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Car Lag

Rowan slung his duffel bag down on one of the chairs at the empty table outside Barney's. MARI had directed him here when he'd asked about the closest place to find some coffee. He'd invited her to join him but he wasn't sure the AI had gotten it. No sense of humor. He set his cup down on the table as well, and, still standing, braced his hands on his back and stretched.

It had been a long drive into Nachton but here he was, in the big city, for however long he decided to stay. He had a job lined up working nights, of course, at a clinic near the Towers and a place to stay that he'd check out as soon as he was appropriately caffeinated.

The mall was reasonably crowded in his opinion although he didn't know what qualified as crowded for this time of night. There weren't very many open seats around. The aroma coming from the coffee shop was delicious though, which probably accounted for the crowded tables.

Finally sitting, somewhat reluctantly as he'd spent the last several hours sitting in his car, Rowan pulled a book from his duffel bag, giving a contented sigh as he stretched out his long legs and picked up his coffee cup. Opening his book he began to read, not paying complete attention to the words on the pages since he had read this particular book many times before. He skimmed while he paid attention to the ebb and flow of people around him.

This definitely beat the dead silent mid west.

Eiryk 14 years ago
"Thank you Jennifer."

Eiryk was on a first name basis with most of the Barney's staff. He knew how long most of them had worked there and when some one new was hired. There were one or two he would let near his coffee. Usually folks who were in training and he did give them a second chance. Jennifer was one of the senior baristas and she handled his coffee brilliantly, almost as good as he did. So Eiryk had a smile on his face as he left the shop.

He had plans and his sketch book under his arm for a French Country bedroom. It was a good thing they were paying him a fortune because he really didn't like French Country. Why didn't they just move to France?

Even though he was very happy, -very- happy, with Alex he couldn't help but notice the redhead with the book. His first impression had been 'nice' his second was a little bit of shock his third was a huge grin.

"Dex! What in god's name are you doing here and when did you get here?"

They had er... met... several times and Eiryk had always enjoyed the other man's company, no matter what name he'd gone by. The last time they had met up he had been a Sven and Rowan had been a Dexter.

Not waiting for an invitation Eiryk set his coffee and work down on the red head's table and waited for a reaction.
Rowan Murphy 14 years ago
Rowan hadn't expected to be addressed by an old alias but he looked around in the direction of the voice, a wide smile coming easily to his lips when he saw the shorter blond man standing at the table near him. Setting his book and his cup down he stood and moved to embrace Eiryk in a huge hug, kissing him on the cheek.

"Jensen!" He exclaimed, stepping back and looking into the handsome face with its bright blue eyes. "It's Rowan this time around. I'm here on top secret business. Very sensitive stuff. Aliens might be involved."

He grinned, not really concerned about whether or not his bluff was called.
"Otherwise," he glanced down at a nonexistent watch, "I just got here. About ten minutes ago."

Rowan nodded to the chair Eiryk stood in front of and indicated the other man should join him. As they both seated themselves he shook his head. "Small world, huh. I didn't expect to meet a friend right off the bat. Have you been here very long? Did Europe lose its charm?"

Rowan was a fairly sociable person so to say he hadn't expected to see anyone he knew at all would have been silly. But bumping into someone he knew right away was a surprise. And he was glad to see Eiryk. They'd met several times over the past few centuries. Eiryk was easy on the eyes, a fun drunk, a great wingman if you were looking to pick up a woman and if not, he was a superb roll in the hay himself.

See, Rowan laughed to himself, Nachton was already a vast improvement from South Dakota!
Eiryk 14 years ago
And let there be big bear hugs. This was a treat. Eiryk was always happy to see the redhead he was good company, in just about any situation.

"Canadians?! Damned them and their illegal immigration!"

It was that or little green men and Eiryk had a working theory that little green men would have green cards. Who came fifty million light years only to get booted out of the country? Really? Rowan would be used to his odd sense of humor, Eiryk fully anticipated an eye roll for that joke.

He cheerfully made himself at home in another chair more than happy to slack off on work for the time being.

"How long has it been and who's turn is it to buy?"

That earned Rowan an eye roll of his own.

"Angus. That crazy bastard had me land locked in the middle of no where in Brazil for a few years. When I was done with that I needed an ocean so here I am. What drug you this way? Other than aliens?"

He didn't even realize it but Eiryk was already making plans to get Rowan out and to have some fun. Alex hadn't been out on his boat yet, and right now it was damned cold for it but the three of them could do that. And of course if Rowan wasn't attached they'd have to do some hunting for him. He didn't want to leave a friend high and dry.
Christian Bern 14 years ago
Christian accepted his coffee from Jennifer with a nod and a small smile. He looked around and found that all the tables were taken. He was going to have to share with someone or take his coffee and go find somewhere else to sit. Scrutinizing the area, he noticed several people he didn't recognize but one had a duffel bag at his feet. Someone potentially new to the Towers always struck his interest.

Heading over to the table with the other blonde and the redhead, he asked.
"It seems I am required to be sociable if I would like to drink my coffee sitting down. May I join you?"
Rowan Murphy 14 years ago
Rowan laughed at rolled his eyes at Eiryk's off the wall humor. This was what made the erstwhile Viking so much fun to hang out with. Rowan enjoyed the company of people who didn't take themselves (or anyone else) too seriously.

"Pretty sure it's your turn, blondie," he said with a grin, "after that affair with those twins in Copehagen you owed me one. Maybe two. I swear, I was sore for three nights."

Rowan listened with interest as Eiryk described his time with his own Creator, nodding with understanding. That feeling was almost exactly why he'd come to Nachton himself. Like Rowan, Eiryk enjoyed being surrounded by people.

He shrugged and tilted his head at the blond.
"Similar situation. Sans crazy bastard."

Henri, Rowan's Creator and a good friend, was still in France. It was difficult to pry him out of there. Rowan, for his part, had rarely returned since his turning. He didn't want to run into anyone he might have known... before.

They were joined by another blond man, shorter, muscular, not hard on the eyes on Rowan's opinion. He smiled, nodded, and opened his arms in welcome, coffee cup in one hand.

"By all means, join us," he said, "we won't even require you to be sociable if you prefer a nice brooding silence instead. But should you choose the talkative route my name is Rowan Murphy. Mr. Jensen here is a friend of mine."

Eiryk had not corrected Rowan's use of his surname when they'd greeted each other but he didn't want to presume the Viking was going by Eiryk when the last time they'd met it was Sven or something equally Nordic.

Having performed at least a perfunctory introduction Rowan sipped at his drink. Fantastic. His first hour in Nachton and he was already almost, sort of, mostly, in the midst of a group.
Eiryk 14 years ago
"The twins were a favor... gift... something. Besides, you enjoyed getting that way and wasn't there that brawl in Madrid you drug me into?"

Or was that before the twins? He couldn't remember for certain. It was all probably in one of his journals. It might be a good thing Alex didn't read Latin, although his boyfriend would probably be very accepting and even forgiving of his past as long as he didn't repeat those particular escapades.

"You were in Brazil and didn't tell me? Some one had to liven that mission up, or at least give Angus someone else to yell at besides me."

Angus could be a bit cantankerous and didn't always approve of what Eiryk got up to. Some days were just not meant to be spent in prayer and silent contemplation..

Rowan hadn't said where he was land locked. Eiryk didn't think it would have been Brazil but it did seem up the Irishman's alley. It didn't matter too much one way or the other.

He smiled at the new comer and tidied up his plans and sketch book making room at the table. Eiryk could swear he'd seen the man around the towers before, but he didn't have a name to go with the face. He'd just pray they hadn't met. He gave the mane an open friendly smile and offered his hand.

"Eiryk please."
Christian Bern 14 years ago
"Brooding silences, unless performed for effect, are best done alone." Christian smiled slightly and pulled a chair close and sat down at the table.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Rowan and Eiryk." He shook hands with them both and then gestured to himself. " Christian Bern." Taking a sip of his coffee,he debated adding what he did for a living but decided against it. They might know already; he seemed to have a reputation. Who he was might be deduced by his size and attire. He was wearing a suit, all black, as usual. He didn't currently sport the ear piece. That was currently in his pocket. If they didn't know him by reputation then they were more likely to chat freely than if they were aware that the chief of the goon squad was their table mate.

"I am not sure I've seen you two here. Are you both new to the Towers?"

((OOC: Getting Chris to speak, is sometimes vera tough ))
Rowan Murphy 14 years ago
"I agree completely," Rowan said, his smile not fading, "but I would hardly presume to tell you when and where to brood."

He leaned forward, shook the offered hand and said,
"Likewise," before settling back into his chair. From Christian's words and attire it was easy to assume he lived or worked right here at the Towers. Correct or not, Rowan went with that assumption.

"Brand spanking, in my case," he said without prevarication for once. That would come later. "Got bored with my previous situation; it was either find someplace more exciting or run off and join the circus and I have to admit I'm not the clowning type."

Well, that at least was a falsehood; Rowan privately thought he'd have a fantastic time being a clown. He allowed himself a brief, comical mental image involving a puffy red nose and enormous squeaky shoes. Maybe he should have considered the circus.
Eiryk 14 years ago
"Apparently I am all about the drama then as I rather think there is no point in brooding when no one can appreciate it."

He wasn't much on brooding at all though, but if he was that is how it should be done.

"No, you'd be much more at home on the trapeze Let's just be honest there."

Eiryk quipped. He had absolutely no trouble imagining his slightly ADHD friend as a trapeze artist, tight rope walker or wild animal trainer. And if you counted the twins he had experience in that last one.

"Me? No, not terribly I've been here a while now. But I'm easy to miss."

Which was true enough, he didn't work for Evenhet or Meridian and he wasn't a trouble maker, not really, and believe it or not Eiryk didn't call attention himself.... often. Unless you counted the numerous accidents he'd had at shops in the mall, on the stairs, in the elevator, oh and the whole thing with the USB cables that resulted in Pak messing with the archive clocks. Maybe he needed to reconsider his reputation.

"I could swear I've seen you about though."
Christian Bern 14 years ago
Christian smiled "Thank you for not assuming."

Rowan was new to the area but Eiryk said he was not. Christian turned to the redhead. "Well, welcome to The Towers."

Taking a sip of his drink, he shrugged slightly and answered Eiryk's claim to have seen him around. "Its quite possible."

Thinking about the whole circus profession, he did not think of any part of it that would greatly appeal to him. Well, perhaps one. "I suppose I could throw knives if people were willing to trust me enough to stand in front of them. Otherwise, I don't have much use for animals and clowning takes too much preparation for negligible results." Christian, perhaps because he had been a soldier all of his life, did not find slapstick humor to be very funny. People falling and hurting themselves was a serious problem and he could still not find any reason to laugh at it.

"And you, Eiryk? If you were to run off and join the circus what profession would be best suited?"
Rowan Murphy 14 years ago
"Thanks," Rowan responded with a grin. "It's good to be here."

Rowan raised both eyebrows at Eiryk's statement that he was easy to miss. He held his tongue but inside he laughed, reflecting that maybe people didn't see Eiryk coming but they sure saw him going. Rowan had seen firsthand the trail of destruction Eiryk was capable of leaving on a bad (or was it a good?) day. Personally he thought it probably made him a damn good Viking. Rowan had preferred a more subtle form of destruction in his piracy days; Eiryk's brand had definitely fit his former lifestyle.

Rowan turned his expression to Christian, who seemed to take the idea of the circus very seriously. He noted that the shorter man opted not to expound on his true profession and wondered what the reason was. The curiosity was fleeting, however.

He refrained from speaking, wanting to hear Eiryk's answer to that particular question. It was bound to amuse.
Eiryk 14 years ago
OK so Christian was somewhat evasive Eiryk noticed but he just shrugged it off. Some people didn't open up terribly easily, especially if you were a few hundred years old and you didn't know who you were having coffee with. So he cast no judgment and lept to no assumptions.

"Oh it will get bettered. I've had time to scope out the area."

Eiryk assured Rowan. There were far too many places to get in trouble in this city. He'd found a good number of them. He didn't frequent them, and went there even less since meeting Al;ex, but he knew where they were. Lord, did this mean he was turning into an old married couple? Maybe he needed to drag Alex out some where glamorous. He'd think about that later.

He raised an eyebrow at the knife throwing comment and wondered how serious the man was. That was a skill he never quite mastered. It might be a bit dangerous to take it up now... but he was also less likely to die from a wound too. So really... it wasn't that dangerous. Right?

"'Can I have a volunteer from the audience? Some of the most dangerous words in the history of man."

He agreed before turning his attention to the coffee and his unsung circus career. There were a few obvious answers, sword swallowing came to mind. But he didn't know Christian too well and thought he would behave.

"So long as it involves spandex and a Bedazzler I'm all over it."

He finally said with a perfectly straight face, only barley taking his attention off his coffee.
Christian Bern 14 years ago
Christian sipped his coffee and then shrugged. "I don't get out much, so I'm told, but if there is anything in particular you are looking for then I might be able to find it."

He pondered the other blonde for a moment, wondering just what 'bettered' might involve. It occured to him that perhaps he had interrupted a couple on their coffee break and perhaps he should drink his coffee quickly and excuse himself.

His eyebrows raised slightly at the answer Eiryk gave to what profession he would choose.
"Hmm, I suppose ring master is out then." He gave the man a long appraising look before adding. "At least you wouldn't be arrested for wearing it."
Rowan Murphy 14 years ago
Oh, very good! Not one, but two people to point him in the right direction here. That was better news yet. Rowan rolled his eyes at Eiryk humorously and then turned to nod at Christian. "I'll probably take you up on that at some point," he said amiably, "and if you don't get out much, you should come with. In the interest of practice, you know. And because it would greatly increase the impact of any brooding silences you might choose to partake in."

Rowan had no trouble at all extending the invitation to Christian. Eiryk, he knew, was always game for a night out. He didn't know Christian at all obviously, but he seemed a little... restrained. Maybe he needed a night out too.

He chuckled at the idea of Ringmaster Eiryk before cocking his head at the former Viking.
"A bedazzler? Really? Aren't you supposed to be some kind of fashion guru? I'd have thought you knew sequins and rhinestones went out with the 80's."

He considered the options carefully. "I can definitely see you as one of those crazy stunt divers who plummets several stories into an impossibly tiny container of water."

Eiryk could probably pull it off, too. Like Rowan, he'd spent enough time on a boat and in the water to swim like a fish. And, he could definitely see Eiryk managing to topple off a high platform that far up.
Christian Bern 14 years ago
Christian nodded his head at Rowan. "I suppose that depends on what you do for entertainment but I thank you in advance for the invitation."

He couldn't imagine the man coming up with something that would shock him but he might come up with something that was of no interest. Still Christian supposed that if boredom was the only thing at stake then he could make an effort to socialize and leave the Towers as had been requested of him on several occasions.

Considering Rowan's suggestion of diving into a tiny bucket of water from a great height, Christian shook his head. He took a sip of coffee and then explained. "It would rust the little metal studs on his costume." Lifting his coffee cup again, he managed with a deadpan expression. "And no one has any use for rusted studs."
Eiryk 14 years ago
"Absolutely, I can get any one in trouble and I do offer a two for one discount."

He grinned at Christian. Although, he did wish either he or the other man was a Burnett. It would complete the trio of blond burnett red head so nice, as it was they'd look like book ends and Rowa would steal all the attention.

"The big top has fashion rules of it own."

That was to say he'd never in a million years be caught dead in spandex and sparkles outside of a performance like that. And of course, he could pull it off with little to no effort. It was all in how you wore things.

He laughed at Christian's joke, it didn't even matter that part of said joke was at his expense.

"Rusted? Hardly I' not even over due for my 50,000 miles check up yet! I'm young give me time"

Besides he didn't really count as a stud. He was far too committed and domestic at this point. Next thing you knew he'd be baking bread.
Rowan Murphy 14 years ago
Rowan sipped his coffee and nodded a little to Christian. "It's true," he agreed. "Eiryk has a talent for inadvertent trouble. A gift, if you will. You might be amused by it. Or horrified. Either one works."

The question of entertainment had come up and Rowan shrugged easily.
"Pick your poison," he said. "Entertainment is entertainment. Book clubbing, bull riding, anything in between."

He nodded in agreement with Christian's comment about studs and then burst out laughing at the next part. The man's sense of humor was ridiculously dry but hilarious nonetheless. Between the three of them they would make quite the statement if they did go out. Rowan did not suffer too many insecurities about his own looks; they were all right. Eiryk was adorable of course, and Christian was not bad on the eyes at all.

"I would have thought you'd have some miles on you by now," he said to Eiryk with a wicked grin. "Monk, you are not."

Lived with one maybe... was one, not at all. Rowan had proof.
Christian Bern 14 years ago
Christian smiled and arched an eyebrow at the other blonde. "So should we just save time and have you arrested now?" Somehow he doubted his companions were talking about the kind of trouble that would require him to consider the Minority Report method of law enforcement.

He sipped his coffee and considered the book club and bull riding.
"I do love to read..." Bull riding was a useless past time. Why get on an animal that doesn't want you there? It was never going to be a good mount so attempting to ride it was a useless effort. In all his time in the military he had seen such displays of foolishness often in the name of courage and manliness. It was to show skill and tenacity he supposed. Christian thought it was a good example of how to get whiplash. "We could see if there is a circus in town that might allow us to guest star."

It was difficult to decide whether he was talking to a couple or simply a pair of friends. Christian drank his coffee at his normal speed while trying to sort out that puzzle.
Eiryk 14 years ago
"Now that hardly works. Until you let me get in trouble you don't know how long to keep me locked up. Besides, I have it on good authority I get into entertaining trouble."

Eiryk was an avid reader, he didn't collect any first edition he hadn't read first. They were not an investment they were a labor of love, a passion. But book clubbing was not his idea of fun right now, sure some days something quiet was fine, just not every day.

He didn't even want to know when Rowan had taken up bull riding but it didn't surprise him at all. But he was on Christian's unspoken side, he wasn't much for that sport. Maybe a mechanical bull after a few drinks but that was different.

The idea of guest staring in a circle made him laugh though.

"A knife throwing, cowling stud rusting spandex wearing act?"

He grinned broadly. That would be good fun, except perhaps the rusting part.
Rowan Murphy 14 years ago
"That's not a bad idea," Rowan said to Christian with a smile. "Although he's usually pretty inoffensive himself, Eiryk does have a knack for attracting disasters of epic proportions. Arrest him for his own good... and ours."

He turned his charming grin to the taller of the two blondes. Eiryk did have a pretty convincing argument and Rowan had to admit he was telling the truth.
"It's entertaining as long as it stays isolated to you."

No one seemed too interested in bull riding. What a shame. He'd always wanted to give it a shot. However, the point was he was easy to entertain. If either of the two men at the table wanted a buddy, he was game.

While Rowan was speculating on bull riding Christian and Eiryk seemed to be inventing their own sideshow act for the imaginary circus. Rowan listened with amusement, shaking his head at Eiryk.
"Why does it have to be spandex?"

Never mind. Rowan knew why it had to be spandex. When it came to varying degrees of homosexuality, Eiryk had it all over Rowan in that department. He had some remarkably effeminate tastes in some areas, considering his original profession. Nothing wrong with it at all... Rowan appreciated Eiryk's differences. Too much of the same old people everywhere got boring. Eiryk was a breath of fresh air throughout the long years.

Eschewing the topic of the circus for the time being Rowan turned back to Christian.
"So, when you're not planning on a knife-throwing circus bit, Christian, what exactly keeps you occupied during the day? Or night?" He inclined his head, tacitly acknowledging the fact that obviously here in the Towers there were both types; day birds and night owls.