
Alfarinn by *Rozbeans on deviantART

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Thanks to Annie who gifted me the morph and hair!

Alfarinn 13 years ago
Thank you Roz and Annie for gifting me with hotness!

Now Alfarinn is going to have to post more. I'm sensing a devious plot here!!
Camille Sotoria 13 years ago
God durn he came out hot. I forgot to center his eyes, but I like him looking off to the side like that. All sorts of dirty smexy /lick
Alfarinn 13 years ago
yeah it makes you wonder who he's looking at off camera over there.
Rowan Murphy 13 years ago
Someone about to play a practical joke maybe? He looks awesome. I love that little smirk!

Is not as cute as Cris's smirk, naturally.

*snogs Cris*
Christian Bern 13 years ago
One day Alfarinn can hope to be this sexy. Maybe he'll grow into it.
Pakpao 13 years ago
Love it! you just want to run your fingers through his hair.