as it had been the past few nights. Setting her wine glass down, she took the other batch of candles out of the bag on the porch, and the little tin covers, and scattered them around. Some went on the railing, some went along the steps, and some were hung from hooks the prior tenants had left in the porch ceiling. Fallon took the long lighter from the bag, lit all the outside candles, and smiled. It did look very party like, and though it was a small effort, it made her feel a lot better about how things were going to go...or how she hoped they would.

Fallon 18 years ago
Just standing in the kitchen, with a kind of goofy grin on her face, Fallon rocked back and forth on her heels as she watched people load up their plates. Even she seemed to have a little appetite tonight, and that thought reminded her she probably should have fed earlier...before the guest arrived. But she didn't concern herself further, assuming she'd have plenty of time later, once they all had left.

When Ana approached, Fallon's face split into another grin, but then she understood why the girl seemed a little hesitant.

" the potato salad and baked beans though...sorry...they do both have a bit of mustard in them. I should have asked if there was anything people had preferences over as I could have just as easily made everything without the mustard."

Fallon couldn't help but worry if she should maybe say something about what ingredients she had used...on the off chance someone else might have the same type allergy issues. Chewing on her lip she looked at Ana.

"Do you think I should tell everyone else...I mean...I put sugar into the fruit salad...what if someone is diabetic?"

Ana obviously wasn't vampire, or she wouldn't have worried about allergies...Tristan wasn't...Bob wasn't. Maybe having 'mixed' parties wouldn't be such a good idea in the future. Or...maybe just a little more thought and preparation would be needed.
Aishe 18 years ago
Aishe had meant her offer to Cyrus with all sincerity, but she was slightly relieved when it was declined - at least for the moment. She wouldn't be opposed to renewing her offer later, but the idea of ebing bitten was, to her, still a very personal thing. She was willing to do it for certain people, one of whom was right there in front of her.

Coming up behind Fallon, waiting her turn to sample everything, Aishe gave her a little nudge as she caught the tail end of her conversation with Ana. "Don't worry. I think most people with food allergies are usually aware of it. If they're bad, they'll ask."

Poring over the selection, she shrugged and took some of everything, enough to load up her plate but not enough to alarm anyone else, or so she hoped. At 27, she still had the metabolism of a 13 year old. Jokes about the size of her butt aside, she could (and did) eat like a pig when the occasion called for it.

Then again, she wasn't exactly skinny... it was just that she tended to be curvy and muscular, rather than Fallon's type... slender and softly rounded in all the right spots. Aishe, in contrast, was more self-conscious of the tiny little six-pack of abs she had going on than she usually let on; somewhere in the back of her head was the idea that muscular women just weren't attractive.

Saving that speculation for another day she shrugged it off and joined everyone else in the living room, once again sitting on the floor near the couch. Turning to Tristan, she smiled at him.

"How's your stay with your sister? Has she gotten tired of having a little brother around yet?" She gave him a wink, digging into the contents of her plate.
Cyrus 18 years ago
Cyrus balanced his plate in one hand and his scotch in the other. Noting Aishe returning with a plate and sitting upon the floor urged him to offer his own spot. "Aishe, how about you take the couch instead?"

She had just spoken to Tristan and he was cutting in but hopefully they could chat more comfortably on the couch together.

While everything looked amazing he had not taken a bite yet, as he was awaiting Fallon to join them. His plate had mostly chicken and ribs, with just a small spoon of salad and fruit.
Montana 18 years ago
Ana nodded. "That's why I asked. I'm mortally allergic to shellfish and mustard. So... I'm sorry, Fallon, I'm sure it tastes great, but I can't try your potato salad or beans."

Nudging her friend, realizing she - as hostess and friend - probably didn't a guest and friend dropping dead at her first party, she smiled. "i'll try everything else though!"

She got back in line and helped herself to everything else, as well as a can of lemon-lime soda.

Returning to the living room she found a free spot on the floor and made herself comfortable.
Patrick Tristan O Mannon 18 years ago
The food was really good, so at least Tristan would get a nice meal tonight. He felt bad for Mathias, having to eat his sister's cooking, but then he never really saw much cooking going the kitchen anyway. He surmised they must eat out a lot.

"Fallon, this food is really're a great cook!"

And he was totally sincere.

His mouth full, he nodded as he heard Aishe speak, and quickly swallowed.

"Oh, things there are pretty good. She had to go into New York for some medical attention and it was a little scary for a while, but she's back home now, and doing fine. I had to take her...seems her boyfriend works nights and couldn't get away during the day to go with...but the three of us seem to be getting along well."

And into his mouth went a bite of salad.
Aishe 18 years ago
Aishe smiled at Cyrus and shook her head at his offer. "It's ok," she said, "I don't mind the floor."

With a gesture meant to indicate that he should by all means reclaim his position on the couch Aishe dug into a fried chicken wing, enjoying the crispy battered outside. When Tristan spoke, she chuckled inwardly at how simple it was to read between the lines. Or at any rate, it sure sounded like his sister lived with a vampire. Did Tristan know that? Did his sister, for that matter? It was a moot point, though.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she's all right," Aishe said. She wasn't about to pry as to the nature of the 'medical attention' his sister had received. "It was Shalimar, wasn't it?" She thought she recalled that name. "I hope she gets better soon."
Fallon 18 years ago
Happy to see everyone eating, and hearing a little conversation as well, Fallon guessed maybe she could relax now just a bit, before worrying about what to do next to keep the party going. Standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room, she smiled, and laughed inwardly. How pleasant it was to have friends near, and be able to do things like this for them. How much she had to make up for that she had the ability and opportunity.

Walking to the bar to pour a glass of wine, she nodded at Tristan, when he complimented her on the food, and gave his shoulder a soft squeeze when she passed by.

"I'm glad you like it. I know it's not anything gourmet, but for my first party venture I thought I'd play it safe. And even this food has been tested on Bob already."

Fallon laughed and winked at Bob, glad that her neighbor was such a willing victim.

The sofa was large enough that she had room to sit between Cyrus and Tristan, but chose to return to her perch on the arm instead. She felt she was in a better position to jump up and get something, should someone want it. And, she was able to sit even closer to Cyrus that way. She just had to make sure she didn't topple over into his plate. It seemed to her there was still a price to pay for how well everything was going so far.

"I didn't know you lived with your sister, Tristan. Did you two grow up here in Nachton?"

Fallon sipped her wine with one hand, and unconsciously strummed the backs of her fingers along the side of Cyrus' arm. Again seeking that invisible connection that worked so well at calming her nervousness.
And as Tristan spoke she listened with only a half ear, more intent on seeing Aishe and Ana having a good time. She liked Tristan okay, but his invitation had been sort of an afterthought...and all things considered she was glad he had turned up. Along with Bob, he helped even the odds with Cyrus. Not that she thought Cyrus would have minded at all, even had he been the only male in the group.

"Can I get anyone anything...more of anything? Oh, though I recommend keeping just a little room open for dessert, unless you don't like cheesecake."
Ambrose 18 years ago
He was late, he’d gotten lost. Well that happened when you were new in town. At least that was Ambrose’s excuse and he was sticking to it. The other part of this was he wasn’t sure about attending. After all, he’d only met Fallon the once, in a bar, with three other complete strangers. Finally deciding nothing ventured nothing gained. That and he didn’t have anything better to do he set out for this party.

Deciding he’d never get used to this weather he quickly, well as quickly a he could, made his way from his truck to the door with a bottle of Glenfiddch. There had been Blue Label on the table that night, so this, while not quite as good, was fifteen years old and seemed appropriate.

He was here, he was presentable, and he’d even remember to bring a present. So, he knocked on the door and waited.
Fallon 18 years ago
Another perk of sitting on the arm of the couch, was the close proximity to the front door. So when the bell rang, Fallon quickly stood and opened the door. She was quite pleased to see Ambrose had decided to come, mainly because she knew he was also new to Nachton, and seemed in need of meeting people.

"Hello Ambrose! We almost gave up on you...please come in and let me introduce you around."

She waited for him to enter, and then turned to the room of people.

"Everyone, this is Ambrose...Ambrose, you remember Cyrus, and Aishe...that's Ana over there, and Tristan here...and my neighbor Bob."

Fallon gestured to the people all in various stages of eating.

"Please would you like a drink, or can I show you into the kitchen for some food?"

She didn't want to rush him but she wanted him to know what his options were.
Montana 18 years ago
Ana waved up from her spot on the floor before she realized she had both a mouthful of food and fingertips full of wing sauce. "oomph!"

She chewed as quickly as possible then said, "Hi Ambrose!" and licked her fingers clean.
Aishe 18 years ago
From her seat on the floor, Aishe had to twist to see the newcomer, but her face brightened when she saw Ambrose and she managed a wave without spililng anything.

"Ambrose, hi! You have to try some of this; Fallon made enough for a small army and it's heavenly."

That said, she polished off what little was on her plate and moved to accompany him to the kitchen with Fallon, if he decided to head that way.
Ambrose 18 years ago
“Sorry I’m late, I got a little lost. But I do appreciate the invite Fallon.”

Wow, familiar faces and everything maybe this wouldn’t be tragic and he could even have a little fun.

He offered the bottle to the hostess as he made his way in offering a friendly nod and wave to the assembled company.

“Nice to meet everyone.”

While he wasn’t much on eating, things did smell wonderful and Aishe gave a ringing endorsement. Besides, it would be rude to decline.

“I don’t think I could say no. Something to eat sounds great.”
Cyrus 18 years ago
"Ambrose! Good to see you again."

Cyrus stood and effortlessly balanced his plate upon his drink. Perhaps he shouldnt show off but it was really natural by now to use his telekinesis for basic tasks.

"Fallon is a wonderfull cook, we have quite a feast ahead of us."
Fallon 18 years ago
Laughing, as she was just so full of merriment tonight, Fallon accepted the bottle, with words of thanks, and gave Ambrose a quick peck on the cheek, before leading him into the kitchen. Along the way she pointed to the bar, off to the side of the living room, and made sure he knew where everything was.

"Liquor there, food there...oh, and just in case..."

And the last part she said loud enough for the rest of the group to hear.

"The restroom is down that hallway...and everyone please make yourself at home if you haven't already. I don't plan on standing on formalities here."

Fallon wasn't shocked to feel her throat tickle a little. In her entire life she didn't think she had spoken as much as she had tonight. Then again, she never had anyone really worth talking to before either.

Setting the bottle from Ambrose on the bar, Fallon stood there next to the cabinet, checking on everyone, making sure they didn't seem to need anything.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Alec really wasn't sure about this. He'd driven by, reconsidered, tried to talk himself out of it. He knew he was going to mess up. But he'd been invited, and didn't have a ready excuse to offer up. Nor did he want to burn bridges. But...a vampire / human mixer...that was just If nothing else, it'd give him an excellent arena in which to watch. As long as he remembered to blink. Shit.

Saying some untoward things about his unknown lineage, Alec found a place to park and got out. Looking down, he sighed. He should have worn grey. Black, head to toe. Black pumas, black slacks, black belt, black turtleneck, black gloves and a black track jacket. Right away humans would probably assume him morbid, and the vampires would consider him pretentious. Nice work, slick. Grabbing the leatherbound copy of Dracula he'd swiped as a housewarming gift, Alec headed to the door. Halfway there.

Stopping, he looked around. No one had seen him yet. He could still make a break for it. No. Go. Finishing the walk, he stopped at the door and ringed the bell. Merde. Ok, that settled it.
Fallon 18 years ago
The door bell...again? Fallon was even more surprised. Fashionably late? She had heard the term used before, but never experienced it until tonight. Unless of course it wasn't a guest at all, but a poor school kid selling magazines, or cookies.

"Alec! Welcome, please come in. What a nice surprise to see you decided to join us."

Fallon ushered him inside, much happier to find him instead of someone selling cookies. Smiling she made a quick look around the room, and began introductions again.

"You know Cyrus...and that's neighbor Bob, certainly must remember from the library.."

Fallon giggled and winked at Ana, before continuing.

"Aishe you know already, and the gentleman in the kitchen is Ambrose...thats it! Now...can I get you something to drink...or food? The bar is over there, and the food is in the kitchen...and anything else I can tell you or show you just ask."

Fallon stepped aside, glancing at the book in his hand, but then smiling back up, waiting for him to decide where he wanted to go first.
Montana 18 years ago
Ana waved - this time with clean fingers - and felt the tips of her ears and cheeks burning. Swallowing a bite of meatball, she squeaked sheepishly, "Hi, Alec."
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Smiling as pleasantly as he could, he noted the faces to the names. He didn't recall meeting Cyrus, and Alec generally remembered when meeting natural predators. He looked at home chewing on the meat. Glad it wasn't him, he waved slightly in greeting, hoping that no one got up on his account. Tristan looked like he was also in a bit of a state - like he was expecting something different from what turned up. Making a cursory nod, he did the same for Bob, Lord of Suburbia. Blushing slightly at Ana, he smiled and said a quiet "Hi Ana." under his breath. Aishe was here, so at least he knew one person reasonably well. Waving to her, he also did the same for Ambrose out in the kitchen, since he probably wouldn't be able to hear him, anyway.

Smiling, he said you know, I'm not a very big eater, but I'd be happy to try a little of everything. I can help myself so you can go enjoy your company. Here's a little seemed...somehow appropriate, though I am sure you've read it.

Smiling, he made his way to the kitchen, unconsciously steering wide of Cyrus.
Cyrus 18 years ago
With his hands occupied enjoying the third wonderfully cooked rib, Cyrus neither stood nor offered to shake hands with Alec. Instead he honored the man with a short bow of his head before continuing to enjoy the meal.

Fallon certainly made a lot of friends in a very short amount of time. It was quite a statement of her humanity and personality. Months in town and he had meals lined up for once a night every night, but she had only been here a fraction of the time but made enough real friends to have a housefull.

All too soon his plate was empty. Vacating his spot he went into the kitchen and washed his hands after cleaning up after himself. Since Fallon had not eaten, he gathered a small bowl and put fruit in it. Hoping to either convince her to eat or feed her himself.

Since Alec was still in the kitchen, Cyrus offered him a hand and introduction.
"Pleased to meet you. Cyrus Arslantai"
Fallon 18 years ago
Fallon accepted the book from Alec, and looked at the title, but it took her a minute before she got the connection. And then she laughed a rather loud laugh, before catching herself, and smothering anything further behind her hand.

"You are a funny man, Alec, and no, I haven't read it actually...odd as that may sound. But I certainly will now."

She hoped Bob, Tristan, and Ana either got the joke, or that it went over their heads. But in any event she held it up so that everyone could see the title, before setting it on top of the purple cabinet, moving the plant over to the side to give the book the place of honor.

Following behind Cyrus into the kitchen, she heard him introduce himself, and stopped...confused.

"Oh, I am so sorry...I forgot I met Alec at the library, not the beach."

She felt her face heat up, as she tried to stammer out an explanation.

"Please...I feel so silly...but at least you gentlemen have your wits about you, and are gracious enough not to bring it to my attention."

She took hold of Cyrus' left arm, and pressed her face into his shoulder, trying to hide the scarlet. And in a tiny voice she introduced Alec.

"Cyrus, this is Alec."