Five Alarm Fire (Attn:Rowan)
Jacqueline gave the doorman a friendly pat on the chest has she passed him. Swaying to the music, she swerved and swiveled past obstacles and people to get to the bar. Earlier tonight she put on a brown wig and dressed up in one of Claire's old frocks and went to the shelter and requested a leave of absence. As a volunteer they couldn't exactly tell her no. Then she went shopping and now she was here, looking for a nice warm bite of something to eat and maybe a little fun for the evening.
She'd say she wasn't picky but that wasn't entirely true. Her standards were too high to go home with just anyone.
[COLOR=darkorchid]"Baby, you are smokin!"[/COLOR] The man smiled and shook his head, walking around her in a full circle.[COLOR=darkorchid] "Someone pull the fire alarm before we all go down in flames!" [/COLOR]
Jacqueline leaned forward and put a finger to his chest. "That line. It went down in flames."
She pushed past him to the bar, hearing an [COLOR=darkorchid]"Awww, don't be like that."[/COLOR] from behind her as she went.
Looking down as she slid onto a bar stool, Jacqueline would have to admit he was right. The little cream one shoulder dress was well made, short, and skin tight. She was definitely smokin.

Not that he had anything against that but he hadn't taken any of them up on the offer. Not yet. Sure, he was here for fun, but he could afford to be picky. He wasn't thirsty; not for blood anyway. Signaling the bartender he ordered a vodka sour and waited, eyes scanning the crowd.
It was an interesting mix here. Some people were barely dressed; some barely showed any skin at all. Some chose leather, some chose lace, some looked like they'd just come from the office. Not everyone was a vampire but it was impossible to tell who was and who wasn't in most cases, although some were obvious. Rowan didn't dare take an empathic impression here. Too many people crushed together. Too many emotions running high and wild. Such a thing would burn, even if he had nothing to show for it afterward he'd still feel the skin-blistering pain as if he were being fried at the stake.
A flash of pale color caught his eye and he turned to see yet another hot female slide onto a stool two down from him. This place was crawling with them. It was kind of nice. Picky was well and good; patience meant he was still out in the common area to see this woman arrive. Had he jumped on the first offer he might have missed her, and she was far superior to anything else that had passed by so far. His grey eyes slid over her; his lips twitched up slightly as he shamelessly took in her appearance. People didn't come here to be prudes, obviously. In that regard it would have been rude of him not to make a show of looking at her. Yet he turned away when he'd seen what there was to see. That was how the game worked, after all - if she wanted to play it.
((ooc: Rowan's wearing a pair of black bondage pants over plain black shoes. He's got on a black leather vest which is just hanging open and braided black leather bands around both wrists and biceps. Tonight's piercings are assorted spikes going both ways through his ears, several thick hoops, and the nose piercing is a small, flat, beaten stud.))

Sexy and not desperate. She liked that. Desperate had its place for a quick bite with no fuss but that was rather boring. Jacqueline wasn't in the mood for boring.
Receiving her glass, Jacqueline took a look around the club before returning her attention to the bar. She knocked back her drink and set the empty glass back on the counter.
She slid off the stool and walked over to the redhead, putting a hand on his arm, Jacqueline said.
"Care to dance or screw?" She smiled. "Or both?"

"What about drinking? You forgot drinking."
His generous mouth curved into a smile, more charm than wickedness; that was Rowan's way. It wasn't like he was going to turn her down. She'd chosen him and he'd chosen her for tonight. It was still a game to Rowan though, and he preferred an appetizer before his main course.
Turning his head to the bartender he indicated the blond's empty shot glass and held up two fingers. Drinks were delivered in short order and he took them both, finally turning and offering one of the glasses to her. She was pretty to look at, her face sweetly sinful - or was it possibly the other way around?
He grinned at her and raised his shot glass. "To foreplay, love."
Rowan knocked the jager shot back easily and signaled the bartender for one more round. After a pleasant buzz, perhaps, they could move onto the next course. He was in no hurry tonight.

Taking one of her shots, she downed that one as well and put the glass back on the counter. Her mouth curled into an amused smirk at his comment.
"So your idea of foreplay is getting a girl drunk?" Jacqueline placed a hand on his chest and leaned forward, in heels she was close to his height. Purring in her soft accent she said. "Not necessary, but appreciated."

She could hardly criticize, in his humble opinion. But all right. If she was so impatient... he grabbed his second shot and tipped it back as well, enjoying the feel of it as is scorched its way down his throat, so much more real than any other skin-singeing sensations he'd experienced lately.
Her hand upon his chest was nice. Not particularly hardcore but nice. He opened his knees as she leaned forward, settled one hand lightly upon her hip. "Is it ever really necessary?"
He looked around at the crowd writhing to the almost too-heavy beat and then back at the blond. "Is the dance floor more appealing to you, then?"
Rowan slid his other hand around the blond's back, tugging her a little closer. She smelled good. He considered his options and finally slid easily from the stool, enjoying the complete invasion of personal space they were engaged in.
North Dakota had nothing on Nachton.
"Show me what you've got, then," he drawled easily. "One dance or the other, there's plenty of night left."

He pulled her closer and she smiled. His retort was amusingly confident. Arching an eyebrow, she said. "I just met you so you tell me. In my experience there are some times when the alcohol makes a man sound less like an idiot than he would have if I were sober." As if to help his case there, Jacqueline reached over and drank the last shot and set the glass on the bar.
When he slid off the stool they were brought closer together and she smiled to herself at the feel on him brushed against her.
Jacqueline led the way to the dance floor, swaying easily through the people as she moved to an empty space in the crowd. The music was heavy on the bass with a beat so strong even the tone deaf could find it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began moving to the music, brushing her hips against his from time to time but not overly so. There was no need for sex out on the floor, to her dancing was the foreplay he mentioned earlier, not the main event.

As the blond downed the last shot, Rowan made a dismissive gesture with his hand. "Ah, I'm a guy," he said with a self-deprecating shrug. "I'm bound to say something idiotic sooner or later."
He could make fun of himself; really, he had plenty of confidence in this matter. Not that he was perfect by a longshot, but Rowan wasn't a slouch either. He walked with the blond to the dance floor, noting the subtle but captivating sway of her hips. She danced fluidly and he joined her, the two of them moving easily together. He wound his arms around her waist, settling his splayed hands at the small of her back and brushing gently with his thumbs.
The game continued out on the floor; Rowan let his hands glide easily over her hips, up and down lightly. The song wasn't much of a song in his opinions but it gave people something to gyrate to and that was all they needed.
"Better, now?" he murmured into her ear, keeping his voice low, refusing to yell over the song.

He was a good dancer, Jacqueline was surprised and pleased. It was a shame she wasn't in the market for a long term relationship. So far the redhead was good to look at, smart enough not to be annoying and could dance. If he was halfway decent in bed then he'd be worth keeping around long term.
Inwardly Claire was protesting. Ah, Bao, who hadn't claimed an interest in her, at least not without some coaxing. And even then she would argue that his interest was negligible. Jacqueline argued with her sister while she swayed, one hand trailing down her partner's chest again. So nice of him to wear clothes that gave her so much access to smooth skin and firm muscle. She pointed out to the voice in her head that the man she was with had much more to offer than Bao and seemed far more interested than Claire's closed off little friend.
"We could find you a nice man, who will do more than hold your hand. You can't tell me you don't want more than that.
Claire remained mute and distant.
Jacqueline leaned forward to answer his question, easily heard even over the music and crowd. Nibbling lightly on a portion of his ear not covered in metal, she answered softly but close enough for him to hear. "Oui, much better. Merci, Monsieur, for your thoughtful generosity."

He smiled at her when she trailed her hand down his chest, a promising smile that did far more than just hint at 'later.' He gently pulled her hips closer, smoothing his hand over the skin-tight fabric of her dress.
"Il n'y a pas de quoi," Rowan answered automatically, still murmuring softly. He raised one hand up and trailed his fingertip around the edge of her delicate shell-like ear, continuing down the line of her neck to her shoulder.
"I aim to please."
He said those words against her neck, not touching her skin with his lips but coming very close, his warm breath teasing gently. She would have to let him know what she wanted; Rowan was accommodating and flexible. He enjoying loving. If she wanted gentle, he could be gentle. If she wanted rough, it was fine with him too - but he did have manners enough not to go there unless it was encouraged.

His touch was light and delicate. She wondered if that was his preferred method of doing things or if he had other tastes. It was certainly wise to start there, even here among the leather wearing crowd. She hadn't specified a particular inclination. Some around here wore it as a badge, or a collar in many cases, and their opposites knew how to find them without a word needing to be said.
Jacqueline could be persuaded to do just about anything, soft and sweet, daring, kinky.... it didn't matter so long as it was good. She'd spank him if he wanted, tie him up if he liked or the reverse if that made him happy.
She shivered slightly at his breath on her neck. "You do that well, so far." Jacqueline slid both her hands beneath his vest and around to his back, pulling herself up against him. She simply enjoyed the feel of his muscles moving under her hands as they danced so she kept them still for a moment. Then she trailed her nails lightly across his skin in long slow lines.
Grinning up at him, she inquired. "And if you continue to do so what name would you like me to moan in gratitude?" It didn't even have to be the right one, just one he was willing to answer to. If he was a mild mannered married man during the day then that was none of her business. For the moment she was laying claim to him.

As she slid her hands around to his back and pressed close, Rowan let his hands drift down, cupped them beneath the delicious softness of her ass, and lifted her ever so slightly, just a hint, to fit her neatly against him. He smiled; tall women had their merits. If she had a yen to do it standing up against a wall he could accommodate her there too.
He looked at her for a moment as if considering. "Reese," he supplied easily. It was a name he'd used in the past so it fell naturally off his tongue.
Dipping his head down again he allowed one elongated fang to graze her skin, carefully making the finest of tiny little scratches there. Still moving against her he ran the tip of his tongue back up the small mark. "Though frankly I'd prefer to hear you scream it."

His hands on her ass were plenty welcome. Jacqueline reflected that it was amazing what the right words would allow you to do. A little charm goes a long way and it didn't take so very much longer to use than the more blunt but less successful method of reaching out and grabbing some tail as it walked by. Unless all you wanted was a little feel and then the blunt approach was perfectly successful.
She watched him with some amusement. Was he trying to decide whether or not to give her his name or trying to decide which name to give? Jacqueline smiled when he picked one. "Good choice, easy to say, not a lot of syllables to confuse in the heat of things."
Clutching him a little tighter, she shivered in pleasure at the scratch against her skin. It was deliciously tame but hinted that there was more to come, or could be if that was wanted. Oh yes, his charm would get him a long way, and probably had, often. Jacqueline chuckled softly, tilted her head back to regard him with dark amused eyes. "Ah, then you will have to be very very good, Monsieur Reese." She smiled and arched a brow. "We shall enjoy finding out."
Still wearing an amused grin, she said. "Je m'appelle Jacqui. Should it be you doing the screaming."

He laughed again when his pseudonym was deemed acceptable. His smile was guileless; it didn't matter to him whether or not she believed his name was Reese. As they danced, pressed closely together, he figured she could call him anything she wanted and he'd figure it out. His hands smoothed their way back over the curve of her ass and up her back, enjoying the trip the whole way.
"And what if I prove to be very, very bad?" he asked, his lips softly brushing against her earlobe. "Would it ruin the fun for you, ma belle?"
He smiled when she gave him a name in return, nuzzling her neck and softly brushing his lips against her skin.
"Jacqui it is."

The pounding beat came to a climatic end and she looked up at him in question. Did he want to stay or go? She had been the one accused of failing to understand the fine art of foreplay so this time she'd let him decide.
"Stay or go?"
Kneeling down, Jacqueline started at his waistband and slid her mouth and tongue up his chest, and her hands feather light up his sides, as she stood back up. She thought it best to help him make up his mind.

"Well I've had a little practice but I guess I could be rusty," he said softly, his voice a warm murmur.
Jacqui asked him his opinion and then, it seemed, almost immediately made his mind up for him. As she knelt down before him, a picture that was nothing short of erotic as he looked down, he slid his fingers into her hair and gave a soft hum of approval as she made a warm trail back up.
"I think you've decided the matter rather nicely," he said, spanning her small waist with his large hands and holding her close as she stood. "Let's go see if I've forgotten any terribly important rules to this game lately."
His smile indicated that he did not think that was the case. Releasing her waist, Rowan gestured with a small flourish, indicating that Jacqui should lead where she wanted. Not only was it mannerly but he had no idea where she had in mind. He'd only been in Nachton for a week - less really. There were appropriate places here in this building, he had ascertained, for what they intended, but damned if he knew where they were.

He might the right decision on whether or not to continue dancing, and she grinned at him,completely unrepentant. Looking around the club, Jacqueline spotted the doors she remembered from before. Taking his hand, she weaved through the crowd until she reached the two bouncers standing on either side of a large secure looking red door. They were given a hard look, a small netbook was conferred with and then they were allowed past. Inside there was someone waiting with room keys.
"What's your pleasure?"
The girl with electric blue hair and black eye makeup looked up from her book and waited for a response. There was a small list on a clipboard next to her. Different rooms for different activities. Sex, bondage, massage, multiple people, voyeurism, role play, and had they entered from a clan section there would have been other things on the list as well.
Looking back at him, she smiled. "Any of these work for me. What are you interested in tonight?"
Once they decided on what game they were playing they could then decide who was playing what part.

"I'm interested in her, and that's about it," he said, indicating Jacqui with a smile. Accepting the key that was handed to him he slid his hand over the small of her back and escorted her past the blue-haired woman.
As they made their way toward their destination Rowan bet his head to murmur to Jacqui, "It wouldn't be fair to force you to make a judgment call if I have... assistance."
The was humor in his eyes, which crinkled at the corners slightly, and in his mouth, which had a twist of added mischief to it. If they played well together tonight then perhaps they'd bump into each other on another occasion under more adventurous circumstances. But there were plenty of ways to have fun and excitement when just two people and their imaginations were involved.

Smiling, she went with him toward the room they had been given. At his comment about it being unfair if he had assistance, Jacqueline laughed. "A little assist rarely goes unappreciated but I commend you for wanting to play fair."
The room was small but it was only there for one purpose. The walls were red, the furniture black lacquer. The covers were red and the sheets, what little she could see of them, appeared to be black satin. There was a nightstand by the bed. Claire went over to it, curious. Sure enough, condoms, lube,and even some black scarves and a blind fold sealed in a package. Pulling out a condom with her fingers she held it up.
"Ribbed, for my pleasure." Nodding back toward the drawer. "Or we can go with the glow in the dark one if you're feeling festive."

Even if he hadn't spent a great deal of time as a pirate and a scammer Rowan's physical appearance usually had people placing him immediately into the "rebel" category. It was the piercings, most likely. Not that it took him long to settle them, if he needed to.
They opened the door and stepped inside. "However, should you feel the need to call for a such an assist please let me know. I will recover my pride eventually."
His grin did not fade as he surveyed the modest, adequate room they found themselves in. Jacqui went to the nightstand and Rowan watched her open the drawer. Seeing what she pulled out he winced delicately, fangs peeking out from beneath his lips. He fell back on the bed and lifted himself up on his elbows.
"I thought we agreed, no toys, cherie," he said plaintively. Then he furrowed his brow and looked into the drawer. "Glow in the dark? That seems more appropriate for if I get lost."
He turned mischievous grey-green eyes up to Jacqui. "I'm not that rusty," he said.

Jacqueline figured that people judged him quite often by his appearance. It was what people did and most of the time they never bothered to look further than that. Reese had trouble maker written all over him based on his attire and piercings. It was an interesting mix with his manners. She wondered if she would have overlooked him if he had been wearing something more tame. Eying the redhead objectively, that still seemed unlikely; he'd still be hot in a suit.
At his suggestion that she call for an assist if it was needed, she smiled and shook her head. "I doubt that will be necessary."
He winced at the little piece of latex and she smirked. Seeing his fangs for certain now, Jacqueline didn't think either of them would need it and there was no reason to play like she did, not with one of her own kind.
"You're the one who mentioned that you might be rusty." Jacqueline smiled. Crawling onto the bed, she laughed when he replied that he wasn't -that- rusty. She straddled his lap and placed her hands on his chest and smiled down at him, her own fangs showing in her grin.
"How about I promise to let you know if you go astray."