N'awlins, y'all
Since his...discovery...Alec hadn't been getting out as much. Of course, with training and everything else, he had plenty of excuses. The fact of the matter is that he just didn't want to be the first Tacharan to have a chance encounter. Tracking her from behind, at a distance was one thing. Blundering about the city, knowing she was out there was another. But enough was enough. Chances are Ellis barely even registered his existence. And the probability of a chance encounter with someone laying low was completely nil.
Ginnie was working through her ballistic difficulties, Mathias was off the grid, and Alec wanted to do some drinking. Pondering for a moment, he decided to mix media. It'd been awhile since he'd run into Amberelle, and it dawned on him that they'd had a pleasant enough time each time they'd been out, though none of it had been planned. Looking forward to seeing her in a non-lingerie environment, Alec had given her a call, and she'd agreed to meet him at that most classy of establishments, the House of Pain.
Dress code was strictly enforced. Alec didn't usually wear heavy leather outside of training, but for the House of Pain he made an exception. He selected a modified racing suit of black leather with highly chromed sliding plates...he'd replaced the rivets with spikes at some point, and figured that'd go over well with the HoPpers. Concealed behind some of the plates and under the belt were a variety of goodies...just in case. Weighted gloves and his super chromed clubbing goggles completed the look. He'd laughed at himself in the mirror, but was given some compliments on his attire by a pair of the older mercs on his way out of the Domicile. Apparently he'd hit the look he was going for - Do Not Touch. Of course, that reminded him of a Far Side cartoon with a guy wearing a shoe on his head, standing in an inner-tube with a bazooka, and that gave him the chuckles again.
Entry was no problem, of course, and he made his way to a booth along the wall. The corner booths were taken. There were probably more important people than him here - only main characters in the movies got the corner booths. This must be a side vignette. Ordering a pair of mint juleps before sitting down, Alec smirked. Hopefully they wouldn't suck. There was plenty more alcohol if they did, though. The HoP was well stocked.

Taking the opportunity to go all out she'd pulled out some of her best leathers. Buttersoft and like a second skin, the rich matte navy bodysuit was enhanced with a kevlar inner lining and padding and body plates in the vital areas. It was made a bit more "street style" with chunky straps and blued metal buckles. Over it she layered a full length duster of the same leather with a nice corset styled torso. Soft soled navy boots with matching buckles and straps completed the look. Into the many slits and slots the Anantya secreted several knives, stilletos, a couple extra gun clips, and assorted lockpicks and gadgets. Her wakizashi completed the set. Deciding to leave her hair loose she just brushed until it was a sleek and shining golden curtain.
Entering the club the young woman searched for her friend as she circled the dance floor, golden eyes scanning the booths and bar as she passed. An electricity was in the air and it was quickly making her step bouncier, her every muscle feeling alive for the first time in ages.
So unexpected was his appearance that had it not been for his scent she probably would have missed him. But she had uncovered his trail and followed it to the booth where he waited. She arched a delicate blonde eyebrow and have hm a faint smile and nod before sliding in across from him.
Bon jour.. Long time no see!
((OOC Yes.. that was an Office Space reference =D )

He couldn't resist. Looking her from head to toe and back, Alec took in the whole of Amberelle. Now, this was what he'd seen in her motions that was so distracting. She could do the dilettante, but he suspected that this was the real meat of the matter, the true Amberelle.
"Indeed. Now...this completes the riddle that you put forth the night we met. Bamboo interior. Now it makes more sense. Nice leathers, by the way. Stylish, durable and functional. You were a cherry coke, lots of cherry, but I figured a mint julep might be in order before we move on to the hard stuff like cherry coke."
Noticing bits of her arsenal, Alec felt positively a pacifist in comparison. If a riot were to break out, he'd just hide behind her. Grinning, he raised his cup.
"To N'awlins!"
'...and militant women,' he added silently.

She thanked him as he complimented her clothes, and took a second to study his. And yours.. quite the nice get up. Very unexpected. Nodding her approval, she leaned back into a slightly more relaxed but still prepared pose. Around here she made sure to always be on guard some.
As Alec mentioned her car, Amby couldn;t help but smile. She did love it so, her Grandmother had made the perfect blend just for her.
To N'awlins!
"Mint julip.. ugh!" Raising the glass slightly in a toast. she took a delicate sip and swallowed smoothly through her urge to gag. For a Southerner she may be the odd one out but she couldn't stand the things. However he'd been thoughtful so she'd give it a few minutes before ordering something else.
So.. how's Ginnie? Did she tell you about when we met? That was such fun, I hadn't hunted with anyone in ages.. she's really good.

At her question, he smiled.
"That's a good question. Work has been hard on her and is affecting her in...strange ways. Or at least I think they are strange. Maybe they're typical and I've just not seen them before now because she's been happy. Or I've not seen them because I'm pretty young. It is the first time I've seen her with a problem she couldn't work through herself. That alone is a little strange for me."
Realizing his smile had slipped some as he thought about things, he shook his head.
"But that's neither here nor there. She's a tough cookie and will figure it out."
Grinning, he gestured across the table.
"And you? Anything new in Ambyland?"

Without even realizing it the Anantya found herself sighing. It was frustration, exasperation.. she wasn't sure what. Taking the mint julip in hand, she tilted the glass slightly and began to swirl it on it's side in slow circles.
Me? No nothing new. I think that's the problem.. For all of my life there was structure. Training, school, social appointments.. every day was filled and orderly. Then I came here and it's just.. nothing. I thought it was what I wanted.. Leaning forward she shook her head. Now, I don't know what I want, Je ne sais pas..

The black chamois leather pants and black silk turtleneck cloaked him in the shadows of the booth, allowing him to watch the bar and all its occupants. His waitress sauntered over with an eye on his glass just as a clanmate walked past his line of sight. With a laugh and the first genuine smile of the night, since he left Fallon, he ordered her a drink of her choice to be delivered.
The lime green clad waitress wiggled to the bar and poured him another drink before making her way towards Amberelle. With a perky grin the waitress stopped beside her, uncaring if she had a full drink in hand or not, since Cyrus was well known to be a very generous tipper and very dangerous. With a slight wave in Cyrus' direction the waitresses comments came out in a bubbleheaded rush. "Can I get you something to drink Miss? Anything you want! Mr. Arslantai wanted you to provide your next drink. What can I get you?"

Of course, how could I turn down an offer from a friend. Umm.. red wine, please. Once they were alone again she smiled at her friend. That is Cyrus, she pointed out the Mongol discreetly, a clanmate of mine.

"Be careful about wishing for patterns. They're some people's nightmares. But I'll wish you luck for the cure to boredom. I'd rather be in danger than bored, I think. At least then you know you're living, not dying."
As the waitress walked up, Alec chuckled. So...it was starting already. At least this one was a well behaved gesture. When Amby gave the connection as the name of Cyrus, it took Alec a moment to realize that, yes, that was probably the only Cyrus in Nachton. The predator. Well, that answered that question without a shadow of a doubt. Sliding his goggles up, Alec looked over his shoulder at Cyrus and flashed him a grin, wondering if he'd join them or not. It'd certainly add another dimension to the conversation.
"Well, your luck seems to be changing pretty quickly. I'm here, Cyrus...oh, who I've met, by the way...is here. And I don't think either of us could qualify as boring. I can't speak to how patterned Cyrus may or may not be, but I know I am of little help there."

I should get back into "the biz" I suppose. Don't have any contacts here in town though. Giving him a teasing grin, she added Unless you have some to share, hmm?
Amberelle's face showed pleasant surpise when Alec mentioned knowing her clanmate. Really? Now that is a story you will have to share.. She knew when Cyrus and Ginnie had met, and wondered how the quieter Tacharan had come into contact with her feline cousin. When your cheri and I were hunting we met Cyrus.. Now I am curious how you met him!
Her drink arrived, and she thanked the woman. Sliding the well mixed if completely unappetizing mint julip away, she looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding decisively. She took a large sip of wine before sliding out of the booth and grabbing Alec's arm.
Come on.. he has a better booth, let's invade!
((OOC Permission to move Alec))

"Some of my contacts are your contacts...relocated from the Big Easy. Let your fingers do the walking."
Giving a wink, he wondered if she'd be able to figure out how many of their common ties were still in business, some fairly nearby. One even in Nachton. He imagined that there could be more in New York, but that was a more prohibitive distance.
"I've been busy with other avenues, so for the most part we'd not be in competition, anyway. Otherwise you'd have gotten the big innocent, who, me look. And...I'll let Cyrus tell the story, as it would be impolite to approach a greater predator chatting about him. So I'll go back to chatting about illicit contacts. There are actually quite a few within Nachton if you take the time to look."
Figuring Cyrus had probably heard the whole conversation anyway, Alec gave him a nod as they joined his table. He'd done the inviting, they had complied, so the ball was firmly in his court. Alec wondered if Cyrus frowned on thieves. He was pretty sure he would frown on cowards, just from his bearing. He wondered where militant thieves fell in the hierarchy of sin. Maybe his boyish good looks would help him.
He was probably lucky Amberelle was here to buffer conversation. Getting to know Cyrus was probably like learning the nunchaku. It promised later danger and excitement, but in the beginning was mostly just painful. Alec hadn't learned them very well.

He was not going to mention the fact that Fallon would be upset as well. The fact that Alec saw him as a predator was not surprising. Cyrus' gifts did not lend themselves to subtlety.
His smile was warm as he looked at Amberelle. She was looking quite delectible in the leather. Offering her a smile and bow, he then welcomed them to his booth. "Thank you for joining me. Its always a pleasure to see you, Amberelle."

"Friends of clanmates appreciate not being eaten."
Waiting for Amberelle to be seated, Alec had to ponder a question of comfort. Sit next to Cyrus to see the room more effectively, or sit next to Amberelle as would be expected? In a perfect world, they would sit next to each other facing the wall, but Alec hadn't been having an especially lucky week. Besides, both of them would be plenty good at spotting trouble. It was merely a trust issue.

With the violent feelings still swirlling around his system he did not care where anyone sat, he simply wished for a bench to himself so he did not become trapped or injure anyone should he leave in a hurry.
"Whichever side you two wish to sit on is fine by me, though in my current mood, you may want to leave me to my own side."
Perhaps that would urge one of them to pick a seat so they could visit some. He wanted to ask more about these illict contacts Alec spoke of and why his clanmate would be looking.

"Well, I'll certainly leave you to your own side, then."
Deciding to be politic, Alec slid in first. It gave Amberelle the benefit of mobility, showed a willingness to be enclosed near both parties, and solved the current problem. Hopefully the decision wouldn't be one he grew to regret, but that would be a worry for later, if at all.

Hearing the Mongol declare himself in a foul mood made the blonde frown. Reaching over before she took a seat she leaned in and gave him a warm hug, trying to express affection and support to her fellow feline before joining the Tacharan. Sliding in she kept just enough distance between her and Alec for each of them to have room to react if something went crazy in the notoriously wild club.
Looking over at Alec she pursed her lips and studied him with a playful mock serious look. Leaning her head over she acted as if she was confiding in her fellow Southerner. I hope you hadn't planned on Fallon for a snack when you two met.. because you got very lucky. I don't think my cousin here would take kindly to anyone nibbling on his mate. She'd be subtle for a minute or two and see if Alec was aware of Fallon's turning beforee mentioning much more than that.
((OOC permission to hug Cy ))

At the snacking comment Cyrus arched a brow. The brief rush of fur prickled the back of his neck at the idea of anyone biting Fallon. Making sure not to look out into the bar as his eyes undoubtably went reflective on him, Cyrus tried to shake off the feeling. Since the gallery opening and meeting Panos he had not had a chance to relieve any of the violence and it sat, festering like a gaping wound. At least this solved the question of wether Alec was vampire or not.
Deciding he could work through this anger by talking of his pretty mate. Since he was quite proud of her accomplishments he felt it only right to share them with Amberelle.
"She's working on the house tonight, its almost finished finally. There is also another party in the works. My Fallon is quite a social animal. We have not seen you since the initiation, but we discovered her second talent. She's learned to shift. Feline even. How lucky can I get."
Simply speaking of his kitten had him calming considerably. Sipping his scotch he doubted either of them wanted to listen to his besoted ramblings but they had joined him.

"I'm sure I am nothing but a paragon of virtue in that department. She'd already been declared off limits, if I recall correctly. Mine was a purely social call. There might have been someone there I'd sized up for a small bite at some point, but I've since abandoned the path. It'd only make things difficult since it seems people are protective of their human friends. I suppose I don't see the harm if the party is willing or unaware, but anything to keep the wheels of friendship well greased."
Honestly, he didn't see the big deal with chomping on humans that other people knew. It seemed almost like there was an unspoken declaration of familiar-hood or some nonsense. Of course, it hadn't really come up for him.
Frowning, Alec wondered at the ability discussion. He'd heard of shifting, but didn't have much experience with it, as Tacharan didn't manifest it. Another party in the works was a good thing, though. It seemed Fallon had switched teams. Alec assumed Cyrus had done the turning, but didn't want to pry if he was in a mood...though he seemed to be almost as cheerful as the last time they'd met. Perhaps he was just a negative kind of person.

Knocking back the last of his drink he almost restrained his sneer. "Fallon was assaulted and turned against her will before she was left to fend for herself. We actually ran into her creator at the museum opening the other day. While I should be greatful to him for his actions, I cannot help but want vengance for the terror he inflicted upon her as well."
Putting the glass down at the end of the table, claws raked the wood. The lack of control was upsetting but nothing compared to the rage boiling inside him. The need to tear flesh and break bones was snarling just below the surface.
"Humans may be cattle but there is no need to inflict torment and terror upon them in the process."

"I serve Tacharan."
At the revelation that Fallon had been turned against her will, Alec frowned.
"I'm sure that would have been a magical moment. I'm sorry to hear that her turning went in a way other than my imagining. May I pry and ask who her creator is?"
There were many Tacharan turned without prior consultation, but it was very unorthodox that they then wouldn't travel with their sire for a period or be given over for training, even among the orphans. Alec only knew a handful that were in situations like his own. It was odd that Fallon would have been initially similar to his own deal. If there was a serial creator out there, it would be best to arrange an accident for it, regardless of the sentiments of others. Such carelessness with the gift of vampirism could lead to a misinterpretation of it and bring it to the attention of the media. That would suck ass.
"She was very lucky to find you so quickly, then. That's a very dangerous period, as I kn...hear."
No reason to blurt his life story to Cyrus. If it had been just Amberelle, he might have been a bit more comfortable discussing what he knew of his creation, but now certainly wasn't the time. He wasn't sure how comfortable he was with the man, yet. Alec agreed with Cyrus' sentiments - it was unnecessary to brutalize animals or humans. It was needlessly cruel, but if necessary it was better than hurting a real person.

If Fallon feels any remorse.. I could speak with her. I know it can be a hard adjustment. Hell, she laughed bitterly, it was for me and I was raised by kindred.
Taking a big sip of her wine to keep herself quiet, Amberelle let the "human are cattle" remark slide by. While so many of her clan shared that opinion.. she wasn't one. It was probably because she was still young enough to remember being human, she realized that. However with Cyrus in such an obviously foul mood she wasn't about to spark up THAT debate.
Deciding the subject needed changing she set down her glass and leaned back in the booth. Seizing something she would bet would bring the Mongul out of 'war mode', his mate, she followed up on his earlier remark. So you said Fallon has manifested a feline form? I remember the message you'd left me, but I wasn't fit for company for a while.. was a bit homesick and blue. She shrugged a shoulder slightly and waved her hand to show it was in the past. But she has done alright? Her form.. Is it the same as yours?